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The Boy Who Read Minds

Page 8

by Veronica Soliman

I'm not some dog that you can command. I glared at the side of his face. I saw a small smile form at the corner of his lips, his dimple showing quickly before disappearing completely.

  “There go any hopes of being invisible for the remainder of high school,” I muttered, sighing. I wasn’t sure how to process the information he’d shared, but I wanted to know more.

  Suddenly, any curiosity on how Aaron was valedictorian, but never studied, were immediately cleared up. He was probably the biggest cheater on the planet, and nobody knew that he was infiltrating the depths of their minds to steal the answers he needed; talk about a major invasion of privacy.

  We walked into the parking lot and left the school. He drove for about ten minutes before parking in front of a quaint little coffee shop.

  "Come on." He said, reaching for my hand again, I willingly held Aaron’s hand this time, enjoying the smooth coolness of his long fingers. The sun was out, it was so bright, and birds were tweeting all around. The air was warm now, and the fluffy white clouds overshadowed us. We got out and entered the coffee shop. We entered through the glass doors, the bell above the door rang and a waiter approached us with a warm smile. I couldn’t believe that I had just left the school with a total stranger.

  "I'm not a stranger, Vy." He said, my eyes widening. I can’t believe he heard that.

  "It's Violet."

  "I like Vy better." He sat across from me, crossing his arms as his biceps bulged. I tried not to focus too much, paranoid that he’d hear me thinking about his arms.

  "What do you want, Aaron?" I asked, crossing my arms as well and gazing into his eyes. I hadn’t noticed the waiter standing there, but the waiter asked what we wanted for drinks.

  “I’ll have a large coffee; the miss will have…?” He ignored my question, responding to the waiter as I glared at him.

  “Water.” I said as Aaron shook his head.

  “Could you also bring her a chocolate croissant and a hot chocolate please?” Aaron asked as I wondered how he knew I liked either of those. As soon as the waiter walked away, Aaron turned to face me.

  "I just want to talk. To you." He smiled warmly as I grew more confused.

  "About?” I muttered, hoping he would talk about his odd ability to hear everyone’s thoughts. But his next sentence sent me into an unwanted memory.

  "What have you been going through lately?" He said as I immediately looked away, and in that moment all the pain returned. I stared at my hands, feeling shaky. I shivered in my seat, suddenly uncomfortable and wanting to leave. I didn’t want the memory to replay. It was too fresh, but I couldn’t control it.

  "Get off me!" I shouted at my boyfriend. He had forced me on the floor, grabbing my wrists and locking them with his hands. His grip was harsh on my wrists as I cried in pain, trying to kick him off of me.

  "See! You prude! I wouldn't have cheated on you if you had put out sooner." He spat at me as tears began to fill my eyes. Gaslighted. That’s how he always made me feel. I bit my lip, trying to remove my wrist from his grasp, but he slammed my hand against the cold floor.

  "You… you cheated?" I cried as shock suddenly filled his face. I wasn't about to destroy my morals for the likes of a guy that I had only dated on-and-off for a couple months. It became a moral endeavor at this point to maintain my chastity, to hold off until I found the one. The one person who would be my everything and more.

  "Don't act surprised." He chuckled. It was weird how he could've been such a different person a couple months ago. His true colors now showed when he started getting comfortable and I couldn’t escape him.

  "Get off!" I screamed, biting back tears and refusing to look at him. He had already moved a few clothing items out of the way as I sobbed loudly, screaming and crying, yet frozen at the same time, I knew he was going to do it away with me. I didn't want it. I shouldn’t have gone with him tonight.

  "Nah, Violet, don’t worry." An evil glint sparkled in his eyes as he forced me to do something I deeply regret. I screamed, but there was nobody to hear. I shut my eyes, wishing I hadn’t snuck out with him tonight.

  "Get off me! Please!" I cried as he continued to do whatever he wanted with no regard for me or the trauma he’d cause me. I bit back tears as he finally got up. My heart rate was skyrocketing as he spat at me and left. I was now alone on the classroom floor at midnight, tears streaming down my face and a deep pain I wished I never had to experience overwhelmed my entire body.

  "I'm so sorry that happened to you,” Aaron’s eyes were wide as he stared at me, shocked and in disbelief. I hadn't realized the tears that were streaming down my face, until he reached over and wiped one away. My heartbeat was racing again, and my fingers trembled as I stared at him in disbelief.

  I'd been violated, forced into something I didn’t ever want to admit to myself or anybody else. I wished the memories would disappear. I couldn’t even bring myself to report it because of the shame it would bring to me and my family. Because the guilt had eaten away at every layer of me until I felt worthless, a wasted life, undesirable.

  "I didn't say anything." I replied, wiping my tears away instantly and staring at my hands, the giant bruise on my wrist was blue today. I felt apathetic and had no desire to talk. I wanted to forget it all and regretted attending school today and letting Aaron whisk me away.

  "Your boyfriend.” Aaron said, then paused, “I saw it,” Aaron’s look of empathy shocked me, but even more, I was afraid at what he had seen, or more specifically, who he had seen. I hadn’t believed his strange confession until now because no parlor trick could ever have guessed that.

  "S...saw it…” I stuttered, my eyes widening as realization struck, “you saw all that…" I felt violated as I glared at him in disbelief. His silver gaze was on mine and I realized he’d invaded my privacy.

  "I'm sorry, Violet! Look, I just wanted to talk to you, I can’t control what I hear. I didn’t mean to invade your privacy, I’m sorry.” Aaron paused as the waiter approached us with our drinks and my croissant, asking what we wanted for our main entrees.

  "Give us ten more minutes." Aaron said, not even glancing in his direction as the boy nodded and strolled away. Suddenly, it felt like the bright and shiny café had dimmed slightly as fear engulfed me. I hoped Aaron would keep his mouth shut.

  "So, why are you telling me about this?" I shut my eyes, trying so hard to get the remnants of last night away. The whole situation was ridiculous and unwarranted.

  "This happened last night?!" He said, loud enough for the entire café to turn and stare at us. The muscle right at his jaw clenched and unclenched as his sympathy was replaced with anger. He looked like he was ready to kill someone, and I wondered if I had completely misjudged Aaron. He was willing to care this much about a literal stranger, I wondered what he’d do for his friends.

  "That's none of your business Aaron." I stood up, a sharp sting in my stomach striking me as I turned to walk away. “I didn’t tell you anything, so pretend you don’t know. I wasn’t planning on airing my dirty laundry today.” I crossed my arms, looking away as I began walking away from our booth.

  He stood up and walked toward me. “Violet, I want to help you."

  "I don't want your help, leave me alone." He knew the most vulnerable thing about me, I felt stupid to think that Aaron’s reputation would divert from who he truly was. He was just like all the nosey, gossiping kids at Rosemond.

  "No." He said, I wanted to laugh, it was usually me saying no. "Also, I can't exactly leave you alone because I'm your ride."

  "I'll walk." I said firmly. I wanted to find somewhere to go and just cry. This sadness had been festering inside me for too long without any release. I hadn’t even remembered how I’d gotten home last night. I had been stuck at school and I think Ernest, the security guard, had driven me home. I couldn’t remember.

  Yet, this persistent narcissist felt entitled to my time. I walked past his car; my mind was foggy. He stopped behind me for a few moments before running over and falling into step b
eside me. I had never met anyone that was this persistent.

  "Look Violet, you don't have to tell me about anything until you’re ready. I want you to know that I support you and I want to help you get that prick arrested. But look, I can’t help you if you won’t let me.” He said, staring at me as though I were a precious map that held all the answers. I didn’t want anybody’s help. I didn’t even want anybody to know.

  “What makes you think I want help?” I fired back, glaring at him. He was starting to get on my nerves.

  “Look, I should’ve told you this before I even asked how you were doing, I wasn’t expecting something that awful and I’m sorry that happened to you.” I didn’t know what to say, so I simply walked beside him silently, the warmth of the sun hugging my skin.

  “I can't hear your thoughts when you look into my eyes. You’re the only person in the world who allows me to think like a normal person. And I want to help you, but it takes you wanting my help too. That being said, I need you to help me with something."

  We continued walking in silence, I had turned around and was heading back toward the café. He didn’t say anything else until I finally responded, “You’re crazy.” I crossed my arms as we stood by the door now. He might’ve acted like he had cared, but I felt like Aaron’s motives were selfish in nature.

  "Maybe I am, but I'd like to figure out what's going on with me and I think a smart girl like you can help. There are so many things I don’t understand— like, why do everyone else’s thoughts disappear when you look at me? And—” Aaron said.

  “My dad’s a researcher, he studies neurological things; I’m not sure exactly what he does, but I think he might know a thing or two about whatever has been happening to you. But I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask him. My mom and I don’t talk to him anymore and I don’t think you should reach out either. At least, not yet.” I said, feeling a bit calmer.

  “If he does, that’d be great. I don’t want to push you to talk to anyone you don’t want to talk to.” He said before seeing the smile form on my face, “except me, of course. And I want you to know that I’m not going to push for answers, but just know that if you ever want to talk about anything else, or tell me who he is, I'll be there to listen." Aaron said, taking a couple steps back and giving me a warm smile, his eyes landing on the bruise on my wrist. I shut my eyes. And a sense of calm filled me. Maybe I’d completely misjudged him.

  Chapter 16:\ Insensitive Bulls


  I despise that selfish know-it-all as did a majority of my teammates. Aaron hadn’t shown up to practice at all this year and I could easily name a couple people that were angry that coach would probably still keep him on the team. It made those of us that had actually put in effort to dazzle our coach, feel extremely inadequate.

  I spotted him inside of my family café. The café that was owned by my father, Ethan Cowell, a world-renowned entrepreneur.

  Aaron was talking to Violet, the daughter of the woman that my father was seeing. I watched him hold her hands as they sat inside. It made me kind of angry that he had the hearts of all the beautiful girls at Rosemond. He’d dumped Amy a couple weeks ago, but she seemed content with Tyler now.

  I looked through the giant glass windows as I parked across the street. I saw Aaron’s car parked beside the café. I didn't know what I could do about him and Violet. Anytime I’d tried talking to Violet, she'd brush me off like I was just some basketball bozo with half a brain.

  It made me feel inadequate because I was so much more than that and I wished people could see it. I knew my blood was beginning to boil, and at some point, there would surely be steam flying out of my ears. I wanted Violet to like me because I had hoped that someday my father would propose to Amelia, her mother. And if that didn’t work out, I would’ve loved to try to sweep Violet off her feet. But I knew she was very standoffish and didn’t talk to many people. I wanted to protect her, and I just knew that Aaron was bad news.

  I took a deep breath, calm down Jared. Calm down, they're just talking to each other. What did Aaron have that I didn't have? Did he have some sort of superpower over girls like Violet. That's not an insult to Violet, because I think she's great, I just wish she'd see me as a friend at least.

  I sat in my car for a few moments. I'd skipped my last class after lunch because my dad had called saying there was an emergency at the cafe. I was contemplating entering. They were staring at each other and I just wanted to punch that smug grin off of Aaron's oh-so-content face.

  I fiddled with my car keys and was about to get out when I saw them stand. The glass window was dimly tinted, and the beige walls of my family's small cafe reflected against them. I watched as he rushed after her and I wondered what he had done to make her so angry. They stopped walking and turned around. Aaron and Violet walked back to the café, standing in front of the glass doors.

  It would’ve been so awkward if I tried walking in right now. They seemed to just gaze at each other, as though in their own little world, Violet’s face softened with every word and I grew angrier by the second. What could he possibly be saying to make her look at him like that?

  I decided that I totally was going to rain on their parade. But within the ten seconds that it took me to decide and exit my car, Aaron was standing in front of me with the girl of my dreams by his side.

  "Jared? Hey man, what're you doing here?" He asked, but he didn't even have to ask. I knew that he somehow already knew. Aaron always knew.

  "My dad called me in to help." I replied, his stance portrayed dominance and I wanted to fight him for it. Last I heard, Violet had a boyfriend… it wasn't this brainless bozo, was it?

  "Nice, I was just about to drop Violet off at home! Do you own this place? The food was delicious." He responded, but by the look that Violet gave him, I quickly inferred that they hadn't even ordered yet. I wasn't about to let this narcissist stomp all over my property without having him pay for it.

  "Have you tried the new bread bowl? It's our best seller right now! Come on I'll join you guys." I smoothly invited myself to whatever meeting they'd been having and stationed myself beside Violet.

  She seemed off-put, seating herself slightly further from me and closer to the wall as Aaron was basically man-splaying across from us. He wanted me to know who was in charge, and I wanted him to disappear. I had the right to refuse service, but I didn’t want to be that guy. At least, not yet.

  "How’s training been?" Aaron asked, leaning forward as he looked at me.

  "I could ask you the same question… but you haven't showed up to the last 6 practices." I responded as Aaron took a sip of his coffee and grinned. I glared at him, confused why he was smirking at me with his cocky expression. I wanted to punch it off of his face as he glanced at Violet, then back to me.

  "I quit the team, man. I didn't have time to be bumping heads with brainless bozos when I could be locking lips with the beauty beside you." He said, a smirk showing on his lips as I felt my anger levels rising. I could feel Violet tense up beside me, turning to me and asking if she could use the restroom. I complied happily, moving out of the booth as she scooted towards me and I stood to let her pass.

  "Violet wait!" Aaron called, moving out of his seat to follow after her.

  "Man, let the girl use the bathroom." I stood up and grabbed his shoulder, pushing him backwards. A challenge is what I was asking for; I wanted to punch his smirk into next week. He was infuriating.

  I felt his arms tense as he turned his deathly glare to me, attempting to intimidate me. "The next time you touch me, you’ll forget what it feels like to have sensation in your arms." He threatened. We were chest to chest, shoulders back as if we were preparing to destroy each other. Like two bulls ready to attack.

  "What's your problem, Aaron?” I spat angrily as customers of my café turned to look, “give the girl some space." I felt the vein in my neck strain. I hardly knew Violet, yet I was fairly protective of her. I knew she didn’t need the likes of Aaron Paul messi
ng up her life.

  "Get out of my face." He moved closer, trying to intimidate me. I would punch him; I'd ban him from this place.

  "You. First." I muttered, my fists clenching and unclenching as I glared at him.

  "You… " He was about to say, but as soon as my fist flew toward his jaw, he'd caught my hand in his and pushed me backwards. "Not worth it, Jared." He replied. “Believe me, you don’t want to fight me.” I looked around, everyone was staring at us, including Violet. He put my fist down and turned towards Violet; she was probably as clueless as the rest of the people here as she stood in front of the bathroom. I was in shock, feeling embarrassed that she’d seen me like that. To be fair, Aaron had started it. He stepped back and crossed his arms coolly, a smirk on his face. I wanted to punch him.

  "You can always try to punch me Jared, but the second your fist leaves your side, I'll always catch it." He leaned forward and muttered, turning toward Violet after our scene. She crossed her arms as he approached her, clearly angry. Within seconds, she stomped out of my café. And what's sad was, I wished that I was the guy that followed after her.

  Chapter 17:\ Lab Experiment

  Professor Dooley

  A slight detour into the past...

  Today was my big day. I would present to the national organization of incorporated scientists about my big discovery! Then, they can no longer look down on me for only-God-knows-what! I rushed into my lab, quickly tossing the lab coat in my bag and reaching into my freezer for my samples and my report!

  I had done it! I'd found a way to genetically modify cells so that their communication with each other could be translated and communicated to other cells in a mechanism similar to that of gap junctions, or largely spaced synapses that lacked a chemical signal. My next phase was to test it out on larger beings and eventually humans! I’d tried it on my mice, and they seemed to be able to communicate between cages from at least five meters away. I was proud of my discovery and nobody was going to take that away from me.


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