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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

Page 6

by Charlene Hartnady

  “You’re an even bigger asshole than I first suspected.” She hooked some hair behind her ear. “My life is not a game.”

  “It should be. You’re an awesome, sexy female, why can’t you relax a little? Enjoy yourself for once? You’re so wound up.”

  “I don’t want to enjoy myself.” She made a noise born of frustration. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “No, I think you did.” He loved cranking her chain. Might be his new favorite thing. Just until he got inside her, then that would be his new favorite.

  “I. Did. Not. Stop putting words in my mouth. I’m not twenty anymore, I have responsibilities and I’m not getting any younger. That’s the long and short of it. You’re messing with me.”

  “I’d like to mess around with you.” He smiled, using the one he knew females loved. The smile that had them dropping their panties.

  It didn’t work on Jolene. In fact, it had the opposite effect. “You’re such a dick. What I mean by messing with me is that I only have three weeks leave. Not something you thought about when you decided to take me as your own personal plaything despite my request that you leave me the hell alone.”

  “Three weeks leave?” He suspected she was talking about her job, but he wasn’t sure.

  “Yes, leave. I need to be back at work in three weeks. I’m not sure my boss would allow me to take any more time off. If I’m lucky, he’ll grant me unpaid leave and if I’m unlucky I’ll lose my job. All because of you.” She pointed at him. “If I decide to stay for longer than the allotted three weeks, I’m definitely going to lose out on a promotion I’ve worked my ass off to get. I still might lose out on it even if I go straight back. It’s a risk I was willing to take because I thought the guy I would end up with would at least be taking this seriously.”

  Shit! “Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that.” He rubbed the back of his head.

  “No, you hadn’t.” She shook her head. “You’re only thinking about yourself. The good news is that I have money saved, so unpaid leave isn’t a problem. I might lose my job though. That promotion is toast. I’m losing out to a serious bitch who likes nothing more than to rub my face in it.”

  “I’m sorry!” What else could he say? He did feel like a dick.

  “Let me go then.” She implored him with her eyes.

  “I can’t. Even if I wanted to…I can’t.” Shit! Right then he wanted to try but even thinking about it made his muscles tighten and his gums itch. Made his scales scratch. “Not until the three weeks are up. I’ll pay you out…I’ll—”

  “No! I don’t need your help or your money. I’m very good at what I do, I’ll find another position in a heartbeat. I like my job though,” she said, more to herself. “If I have to go back, I’d rather go back to my life as it is. I don’t want to lose to Carla.” She mumbled to herself.

  “Who is Carla?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Especially since you won’t let me go anyway.”

  “I don’t have a choice,” he rasped.

  “There is always a choice.” She looked up at him, imploring him with her eyes.

  It made him want to sling her over his shoulder. Made him want to throw her on the bed and…He was an asshole. Jolene was right about that. He couldn’t help his instincts though. They were riding him hard. Especially with her talking of leaving. “You are a resourceful, intelligent female. I’m sure your boss will understand. I doubt he would let you go.”

  “You can stop trying to butter me up. We aren’t having sex.” Jolene took a sip of her coffee.

  “I’m not trying to butter you up. I say it like it is. I certainly don’t say something with the purpose of making you feel good just so that I can fuck you. That’s not how I’m wired. Come to think of it, I’ve never had to sweet talk a female. Never had to talk my way into a pair of panties.” He looked up in thought. “I don’t know how.” He shrugged.

  “Yeah right!” she mumbled. “What if—”

  There was a knock at the door. Storm pushed out a breath. “That will be Beck. I have a meeting with my brother. Beck will stay with you.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “I’m worried you might decide to wander off. If a male is tempted to take what is mine, I would have to hurt him. That will entail violence, bleeding and possibly a couple of broken bones.”

  He noted the horrified look on her face.

  “I had a feeling you wouldn’t like that. If a male actually touched you, I would have to kill him…maybe even take his head as a trophy for my mantle.” He pointed to the hearth. “You are the type of person who would blame yourself, so I’m going to leave Beck with you, so you can’t be tempted.”

  “Oh.” She cleared her throat. Mmmmm, the sweet scent of her arousal. It wafted around them. This female had no idea what she wanted. Good thing he knew. He really needed to make things up to her for the situation he put her in and once she let him, he would do his level best.

  “Enter,” Storm said.

  Beck walked in, a smile on his face. It quickly disappeared and the male stopped in his tracks. "Good," he cleared his throat, "afternoon."

  “I know,” Storm said. “I’m sorry. Are you going to be able to watch the female?”

  “Not that I want or need babysitting, but why can’t he watch me? What’s wrong?” Jolene frowned.

  “You are highly aroused.” Beck got this pained look.

  Jolene gasped.

  “It will be difficult for me to be in the same room with you even once you normalize…for lack of a better word.”

  “You go and shower,” Storm said, looking Jolene head-on.

  The female shook her head. “Don’t order me around.”

  “Fine, do as you wish but if Beck tries anything ‒ and he just might with you smelling so damned wet and sweet…”

  She choked, clutching her throat; just as quickly she regained control of herself. “You really are a pig. Just when I think you can’t shock me any more than you already have, you do.”

  “No, I’m serious, saying it like it is. You are no longer in Kansas, Dorothy. You’re in dragon lands. Don’t shower. Suit yourself. If you touch her,” he turned his gaze to Beck, “I will maim you. I might even kill you.”

  “Is it really that bad?” Her eyes were wide.

  “Yes.” Beck nodded, face still pained. “Please tell me you’re joking about killing me. You look like you mean it.”

  “I do,” Storm growled. “Things will improve when Jolene finally decides that rutting is on the table.”

  The female gasped, shaking her head.

  “Let’s hope it happens soon.” Beck turned to Jolene and Storm had to stop himself from snarling. As it stood, a low growl erupted from him. This whole possessive thing was getting old fast.

  Beck glanced back at him, his friend grinned. “Easy, my lord.” He turned to Jolene. “Do as Storm says, go and shower. I will finish making you brunch while you do so.”

  Jolene narrowed her eyes. “How do you know I haven’t eaten?”

  “The sounds your stomach is making.”

  She looked at Beck quizzically. “My stomach hasn’t made any sounds.”

  “Your gut sounds would be different if your stomach had food inside it.”

  “Wow, you guys really do have fantastic senses.” It didn’t look like she liked that idea much.

  “I will be back as soon as I can.” Storm headed to the door. “Don’t do anything stupid.” Although he narrowed his eyes on Beck, he was technically addressing both of them.

  Chapter 6

  “Come on in and close the door.” Torrent gestured to the chair opposite his desk.

  “How is Candy?” Storm asked as he sat down.

  His brother smiled, it was weary and yet filled with warmth. “She is doing as well as can be expected. The baby is due any day now. The healers have warned it could still be as long as another week, maybe more, before he comes. She is not sleeping so well and is uncomfortable, but it is to be ex
pected.” There was a tightness to Torrent’s jaw and worry lines around his eyes. “I will be able to breathe a little easier when the baby is here safe and sound.”

  “I’m sure. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling.” Storm had a little more respect since winning the human. These instinctual emotions could be a bitch.

  “Tide will cover for me. Are you still okay with looking after Rain?”

  “Of course. I love that little munchkin.”

  “It would just be while Candy is in labor and maybe for an hour or two after.”

  “I would be thrilled to let her stay at my place for as long as need be.”

  “Are you sure about that? I recently received a report that stated you won a female in the hunt. The only Water Dragon to do so. Congratulations!” His brother smiled.

  “Thank you.” Storm nodded his head.

  Then Torrent frowned. “You might be too busy to babysit.” Then he chuckled. “I really can’t believe that you actually went through with it and won a female. When I saw you’d entered, I didn’t think you’d take part. I thought it was a hoax because I never pegged you as being anywhere near ready to mate.”

  Storm didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “Jolene is a sweet and kind female, she won’t mind looking after Rain. I’m sure she would enjoy it.”

  “Okay…good.” Torrent sighed. “I could ask one of the dragon females otherwise, but Rain loves you so damned much. She will be so happy to spend time with her uncle.”

  “Of course she does, no female can resist me.” He couldn’t help but grin. It wouldn’t be long before sweet Jolene gave in.

  “Wait just a minute. You almost had me there.” Torrent frowned. “I brought up mating and you changed the subject. You are going to mate this female, aren’t you?”

  Not a fuck! “If it works out.” He shrugged.

  Torrent looked him head-on for a moment or two. “You do intend to do your level best to get her to mate with you, right?” When Storm said nothing, he went on. “Tell me that you didn’t win a female with no intention of actually mating her?”

  “Here’s the thing—”

  "Fuck!" Torrent roared. "What were you thinking? I should have known." He quickly changed tack, looking irritated.

  “That I’m bored to fucking death. That I haven’t had this much fun since my first stag run. That…”

  Torrent shook his head and then stopped. Seeming to be thinking something over. Next thing he knew, his brother laughed right in his face. Why was Torrent laughing? It took a few moments for the male's shoulders to stop shaking. "What? What's so funny?"

  “You’re playing with fire and you’re liable to get burned. You know that don’t you?”

  “I’m having a bit of fun. I’m going to enjoy the company of a human for a couple of weeks, and I’m going to make damned sure she enjoys her time with me. Then we’ll go our separate ways. Jolene is—”

  His brother laughed some more. It was becoming irritating. Torrent finally sat back in his chair and wiped a hand over his face. "You might just have shot yourself in the foot. You tracked this female, you fought for her and then you brought her back to the lair, and in record time, I am told. All of these things are designed to get us here…" Torrent smacked a fist into his own lower belly. "To hit us hard. Right now, you are being driven to mark this female with your scent so that all others will know she is yours. You will be horny as hell and as possessive as hell. You probably think things will get better once you rut her, but they won't." Torrent shook his head, his lips quirked up in the start of a smile.

  "Of course they will. It's been a couple of months since I was on a stag run. I haven't rutted any of the dragon females in a long time. Of course I'm horny." Storm chuckled like it was no big deal because it wasn't. It came out sounding strained though.

  “Trust me on this. So, this female lets you rut her. Next thing, you’ll be driven to claim her—”

  Not a chance! “Hold up!” Storm held up his hand. “You’re dead wrong. Do I want to fuck her? Absolutely. Am I feeling possessive? Yeah, okay, you’re right on that one. I won her and she’s mine. For now,” he quickly added the last. “That’s where it ends though.”

  Torrent choked out another laugh. “It has begun then.”

  “I don’t want a mate. I’m nowhere near ready. Besides, Jolene hates me. I’m not her type.” He shook his head. “Her feelings for me don’t matter really though since she is attracted to me, which means we’ll have plenty of sex anyway. Quite frankly, it’s a breath of fresh air,” he said more to himself. “Soon, she’ll move onto the next dragon, one who she actually likes, one she wants to mate and have kids with…stuff I’m not ready for. I plan on taking part in a good couple of hunts before that part happens.”

  Torrent leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “Okay.”

  “What? No arguing?” That was too easy. What was going through Torrent’s mind?

  “You seem to have this covered. You won the female.” Torrent shrugged, neatening a pile of papers on his desk. “You don’t have to mate her.” He put a large emerald and gold paperweight on top of the stack.

  “I’m glad you feel that way,” Storm said. “I do have it covered.” He nodded.

  “The Lores don’t say you have to mate her or that she has to stay with you beyond the three weeks. A word of caution though, you do need to decide once you hit the end of the three-week period. At that point, you need to claim her, or she needs to go home or to another male. There is no in-between.”

  “Three weeks is almost too long.” Storm snorted. Then again, he had a feeling it might take him a couple more days to win her over, so maybe three weeks would be perfect. Any more though…far too long with one female.

  “Great! Have fun. I will stay in touch regarding Candy.” His shoulders immediately tensed up.

  “It’s going to be fine.” Storm reached over and patted Torrent on the side of his arm.

  “I hope so.” Torrent clenched his jaw.

  “It will.” Storm stood up. “You’ll see. Let me know if you need anything. I might have won a female, but I am still here for you.”

  Chapter 7




  Had Jolene changed her mind? He turned onto his back and hooked a hand behind his head, so that he could get a better look. Stay calm! The sheets rode low on his hips, so he tugged them up, scrunching them over his mid-section. He didn’t want to scare her off. She was as fiery as she was timid. Jolene finished with whatever she was doing in the closet and turned around.

  Holy fuck!

  “My bag arrived earlier,” she said, sounding casual, relaxed even.

  “I see that.” His voice was thick. His dick was hard. His balls were tight. This despite taking care of his erection not even an hour ago.

  The silk clung to her every curve, falling to about mid-thigh. The straps of her nighty were thin. He could make out the outline of her full breasts. Her nipples were hard despite the fire that raged in the hearth. Storm swallowed thickly as he watched her walk over to the bed. Her breasts swayed and jiggled with each step she took. He tried hard not to stare. Again, not wanting to scare her off. Jolene didn’t like it when he ogled her tits.

  Excitement coursed through him. He felt like a whelp about to experience his first taste of pussy. His dick throbbed. It was going to happen. He felt like fist-punching the air.

  “Would you mind if I slept in the bed with you tonight?” She looked at him from under her lashes and half-smiled. Her lips were shiny, they scented of berries. The smile was seductive, made him swallow again, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

  “No.” A deep rasp. Storm cleared his throat. “Not at all. Be my guest.” Act casual. You got this. He’d never had to talk himself through foreplay before. He was acting like a complete fucking amateur. Of course he had this. He was Storm. Prince of Water. God to females everywhere.

  Jolene peeled away the covers. She placed one knee on the bed, he
r nighty rode up higher, showing off her lush as fuck thigh. She was flirting with him. He couldn't wait to part those babies. To hold onto them while he pounded into her. He was going to make her come so hard. He turned onto his side so that he could face her. So that he could drink her in.

  Storm caught a glimpse of her underwear. Red. Holy fuck but they were a bright fiery red. Pity they weren’t going to survive this. He was tearing them off. Shredding them with his teeth. Then he was going to fuck her into oblivion.

  By claw, but she smelled delicious. So damned amazing. His nose twitched, as did his cock.

  “Just one thing…” Her voice was a soft purr.

  “Anything.” Right now, she could name it and it was hers. His dick throbbed. It couldn’t wait to be inside her and he couldn’t blame his cock for having outstanding taste.

  “Do not touch me.” Her face morphed back into the death stare from earlier. “You lay so much as a single finger on me and you are dead.”

  “You mean…” Storm frowned. What? No! But surely? His dick twitched again, but this time it was in pain. Agony!

  “Oh,” she blinked a couple of times, “you thought I was actually going to let you…that we…” She laughed, reminding him of his brother earlier. “Oh god, that’s funny.” She laughed harder. “You thought I’d let you sleep with me.” She sobered up in an instant. “No! You misunderstood. I’m sorry if the sexy night clothes misled you. It’s all I packed, since I planned on spending quality time with a guy who actually wanted me for more than just fun and games. I don’t have anything baggy and down to my ankles. Something dowdy, which is what I would have worn for you.”

  He had no retort. Storm just lay there with a mouth full of teeth and a hard, throbbing cock. It was his balls’ turn to scream in agony.

  "My back is still stiff from sleeping on the floor. I'm sleeping right here." She rubbed the mattress between them, "until I go home in a couple of weeks. It's your turn to be stiff." She glanced at the crumpled sheet, still over his hard-on, and Storm had to suppress a groan. "That is, unless you want to sleep on the floor. She turned over, taking a good deal of blanket with her. "Stay on your side and I'll stay on mine."


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