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The Boy Who Read Minds

Page 17

by Veronica Soliman

  "I hope everything works out for you and your sister." I said, forcing myself to keep the images out of my mind before I barfed again in front of her.

  "What's been going on with you?" She asked, attempting to change the subject.

  “Not much, I’ve just been worried about you.” I said as Amy led me to my living room and wrapped her arms around me.

  She sat beside me and held my hand, "for the last two days, I've been at Violet’s place—Aaron was there, they let me stay for a few days since my home is an active crime scene and I’m not allowed inside. It was just an automatic response so please don’t be upset. My phone died and I hadn’t thought to charge it— I’m still trying to process what happened.” Amy said as I looked at her ocean blue eyes. She looked nervous.

  I felt anger brewing inside me as she spoke about Aaron. Just hearing about him irked me enough to make me mad. I tried to maintain myself while she spoke, it was so hard. I was jealous and angry that she’d gone straight to him before me. I felt confused.

  "And only Violet and Aaron know about Bailey. And now you do too. I'm scared this news will go viral. I don't want my sister's face on TV; I don’t want news channels to bash her and claim that she’s a cold-blooded murderer when she’s literally never hurt anyone." She continued as I sat there staring blankly. I felt like she was leaving something out; I felt like she was doing it for my sake so that I didn’t barf again. I tried to be understanding.

  However, it really bothered me, probably more than it should have, that the first person that she’d went to talk to about all of this was Aaron. I was her boyfriend, for crying out loud. I didn't want to create any further problems in her life, but I knew this would boil and fester inside me until I resented her for it. It made me wonder if she just didn't trust me enough to go to me first, I wondered if she thought I was unreliable.

  "Tyler?" She asked, placing her hand on my shoulder as I flinched.

  "Amy, I... I'm not sure how to word this."

  "Just say it," she encouraged, she looked like she had her guard up.

  "I just don't understand… why did you go to Aaron instead of me?"

  "Is this an ego thing?" I wasn't sure what to say to her, so I just remained silent, "well, he lives closer and it was just automatic, I guess! And nothing happened Ty, I love you. Besides, Violet was there too, it wasn’t like I was alone with Aaron at any point in time." She explained, but I’d already made my mind up.

  "Yeah, I understand that, but it just makes me feel inadequate as your boyfriend that I wasn't the first person you sought out comfort from."

  "Tyler, I think you're overthinking or reading too much into it, Aaron was just conveniently closer…"

  "Am I just convenient to you too then?" I felt my anger levels rising as her eyes widened. Her mouth hung open for a second before she shut it.

  "What? What are you even talking about? You're being so irrational right now!" She furrowed her brows in frustration as she stared at me.

  "Amy, it might be an issue with my pride, or it might just be my trust issues, and I've tried so hard to keep this relationship as healthy and happy as I could. But you know I don't like that guy, you know, that out of all people on this planet, he's the one person that I can't stand, yet you decide to go straight to him once an inconvenience happens." I knew it was nasty to say, but I was angry.

  "An inconvenience?!” She gasped, “you call my sister getting arrested and me finding out that my whole family might be dead an inconvenience?!” She shouted; she hadn’t mentioned anything about her family aside from Bailey until now. I was shocked, wondering why she’d held back, but now I was angry too. “Look Tyler, it takes two to keep a relationship healthy. And if my sister going to jail is an inconvenience to you, then I don't think that makes you a part of a healthy relationship.

  I’m over here trying to explain why I couldn’t reach you— because of a traumatic situation; and here you are, acting like the world revolves around you. Yeah, I understand you don't like Aaron, but he's been my friend way longer than you ever have. You have to understand, I could barely process anything— I don’t even know how I got to Violet’s house two days ago! And what about you? I don't show up or talk to you for two days and then I hear you were out with Stacy?! I trust you and love you—” She continued, but I cut her off.

  "You can't accuse me of something like that! Stacy’s my friend!" We were screaming at each other now, my blood boiling as my heart was racing.

  "Neither can you because Aaron is just my friend too! He's always been."

  "Then why don't you go date your good friend, Aaron?!" I shouted back, my blood boiling as anger engulfed me.

  "Maybe I will! I think we need a break Tyler!" She screamed, pushing herself off the couch with brute force as she stomped toward the door, angry and hurt.

  "No, what? Amy, no! That's not what I want." I chased after her as she approached the front door. It was at this moment that I realized I'd messed up.

  "Well learn then Tyler, life's not about getting you what you want!" And with that, she slammed the door shut and left my house. I ran my hand through my hair out of frustration. That was not how that was supposed to turn out.

  Chapter 38:\ Missing


  I hadn't seen or heard from Ethan in a week. I wondered if he had decided to do that thing kids today do to one another. Ghost me.

  I had tried texting and calling, to no avail. I even asked Violet about him and she acted weird and never answered. I felt extremely dejected, but I felt like Dr. Dooley had something to do with it. So, I called my ex-husband and began yelling.

  "Do you ever shut up, Amelia! I am a very busy man; I wouldn't have to or care enough to deal with childish antics with your boyfriend. Don't bother me with these dumb accusations." He said and hung up.

  I groaned, calling Ethan’s phone number one more time and hoping for a response. It rang for a few seconds before a voice answered.

  "Hello." A voice said.

  "H… Hi… who is this?"

  "This is officer Banks, who am I speaking to?"

  "A… Amelia? I'm Ethan's girlfriend. Why do you have his phone." I asked, my heart racing as a long silence filled the air. I tapped my finger on my leg impatiently.

  "I'm sorry Miss Amelia,” I looked at my reflection in the mirror, realizing that my suspicions had been true— something bad had happened. I took a deep breath as officer Banks continued speaking, “but Ethan's case is currently under investigation. We can give you more information if you'd like to come to the station and we can take your statement." He said.

  I stared blankly at my reflection in the vanity mirror. Why would Ethan have a case? And why would his case be under investigation. My mind went to the worst places as I felt tears stream down my cheeks. I'd felt it hours ago, a strange unknown pang in my chest. I hadn't realized what it was then.

  “Is he dead?” I whispered; I started crying, taking loud gasping breaths as the officer on the other end of the line remained silent.

  "Ma'am, if you'd like to come to the station, we're located at the corner of Marylyn and Oscar Street. It's the JPP 721 Police Precinct of Rosemond. Come by when you have time, or we can send an officer to speak with you." The officer said, hanging up as I continued sobbing loudly. My heart ached at the thought, wishing he had just told me over the phone.

  But he hadn't said anything, maybe Ethan's case was a robbery or something where he wasn't gone forever. I tried thinking positively but deep down I knew something was wrong, something evil had happened to him and I was sitting in my bed sobbing. The front door shut as I heard voices downstairs. Checking the time, I realized Violet and Aaron must be home by now.

  I worried about my daughter; she shouldn't spend her entire high-school career dependent on a man when she should be making friends. I glanced up at the vanity mirror yet again, wiping the tears. Thankfully I hadn't cried long enough for my eyes to turn red.

  "Mom I'm home!" I heard violet say from downstairs
as loud banging came from the kitchen. The drawers were all opening and shutting loudly to the point where I was annoyed. I stood up and washed my face, ready to head downstairs and go to the police station. Violet had been avoiding me lately, and I did wonder why, but I never asked why.

  “V—” I froze as my eyes landed on them. Violet and Aaron were talking to each other as I stood at the end of the staircase, out of sight. They hadn’t heard me and were somehow lost in their own little world; ah, to be young and in love. I decided it would be best to give them some privacy as I stood there contemplating if I should go down to the station now or later.

  Now, I decided. I needed to know what happened to the man I loved. I turned the corner, looking at Aaron and Violet. They were kissing, her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders and his hands on his waist. It was cute, but it only made me miss Ethan more.

  Well, I realized, they probably wouldn’t even notice if I left right now. So that’s what I did. I hoped Ethan was okay.

  Chapter 39:\ True Beauty


  Everything about me had become a matter of public property in just a couple of days. The video of Aaron and I floating had gone viral after three different people had posted it online and it seemed to intrigue everybody. Now, a lot of people had researched every single detail about us. I drove us to my house while Aaron talked my ears off the entire time.

  "— so many angles, we can't just tell people it was CGI. I mean, nobody would believe it right? Well, I mean what if we told them that we have some weird shared power that switches between us occasionally and gives you headaches when you get too far away, they wouldn’t believe that either. I don't feel any different and I don’t have any scars from last week. But I mean I could hear Mr. Craig's thoughts today when he was thinking about the woman he was seeing tonight. Could you hear anyone today?" Aaron rambled; it was as though he had been saving up his words throughout his life just to speak a thousand words a minute now. I groaned as I parked the car and he got out.

  "Aaron, wait." I called, lifting my backpack and rushing out of my car. "You forgot your backpack and I'm not getting it for you."

  "What if we got some new superpower now?" His dazzling gray eyes sparkled as he ignored me and continued walking. "Ooh! What if I can move things with my mind now."

  "Aaron, your bag." I said again, rolling my eyes as I grabbed it from the back seats and dragged it behind me, making sure it collected as much dirt from my driveway as possible. He stood at my front door, pointing his fingers at me and staring at his backpack. He seemed distracted, opening my front door like he lived here as I checked on my small tomato plant. He joked about my plant, but I dismissed it.

  "Aaron, the first time you powers got transferred to me was when we ditched school and went to Jared’s café, right?”

  "Or it could've been when you kissed me in the hospital." He winked, his tall build turning completely to face me, "maybe we can try that again and see if it works." It took me a few moments for the words to register as I walked to the kitchen and began looking for the cereal. I didn’t remember much from a couple of months ago.

  "Maybe, actually." I said, opening the fridge and shutting it before turning toward the cabinets in the kitchen. I was trying to figure out what exactly was the connection between these power shifts between us and how they were even happening.

  I heard a noise coming from upstairs. I wondered if mom was home; I wondered if she’d found out about Ethan. I had been too afraid to mention anything to her about him. My heart froze for a moment as I heard movement coming from upstairs.

  "Mom! I'm home." I shouted, ensuring she knew it wasn't some stranger in her house and that I was here.

  "Why not try it?" Aaron stood in the middle of my kitchen; his arms crossed as he looked at me with warm gray eyes. I wasn't sure why he had become so much more attractive now than he was before. I thought back to all the times when I just didn't want to be around him, I had heard awful things about his reputation. But I guess that now that I had gotten to know him and his annoying and surprisingly smart self, I found him far more attractive. Maybe that's what all the other girls at my high school saw.

  "Kiss you?" I asked, watching him carefully as he gazed into my soul. It wasn't like we hadn't kissed before, maybe this would be different because I was starting to admire him as a person and not just for his looks. I didn't want to boost his already over inflated ego though. I focused on his eyes, hoping he hadn’t heard a single thing that I’d thought about him.

  "Worth a shot. You know… for research." He smirked, stepping closer as his eyes twinkled. The logical part of my brain tried telling me that this wouldn’t work and there was no reason to do it when so many other things were happening. But my heart was skipping beats left and right as he took a step forward.

  "Maybe." I murmured, my heart suddenly racing as the proximity between us shrank. He laced his fingers through mine and stepped closer, forcing me to step back and be supported by my trusty refrigerator. “But only for… the… experiment.” I breathed; my voice shaky as he placed his hand on my cheeks, moving my hair behind my ear.

  He raised a brow, surprised for a second, but the warmth and reassurance in his eyes had me wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer. “Exactly… only for the experiment.” He chuckled softly, his minty breath fanning my face.

  I trusted Aaron, I felt safe with Aaron; so, it didn’t make sense why, in this moment, I felt anxious, trapped and unsure of what I wanted. I leaned forward, glancing from his lips to his eyes. Aaron closed the distance between us, holding me close as his cologne intoxicated me.

  My brain seemed to shut off as we kissed, I couldn't understand why, or function properly and my thoughts flew to the incident that happened to me a couple months with a boy that I’d been avoiding around school. Time was relative and I had tried to forget it had even happened. The kind security guard flashed in my memory as I was immediately taken out of the memory and was staring into shocked gray orbs. Aaron was staring at me, completely wide eyed, his hands dropped to his sides as he took a couple of steps back.

  "What?" I asked, kind of wishing he would kiss me some more.

  “I—,” He led me to the couch, apologizing and proceeded to tell me that he had seen everything he’d just seen and heard; my mouth was hanging wide open. Shock couldn't even begin to describe how I felt. I gulped audibly. By the way he was clenching his jaw, I knew he was angry. Angry enough to kill, but our town didn't need any more crimes at the moment. The calmness in his voice dissipated within seconds and I placed my hand on his arm.

  "Aaron, please don't do anything." I said, patting his leg and standing up, “I’m fine now, see!” I smiled, leaving the living room. I wondered why that memory had come up at the worst possible moment. It wasn’t like Aaron made me feel uncomfortable; it might’ve just been because he’d cornered us, making me feel trapped and taking away the possibility of escaping. That certainly could’ve brought up that subconscious memory.

  I wondered if mom had learned about Ethan yet. I was too afraid to tell her, she would probably cry for days, weeks even. I didn’t want to see her upset. I rushed upstairs and into my mom’s room. Nobody was there. I could've sworn somebody had been up there when we had walked in earlier today. I called her, waiting for her to answer but I was sent to voicemail.

  "Aaron," I called from upstairs, but nobody responded. I rushed back to the living room, but he was gone. I checked for my car; it was still there. I wondered where he had left to— I wondered if he’d called a friend to pick him up or got a cab service, but it still didn’t make sense how he had left so quickly. My heart began racing, expecting the earth-shattering headache to start pounding my brain, but nothing happened.

  I wondered how far he had gone and where he went. I prayed he didn't do anything he’d regret, I hoped he’d respect my wishes. But more importantly, I realized that my distance-headaches were gone. I no longer felt pain from him being too far, maybe he hadn'
t gone far enough yet. I rushed back upstairs, entered my room and lay in my bed, bracing myself for any impact that the potential headaches would bring.

  But nothing came and instead, I just laid there confused and wondering how long ago he had learned that we could be separate without my headaches coming back. I wondered if this was due to our car accident last week. And if he didn't know, then was he willing to hurt me this much if the distance headaches still happened. I felt the stress of the past few months weigh on me as I dozed off, the three hours of sleep from last night catching up to me as I knocked out.

  Chapter 40:\ Wrong


  I didn't do anything wrong. I'm innocent. That man was trying to rob my house. I was defending myself.

  They don't understand me.

  I don't eat people. I don't hurt people. I am innocent. I did nothing wrong. I'm not lying to the police. I did not bite him; he did not get hurt. He cut his hand and I tried helping him stop the bleeding. I don't know why they arrested me. I did nothing wrong. Amy will tell them. She knows I wouldn't ever hurt anyone. I love people. I don't even eat! I lost seventy pounds so why would I eat people? That's wrong. It is disgusting.

  I did not do anything wrong.

  I did not do anything wrong.

  I did not do anything wrong.

  I grimaced at the wall. They had me in handcuffs and forced me to sit in a room alone where I could simply stare at the wall. I glared at it, imagining it was the faces of the cops that had invaded my privacy and arrested me when I did nothing wrong.

  I am innocent and nobody understands me. I am the victim here, not the man who broke into my house and stole my knife.

  "Miss Bloom." A voice called through the speakers in my empty room. I glanced around, staring at the one-way glass and knowing some jerk was hiding behind the glass. I stood up and walked toward the glass.


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