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The Boy Who Read Minds

Page 10

by Veronica Soliman

  "Hi honey, how was your day?" I walked over to him, wondering how he was going to treat us today; Dooley threw his stuff down.

  "Good." He simply said. This was worse than I thought. He wasn't angry— he was clearly in disbelief.

  "How was… everything?" I asked, wanting to know more information about the twelve-or-thirteen-year-old kid that destroyed my husband, and life. He had called screaming and yelling, and possibly even crying on the phone earlier.

  "Fine." He said, heading over to the kitchen to our daughter. I watched him intently, waiting for his next move. It was like watching a lion ready to hunt a lamb.

  "Hi Violet." He kissed the side of her head, "how are you, sweetheart?"

  "Good, are you okay, dad?" I watched Violet’s eyes light up as she looked at him with admiration. Dooley only ever called her sweetheart when he wanted something.

  "I want to show you something, Violet." He suddenly said, not answering the question and instead heading toward where he had dropped off his black bag. He reached into it and pulled out a culture plate. My heart was racing as I wondered what he would do next. I wondered why he hadn’t returned it to his lab, why he’d brought his work home when we had agreed that neither of us ever would.

  "Can you eat this for me, Violet?" He asked, holding the container of possibly dead cells that were definitely a biohazard in his bare, gloveless hands. He walked over to her and took Violet to the dining table, then he proceeded to dump the ingredients in her plate of food. I felt disgusted as the small white blob fell onto her pasta.

  "I don't want to." Violet said, looking at it with disgust.

  "Eat it." He commanded. His eyes narrowed at her as she moved the pasta around on her plate. She gulped audibly, disgust filling her features.

  "I really don't want to.” She said, turning to me with fear in her eyes, “Mom! Don't let him make me eat it." I didn’t know what to do or say, she looked so hopeful that I would help her. I glanced up to meet the angry blue eyes of Robert Dooley and sighed.

  "Violet, the cells are probably phased out by now. It won't do anything to you." I encouraged, afraid to say no to my husband and afraid for my daughter. I wondered what could possibly happen. Robert never spoke about his experiments to me, so I had no idea what was happening or what he was doing. Those could be cells for the Black Plague, for all I knew.

  "Why?" She asked, tears piercing her eyes. She stared at me in disbelief and I looked away. I couldn't bear it.

  "Violet just do it then go wipe your mouth. Robert you're acting strange honey, take a seat and we can discuss this." He turned his piercing gaze toward me and that was enough to shut me up. My eyes landed on Violet, she looked like she was about to start crying. It hurt to look— so, I looked away. I grabbed my coat from the coat hanger beside the door and stepped outside of our home. I couldn't bear it and the monster wouldn't notice. He was a terrible husband.

  I walked down the block to a nearby café. Quiet music played as I sat at a booth. I tried my hardest not to think about the abuse going on in my home. I wasn't sure what to do; it was illegal to test his experiment on human subjects without the approval of the IACUC. I didn’t know if I should report him or call the police. I hoped that whatever he was giving Violet wouldn’t hurt her. The only thought that kept replaying in my head was how much Violet would hate me for this.

  Chapter 21:\ Powerless


  Did Violet just kiss me? I was stuck in my head for what felt like forever. It might've been forever. I wondered if I was dreaming, it felt surreal. I felt so cold and alone. I wanted to open my eyes so badly.

  "Take it back Aaron, please take it back. I don't want it." A voice was whispering beside me. The only indication that they were talking to me was my name being spoken. I wanted to open my eyes so badly, to see the face of the girl talking. I wanted to see where the voice was coming from. I felt my entire body shake as my eyes finally flew open.

  "Aaron." Violet's dark eyes stared into mine. "Aaron, your eyes." she said.

  "What happened?" My throat felt dry and my mouth was parched. I’ve could drink ten gallons of water right now. It was like she'd heard that thought as she reached for a cup of water. I felt strange. My brain wasn't stuffed with white noise. Maybe it's because we were looking at each other's eyes. I was entranced. I wondered where the usual commotion had gone, I couldn’t hear a billion voices at once anymore.

  "You passed out on the sidewalk a few days ago… I'm glad you're okay." She said, staring at me with an intensity to her gaze that I hadn’t seen, well, ever.

  "I thought you wanted to get away from me. Guess I should get hurt more often." I chuckled softly. She gave me a stern look, the corners of her lips fighting a smile.

  "You're so annoying." She said, she couldn’t contain her grin and smiled at me. I was relieved that she wasn’t angry.

  "You're the only one who thinks that." I laughed, was she flirting with me? I stared at her, no longer wondering why I couldn’t hear anybody's thoughts.

  "I'm sure a lot of people think that." She said, I wanted to sit up in the hospital bed, but something prevented me from being able to sit up. We were so close. I moved my hand to reach for the side of her face, my thumb stroking the side of her cheek as I leaned forward.

  "What are you doing?" Violet asked me as I stared at her. My heart was beating wildly, and my eyes were glued to her lips.

  "Kissing you." I replied, a smirk on my face as she gave me a sad smile and removed my hand from her face. I was disappointed and I struggled to hide it. It was a discomfort I hadn't felt for a long time and I didn't like that feeling curling its way into my mind. My cocky exterior was quickly deteriorating, and it was due to this girl who merely intrigued me.

  "I should get going. I'm glad you woke up." She stood up to leave just as Amy and my family were about to pass through the door. I reached for her hand, realizing that the surge between us had given me some strength back. It was powerful as she froze in place.

  "Please stay." I pleaded, my eyes begging. I felt a strange connection to Violet, and it hurt to be separated.

  "Aaron, I've been here too long. I should go home." She smiled, the extent of her words not reaching me. Too long? What did she mean by too long? I wondered how long she had actually been here.

  "Thanks for being here for me, even after I said some things I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry." I said suddenly, hoping that she forgave me for proclaiming some not-so-awful lies to Jared. I didn't understand why it had bothered her so much, but then taking an objective look, I realized it was because we'd just met, and she'd had a traumatic experience; I was coming on too strong and being really inconsiderate. I was too much, and I needed her to know how sorry I was for betraying her trust like that.

  "You're welcome, and I forgive you." She smiled warmly, her eyes glistening in the light. I didn't want to let go of her hand, but she nudged it away. "Aaron I've really got to go; I need to catch up on homework." She said, a joking voice playing in my mind. I felt so calm and tranquil when she was around. I didn't want to let go for fear that I'd never experience this feeling again.

  "Bye, Violet Veowsalot." I grinned as she headed for the door, saying a few formalities to Amy, Tyler, and my parents before disappearing from my view. I started to feel groggy, but I thought nothing of it.

  "Hey Aaron! You're awake! Oh, my goodness!” Amy exclaimed, walking over to me with a huge smile on her face.

  “I wasn’t expecting him to be! But yay…” Tyler feigned excitement, giving Amy a funny look before turning to face me.

  Chapter 22:\ Brain Games


  I wasn't even out of the hospital yet, when a painful headache flooded my system. I grabbed my head in pain, the world had become so blurry. I stumbled toward the exit, the electric double-doors opening. My vision was flashing in and out and I was struggling to keep my balance.

  It felt like someone was stabbing my brain with a bunch of pins and needles. I tried to steady mys
elf against a wall, but my vision was growing blurry and I’d thought I had fallen.

  "Are you okay?" A concerned-looking gentleman asked me as I struggled to see his face. I tried to nod, but I wasn't sure if I just looked like a headless chicken running around with its head cut off. "Well, it's a good thing we are at a hospital, do you want me to walk you inside?"

  I nodded again. I felt like I was sinking to the bottom of the ocean, feeling like my brain was being squashed. There were pounding noises in my ears now along with my inability to see. I felt an arm pull mine over their shoulders and put their hands on my waist. I hobbled beside the stranger and as soon as I set foot in the hospital and headed toward the reception desk, all physical pain had disappeared. I was confused and afraid that I could feel that pain again at any moment.

  I looked at the boy who had helped me. He couldn't have been older than twelve. I gave him a smile, thankful for a good Samaritan.

  "I'm suddenly feeling a lot better. Thank you for helping me." I said, his bright brown eyes lit up as he smiled at me.

  "Thank you for helping me do a good deed today, ma’am." He replied, walking away, "I hope you feel better." I smiled at him; his kindness made me happy.

  "Me too. I don't know what happened to me." I muttered to myself, heading once again toward the exit of the hospital.

  Truth is, I hadn't left the hospital since Aaron had passed out. The nurses had provided me with blankets and told me where the nearest shower was. It was a few days before fall break at school anyway, so I hadn't actually missed much and for the things I had missed, I could catch up over next week’s break.

  My steps felt heavier by the second as I tried to leave the door. I stepped outside, my brain was throbbing as I pushed past the dizziness and pain. I was about halfway through the parking lot by the time the pain turned sharp and stinging. No longer was it a swelling pain, it was as though someone had stabbed my brain and began piercing me all over my body.

  I couldn't feel anything, I heard weird screams around me before realizing that I was the one screaming. I couldn’t think as I fell to my knees. I decided to walk myself back to the hospital; I don’t know how long it took me, but it certainly felt like ages before I reached the front entrance. The world was dizzy, and I couldn't see which direction I was walking, the piercing pain shrunk to a smaller, throbbing one as I set foot inside the hospital.

  I didn’t understand what was going on. I couldn’t comprehend why I was incapable of leaving. I decided to walk to the cafeteria, the pain subsiding slightly.

  I asked for an ice pack and they kindly complied. I sat with my head in my hands and an ice pack between them. A couple minutes passed as I sat there clutching my head. Within those minutes, the pain completely disappeared and by the time I sat up and took the ice pack off, Aaron was standing no more than two meters away wearing his hospital gown. My eyes widened as several people looked at him. He was tall and very noticeable; I wondered if the back of his gown was open— it seemed likely, considering multiple people were turning to gaze at his back.

  "What are you doing here?" I stood up, shocked.

  "Decided to play hide and seek. Found you." He grinned walking toward me, his eyes glinted a silvery color as his arms wrapped around my shoulders and he pulled me to him in a comforting hug.

  "What?" I asked, wanting to pull away, but being unable to do so. I felt safe and pain free.

  "You know Vy," he leaned close to my ears.

  "Aaron, why are you here… how did they let you leave?"

  "I asked if I could take a walk and ditched my walking buddy a while back." He shrugged, taking the seat across from me. "I'm supposed to be discharged tomorrow morning anyway." He said, crossing his arms.

  "Okay… but why are you here?" I asked, gesturing to the fact that he was in the cafeteria when, less than an hour ago, he was lying unconscious on his hospital bed.

  "On this planet? I don't really know it just happened that way."



  "It's Violet."

  "What? I thought we were friends now." He feigned hurt as I grinned and shook my head. "Did our kiss mean nothing to you?" At the mention of my irresponsible actions, I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked away immediately. He wasn't supposed to remember that. I don't even know what made me do that to begin with.

  "What kiss?" I looked up now, my face had become the color of a raging tomato.

  "I see… so you won't admit that you love me?"

  "Aaron!" I glared at him openly, love? I barely liked the guy to begin with.

  "There you are!" A short man approached Aaron as a sly smile arose on Aaron’s lips. He shook his head, looking down with a smile on his face.

  "Hello Violet." Steve greeted me.

  "Hi Steve." I smiled in return.

  "Why did I think this one wouldn't have some way to find you." Steve laughed, almost to himself. And suddenly I heard Steve’s voice in my head, but his mouth wasn’t moving. He practically ran around the hospital to find this girl. Insanity. I could’ve lost my job because of this kid.

  I gave Aaron a look before he shrugged and stood up.

  "See you later." Aaron said to me, placing his hand on my shoulder and walking behind Steve. I held back a laugh, his entire back was exposed, barely covered by the hospital gown.

  I sat back down as the headache returned with every passing second. It was as if the further I was from Aaron, the more my headache erupted. It was almost like that was actually what was happening. I decided to test out my theory and approach the man's room. Although I would've much rather been at home, it seemed something changed. A development in his weird power had made it spread to me. I wondered if he could still hear my thoughts. But more importantly, I wondered why me?

  Whatever was happening, I needed to figure it out and undo it. I wanted things to be normal. After whatever this was solved, I would immediately leave Aaron's life and never have to see him again. I took the elevator back up to the seventh floor and the headache slowly diminished. I wondered if he felt it too. I would ask later, but for now, I knew my theory was plausible.

  "Hey, I knew you couldn't stay away from me." A broad smile brightened his face as he caught my eye. I rolled my eyes and sat in the empty seat in the room, completely ignoring all the other people there. I was stuck.

  Chapter 23:\ Yeast Mode


  I was bored and annoyed that Amy dragged me to see the most obnoxious person on earth. He was asleep one minute and wide awake the next. And she’d told me he was in a coma; hence he couldn’t talk. That was the only reason I had agreed to come.

  Then came the goddess with the sleek, dark hair and I couldn't stop looking at her. Violet was so much prettier than Amy. I did like Amy, but after knowing her for so long, I was starting to see why she and Aaron never worked out. Not that I'm siding with Aaron in the slightest. Just a summer knowing her and a few weeks dating her made me realize she was kind of a nightmare.

  Violet simply sat in a comfortable armchair, ignoring everyone, her slim arms crossed as she stared at Aaron with catlike eyes and he stared right back. It was almost like they were having a conversation, but clearly, they weren't. I wondered if they were in love.

  By the time it hit midnight, Amy was fast asleep on my arm. I hadn't anticipated being there that long especially with the fool who had trespassed and slept in my home, not even two weeks ago. Aaron was fast asleep which left me and Violet as the only two people awake.

  "Why don't you go home?" I asked. She looked away from Aaron's sleeping form and her eyes turned to me. Recognition instantly hit; she was the girl from the store; the one I’d asked to smile while she helped me search for nail polish. I hoped she couldn’t recall that, because it was rather embarrassing.

  "Excuse me?" She replied. I couldn't tell if she hadn't heard me or if what I had said had come off as rude.

  "Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude," I uttered just in case, "but I'm confused why you are still here.
I mean… you and Aaron were never friends as far as I know, so I'm just surprised that you two are… so close." I said, feeling uncertain. I wondered if she was the type to get triggered easily. Had they only hung out for a week and somehow fallen madly in love or something? She flinched. I couldn't understand why she would flinch, but I didn't question it when she gave me an unwavering look. Her eyes looked so sad at that moment.

  "We're friends." She simply said, turning back to look at Aaron. He had stubble growing along his jaw and his light brown hair was messily splayed out all over the pillow.

  "Friends don't do what you’ve done for Aaron." I muttered, feeling ghastly at my rudeness and assumptions. Maybe it was because it was midnight that I was acting like this. I barely knew this girl outside of having heard of her at school only recently and buying nail polish from a store that she worked at. I had no right to talk to her about personal affairs, but I was super curious. For a couple seconds, I thought she hadn't heard me and felt grateful. But she opened her mouth to speak.

  "Why are you still here?" She asked me now, her eyes seemed to glimmer in the dim room. The only indication that everyone was asleep was the beeping of the hospital monitor every few seconds and Amy’s light snores beside me.

  "Because of Amy." I simply said, glancing toward Amy, who rested her head on my shoulder.

  "Why is Amy still here?" Violet asked, after a long pause. At the mention of her name, she stirred beside me and woke up.

  "Good question." I replied, my mind searching for answers in the threads.

  "What's a good question?" Amy looked up to meet my gaze. I kissed her softly, wanting to spit at the taste of her mouth. She definitely needed to brush her teeth after sleeping for so long.


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