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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

Page 56

by Charlene Hartnady

  Alex pushed out a breath. If they weren’t what they seemed, or if they were on the run, there was nothing she could do about it. They’d be in the wind within the next few minutes—quite literally. “I need you to stay where you are and do nothing!”

  “O-okay.” Alex could still hear the hesitancy in the other woman’s voice.

  “I mean it, Janet,” Alex was sure to project authority. “I can’t have someone on my payroll who doesn’t follow orders. Are we clear?”

  “Yes,” a more definite response. Janet didn’t sound happy, but she did sound compliant.

  “Good. Do you know their room number?”


  “Excellent. I want a suite across the hall from them.”

  “Um. Okay. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Make it happen!” Alex retorted in a commanding tone.


  Alex pushed out a silent breath. “Sit tight! I’ll be there soon.” She ended the conversation. “Drive as fast as you can,” she instructed the man in the uniform behind the wheel.

  “Yes, Miss Bell.” He nodded once, glancing at her through the rearview mirror before his eyes moved back onto the road ahead of them.

  She was sucked back into her seat as he pressed down on the accelerator. Alex swallowed thickly as she looked up at the ceiling of the vehicle.

  Let this be happening.

  Let this be real!

  She needed this more than she’d needed anything before. If a dragon shifter and his pregnant mate were staying in that hotel, she was going to capture them. Not only that, she was going to deliver them to her father. There were many reasons why this needed to happen. The least of which was to finally get the recognition she deserved. Not in the eyes of the houses…she didn’t care about the founding families. It had everything to do with her father. He wouldn’t be able to dismiss her again. Not after this. Not ever again. Lord knew that it shouldn’t be her main motivator, but it was. It ultimately didn’t matter how the job got done, just that it happened.

  Chapter 2

  “I’d like the check, please,” Beck said, glancing at the waiter once before he turned back to the two males. They shook hands. “I’m in a rush,” he added, pretending to look out of the large windows overlooking the city.

  The waiter nodded.

  Beck’s attention returned to the two males. “We look forward to doing business with you,” the human said.

  “I’m sure it will be a long and fruitful partnership,” Tide countered. “I’ll have my assistant contact you if there are any concerns surrounding the contract.”

  “Don’t hesitate.” The human was sporting a cheesy smile.

  “Here you go.” The cute female, who had been doting on Beck since his arrival, put a bill folder on the table in front of him. She giggled as he locked eyes with her.

  Beck smiled back. “Thank you.” He pulled the folder closer, reaching into his pocket for his money clip.

  “Um, I included a little something extra for you.” She tapped the folder and winked at him suggestively.

  “Oh.” Beck looked over at the males, making sure his prince was still there and then opened the bill folder.

  Her number.

  It was scrawled on the bottom of the check along with her name. “I’m only in town for a few more hours,” he glanced down at the check, “…Angie. Otherwise, I would have certainly called you.” He winked back at her. It wasn’t exactly true. They were leaving the next day, but he already had plans for the evening. Beck briefly considered inviting the cute blonde to join in the fun but decided against it. He was back-up to Reef, even though he would be off duty. With two females he might not keep his wits about him.

  “I see.” She looked crestfallen. “Where are you from?”

  Beck told her his well-rehearsed speech, keeping a half an eye on Tide and his mate Meghan. The female rubbed her rounded belly as Tide put an arm around her.

  “So you’re here on business?”

  Beck nodded. “That’s right.”

  Tide looked his way and gave an almost indiscernible nod. To all present, the male would look the picture of calm, but Beck knew otherwise. He could see the worry line on Tide’s forehead and the subtle tightness of his jaw. Tide’s gaze moved around the busy establishment. His traps roped. His stance ready. Brimming with energy. Beck wished the male would just enjoy his time in the city. It would probably be his last vacation before the baby came. “I was grabbing a quick lunch before my last meeting,” he continued, looking down at the watch on his wrist. “I’m going to be late if I don’t leave right now.” He pulled a few bills from the clip and put them into the folder, leaving the check where it was. “Enjoy the rest of your day.” He winked.

  Angie dissolved into giggles. A reaction he was used to. “You too,” she finally pushed out, all breathy, lashes fluttering.

  Then he was heading for the door, following behind Tide and Meghan. He kept his distance though. With only the two of them on guard duty, discretion was key. He and Reef were taking turns, for the most part. Right then, it was just him.

  Tide wanted to slip in and out of human territory. According to the male, they would be a far bigger target if they traveled in an entourage. Beck agreed with his prince’s assessment. No one would be the wiser.

  Beck used his superior senses to keep a far enough trailing distance so as not to draw attention. For all intents and purposes, they were just a normal couple heading back to their hotel. Meghan laughed at something Tide was saying. Tide said something else that had her laughing harder. He didn’t listen in, even though he could if he wanted to.


  That’s what they were. They were sickening to watch. As were Bay and Ceri. Sickening…and sweet. Beck snorted softly. He had to admit they were sweet as well. All the kissing, gazing into each other’s eyes and hand holding. Beck rolled his eyes and followed it up with a smile.

  Tide opened the car door for Meghan and then climbed in behind the wheel himself. The male glanced around them. Watching and ready. Why had he insisted on only two guards if he was so damned twitchy?

  Beck was already waiting behind the wheel of his own vehicle. Waiting. So far, so good. No one knew who they were. Who they really were, that was. No one knew they were there. Twenty-four more hours and they’d be homebound. He leaned back against the soft leather of the seats, thinking about the sweet female he was going to bed later. She was a manager at the hotel.

  Beck watched as Tide scanned the area after getting into the vehicle, his eyes moving to the rearview mirror. Then he looked down for a few moments, busy with something. Beck felt his cell phone vibrate from inside his pocket.

  Maybe we should head back?

  What was the male doing? Tonight was all about romance for the couple. They planned on staying in. Having a romantic dinner in their suite and then…

  Beck bit back a grin. The couple deserved a fantastic night together. As did he. He wanted that sweet little human on the end of his dick. Tide was worrying unnecessarily. He needed to quit being such a worry wart so that they could all enjoy their evening. Beck quickly fired a text to Tide.

  All is well. Enjoy your evening with your mate. Meghan has been looking forward to this for days.

  He felt like a bit of a bastard for adding the last bit. He knew it would sway Tide because the male had a soft spot for his mate. He also knew it was true. Meghan would be disappointed if they left right then. Beck pushed send and watched Tide reach for his own phone. The male read the text and, by his movements, was responding. Tide pulled away from the curb just as Beck’s phone vibrated.

  You are right, but I can’t seem to shake this bad feeling.

  I will keep you safe, Beck responded. Reef checked for a tail. He will back us up when we return. All is well.

  He expelled a breath and bled into the traffic himself, keeping a three-car following distance. Tide himself had mentioned something about wanting to spend some quality time with his female bef
ore the baby came. Although he was ecstatic about this pregnancy, he also knew how kids could change things. Their lives were about to become seriously busy.

  Fifteen minutes later they were pulling into the parking area of the hotel. Again, Beck was sure to park on the other side of the lot. Close enough to keep an eye on the couple but not so close that they would be seen as being together. He surveyed the area. A male was walking towards a vehicle a few cars down from him, keys in hand. A security guard was patrolling the parking lot, eyes moving from left to right.

  Nothing out of the ordinary.

  He trailed behind as they walked into the lobby. Reef was there, reading a newspaper. The male looked up, and then back down, seeming to ignore them completely. This was the only time the couple was vulnerable; when they took the elevator.

  Beck’s nostrils twitched as he entered the lobby. He could smell her tell-tale floral aroma. “Hey,” the female purred, touching the side of his arm. What was her name again? Shit! Human females hated it when he forgot.

  “Hi.” He winked. His eyes on her but the rest of his senses still with the royal couple.

  “We still on for tonight?”

  “Most definitely.” He nodded once. “You know my room number. I’ll see you at seven?” he raised his brows.

  She pouted. “I thought you were taking me out?”

  Why did humans like a song and dance? They were meeting so that they could fuck. That was it! “I don’t have much time.”

  “I thought you said you were here for one more night. We could go out and then…if you play your cards right…” she raised her brows and bit down on her lower lip, looking at him from under her lashes.

  Irritation whipped through him, he clenched his teeth. He could have this female on her back in mere minutes if he wanted. In the restroom up against the door. On the desk in her office. Hell, even on her boss’ desk. Why the run around?

  He leaned in, his eyes on Tide. The male was frowning. His prince wouldn’t like that he was arranging a hook-up while on guard duty. Beck saw it as an excellent cover. If he was talking with this female, no one would suspect his real reason for being there.

  Beck didn’t feel like playing games though. He didn’t have the time right then. With so many willing females around, he didn’t need her. He didn’t need any of them. “My suite. Seven sharp. Don’t bother wearing underwear.” He looked her in the eyes, watching them first widen with surprise and then narrow with desire.

  “Um, well I’ll, I’ll…” Flustered. Good! “I’ll think about it.” She gave a one-shouldered shrug. Feigning nonchalance and failing dismally.

  Bullshit! The female would be there. Willing and sans panties, just the way he liked them.

  Fuck small talk.

  Fuck preamble.

  He might just skip foreplay entirely when it came to this one.

  Beck grinned as her cheeks flushed. They both knew she’d be there. Beck nodded once and moved to the stairs. Reef was already positioned at the elevator, ready to enter with Tide and Meghan.

  Beck took the stairs four at a time. He knew Reef would get off a floor or two higher than necessary and make his way down. Beck needed to be in position and have scouted the area for when they got out the elevator.

  He ran a hand through his hair, opened the door and slowly made his way into the hall, stopping to admire some artwork. At least, that’s what it looked like he would be doing. He would have beaten the elevator by miles, so there was time. There were two others in the hall. A cleaning lady, pushing a cart and a well-dressed female. Neither concerned him. Both belonged. Their heart rates normal. His eyes drifted back to the framed painting. He needed to buy himself some time.

  “Art fan?” the female asked. A smile curved her lips, which were painted bright red. Her hair was so blonde that it was almost white. It had been slicked back with gel and hairpins. The rest fell down her back to between her shoulder blades in a tumble. Diamonds glinted on her ears. Her blue eyes glinted with interest.

  Of course they did.

  He nodded once. “It’s vibrant. Interesting.” It was a mess. Surely a child could have done better. He wasn’t sure what the artist was trying to achieve.

  “It’s a Louis Vaga.” She narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing the painting. “Vibrant is a good description. It’s supposed to depict the chaos and beauty of the city at peak hour.”

  Beck nodded. It still looked like paint had been slapped on a canvas by a child. Maybe he didn’t have much imagination. Maybe the issue was with him. Doubtful!

  “Are you familiar with his work?” she asked, eyes still on the painting.

  Beck shrugged. “I’ve never heard of him. Can’t say I like the painting much.”

  The female laughed. It was rich and open. He found himself smiling.

  There was a telltale ping as the elevator arrived. It would be Tide and Meghan. Beck looked back at the painting so that he would be able to keep an eye on his wards.

  “Yes.” From the corner of his eye, Beck saw the female smile. “He’s a touch abstract for my liking.”

  The cleaner knocked on a door as the elevator opened. “Housekeeping!” she yelled.

  Meghan laughed as the couple exited. When no one answered, the cleaner unlocked the door using a keycard on a lanyard around her neck and entered. The door clicked closed. Meghan and Tide began to walk towards their room.

  “Do you have dinner plans?” the female asked.

  Beck felt instantly bored. There’d been something interesting about this female just a second ago. Not that he was going to do anything about said interest, mind you. Now…he suppressed a sigh…he realized she was just like the rest of them. Boring. Predictable. Dime a dozen.

  She turned to face him but he kept his attention on the royal couple who were nearly at their door. “I thought you might like to eat me out,” she whispered.

  Say what?!

  Beck sucked in a breath and glanced her way. His brows felt like they had jumped up to his hairline. Humans weren’t normally this forward. Interesting! His attention was piqued. Then the female gripped his crotch and squeezed. His cock took immediate notice. Especially since she was letting go. He wanted more. Her eyes were a beautiful blue and…argh!

  Beck felt a sharp pain in his upper thigh.

  His last thought was…fuck! Then he went out like a light. He didn’t even feel himself fall.

  Chapter 3

  The shifter was quick. Lightning quick. She knew as soon as she laid eyes on him that he was one of them. No doubt! The dragon put his mate behind him and started towards her in a blur of movement. So fast that she was sure he would reach her before she could do anything.

  She silently thanked her father for making them go through all those years of training. Preparation is key. Her gun was in the waist of her pants, at her back. She pulled it. There was no time to shout a warning. No time for anything but a reaction.

  Alex shot the advancing male in the thigh. Thank goodness for all the hours in the shooting range, otherwise, she might have accidentally killed him. The only sound was a soft pop. Silencers were a wonderful thing. He dropped as he tried to put weight on the leg, his outstretched hand only a foot from her throat. He clutched the wound, which was already bleeding profusely. His teeth were clenched. His eyes bright with pain and anger. His mate began to scream.

  “Shut up or I’ll kill him.” Alex kept her voice even, raising the barrel so that she now pointed at the shifter’s head.

  The woman sucked back her yell, clapping a hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wide.

  “The one on the ground”—she glanced at the unconscious shifter—“just got a lethal injection. Silver into the bloodstream will do that to a shifter.”

  “What…?” the downed male began.

  “Quiet,” she commanded. “He’ll be dead soon if he isn’t already, and I’m not talking about the kind of death he can come back from. I’m not afraid of pulling this trigger.”

  From the corner of her ey
e, she saw the woman clutch a hand to her belly. Her eyes filled with tears. “O-okay. Fine. Anything. Don’t hurt him please,” her voice was soft and filled with terror.

  “As for you, don’t try anything or you die. I’ll still have her…” she kept everything trained on the bleeding shifter. “…and your unborn child. I don’t need you.” Not true, but he didn’t need to know that.

  The shifters eyes narrowed with hatred. He nodded once.

  Alex let her training kick in. Dealing with couples was the ideal situation. Love. It was so easy to get someone to do whatever you wanted if you could use the emotion against them. Not that she actually planned on shooting any of them. They were far too valuable alive. Also, the whole getting her hands dirty thing was just plain distasteful. No death!

  “Leave my female alone,” the shifter growled. “She stays out of this.”

  The door across from where the woman was standing burst open and a very pale faced Janet entered. “Oh my god.” She covered her mouth as her eyes darted to the downed men, making Alex want to roll her eyes. All the drama! “You didn’t say anything about shooting anyone. About killing someone.” Janet whispered as her eyes landed on the barely breathing male sprawled on the carpet.

  “You need to do exactly what I tell you,” Alex said. “And you will be handsomely rewarded.”

  “I didn’t sign up for murder.” Janet shook her head.

  “Listen to me,” Alex spoke under her breath. “There are two sets of cuffs in my purse. Silver plated cuffs,” she added.

  “Who the hell are you?” the shifter asked, his voice a low rasp.

  Alex ignored him. “Put them on these two.” Alex gestured towards the male on the ground and his mate.

  Janet began to shake her head.

  “Do you want the money, or not?”

  Janet’s mouth dropped open for a second but she quickly recovered. “I already earned the cash. I delivered you them, didn’t I? I’m—”


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