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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

Page 39

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Bay?” Beck winced, hugging his torso. “He’s not ready to lead.”

  “And the two of you are?” The king snorted. “Until further notice, you report to Bay. You have just as much to prove as he does.” Torrent pointed at Flood. “You’ve been acting like a hothead.” He looked at Flood. “And you,” his attention moved back to Beck, “need to grow the hell up. I hear you’ve been fooling around with more than one human female.”

  Beck looked sheepish.

  “I’m beginning to question my management team, big fucking time,” Torrent growled. “You are no longer permitted anywhere near the humans.”

  Beck frowned, wincing again. “What? Why?”

  “Two females are asking to go home because of you. Do you plan on mating either one of them?” Torrent asked.

  Beck took to looking sheepish again. “No, I guess I’m picky.”

  “Not so much when it comes to the rutting part of the equation.” Torrent sighed. “Stay away from them,” he warned.

  “Fine,” he growled.

  “I have work to do. Reports to write. This is one hell of a mess,” Torrent grumbled as he walked away. They watched until he was out of sight.

  “We get to be together?” Paige asked, looking into Flood’s eyes. They were dark and gorgeous and focused on her.

  “Yes,” Flood nodded. “We do and I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Or more excited.” Paige couldn’t help but smile. “I love you so much.”

  “I love—”

  Beck made a gagging noise. “Please, can you take this somewhere else?” Then he smiled. “I’m glad it worked out.”

  “Thank you,” both she and Flood said in unison.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to have to report to Bay.”

  “I’m suspended,” Flood groaned. He was smiling though. “At least I get to spend plenty of time with you.” He squeezed her hands.

  “And when you come back you’ll be reporting to Bay as well.” Beck made a face. “He isn’t ready to lead. It’s a fuck up.”

  “We’ll talk about it some other time.” Although he spoke to Beck, his eyes were locked with hers. “Right now, I don’t particularly care.”

  “You should,” Beck grumbled.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Flood said, brushing a kiss against her lips. “I’m putting you back in bed and then I’m making you breakfast.”

  “It’s late afternoon. Not really a breakfast time of day.”

  “We’re forgetting this last week ever happened. That means going back to where this all went south. You’re taking off every last stitch of your clothing and getting into bed.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” She squeezed his hand as they walked. “Are we still going to do what we planned on doing after breakfast?”

  “Hell yes, I might even get creative with the honey.”

  Beck gagged from somewhere behind them. They both laughed.

  Chapter 24

  Six weeks later they were mated. Only six short weeks. It somehow felt like they had to wait forever. Paige had come to realize that when you’re with the right person, time becomes meaningless. It’s what you feel inside that counts.

  They spoke their vows surrounded by close friends in an open field of wildflowers. Not something she had ever envisioned, and yet it was perfect. A butterfly had landed on Flood’s head during the ceremony. A sure sign, for her, that her father was there, in spirit.

  It was the most magical day of her life. One, she knew without a doubt, they would never regret.

  The meat sizzled on the barbeque. “Honey,” Flood tried again, this time bringing her out of her reverie. “I’d love to know what you were thinking just then. That smile was quite something.”

  “I was thinking about how much I love you.”

  He gripped her hips and planted one on her. “Good because I feel the same.” He brushed another kiss on her lips. “Please fetch me a dish or this steak is going to be overdone.”

  “You got it.” She rushed off, quickly returning with a plate.

  Their guests were already seated at the outdoor table. “Pass me the salad,” Meghan asked Tide.

  Tide passed her the bowl, kissing her before letting it go.

  “Can I get anyone something more to drink?” Flood asked, removing the wine bottle from the ice bucket.

  Meghan nodded, smiling. “Yes, please.” She held up her glass.

  “Why the hell not?” Tide shrugged and held up his glass as well. “It’s a pity Torrent and Candy couldn’t make it,” he said, as Flood poured for him. “I know they wanted to come.”

  “Is it because of the meeting scheduled between all of the species?” Flood asked.

  Paige had heard a little about it. All the kings of the non-human species were meeting to discuss the hunters. It affected all of them to some degree, so it made sense they would all want to be on the same page when it came to a solution.

  Tide nodded. “Yes, Torrent wanted more time to prepare.”

  “I should be the one going with him,” Flood growled. “Not Bay.”

  Paige looked over at her mate. Flood’s already dark eyes, darkened up some more. He put the wine back in the cooler and began cutting the steak into strips. Flood was still demoted. He was working as a team leader instead of as the supreme ranking male in the dragon army. He’d only been reinstated a couple of weeks ago. Torrent had made him wait and was still making him wait. Beck was back as second in command, his old position. She knew it hurt Flood to have to report into Beck. Bay as well for that matter.

  “Bay hasn’t been himself since he went on that last Stag Run,” Tide mused, taking a sip of his wine.

  “He shouldn’t be leading. You and I both know it,” Flood growled.

  “In his defense, he was doing okay but something happened on that Stag Run and it messed with his head.”

  “Shouldn’t have gone on a Stag Run in the first place,” Flood mumbled.

  “That’s not fair,” Tide countered. “Bay is still a male even if his equipment doesn’t work. He might deny it but he still gets urges. Still wants to meet females. Still wants to have a life outside of this lair.”

  Flood pushed out a breath. “You are right. Bay is a good male. I feel bad for him. He is struggling right now though. He is greatly out of his depth. I don’t think the Stag Run had anything to do with it.”

  “He has changed since coming back. I’m convinced something happened. The male will find his feet.” Then Tide looked like he was mulling something over. “Do you think he met someone on the Stag Run?”

  Flood shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “You say he’s messed up since coming back?” Paige asked.

  Tide nodded, helping himself to some steak. “Yeah, forgetful. Distracted.” He frowned. “Not himself at all.”

  “Yep, sounds to me like he might have met someone,” Meghan said. “You should go and talk to him,” she urged her mate.

  “No.” Flood shook his head. “Rather not! Tide gives shitty advice.”

  Tide looked stricken. “I do not!”

  “Yeah, you do. You nearly cost me my female.” Flood helped himself to some steak as well.

  “Someone needs to talk to him,” Tide said. “You do it then.”

  Flood frowned heavily for a few moments. “I’m not so sure I’m the right person for the job either.”

  Paige squeezed his leg under the table. Flood locked eyes with her. “I think you are.”

  “Thank you, honey.” He winked at her.

  “Why didn’t you urge me to go and talk to Bay, Doc?” Tide asked Meghan, who made a humming noise.

  “Wellllll,” she drew out the word. “Maybe you aren’t the best guy for the job. We almost didn’t get it together.”

  “But we did in the end.” Tide looked distraught.

  “You manhandled me. Patted me down and then insisted on monitoring me twenty-four seven. It took forever for you to acknowledge your feelings for me.” She shook her head.

sp; “The whole monitoring thing was for your own good.”

  “And what about patting me down and treating me like a criminal? Was that for my own good too?” Meghan was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Okay, maybe the patting you down part was for my own good.” They all laughed.

  Flood put his hand on her thigh and squeezed gently. Warmth and happiness flooded her. Sometimes wonderful things happen when you least expected them to. She only hoped that Flood would get his leadership position back soon. There had been more sightings of the hunters again. These were turbulent times indeed.

  Book 3: Blood Dragon

  Chapter 1

  What the fuck am I doing here?

  How had he allowed himself to be convinced that this was a good idea? It had been years and years since he had gone on a Stag Run. As expected, he was bored and frustrated and irritable. He was suddenly reminded of why he had stopped going in the first place. It was like being given a bucket of candy he would never be able to savor. It didn’t matter how good the treat looked, or how delicious the thought of it was, once he put it in his mouth, he’d get…nothing. Sweet fuck all! It would be like sucking on a pebble. Why bother even trying? Why look?

  He watched as Delta nuzzled the neck of a very willing human. Then he was groping her breast. It wouldn’t be five minutes and the two of them would leave together. They would spend the night together. He’d already watched several others from the group pair up and head out. Lucky fucks! Bay ground his teeth, trying to look away from the couple as they continued to make out. He couldn’t take his eyes off them though; call it morbid curiosity. He watched as Delta squeezed her denim-clad ass and how…

  “Can I buy you a drink?” a busty blonde asked as she sidled up to him, drawing his attention to her.

  He was sure to keep his frown firmly in place as he locked eyes with her. “I’m good.” He held up his beer.

  Go away!

  Her smile quickly died. Bay felt like a class-A dick as he watched her turn away; it couldn’t be helped though. There was no point entertaining any advances. No point whatsoever.

  “You turned that hottie down?” Beck asked as he hooked an arm around Bay’s shoulders. “Are you crazy?”

  “You are the one who’s crazy. I shouldn’t have let you talk me into this. It just reminds me of everything I can’t have.” He shoved Beck’s arm away. He knew that the male meant well but some things were better left alone.

  “You’ve been working ridiculous hours. You needed to blow off some steam.”

  “And how do you propose I do that?” He realized he was starting to sound like a sulking child. “Look, thank you for trying. I appreciate the sentiment but—”

  “Why don’t you just take the blonde home?” Beck raised his brows. “Have a little fun. Something is better than nothing.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Sometimes leaving things alone is for the best. No use flogging a dead horse.”

  “Horse?” Beck choked out a laugh. “Now you’re exaggerating. I wouldn’t call your dick a horse…”

  Bay had to smile. He shook his head. “Thanks, bro, but no. You can stop now.” He looked at the entrance to the bar. “I’m going to head out.”

  He could see that Beck wanted to argue.

  “I’m tired. I’ll take a walk, maybe have a swim ‒ that’s how I let off steam. Besides, it’s getting late, I’m sure you’ll be leaving soon.”

  Beck nodded. “Enjoy your swim.”

  Bay nodded back. “You enjoy your night.”

  His friend slapped him on the back. “I most certainly will.”

  He watched as the male headed back to the group of females he had been talking to, then Bay put down his beer and headed out.

  He spotted her the instant his feet hit the pavement and stood there rooted to the spot.

  Half an hour later…

  The female wasn’t human.

  Not a chance. Bay took another swig of his beer, turning his gaze to the gyrating bodies on the dance floor. He had followed her into the bar across the street like an idiot. That question kept playing on his mind. What was she? It wasn’t long before he was staring back at her, his eyes drawn to her lithe frame. She looked human enough, even though she was tall. Much taller than every other female in there. Tall and toned, wearing a tiny slip of a dress. No bra. Her breasts were the size of ripe peaches. Probably just as sweet. He ignored the voice in his head that made suggestions of sucking on them.

  Stupid voice.

  Stupid idea!

  Instead, he kept his focus on her. She looked both nervous ‒ her eyes kept darting about the room ‒ and brimming with confidence ‒ her chin had this tilt to it. A strange combination to be sure.

  Bay took a few more steps towards her, trying hard not to openly scent the air. Finally, he found her scent in amongst all the warring smells. Not human. Not a fuck! Not with a scent like that. It was rich and very feminine with hints of flower nectar and notes of honey. Yet, it was distinctly masculine as well. What the…!? He’d never scented anything like it. How could someone scent of both a female and a male? It wasn’t an overlapping masculine scent. It was coming from her. The essence of her. Intriguing.

  He watched as yet another male approached her. Watched as she shot him down with a single shake of the head and a couple of well-directed words. Then she was leaning back, her ass against the bar, her gorgeous green eyes drifting across the room. Taking it all in, and yet not really focusing on anyone in particular. She toyed with a tumbler, holding it in one hand and then the other. Swirling her finger around the rim, finally clutching the glass against her chest. Not drinking any of the amber liquid inside. Not even a sip.

  He had to know.

  Had to.

  Couldn’t resist any longer. Bay ran a hand through his hair. He’d been told he was attractive. Not that it mattered. Then again, he found himself wanting to please her. Stupid but true. He prayed she didn’t shoot him down like she had all the rest. Especially since he wasn’t after what the other males wanted. Bay had to know what she was. Then he would be satisfied. Then he could go for that walk and take that swim. Get rid of some of this brimming energy. He didn’t belong there. Should not have come in the first place. He felt a pang but quickly shoved it aside. He’d felt sorry for himself for far too many years. Bitterness and anger were his best friends for a while there. Those emotions didn’t help anything though, so he didn’t dwell much on them anymore.

  Not much.

  There was the odd occasion where it flared back up. Like in this moment, looking at this female made him feel everything all over again. He took a deep drink of his beer, pulled in a breath and headed over to her. The sooner this was done, the sooner he could leave.

  Not all that long ago, he used to have confidence enough for three males. Those days were over. She looked up as he approached, looking indifferent. He’d even go so far as to say she looked bored. Then her eyes widened and her lips parted. Her nostrils flared and her eyes lit with interest. Not the rejection he’d been expecting then.

  One of the most spectacular looking females he had ever seen, began her slow perusal of him, starting at his feet and working her way up. Her nostrils flared again as her startling green eyes met his. They were vivid, like newly unfurled leaves on a seedling. They glinted, her attention focused solely on him. Well fuck!

  “Not human.” She shook her head, narrowing her eyes in confusion. Her voice was silky and smooth, with a hint of smoke around the edges.

  Bay had to smile. “I could say the same about you.”

  She nodded once, a smile toying with the edges of her lips. She didn’t say anything more.

  “So…” she began. He stepped in a little closer, not wanting those around them to eavesdrop. She raised her brows, looking him in the eye. Only marginally shorter than he was, Bay noted. She had a pair of legs on her that went on for miles. “Do you like what you see?” She finally smiled and holy shit but she was gorgeous. Several males stopped to o
penly stare.

  He chuckled like a whelp before finally managing to stop himself. Just in time too. Any more of that type of behavior and he’d embarrass himself. Make it very clear to any watching that he didn’t do this often…make that ever. “Yes.” No use lying. “Very much so.” He rubbed his chin, the light stubble catching against his hand. “I need to know one thing, and then I’ll be out of your hair.”

  “Let me guess, what is a female like me doing in a place like this?” She must have caught the look in his eyes because she shook her head. “No! What about, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”

  Bay frowned. “What? No…I—”

  She smiled, it was radiant. “One male asked me if I was a light switch. He wanted the opportunity to turn me on.” She rolled her eyes.

  Bay choked out a laugh. He hadn’t heard anything so stupid in all his life. “Human males tried those pick-up lines on you?”

  She nodded. “There are more if you want to hear?”

  He shook his head. “That’s okay. Did any of them actually work?”

  She shook her head. “I’m still here. In fact, I was just about to head back to my hotel.” She put the glass down on the bar. Then her eyes lifted in thought. “If you don’t have a cheesy pick-up line, what did you want to ask me?”

  Ceri hoped whatever it was, that it was good. She found herself feeling a little disappointed that it wasn’t some cheesy pick-up line. This male was something. She wasn’t sure what had possessed her to head out tonight. Sex with a human had seemed like a good idea after staring at the four walls of her hotel room but almost the moment she arrived there, she had changed her mind. They were puny, they tried too hard. None of them scented of anything remotely interesting. And now…he was there. This tall, dark, sexy specimen of a male. He scented like nothing she had savored before. Like chili and dark chocolate and smoke. Her mouth watered for a taste.


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