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Irresistibly Charming

Page 8

by Victoria Pinder

  With a sigh like she was annoyed, she said, “Fine. Be right there.”

  Clearly Hannah needed to work the hardest with Sarah. She dug out the tiramisu and poured four cups of coffee, delivering two into the office.

  Logan smiled at her as she handed them their cups, but she couldn’t linger—she heard a light knock.

  She shut the office door as she was sure Beau and Sarah weren’t exactly getting along, and trekked to the front. She waved Sarah inside. “Our husbands are working hard.”

  They walked toward the kitchen table where she had prepared the cake for them to share. Sarah had her hand on her hips, radiating suspicion. “Did my uncle set you up like the rest of us or were you and Logan a love match like Rachel and Oliver?”

  “What?” Hannah quickly guessed that she must mean Reverend Jensen. She cut the cake and put a slice in front of Sarah, intending to ask more direct questions.

  Sarah crossed her arms and stared at her. “ I wondered about you, though Caitlyn said there was no way you and Logan were a love match. Lois agreed, but to me you seem like you like him.”

  Caitlyn and Harry had almost married after college, until Caitlyn left her brother and went with Hannah to follow Reverend Jensen. Hannah sipped her coffee, and decided the truth was best. “Caitlyn was once engaged to my brother, so we’ve known each other a long time.”

  Sarah uncrossed her arms and relented enough to pick up her fork. “She didn’t mention that part.”

  Getting to know the wives was going to take some work. Logan was supposed to be temporary but now she wasn’t so sure. She lifted her fork. “There was a separation. Caitlyn wasn’t happy and she was my friend. And I wanted my brother to end up happy, which he is now.” She stilled with the dessert near her lips, and said, “I was hoping we could be friends as it seems Logan and his brothers are all innocent.”

  Sarah stopped eating her cake and just stared at her like she was a strange animal at the zoo she couldn’t identify. “You believe that?”

  “Yes.” Hannah lifted her chin. It was best if they were all on the same page. Right now the Bentleys had enough enemies.

  Sarah tapped her fingers on the wood table. “If you’re right then my uncle put himself in a lot of trouble.”

  Good. It was time to dig for details that might help Logan. She stirred cream into her coffee cup. “Your uncle?”

  “Reverend Jensen.” Sarah said his name with such a sigh of derision, Hannah couldn’t miss it.

  Hannah kept her voice low, so she didn’t spook Sarah or make her defensive. “Sarah, I didn’t know that.”

  Sarah picked up her coffee, sipped it, and put the cup in the saucer so hard it sloshed over the side. “How is it that you are getting along so well with your husband, then? Mine thinks he’s so much better than me! He’s infuriating.”

  Perhaps they needed to start at basics. Hannah attempted humor. “And cute. Your husband is very cute.”

  Sarah made another sigh that wasn’t exactly in agreement. “If you like muscles and a man in a suit, sure. But that’s for vain women who simply want to parade around in society.”

  Hannah looked past Sarah’s anger. She pressed her lips together, stared at the dark-haired brown-eyed siren despite her hair down and slightly wild, and finally said, “My husband is quite handsome too. Did you know that they were all once royalty?”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “I should have guessed. He’s spoiled like a prince.”

  Perhaps that was the main divide between Sarah and Beau, class. Hannah never wanted for money until Jensen took hers. She drank her coffee and got back to asking questions. “Do you know why Reverend Jensen, your uncle, chose us to marry the brothers?”

  Sarah ate a few bites of her cake. “My sister set me up to marry Beau as my parents wouldn’t let her marry if I wasn’t already engaged. So, I gave them enough rope to tie around my neck in one angry, reckless moment.”

  Something was left unsaid. Hannah’s ears burned. “Your parents believe in things like Reverend Jensen’s commune and church? Life was strict out in the woods with no electricity and winter coming.”

  “It wasn’t fun as a kid.” Sarah gulped her coffee and closed her eyes. “My parents are not like Uncle, as he takes money for his beliefs and counsels grieving women to steal their cash. I certainly never thought my parents would force me to marry. Unlike you, I didn’t just disappear from the commune and run toward civilization. It was my dream to live in a city, but this is purgatory, being married to that man.”

  Logan made her feel good about herself, and she was too alive right now to go back to her shell. Hannah sipped her coffee, glanced at her cup and asked, “How much did your uncle pay you?”

  Sarah’s eyes widened in surprise. “Pay me? I had two choices. Either I married Beau Bentley in prison or my parents prosecuted me and sent me to prison on my own.”

  Elle flinched. “Either your parents took cash for your hand or not every wife was paid.” Something else to figure out in this complicated mess. Sarah ate her cake and Hannah let her finish. “What did you do?”

  Sarah released a small laugh. “I scared off my sister’s last boyfriend by destroying his car and motorhome. Snot-nosed brat that he was pretended to be better than us.” She leaned forward. “Were you paid to marry Logan?”

  “Yeah.” Hannah answered because it was the truth, even if the contract said not to mention it.

  The hair on the back of her neck stood though she tried to ignore the sensation. Surely that clause was for her husband and his family, not the other wives.

  Sarah shook her head like she was putting the puzzle together. “My parents probably were paid too. I bet the money went to throw my sister some fancy wedding to the guy with a house on wheels.”

  Hannah needed to find clues from everyone to help paint a clear picture for Logan and his family to follow the trail. “I am curious how your uncle found us all.”

  Sarah shrugged. “I don’t know. I can help you ask around—I don’t trust him.”

  If she went with Sarah and perhaps recruited Caitlyn, the others might talk to her. The door to the office opened. Hannah said, “Seems like our husbands are done.”

  Sarah made a face as if she wanted to avoid Beau. She jumped out of her seat, wiped her mouth with her napkin and said, “Good night then. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good.” Hannah walked her toward the door. Sarah escaped as fast she could.

  As Hannah closed the door and turned, Logan left the office with his brother as they said goodbye.

  Sarah had flown out of the condo like she’d known Beau was on her tail. The two would literally miss each other in the elevator by one minute. Hannah kept a smile on her face and the men joined her near the door. Beau wished her goodnight and she nodded goodbye.

  The moment they were alone, Logan walked into the kitchen and put the cups in the dishwasher. He then picked up the empty cups from the small dining table. “Hannah, come here.”

  “Yes, Logan?” She put the rest of the cake back in the refrigerator.

  Before she could join him, his arms wrapped around her. The sparks she felt flew from every cell in her body as he leaned closer and kissed her neck. “I want you.”

  She lifted her chin, and his lips claimed hers. Parts of her bloomed alive. As he ended the kiss, she held him tight. “Wow.”

  A laugh escaped his throat as he took her hands, leading her toward the bedroom. “Not yet, honey. We have all night to make you say that.”

  Logan made her feel and she’d been so cold before meeting him. Tonight and every night was a new beginning for both of them. She’d find out what she could for him, but for now, she let the thrill of being with him rush through her.

  Chapter 12

  Hannah woke up and saw the bright sunshine out her window, though the place beside her in the bed was now empty. She reached over and still felt some heat from where Logan slept.

  He couldn’t have been gone too long, though. She stood, dresse
d and went down the hall to find him.

  Immediately she saw the office door open. She stood at the threshold and watched Logan as he seemed to be calculating money. She waited until he stopped punching numbers and went in. When it looked like he was done with one task, she placed her hand on his shoulder. “How is the market going?”

  Logan exuded cautious satisfaction. “I should have the outlandish bail for my mother’s release by the end of the day. I need to make sure Roy has all the paperwork.”

  What a relief. She nodded, though as she looked at his work, she didn’t understand anything on the screen. “Good, and Jensen?”

  “I’ll call on the dossier, too.” Logan briefly took her hand.

  She stayed near him as his computer beeped and he clicked a few buttons. “So basically you’re at your computer all day.”

  “Yes.” He gave her a pitiful, ‘sorry’ look.

  She kissed his cheek and remembered her plan to help him clear his family from all suspicion. “Roy is probably busy too and he married Caitlyn. Did I tell you she was once engaged to Harry?”

  He punched more numbers into a calculator and didn’t look at her. “No, but that explains how you knew each other—I meant to ask.”

  She pushed her hair behind her ears and prayed she was on the right track. “I’d like to go upstairs and visit her while you work.”

  He glanced at her again. “Have fun, Hannah, and come home so we can eat lunch? I’ll order us something.”

  Her heart warmed in her chest. If he wanted to see her then he liked her at least a little. She checked the time—after ten—and walked toward the door. “Sounds perfect.”

  Before she went upstairs she texted her new partner in befriending the wives and said, Sarah, I’m going to visit Caitlyn right now.

  Sarah texted right back. I’m on my way too. We can talk to Rachel together this afternoon. I think she’s the most different so I’m curious about her.

  Rachel and Oliver already had a child together, so Sarah was right that she was the most different. And if Rachel had once loved Oliver, it might make her the best or worst ally. Either way Hannah needed to see her too. Sounds good.

  Two minutes later, she waited outside the upstairs condo. The elevator dinged and opened behind her so Hannah turned and saw that Sarah had joined her in the hall. Hannah knocked on the door. Her old friend, dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, answered with a wide smile. Hannah hugged her. “Hey, Caitlyn.”

  “Hannah, it’s good to see you.” Caitlyn hugged her back.

  Then she waved her and Sarah into the condo. The layout was the same, though the furnishings were different. Caitlyn and Roy had oriental and blue surroundings.

  Her friend walked to the kitchen and pulled a pitcher of lemonade from the fridge and poured three glasses. Hannah followed her in and helped herself as she asked, “Caitlyn, you look… reserved. How are things with Roy?”

  Caitlyn sipped her lemonade and handed the third glass to Sarah. “Roy’s on a call with your brother.”

  Harry? Hannah pressed her lips together in thought. Her friend had broken her brother’s heart and it had taken him a year to find a new girlfriend. Roxy and Harry seemed solid. “I set that up last night when we saw Harrison for dinner. I hope the brothers get their mother out of prison next. I can’t imagine my own mom in prison if she was sick like that.”

  Caitlyn stilled though her eyes grew bigger. “She’s sick?”

  So her friend didn’t know. Hannah glanced at both of them and said, “Cancer.”

  Caitlyn rocked on her feet and looked down. She took a deep breath and said, “If they get her out, I’ll help if I can.”

  Hannah tilted her head and put her lemonade glass down. “Have you told Roy you’re a nurse?”

  Caitlyn tugged her ear. “No, because I haven’t practiced. I graduated but then married Roy to pay off those loans.”

  Sarah put her hands on her hips. “So, how much did my uncle pay you?”

  Caitlyn shuffled her feet. Hannah reached out to soothe her nervous friend. “Caitlyn, Sarah’s uncle is Reverend Jensen, but she wasn’t paid a dime. Her parents forced her to marry Beau or threatened her with prison.”

  Caitlyn’s face went white. Clearly, she didn’t want to talk about it, but she said, “I’m waiting for the letter that says the loans are paid in full, which they said would take thirty days.”

  “After you live with him for that month and then file for divorce?” Hannah wondered if they had similar contracts.

  “We’re not supposed to talk about that,” Caitlyn said.

  Hannah needed help, and Caitlyn had always been there. She needed her here now too. “Logan and his brothers are innocent, and I think Jensen knows who set them up.”

  Caitlyn’s face became a more normal color as she turned toward her. “That’s because you trust people, Hannah.”

  Sarah asked, “Does she?”

  “Yeah, my friend here always acts with her heart first, head later,” Caitlyn said.

  Sarah let out a small laugh. “Which explains why she gets along with her husband.”

  If they all tried to get along with their husbands, Hannah could have more help. But Caitlyn had always been kind to her so Hannah asked, “Is Roy treating you badly?”

  “No.” Caitlyn grew a slight blush. “Truthfully, he’s been a gentleman and gone out of his way to give me my space.”

  Sarah sneered. “Beau isn’t like that at all. He’s demanding.”

  At least Caitlyn and Sarah were now getting along better, which was a start. Hannah joined the group bonding and pushed her hair back behind her ear. “Logan is a mix. He’s neither beastly to me nor is he completely kind. He’s been real.”

  Sarah’s eyebrows arched and her voice was sharp as she said, “Well good luck with you and him then.”

  Falling for a wonderfully nice guy wasn’t a bad thing. Hannah turned toward her old friend. “Caitlyn, you’ve a heart too.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Don’t remind me.”

  Caitlyn had run off because she felt pressured by her parents, and Harrison. Hannah had seen that more clearly than they had because she felt some of that same pressure. Her mom and dad hadn’t been as forceful with their expectations. Hannah kept her voice low but said, “You introduced me to Reverend Jensen last year when we were planning my parents’ funeral.”

  “Pfft.” Caitlyn lifted her shoulders. “I wasn’t sure what I wanted out of life though I knew I better not marry Harry. The reverend’s teachings at the time made me feel calmer though I know now that the man himself is a fraud.”

  With her friend, Hannah didn’t hold back and she included Sarah too. “He stole from me, but right now, my concern isn’t about that.” She trusted that Logan would see to justice.

  Caitlyn’s gaze shifted from Hannah to Sarah and back, as if she was trying to understand but then she shrugged. “Okay—what is it that you want to know?”

  For years Caitlyn had always been more intuitive, and the one others looked to when in need of a hug, including Hannah. “You’re a good person with a good heart. What if Roy and his brothers proved to you that they were set up and that the company paying us is out to hurt a woman with cancer? And their father.”

  Caitlyn jumped back like she wanted to avoid a collision. “I wouldn’t want to be involved.”

  The simple gold wedding ring on her hand they all now wore was enough proof. Hannah held it up. “But you are already involved.”

  Caitlyn bit her lip. She hugged her waist like she wasn’t ready to say anything, but finally said, “I’d do what I could to help them. You know that, Hannah.”

  Hannah stepped back, grateful that Caitlyn was on her side. Roy’s office door opened so she knew the conversation with her husband must be over. Hannah quietly said, “I needed to hear you say it. I do think we’re all involved now, and we’re all potentially in danger from whoever set us up.”

  Caitlyn asked, “What do you want, Hannah?”

annah met both of the women’s gazes and took their hands. “Your help in figuring out how Jensen found us all and matched us with our current husbands.”

  “I’m in,” Caitlyn said. “I’ve never been able to say no to you, Hannah.”

  Sarah added, “If I can stop my uncle, I’m in too.”

  Hannah released their hands and lowered her head. “For the record, I might be a good girl, but I also have a brain. I don’t always think things through as you said, but I’ve learned the hard way about trusting the wrong people.”

  Caitlyn hugged her. “Don’t be hard on yourself.”

  “I have to go,” Hannah told them. Logan was waiting for her.

  Right now, she needed to see him. She needed to know the life she hoped for wasn’t just a temporary dream but that he was real, and he was hers. They had one chance.

  Chapter 13

  Logan Bentley’s heart stuttered. How in the world did he tell Hannah that he wanted to be married to her for life without bringing the word “love” into the conversation?

  Since Ollie mentioned the reason for the contract and the divorces was to ensure none of them could ever reclaim the throne, Logan had wondered what it would be like to stay with her. Being with Hannah so far had been easy, but the idea of love and happily-ever-after swarmed in her head. She was too sweet to be any other way. He didn’t think the same.

  The door clicked, and he knew she was home. He turned from the kitchen to the front door where he saw her huge smile for him.

  Tension ratcheted up his spine. She was genuinely kind and he wasn’t sure how he’d handle her long-term. Lavender scented the air as she neared. He lowered his head and hoped he sounded normal. “Hannah, I ordered Japanese food, but I wasn’t sure you liked sushi so I got satay chicken too.”

  She traced his arm and met his gaze. “I love sushi actually.”

  There was the L word. He stilled and stared down at her. Her light brown hair reflected the sunshine outside and her brown eyes had a knowing sparkle against her winter pale skin. She truly was beautiful. He stepped back and tried to ignore the knot in his stomach. “Perfect. Let’s grab a bottle and set the table before the food arrives.”


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