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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

Page 36

by Charlene Hartnady

  Then he was thrusting into her. Loving the feel of her tight confines. Loving how wet she was. Loving the noises she was making.

  Flood crouched over her, planting a hand on the bed, holding her down with his body. He kept his thrusts hard and fast. They had plenty of time for slow. Plenty of time for drawn out. It wasn’t going to happen today though. Her chest was flush on the bed.

  “Don’t be afraid,” Flood said as he gripped her shoulder, pushing her down a little more, making it so it would be hard for her to move.

  “Not!” she choked out between mewls and pants. “Afraid!” she cried out as he pushed deeper. “Good!” she wailed.

  He could feel her tightening around him. Could hear the urgency in her calls. Instinct took over and he was too far gone to stop it. “Don’t move,” he managed to growl a warning. Then he bit down on her shoulder.

  Her pussy clamped down on him and Paige yelled his name in a long drawn out wail. It took a gargantuan effort to keep his teeth from sharpening, to keep from biting her harder as his own release took hold of him.

  It was only as he neared the end that he was able to let go. He slowed his pace. “I’m sorry. Shit! Are you okay?” He touched the red teeth marks on her neck. “The skin isn’t broken.” Even though he was worried, he kept moving. Kept on fucking her slowly.

  It was only a few seconds later, when he was finally able to stop, that she spoke. “It doesn’t hurt. In fact…wow!” Paige collapsed on the bed. She was breathing heavily. “That was crazy good. I went from being about to come to having what felt like four orgasms all rolled into one when you bit me.”

  Flood grunted as he pulled out of her. “You have an erogenous zone on your neck. Biting during sex makes the sex better, only…” He’d fucked up. “It’s only supposed to happen between mates. I’ve never bitten a female before. I’ve never been serious about someone before either. I won’t do it again.”

  “We’re dating.” Her eyes widened. “We are serious about each other, aren’t we?”

  “Definitely! Let’s be clear on that. I’m very serious about you.”

  “There you go. I’m sure it’s fine then.” She cupped his jaw.

  “The thing is, it’s risky, we might end up mating by accident. I won’t do it again until we’re sure it’s what we both want.”

  Paige made a face. “Okay, in that case, maybe we should hold off on the biting.” She smiled at him. “Just for a little while. I worry about rushing head-on into things.”

  He felt disappointed but at the same time, he understood.

  “Don’t look so sad. I’m happy we’re together. Let’s date and enjoy each other for a while.”

  His heart leaped. Flood leaned in and kissed Paige. Her lips were soft. Her mouth hot. It was good. He broke the kiss and jumped out of bed.

  Paige widened her eyes. “And now? Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to find food so that I can feed you. Then we’re doing that again. I would like to try a position where I can look into your eyes while I’m fucking you. We can try kissing during sex as well. I think it would feel really good.”

  Paige laughed. “You make it sound like you’ve never looked into a woman’s eyes during sex.”

  “I have never done so. I know you were on top that first time, but I looked away. I didn’t think it was right to watch you come. I wanted to…” He made a groaning noise. “I’m sure you look exquisite when you come. I didn’t do it though.”

  “That’s so sweet.” She got up and kissed him softly. Then she gave him a shove.

  “Hey!” Flood pretended to be upset when in fact he was smiling. “What was that for?”

  “Go already. I am hungry but I want to have lots more sex with you as well. The sooner you get back, the sooner we can get started.”

  Flood nodded. He almost fell on his face as he tried to put his pants on.

  Paige giggled. He laughed along with her. This felt so good. So right.

  Chapter 20

  The next morning…

  Paige felt warm and snuggly. She still felt sleepy even though it was probably already late morning, judging by the degree of sunlight that shone in through the windows. When she arched her back slightly, she realized she was a bit sore. Both her muscles and…down there. She was barely awake but she smiled anyway. She knew it was one of those dopey smiles. Oh well! Sometimes a girl had to smile like that. Especially after a night like she’d just had.

  Flood had her in his arms, she was flush against him. His big chest moved up and down rhythmically as he slept. More than likely tuckered out. They’d had sex quite a number of times. Catching snatches of sleep between sweaty bouts. He had worked hard! They’d also talked. Flood was sweet and sexy and everything she’d always wanted in a guy. She looked forward to spending the next few weeks with him.

  It was important that they explore their feelings for one another, now that they were free. It was equally important that they take their time, despite wanting to rush into things. She was thrilled when he had bitten her. She loved where this was going, but they needed to put the brakes on a bit. Too much too soon, after all they had been through, would be silly of them. She, of all people, knew what could happen, how things could go wrong if a good thing was rushed.

  “Good morning.” Flood leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

  “Good morning.” She rubbed her hand up and down his chest.

  “What were you thinking just then?” he asked, she could hear concern in his voice.

  “How do you know I was thinking anything?”

  “The subtle change in your breathing. You tensed up slightly, so I would say it’s something serious. Something you’re worried about.”

  She looked up at him. His eyes softened as hers locked with his. His lids were still at half-mast, his lashes, thick and gorgeous. “I was just thinking how awesome it’s going to be to spend time with you. I was thinking that it’s a good thing we’re going to get to know each other. Are you going to have to work while I’m here?”

  “My next shift is tomorrow but I plan on taking some leave days. I have many owed to me, but…” he huffed out a breath, “with everything going on with the hunters, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to take as much as I would like. I want to spend every day with you.” He cupped her jaw and leaned in for a kiss.

  He was becoming really good at kissing, and in such a short time. Flood smiled as he pulled back, making her feel all mushy inside. “I’m going to make you some breakfast and then…”

  “Mmmmm…” she smiled back.

  “Then I’m going to—”

  There was a knock at the door.

  Flood frowned. “Ignore it. I’m sure they’ll go away.” He spoke louder, like he wanted the person at the door to hear.

  She laughed softly. “We can’t just—”

  Another knock sounded, more insistent this time.

  “Sounds important,” she said.

  Flood pulled her sheet up higher, tucking it in around her breasts. “I will only be a minute. Less than a minute, then I’ll be back.”

  “Okay.” She nodded once.

  He grumbled to himself as he pulled his pants on. Then he strode to the door and opened it. Whoever was there greeted Flood, who mumbled a reply. Flood walked backwards. It didn't look like he wanted to let whomever it was, in.

  Bay poked his head around Flood’s large frame. “Morning, Paige.”

  Flood growled, sounding like an angry predator about to pounce. “What do you want? It’s my day off.” Then he looked up at the ceiling. “Wait a minute, it is my day off isn’t it?”

  “Yes, indeed it is,” Bay acknowledged. “Torrent needs to see you urgently though. I was told to take you straight to him and not to accept any excuses. I was also told that this is official and that he is summoning you as your king and not as your friend.” He, Torrent and Tide had hung out on many occasions. Not so much anymore now that Torrent was mated and a father two times over. The male was busy. Ti
de was mated as well. Maybe things would change now that Flood had a female of his own. Maybe they would spend more time together again. He had to work to keep a goofy smile off his face.

  Then he remembered that Bay wanted to take him away from Paige and he frowned. "Why?" Flood ran a hand through his closely cropped hair. "What is this about?"

  Bay put his hands up. “No clue. I’m just the messenger.”

  Flood cursed. “So much for breakfast in bed.” He sighed, turning to Paige. “I can’t tell him to go to hell because he played the king card. The prick!”

  “I will pretend I didn’t hear you insult our king.” Bay smiled.

  “I don’t think he knows I’m with Paige, so I will dig deep and forgive our king. Give me a minute to clean up.”

  Bay grinned. “You might want to shower real quick.”

  Paige laughed when she saw Flood frown.

  “I’d probably brush my teeth, as well, if I were you.” Bay grinned.

  Flood growled and Bay took a couple of hurried steps back. “I will wait outside for you.”

  “Good idea!” Flood snapped.

  “Just following orders. Please be quick.” Bay backpedaled.

  Flood growled even deeper, again, reminding her of a lion.

  “You don’t want to keep our king waiting,” Bay hurriedly said the last bit as he ran the rest of the way out and slammed the door.

  Flood was clenching his fists, his muscles bulged. His whole demeanor softened as he turned and locked eyes with her. “I’m not sure what this is about,” he said as he walked to her. “Let me shower and get to Torrent, so that I can come back to you.” He kissed her softly. “It might have to do with those hunters. You stay right there in bed.” He kissed her again. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I’ll let you know what’s going on. I hope we can still spend the day together.”

  “I hope so too.” She leaned up and pressed her lips to his, she wrapped her arms around him, her sheet falling down her torso.

  Flood groaned as he pulled away. “Don’t tempt me. I’ll be in huge shit if I disobey my king.”

  There was a knock at the door. Bay shouted something she couldn’t make out.

  Flood narrowed his eyes and his jaw tightened.

  “It’s fine! I’ll manage for a short while.” Paige gave his chest a soft push.

  Flood got a pained look as he stood up to his full height, breaking contact. He drank her in with his eyes. “Don’t you dare move. Not even an inch.”

  Paige nodded. “I’ll wait right here.” She winked at him, loving the heated look in his eyes.

  This had better be good. Not some idiotic bullshit. Then again, he was sure that if Torrent knew about Paige, he would never have called him in on his day off. The male would have let him be. Flood thought back on the night they had just had. He thought back on the whispered words, on the long conversations that went on well into the night. He also thought about the rutting. Flood enjoyed every moment of all of it.

  “What the hell is that smile on your face?” Bay asked from somewhere behind him. The male had stopped walking. He was frowning heavily, which was unlike Bay, who was normally so upbeat.

  Flood shrugged.

  Bay shook his head. “That’s not normal. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic.” Flood shook his head.

  “It’s true!” Bay looked at him oddly. “Are you in love or something?”

  Flood thought on it for a moment or two. “Yes, I think I am. In fact, I know I am. It’s hard but I’m trying to play it cool. I don’t want to scare Paige off. Humans are different to us. She had a bad experience with rushing into a relationship.”

  Bay grinned. “So Paige is ‘the one’?”

  Flood grinned back. “Most definitely. I just need to bide my time until she realizes it.”

  “That’s a good plan and she’s a good female.”

  “Good?” Flood snorted. “She’s the best.”

  They picked up the pace, rounding the hallway that led to Torrent’s office.

  “Good luck in there.” Bay gave him a tap on the back. “He isn’t in a great mood.”

  “I just hope he makes it quick.”

  “Don’t hit him, whatever you do.” Bay grinned.

  Flood rolled his eyes and barked out a short laugh. “I won’t. I still need to go and apologize to Tide. Storm deserved to be hit, he was a little shit. He had it coming.” He shrugged. “I must say, he’s a ton better now that he’s mated. I think settling down is the right way to go.” He touched the side of Bay’s arm. “There might be someone out there for you too. You should not have stepped down last night.”

  Bay shook his head. “Nah, that’s not going to be my path.”

  “Why not? The right female might just come along and—”

  “I would never go that route, it wouldn’t be fair on the female.”

  “There are many facets to a healthy, happy relationship, sex isn’t the main…”

  “It is a big part of any relationship. I don’t want to be with someone who might regret their decision to be with me somewhere along the line.” Bay shook his head. “Nope, not for me, thanks. You’d better get in there and not leave Torrent waiting.”

  Flood nodded once. He sucked in a deep breath and knocked.

  Once Torrent gave the okay to enter, he did so.

  The Water King sat at his desk. The male was busy looking through some documentation. He closed the file and looked up. His facial expression morphed into one of confusion as Flood stopped in front of his desk.

  “My lord.” Flood bowed his head.

  “Sit.” Torrent pointed at the chair on the other side of his big mahogany desk. “You spent time with a human? I thought you left alone last night. Am I missing something?”

  Just as he suspected. Torrent would never have called him there if he suspected he was interrupting something. He had to hold back a smile. “No, she left before I did. I followed her and the rest, as they say, is history. Is this meeting about the hunters, because unless something major has come up…I would ask you to call on one of the other males, if possible?” He held up his hands. “I was going to contact you today to ask if I can take some of my leave days over the next couple of weeks, unless something important comes up that is.”

  “Let’s first discuss the reason you are here.”

  His king looked unsettled. He sat back in his chair and then leaned forward, clasping his hands over his desk. This was unlike Torrent. Something was wrong.

  “Okay, what’s wrong? Has something happened?”

  Torrent looked down at his desk. “You hit Tide last night.”

  Flood sat back in his chair. He didn't like how his stomach did a flip before winding itself into a knot. "I was angry. He gave me some terrible advice."

  Torrent widened his eyes. “That is no reason for violence.”

  Flood tried not to frown too heavily. He tried not to give Torrent a quizzical look, which might just be misconstrued as a dirty look. “I hate to point out the obvious, my lord, but we are dragon shifters. We are a violent bunch at the best of times. It was not the first time I have hit Tide and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I’m sure he will find a reason to hit me one of these days. I am more of a violent bastard than most, but I didn’t act out of character. Do you need to punish me? To stick me in the cage for a day or two?” He hated the idea. To be stuck between silver bars while Paige was there would be difficult, but he would do it if Torrent insisted. He wouldn’t have a choice. He did act rashly. His emotions were all over the place. Tide would understand.

  "For what it's worth, Tide gave me a full rundown of his advice to you and, it wasn't great but, it wasn't terrible either."

  Flood pushed out a breath. “It wasn’t terrible, no, but at the time, I thought it had cost me my female. I saw red and retaliated. It was wrong of me, particularly since the Fire King was in attendance.”

  Torrent narrowed his eyes. “Your female? Is
this the same female you were locked up with?”

  Flood nodded, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling. “Yes, Paige. We had an argument, but we’ve worked things out.”

  Torrent remained serious. He folded his arms, narrowing his eyes on Flood, like he had done something wrong. “Did you mate this female?” There was accusation in his tone. Like Flood had done something wrong.

  “No, but it is a matter of time, we plan to—”

  Torrent’s shoulders slumped. “I’m glad you didn’t mate this female,” he interrupted. “And I’m also very sorry.” His expression morphed into one of pity.

  Why did Torrent pity him? His relationship with Paige was to be celebrated. “What’s wrong?” The horrible feeling he had inside him grew. The knot tightened.

  “You hit Tide. You hit him, not five minutes after announcing the no fighting rule.”

  Flood frowned. “I wasn’t fighting Tide. The no fighting rule is specifically aimed at males wanting to fight each other for the same female.”

  “No fighting means no fighting.”

  “Tide is mated. It doesn’t count!” he growled, unable to fully control himself. It felt like all the air in the room was gone. He struggled to breathe. Then again, it felt like his throat had closed. His chest heaved.

  “The rules were clear and you broke them. Normally I wouldn’t be so hard-assed but the males talked about it. Everyone in our lair knows what happened. I can’t be seen as going easy on you. If I let this go, what happens when the next fight breaks out?”

  “If males fight for a female you can put a stop to it. You can withdraw them from the running. This is not what happened in this instance.”

  “There has been talk. I’m afraid I need to make an example or all hell could break loose. Blaze has given us a major opportunity here. If all four females find mates we will be ahead of the other tribes.”

  “Paige is mine!” Flood snarled. He knew where this was going and the mere thought of her with another male made his blood turn to molten lava. He forced himself to calm down by sucking in deep breaths. It didn’t help much. Torrent was his king and Flood was walking a fine line. Despite this knowledge, he couldn’t keep the growl from his voice, no matter how hard he tried. “She won’t want to mate anyone else. I am in love with her.” His voice was deep and filled with emotion. “I am sure it is just a matter of time before she feels the same.”


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