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Claiming Her Beasts Book One

Page 3

by Dia Cole

  I slid my phone into my back pocket and felt for the fat wad of cash there. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Lee’s face when she saw the money. Just imagining her reaction made me smile. Maybe I could talk her into going out with me somewhere. Just the two of us. Like a date…

  As I slipped into the fantasy of Lee and me together, the brunette gave me a coy smile.

  “Who’s your hot friend?” she asked Dexter loudly.

  The annoyed look on my friend’s face made me wince. Dexter hated it when the girls he liked went after me. I’d like to say it was a rare occurrence, but it wasn’t.

  Ronnie interjected, “That’s Reed, but don’t waste your time. He’s been in love with the same girl his entire life.”

  “Aw,” the brunette said, her smile softening. “That’s sweet.”

  Dexter scoffed. “Nah, it’s fucking tragic. She doesn’t return his feelings.”

  I turned away before I could see the brunette’s expression turn to pity. I didn’t need anyone's sympathy. Lee didn’t love me the way I loved her… yet. But I knew she would one day.

  She was the one for me. I’d known it the moment she’d saved me from those older boys who were bullying me the first day of kindergarten.

  One minute I was being shoved into the dirt. The next minute an avenging angel had rushed over from the bus stop. Baring her teeth like a rabid wolf, Lee had rounded on the older boys. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” She’d lifted her fists in a clear invitation.

  Although she was much smaller than they were, the boys took off running.

  She’d glared after them, and then helped me to my feet. “They won’t bother you now that you’re with me.”

  And from that moment forward, I was with her. She’d owned my heart and soul. I’d followed her everywhere. Over time, she and Eden became my best friends and their Gran became my second mother.

  The sound of Morgan tuning his electric guitar tore me from my memories.

  Sam sat down at his drums and pounded out a frenetic beat I felt in the marrow of my bones. The ache to play with them was almost physically painful.

  Moving closer, I took a seat on Gran’s lumpy old couch just across from Morgan’s amp. Even years after her death, the lingering scent of Gran’s Shalimar perfume still clung to the polyester cushions. The smell brought to mind happier times. Times when Eden, Lee, Gran, and I had gathered in the living room of the old house and played games or watched some mindless show on television.

  Morgan flipped his long hair out of his face and scowled at me. I wasn’t sure if he was pissed at me for quitting the band or if he was just in a foul mood.

  Trying to ignore his glare, I struck imaginary chords on my knee. Damn. Losing my bass and my band hurt worse than I'd imagined. Maybe one of these lame ass jobs I kept interviewing for would pan out and I’d make enough money to buy my bass back.

  My mind drifted back to the interview I’d had this afternoon. The convenience store manager had stared at my long hair in barely disguised disgust.

  Screw that guy. Lee liked my hair, and I wouldn't change anything about my appearance that she admired. Hell, just look what I’d been willing to go through earlier this year for her. Memories of the weeks of throbbing pain had me shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

  The cushions next to me dipped.

  I glanced over to see the gorgeous brunette sitting next to me.

  “Ronnie said to give you this.” She offered me a cup of jungle juice.

  I glanced over her shoulder.

  Ronnie and Dexter were standing in the hallway. Ronnie motioned between me and the brunette while dry humping the air. Dexter gave him a sour look and stormed into the kitchen.

  “When a beautiful woman offers you a drink, you take it,” the brunette admonished.

  Amused at her boldness, I grabbed the red cup and took a sip. All I tasted was the sugary Kool-Aid, which was impressive because I knew Ronnie had dumped at least eight bottles of alcohol into the mix.

  The brunette smiled, her teeth flashing white against her dark lipstick. “I’m Aubry.”

  “I’m Reed.”

  “I know.” She continued staring at me the way the band groupies did. Like they wanted to spray whip cream all over me and eat me for dessert.

  “My friend Dexter is into you,” I said, motioning toward the kitchen with my free hand.

  “But I'm into you.”


  “Whoa, those are some scars.”

  I looked down, horrified to see that my shirt cuff had ridden up, exposing my wrist tattoos and the web of mangled flesh of my forearm. Cursing under my breath, I quickly yanked the fabric down.

  “Don’t be self-conscious, I think your scars are cool. I have some of my own.” She rolled down the top of her black fingerless gloves, revealing horizontal scars lining her forearm from wrist to elbow. “I used to be a cutter. How did you get yours?”

  I shifted uneasily. “A car accident.” Hoping she wouldn’t dig any deeper, I gulped down the rest of the jungle juice and pulled out a pack of cloves. “Mind if I smoke?”

  It was kind of ridiculous to ask her permission since it technically was my house, but my mom had drummed politeness into me.

  “Of course not. Can I bum one?”

  “Sure.” As soon as I handed her a clove and lit it, she took a long drag.

  “Damn, that’s good.”

  I made a non-committal sound, enjoying the spiced cigarette. A hit from the bong in the kitchen would have been better, but Lee wasn’t a fan of pot, so I was trying to cut down.

  Aubry took a drag of her clove and leaned back against the couch cushions.

  I tried not to notice her ample cleavage, but it was kind of hard with her low-cut corset.

  Lee had a few tops like that she wore for her shows. Sometimes she was so tired she didn’t bother changing, and I got a chance to see her in them.

  My dick hardened as I remembered how incredible she’d looked wearing that black leather one. One day, when we were together, I’d ask her to wear that one for me… and only me.

  Aubry let out a husky laugh and ran her hand over her chest. “Like what you see?”

  With a start, I realized I was full on staring at her tits and my boner was obvious. Embarrassed, I choked on a mouthful of smoke.

  Seeming amused at my coughing fit, Aubry smiled. “Ronnie said this was your place.”

  “Yeah.” I was surprised he didn’t call it his place as often as he crashed here.

  “He also said it was your birthday.”

  I shrugged. Birthdays weren’t really a big deal. Not when Lee forgot most of them.

  Aubry cocked her head to the side as if she was waiting for me to say more.

  I noticed her irises were pale green.

  Eyes like desert sage… That might be a good lyric in the song I was working on. I glanced around for the pad of paper I always kept handy.

  Eyes like desert sage. Fill with rage…

  Nah, that didn’t work. Eyes like desert sage. Imprisoning me in a cage… Hmm. It had potential.

  Unable to find my pad and paper, I pulled out my phone and started texting myself.

  Aubry pursed her lips. “Is there someone else you’d rather talk to?”

  “Nah. I just thought of a line to a song.”

  “Yeah?” Aubry leaned over to look at my screen. When she saw what I’d written, she grinned. “Is that about me?”

  “Kind of.” I wished she’d go bother someone else. Dexter would probably give his left nut to be sitting this close to her. I opened my mouth to tell her so, but she pressed her lips against my ear.

  “I’d like to imprison you in a cage.” She bit down.

  “Ah!” I jerked away, my earlobe stinging. “Why did you do that?”

  She gave me a smoldering look. “What fun is pleasure without pain?”

  Shit. I was clearly out of my depth with this woman.

  Laughing, Aubry blew a smoke ring around my head.
Then, flicking the rest of her clove into my empty cup, she stood and reached for my hand. “How about you show me your room and I’ll let you bite me back.”



  My breath came out in a quick gasp. Javier wants to see me? In all the weeks he and his men had been coming to Eros, he’d never asked to meet any of the dancers. Of course, he never looked at the other dancers the way he looked at me.

  Cami swiveled around in her chair. “You’re not planning on pimping Lee out to the drug lord, are you?”

  Max jerked as though she’d punched him in the solar plexus and rubbed his hands together nervously. “No. Nothing like that. He just wants to meet her, okay? I don’t like it either, but money is tight. We need his business.”

  I don’t need that kind of business.

  I stood up and headed toward the lockers. “I’ve already done two sets. I’m off the clock. Besides, my ride is waiting.” I couldn’t keep Uncle Duncan sitting in the parking lot all night.

  “Please, Lee.” Max tugged at his candy-cane striped tie as if it was strangling him.

  I sighed in resignation. “Okay, but I’m not doing any lap dances.”

  He bobbed his head up and down so fast, his jowls shook.

  “And I’m skipping my first set tomorrow.”

  It wasn’t as if I’d make any money with the early set, anyway.

  His eyes narrowed. “Friday’s our biggest night and you’re our headliner.”

  “I’ll be there for my ten o’clock.” I slid my heels back on, trying to ignore the protest made by my feet. “Look, do you want me to meet Javier or not?”

  He threw his hands up in the air. “Fine.”

  Cami grabbed my arm as I followed Max to the doorway. Her face pinched with worry.

  “Be careful. Javier Diaz is a dangerous man.”

  Great. If Cami, notorious for her less than stellar taste in men, was worried, Javier had to be really bad news.

  My stomach became a writhing ball of snakes. “I’ll be fine. I left your phone on my chair.” I gently tugged away from her. “There’s a party at the house tonight for Reed’s birthday. If you’re not doing anything after your set, why don’t you swing by?”

  Her heart-shaped face brightened. “That’d be fun. Maybe I’ll give that sexy birthday boy a present he won’t ever forget.” She winked.

  Something inside me balked at her interest in Reed, but before I could analyze my feelings, Max threw us an aggravated look.

  “Come on, Lee. Time is money. Cami, have you seen Jess?”

  I couldn’t hide the revulsion on my face. The auburn-haired stripper had made my life a living hell ever since Max gave me her time slot and moved her sets later.

  Cami shared a knowing look with me. “No evil-bitch-of-the-West sightings here, Max. When are you going to fire her ass? Last week, Jess poured baby oil all over the stage steps, Havana hurt her back, and Lee nearly broke her leg.”

  Remembering the nasty fall I’d taken made me wince. Jess’s mean-spirited pranks were going to get me killed one of these days.

  “I don’t know why you ladies can’t just get along. Hurry up, Lee.” Max huffed out of the room.

  So much for his begging and pleading act. I hurried to catch up with my boss.

  Max was uncharacteristically quiet as we walked backstage and took the side stairs down. It added to my nervousness.

  Javier seemed to inspire fear in everyone around him.

  What did a man like that want from me?

  My stomach churned as we moved through the dark hallway, past the VIP rooms, and out into the main club.

  Onstage Havana was in her element. She’d shed her bodysuit and undulated to the throbbing beat of the music in nothing but a black G-string and her boots. Her whip was wrapped around the professor. Based on the dazed expression on his face, he’d just found his new religion.

  Good for her.

  My gaze skipped past the Christmas-light-encrusted bar and garland-wrapped faux Roman pillars to the back of the club. As I suspected, Javier watched my approach with the same intensity he watched my dancing. Some kind of primitive fight-or-flight instinct kicked in and I wanted to run. My knees trembled as I forced myself to walk toward him.

  “Come on,” Max said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me forward. When we got to Javier’s table, Max cleared his throat. “Good evening, gentlemen. This is Heaven.”

  Unwilling to meet Javier’s forceful gaze, I glanced at the men around him. They were dark-eyed with short dark hair except for the younger-looking man sitting closest to Javier. He had to be Javier’s brother or cousin. The resemblance between the two men was striking, although the younger man’s glossy dark hair was longer, falling free to the middle of his back. His eyes were also darker than Javier’s and they heated as he slid out of the booth.

  “You always had good taste in women, Mano.” The long-haired man prowled around me like a shark circling an injured seal. “What a beauty you are, señorita. And such gorgeous hair.” As he grabbed a lock of my hair, his ring-covered hand brushed against the top of my breast.

  I reared back.

  Max reacted immediately, stepping between us. “Sorry, no touching allowed.”

  Giving Max a look that froze the blood in my veins, the long-haired man slowly opened his hand, freeing my hair. “What fun is there in only looking?”

  Javier jumped up, his hands fisted. “Luis, apologize immediately.” The barely contained rage in his tone made me flinch.

  Luis blanched and stepped away from me. “Los siento, señorita. I meant no offense.”

  Max moved aside, putting me eye to eye with Javier.

  Even from two feet away, I could feel the power and coiled energy emanating from him. This wasn’t a man to be trifled with. I suddenly remembered the rumors of how he enjoyed torturing his enemies before killing them. I had to clasp my hands together to stop them from shaking.

  Javier smiled at me, calling my attention to the sharpness of his even white teeth. “Please ignore my brother. He has no manners.” He glared at Luis and the other men at the table. “Leave us.”

  Without a word, the men stood and walked toward the bar.

  Javier gave Max a pointed look.

  “Ah, I should introduce the next set,” Max said, turning and heading for the stage.

  I gritted my teeth. Coward. Max was getting a piece of my mind the next time we spoke.

  “Please sit.” Javier gestured toward the booth.

  Seeing no other option, I scooted in.

  Javier sank into the seat across from me. He was close enough that every breath I took was scented in the exotic spice of his expensive cologne.

  “My name is Javier Diaz. I’m a great admirer of your dancing,” he said with a faint accent.

  “Thank you. I’m Heaven.” Too late, I remembered Max had already introduced me. My face warmed. It wasn’t like me to be frazzled.

  “A pleasure to meet you.” He extended his hand.

  Once again, I saw no other option but to accept his handshake.

  His long, warm fingers curled around mine. He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

  The sensation of his warm breath on my skin gave me goose bumps. I tried to pull away.

  He refused to let me go.

  I glanced up to see if Max was watching. Of course not. And my uncle had already left.

  I’m on my own.

  I broke out in a cold sweat.

  Javier stroked one long finger over my palm, making me shiver.

  “It’s rare I’m so captivated by a female. From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were meant for me.”

  The vinyl seat stuck to my clammy skin as I shifted uneasily. Normally, at this point I’d be channeling my seductive alter ego, trying to work the guy for tips. But no part of me wanted to encourage this man. Just last week, Javier’s last girlfriend had been found scalped and dismembered. A tremor slid down my spine.

  “I’m having a private ev
ent at my home Saturday evening. I’d like you to attend.”

  I shook my head. Even if I wanted to rub shoulders with gangsters, going out with patrons was strictly against club rules. “I’m sorry, I’m working, and I’m not allowed to—”

  “I’ve already spoken with Max. He said it’d be fine. You’ll be well compensated for your time.”

  My mouth fell open in shock. How could Max put me in this position? Forgetting my fear for a moment, I glared at Javier. “I’m not a call girl.”

  “Of course not.” He sat up straight as if I’d insulted him. “All you’d be asked to do is dance as you do here at the club. I’ll pay twenty thousand for the evening.”

  My mouth went dry. Twenty thousand dollars. Holy crap. That’d keep Eden, Reed, and me afloat for months. There has to be a catch. “How many people would be at this event?”

  His gaze heated and flickered to my bare breasts. “Just me.”

  Okayyyy. I swallowed hard. The room seemed to spin. This was one of those life-changing moments. I could feel it. If I chose to go down this road, there’d be no going back. I wasn’t a fool. Javier didn’t want to see me dance. He wanted to possess me. And not just for the night.

  Am I willing to put my life on the line and sell what little is left of my soul?

  Javier stroked his thumb over my wrist with way too much familiarity. “I’d pay double if you stayed through Sunday.”

  Double? Forty thousand dollars? My heart pounded faster than the beat of Havana’s music. How can I turn that down?

  “I would never ask you to do anything you didn’t want to do.” His voice deepened. “Look at me, cariño.”

  I lifted my gaze and was snared by his amber eyes.

  “I know you’re untouched.”

  I blinked in surprise. How can he possibly know that?

  “But you’re filled with desire. You need to be touched and pleasured.” His voice rang with a strange tone that reverberated inside my head.

  Inexplicably heat pooled between my legs.

  Javier continued. “You’re attracted to me. You want me. Don’t you?”


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