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The Meryton War

Page 7

by Deborah E Pearson

  “What do you mean Charlotte?”

  “Lizzy, this is not the best time to talk about it, and since I do not know the other family that was directly mentioned I cannot truly answer all of you questions. However Mr Darcy, do you know of a family called Wickham?”

  Darcy looked extremely angry and upset at the mention of the name, “Yes I know a good for nothing, rake by the name of Wickham. Why is this relevant?”

  “Yes, very relevant. I must ask you both how much you have been taught about your heritage?”

  “Nothing” Lizzy replied, and Darcy shook his head saying that he had only a smattering of knowledge, but nothing substantial. Darcy also mentioned that he knew that their lineage had to be hidden from the world at large.

  “Indeed it does Mr Darcy, which is why I beg you both to come again tomorrow morning. Hopefully we will be able to explain more to you both then.” At this all they silently agreed that they should change the subject, and Charlotte moved off to mingle with other of the guests for the evening.

  The rest of the evening passed uneventfully as dinner parties tend to do, general gossip was exchanged, and plans were made for reciprocal visits, dinner parties, etc.

  A chain of events had been triggered that had been dreaded for three generations. There was no turning back now...

  Events must be faced as they were now beyond anyone’s control.


  Surprises at Lucas Lodge

  The events of the previous night troubled Mrs Bennet. She had over the years been warned that the girls needed to know their true heritage as full blood, yet her fear that someone would manipulate her girls was too strong for her to listen to the advice. Mrs Bennet had held so strongly to her purposes that until now she managed to keep the truth quiet. So convincing had she been with hiding how much she knew and what she and her family were, nobody could be sure if she even knew that she was a full blood. Now every effort that she had made seemed to be at risk. She had to find a way to prevent Elizabeth and Jane being told the truth. The Lucas’s would be central to her prevention plan; therefore after breakfast Mrs Bennet would take the carriage over to see Lady Lucas.

  Another irritation to Mrs Bennet this morning was that, as usual, Elizabeth was missing from the breakfast table. Why Elizabeth would spend so much time traipsing all over the countryside, missing meals, Mrs Bennet could not understand. Mrs Bennet did not enjoy walking at all; she would cringe at just the thought of such dirt and disarray, not to mention that walking was uncomfortable and painful. Mrs Bennet had ordered the carriage to be ready before breakfast, so that it would be ready to leave when she was. Lady Lucas and Sir William had laid it out clear last night that there was no way that they were going to collude with the Bennets to hide the girls origins from them anymore. Arriving at Lucas Lodge just as the Elders finished their conference, meant Mrs Bennet was shown into a room that she and Thomas had seen only once before. Mrs Bennet knew that she would not get her way the moment she saw the looks on the faces of the Elders.

  Lady Lucas hastily asked if she might introduce Mrs Bennet to the members of the council that didn’t know her. This permission was granted and Mrs Bennet was properly introduced. However before Mrs Bennet could say anything Lady Matlock, who had made the trip with her husband, spoke up: “Mrs Bennet, I understand your concerns, however there is far more at stake than you realise at this moment. Are you aware of the prophecy that was made in 1730 by your husbands grandfather?” Mrs Bennet shook her head and the prophecy was then repeated verbatim. Instead of pulling her usual trick of faking a faint when things didn’t go her way, Mrs Bennet’s demeanour became even more rigid and she became even more determined to have her way.

  “Lady Matlock” she began in a tight voice “I have since the day of my marriage desired for my children and the children of my brother and sister should not know that we are of full blood descent. My Father did something that turned all of us against our heritage. I have, mostly, kept my children way from this madness that we are all a part of. I have laid careful plans for my daughters. Jane must marry Mr Collins in order to keep us at Longbourne after the death of my husband. Elizabeth has been more of a problem to me as her insatiable curiosity has taxed my husbands ingenuity to keep her heritage away from her. I gave her an ultimatum the other day that she find a husband or employment. My brother has already set aside a respectable job for her in London. Today I am going to tell her that she must go to London by the end of the week, and work for her uncle.”

  “That Mrs Bennet is just not possible” replied Lady Lucas.

  “Oh, but it is, Lizzy is loyal to the family and will go to London when my husband tells her she must. As for Jane she has never disobeyed me in her life. She’s so sweet she’ll do just exactly what she is told.”

  “Madam! Elizabeth and Darcy must marry. The same with Jane and Bingley” Lady Matlock intervened “Soulmates cannot be separated without great misery and great scandals ensuing. The joining of their lights completely has bonded the couples together more than anything else could do. In the past when soulmates lights have joined together, but for one reason or another a wedding has been refused or not taken place the couple have often ended up living together as if married, with the bond so strong that even were they forced to marry others they caused great scandals. Those who managed to remain pure, find themselves in huge amounts of misery.”

  “I cannot allow this” Mrs Bennet began

  “Madam, let’s get something clear here. Unless you wish to bring great scandal upon your family, you will leave the two couples to get married. Should you continue in this course of preventing the unions that have been clearly demonstrated as being ordained, not only will you cause great misery you will in fact make some very powerful enemies. You do not know the connections that those two young men have.” In truth Lady Matlock here was exaggerating the case a little bit as it was only Darcy whose connections were very powerful. This tactic worked, because Mrs Bennet’s face drained of all colour as it dawned on her that she was doing to Lizzy and Jane what had been done to her. Mrs Bennet appeared to shrink before the elders.

  “Of course I want my daughters to be happy. I won’t continue to resist this. I cannot be seen here when the girls arrive.” Lady Lucas took Mrs Bennet into her dining parlour and opened what appeared to be a small window. Through that window Mrs Bennet was able to observe everything that was happening in the council rooms, without revealing her presence there.

  Darcy and Elizabeth had met at Oakham Mount as they had arranged the previous evening. After their lights had joined at Lucas Lodge, the previous evening they had quickly discovered that they no longer had to talk out loud, and had telepathically agreed on the mornings meeting. Distance seemed not to be a problem, as they had been talking half the night, away. Jane and Mr Bingley had agreed to meet Lizzy and Darcy at Oakham Mount, after breakfast. Both knew that Elizabeth and Darcy would once again forget about being back for breakfast. After an initial hug, Elizabeth was too full of curiosity to wait any longer. "So Mr Darcy" Elizabeth started

  "Please call me Fitzwilliam or Will," Darcy asked groaning. The formality seemed incongruous with their situation.

  "So Will" Elizabeth started again, "Do you know what Charlotte was talking about with the ‘Blessed’?”

  "I do, but not as much as she apparently does. All I know is that there is a group called the Blessed. Perhaps it would be better if I waited until we got to Lucas Lodge." Darcy answered. In fact, Darcy was surprisingly ill-informed about this part of his heritage and did not know much more than the name.

  "Perhaps you could tell me what you know. It seems my mother has not been very forthcoming with me, which is no surprise. However, I'm surprised she didn't pick up on Jane's gift." Elizabeth wondered.

  "Miss Elizabeth" Darcy started

  "Lizzy," Elizabeth said, smiled cheekily and then said, "if I can call you Will, then please call me Lizzy."

  "Fair exchange, Lizzy" Darcy laughed. "When I wa
s sixteen my father sat me down in his study and told me that I was one of what is called the Blessed. He said that we each have a unique blend of gifts. I have at least two. One is to know when people are in danger; the other is that when I look into a someone's eyes, I can see their life story" at this Elizabeth looked down. "No, you are an exception, I cannot see anything more than your emotions in your eyes" Darcy laughed, and Elizabeth looked back at him.

  "Jane gets visions, and she can read people, their intentions, etc." Elizabeth answered "I seem to know when people need help. They don't have to be in trouble, just that they need help and I seem to know what would be the best way in which to help them. In fact..." Elizabeth trailed off not knowing how to confess that it was her gift that led to her first meeting, Darcy.

  "You felt my need the other day…" Darcy stated.

  "Yes, It was my gifts that led me to you." Elizabeth said simply. "What led me to behave so forwardly I'm not sure; I just felt that it was what was needed."

  Any response that Darcy was going to make was lost as Jane, and Mr Bingley arrived at that moment. All four of them then left Oakham Mount and made their way to Lucas Lodge. Each one was hoping for the answers to questions that had plagued them for years. Jane especially hoped for answers as she had constantly squashed her curiosity while maintaining her serene exterior.

  On their arrival at Lucas Lodge, Charlotte flew out of the house. "Lizzy, Jane, your mother is here. She's trying to persuade my mother not to tell either of you about your heritage. It seems we were all deceived and she's just squashed that side of her nature and has stopped any of you knowing who and what you are. Please for your sakes, can you all slip away and wait until your mother leaves. It won't be long." Charlotte pleaded with them.

  Taking Charlotte’s advice, the two couples slipped off into the woods near Lucas lodge and sat in a clearing. "Darce, I really must ask what, the hell, this is all about" Bingley blurted when they had all made themselves comfortable on the benches.

  "Bingley, did you see anything unusual last night?" Darcy asked calmly. He had a suspicion that Bingley was also one of the Blessed but he needed to know for sure before proceeding.

  "Erm... I saw you and Lizzy both surrounded by light, and that light merged, I also saw the same thing happen with Jane and myself. Curiously the colour of your lights was different to the colour of ours, though" Bingley stated.

  "Bingley I have to ask if you have any gifts that would seem to be out of the ordinary" Darcy continued.

  Bingley looked very confused by that question but eventually answered "Well I've always known when people are dishonest. I've always been able to see those who either were in love or would very soon be in love and have accurately predicted many marriages.”

  "Bingley, have you heard of a lineage called the Blessed?" Darcy finally asked.

  "Yes, I have heard of it, My father used to tell Caroline, Louisa, and me that we come from the Blessed lineage. Caroline though seemed to think that meant that we were destined to be a part of the Ton and that she would marry into that hallowed group. I never understood it, although, my father did give me a book when I turned sixteen about it. I've kept it locked away in case it fell into the wrong hands, and I've never actually read it."

  A grin spread so broadly across Darcy's face that everyone was stunned by its magnificence. Two small dimples that only Jane had seen in her visions showed themselves. "Bingley, my good man! When we get back to the inn may I please read your book? It seems that our fathers did the same thing for us. I also have not read the book my Father gave me on my sixteenth birthday. However, I believe it was the same one. Guard it with your life, Bingley, as not many copies of that book remain. Our heritage is being slowly eroded by those who fear our gifts."

  Jane and Elizabeth both sat motionlessly. Both were looking terribly confused. "Someone's coming, Bingley if you and Miss Bennet can talk telepathically, please do, Lizzy, and I will do the same," Darcy said.

  What's going on? Who's Coming? Elizabeth asked Darcy

  I don't know, but my senses are telling me that it is someone who is intent on causing us all mischief. Darcy replied.

  Shut up both of you! I fear this telepathic thing is not limited to just the one we intend to talk to, or perhaps we're all too new at this, but you're broadcasting your thoughts for the whole world... Bingley cut in. Darcy and Elizabeth blushed, but said nothing.

  Elizabeth reached out wondering if Charlotte could also hear her Charlotte if you can hear me, is my mother still there? Is it safe for us to come back? There’s someone hovering in the area.

  A rather stunned Charlotte sent back yes you can come, your mother has gone home. Be careful sending telepathically; you're not yet trained.

  "We all heard that Lizzy, let's go," Jane said. Jane was becoming uncomfortable. Her senses felt heightened "I'm not sure what I'm feeling, but my senses are heightened. Almost like there's a danger in the area," she stated. "Mr Collins" was a disjointed statement that Jane made. With that, they made their weary back to Lucas Lodge. Indeed Mr Collins was nearby. He had left Longbourne after breakfast following Jane. By this point, he had convinced himself that Jane would be his, so he wanted to know everything she was doing. He watched the group as they made their way to Lucas Lodge. His eyes narrowed as he considered how close together Jane and Mr Bingley walked. Jealousy reared its ugly head in Mr Collins breast as he watched the two couples. The negative characteristics that he had so nurtured throughout his life overcame his attempts to cover them with humility. No. Obviously what he would have to do something drastic to get what he wanted, and he wanted Jane.

  "Welcome" Charlotte greeted the young couples. She guided them around the house and entered a room that Elizabeth was unfamiliar with, a room that Sir William had built specifically for the meetings of the Blessed to take place when he sold his business. There to Elizabeth's surprise sat the Vicar, and several of their friends and neighbours. Mr and Mrs Bennet were conspicuously absent. Also present were many people that she didn't know, but whom Darcy recognised as friends in the Ton, including his aunt and uncle Matlock.

  "Lizzy, Jane" Lady Lucas smiled and led the girls to their seats, while Sir William led Darcy and Bingley to theirs. "Before we perform the ceremony we need to know how much you all understand of your lineage" Lady Lucas continued.

  Lizzy spoke first "Jane, and I barely know anything. Mama and Papa have not told us anything, at all. All Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley have been able to say is that there is a lineage called the Blessed which have particular gifts."

  "Oh dear, then you have no idea about what has happened, do you?" Lady Lucas asked.

  "No, it is a mystery to all of us" Elizabeth answered.

  "Oh dear, I'm not sure we have time to explain everything and the ceremony is so dreadfully important. More so in your and Mr Darcy's case Lizzy, but Jane yours must take place without too much of a delay. Your mother would have you both enter into very different unions, unions that would cause misery and destruction." Lady Lucas said. Lady Lucas was grateful for Mrs Bennet’s visit that morning. Mrs Bennet watching from the dining parlour felt a stab of guilt as she witnessed the completely lost look on Jane’s and Elizabeth’s faces. It was only now that she realised what a problematic situation she would have inflicted on her girls and how much pain and misery would have ensued.

  "What is this ceremony, Lady Lucas?" Mr Darcy asked," and why is it so important that it take place so quickly?"

  "It is the Blessed version of marriage sir." Answered the Vicar. "When two lights join as yours, and Miss Elizabeths did last night, that is a symbol to all the Blessed that these two must be joined in Holy Matrimony. However, do not think that it is simply a piece of paper or speaking of vows. For the Blessed it is the complete merging of two souls, a true 'two becoming one' if you will. The ceremony usually precedes the joining physically in the marital act, however in some circumstances, the physical precedes the ceremony. Once two are joined completely, it is a beautiful thing. This joining
on every level is what is referenced by all as 'True Love'. A couple that is destined to come together that are virgins before their joining, either physically or by the joining of the two lights, will have an incredible Blessed union."

  "What if the couple did not desire to be married?” Lizzy asked, concerned, after all she had only known Darcy for two daysand was not yet confident with the idea of spending her life with him.

  "Impossible! The powers that decree who should join, and who would not have an impressive error rate of 1 in 6billion couples" replied Charlotte. "The only ones who do not desire a union are those for whom the lights have not truly merged for one reason or another. The most common reason for that being that neither were virgins when they met their soul mate."

  Lizzy turned at looked at Darcy, with one eyebrow raised asking the silent question of him. He could be in no doubt of her, but the nod she got off him was sufficient. Their lights had joined, there was nothing more to say.

  "Well, Well," said Sir William "Let's get this ceremony done, and then we inform them of as much as we can."

  "Sir, we have not yet had time to get special licences, nor have we had time to have the banns read. These marriages cannot be legal" Darcy queried.

  "You will find, sir, that the banns have already been read at Pemberley and here in Meryton. Not one person will dispute remembering hearing the banns read. You will also find sir, that an entry of marriage will be in the church register after the ceremony is done. Nobody will dispute the validity of your marriages." Replied the Vicar.

  Darcy shook his head. He could not remember any such thing. He looked at Jane, Elizabeth and Bingley and knew that they too did not remember any such thing either. However, he found that he would be most happy to be married to Elizabeth, and so just nodded his head "proceed then".


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