Book Read Free

For Our Good

Page 10

by Paula Mowery

  Marshall ran his hand over his head. “I know. Makes me think there’s no way it is connected to any fuel problem.”

  Colton sighed. “But the maintenance work was done a mere week or so ago. We should have been set for another year after that.”

  “Something’s not right here.” Marshall looked directly at Colton. “Do you think it has something to do with the guy we saw running from the plane?”

  “I don’t know what to think.” Colton studied the level of the water coming up on the plane. They still had a few more minutes before the thing would completely submerge.

  Did the guy they saw have something to do with this? Was he connected with the package the man kept encouraging him to carry? If so, these guys meant business. I can’t believe I ever even hinted at carrying that parcel.

  “You do realize if someone did tamper with the plane, they meant for us to die.” Marshall’s eyes widened.

  A lump jumped into Colton’s throat. He nodded. “I was thinking the same thing. But why?”

  “I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

  A rumbling motor echoed from behind them. A police vessel pulled alongside the sinking craft.

  “We’re glad to see you guys. I thought we were gonna have to swim for it.” Marshall ran a hand down his face.

  “Are either of you hurt?” A uniform-clad officer gestured at the two.

  “No, I don’t think so.” Colton shook his head.

  The two policemen reached out to help them into the boat. Marshall turned to Colton and extended his hand. Colton grasped it and shook. They exchanged a smile.

  “We’ve been instructed to take you to the police station if you have no injuries,” one of the policemen said.

  “To the station? Why?” Colton crossed his arms.

  “I’m not at liberty to say.”

  Colton looked at Marshall. His friend shrugged and shook his head. Colton had never been in an airplane accident. Maybe this was protocol. Whatever the reason for the trip to the police station, his insides churned.

  Silence pervaded on the way to the station except for an occasional command. They were led into a room with an oval table. One of the officers gestured toward the chairs. “Please be seated. Someone will be with you shortly.” The officers disappeared into the hallway, leaving the door ajar.

  “Something’s up.” Marshall swiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

  “I wondered if this was normal for a crash.”

  Marshall narrowed his eyes. “I don’t think so.”

  Before Colton could voice another guess as to their detainment, Jordan waltzed into the room followed by another person. Wait. Charlie?

  Immediately, she crossed to him and gave him a side hug. “I’m so glad you’re all right.”

  She must have heard about the crash and stepped in to see if he was all right. Jordan probably passed on the information. How touching for her to check on me.

  Charlie stepped back and reached into her pocket, presenting a badge. “I’m a cop. I’ve been working undercover.”

  Colton’s mouth dropped open, and all of the air whooshed from his lungs. All along she hasn’t been honest with me. What a fool I must look like. “You mean, all this time…” His tone burst forth with a harsh edge.

  “Look, before you get all upset, let me explain. I had no choice but to keep this part of my identity a secret. I was told not to tell anyone. Actually, ordered.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Colton slumped in the chair.

  Jordan eased into a seat next to Colton. “Colton, she’s been investigating the drug trafficking case. She had no choice. But I can personally attest to the fact that it has made her crazy to keep this from you.”

  Marshall cleared his throat. “So is that why we’re here? To reveal Charlie’s identity?”

  Charlie leaned on the table. “No, actually, you two transported a parcel today.”

  Colton’s back stiffened. “What?”

  “There was a package in your plane when you went to Florida. It was retrieved when you arrived,” Jordan said.

  “It was drugs.” Charlie’s voice lowered.

  Marshall’s head jerked around and his gaze directed at Colton. He stared. “Did you know about this?” He spoke through clenched teeth.

  “No.” Colton waved a finger toward Marshall for emphasis and held his gaze.

  Marshall’s expression softened. He snapped a finger. “The man we caught getting into the plane. That had to be it.”

  Colton slapped his forehead. “I didn’t even think about it when we left Florida. It did come to mind while stranded on top of that sinking airplane.”

  Jordan slid to the front of his chair. “You need to tell us everything, or you could be detained.”

  Colton and Marshall related everything about the man approaching and the man they saw getting into the cargo area while they were in Florida.

  Colton crossed his arms over his chest. “But we never agreed to take any parcel. We had no idea that was in the plane.”

  Charlie slipped into a nearby chair. “Have you seen this guy who approached you recently?”

  Colton couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact with Charlie. He looked at Jordan. “In fact, yes. When we left, I think I saw him coming out of a hangar at the airport here.”

  “What? You didn’t mention that.” Marshall crossed his arms, matching Colton’s stance and glared at him. “You just told me about seeing Rusty in the lobby.”

  “I didn’t really think much of it.”

  Jordan exchanged a look with Charlie.

  Marshall ran a hand over his head. “Y’all, I have to at least call Emma or she’ll be worried if she sees the crash on the news.”

  “You’re being released. But don’t leave town,” Jordan said.

  “Are we in trouble?” Colton’s voice rose to a higher pitch.

  “One thing going for your innocence is that you have no money in exchange for the transport. That supports your story that you didn’t know that you carried the parcel,” Charlie said.

  “In addition to the fact that we were almost killed in an emergency landing,” Colton thundered.

  Jordan turned to Marshall. “Let me take you home. I know about a worried wife. You can call her on the way.”

  “Thanks.” Marshall stood and turned toward the door but stopped and flipped back around. He stepped near Colton and patted his back. “I’m glad we were together. I could have never pulled that landing off without you.”

  A lump blocked Colton’s throat. He couldn’t trust his voice at the moment. He just nodded.

  * * *

  Marshall’s chest ached and his limbs shook. He had to get home to Emma. Her pregnancy could be in jeopardy with the news of the crash and the question of his safety. He considered requesting Jordan to use his siren to arrive more quickly, but an approaching siren might jolt his bride too. Finally, Jordan dropped him at his house.

  The front door flung open and Emma raced down the sidewalk. She fell into his arms. “I was so worried. What happened?”

  Marshall waved to Jordan. “I’ll explain. It’s a long story.”

  They walked back into the house, Emma still clinging to him. He led her to the living room and sank onto the couch with her still by his side. He proceeded to tell Emma the whole sordid tale from the beginning.

  Emma’s eyes bulged. “So, Charlie has been working undercover this whole time?”

  “Yeah. That part shook up Colton pretty bad. He told me on the flight to Florida that he’s getting serious about her, but there were some mysteries. I guess he was right. He was angry.”

  “I can imagine. But I’m so glad you’re safe.” She cuddled up closer.

  “Everything’s fine now.” Marshall let the calm of silence envelope them until he recalled Emma’s plan for the day. He straightened and turned toward her. “I completely forgot about the appointment today until just now. How was it?”

  She swiveled her body his direction an
d looked him in the eyes. His stomach tightened. “Is everything okay?”

  “Doubly.” She grinned.


  Emma took his hands in hers and leaned in. “We’re having twins.”

  It took a moment for the revelation to sink in. Marshall opened his mouth to speak but nothing would come out. The emotions blocked the words in his throat.

  “I know. Me too.” Emma bit her bottom lip.

  * * *

  Charlie studied Colton. Should she speak? The conference room practically echoed in hollow silence. What was he thinking? He was sure to need to process everything that had happened today as well as the revelations she had shared.

  Suddenly, Colton stood and stomped out of the room. She followed him outside and caught his shoulder. “You know why I didn’t tell you, right?”

  “I guess. But do I really know you when you’ve been playing a part since you arrived?” He stroked his chin.

  “Yes.” She gazed directly into his eyes. Couldn’t he see the sincerity there?

  “Really? Because right now I feel rather foolish, and I don’t think I know you at all.” He crossed his arms and set his chin rock hard.

  “Please don’t be angry.” Did she sound like she was whining?

  “I was beginning to feel something for you.” Colton’s voice lowered and trailed off.

  Charlie laid her hand on his arm and looked into his eyes. “I feel something for you as well.”

  “Which Charlie has feelings for me?” He narrowed his eyes at her.

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “I’m the same Charlie.”

  Colton diverted his eyes from hers. “I need to go home and think. Sort things out.”

  “I understand. I’ll get someone to take you to the airport to get your car.”

  Charlie stood on the curb as the car pulled away from her. Colton didn’t look her way. An ache permeated her body. Time to head home herself. During the drive, she talked out loud. She wasn’t sure if she talked for her own benefit or in an attempt to speak to God.

  “I finally open up to someone, and now I may have lost him. Why do I have to lose everyone I care about? Are you listening, God? What did I ever do to you?”

  At least Colton didn’t die in the plane crash. If he had perished, she would have surely been knocked over the edge. Today’s happenings were overwhelming. The revelation of her true identity had to come out sometime, but she hadn’t been prepared.

  “Well, even if Colton never forgives me, at least he’s safe.”

  A knot formed in her stomach. Was Colton really safe? Those drug traffickers obviously planned on Marshall and Colton going down with that plane. When news spread of their survival, would they be in danger?

  Her hands trembled on the steering wheel. With all of the commotion, she hadn’t considered the drug traffickers’ reactions. She needed to speak with Jordan. Soon. She shoved the hurt from Colton’s reaction deep and concentrated on how to keep the two pilots safe from these drug suppliers.

  That’s it. She pulled into her apartment lot and rolled into a space. Scrolling through the contacts in her cell phone, she punched Jordan’s number.


  “Yeah. Listen. We need to make sure the media reports that the pilots of the plane feel that a fluke engine failure mixed with bad fuel caused their emergency water landing. We can’t let those drug dealers think Marshall and Colton know the real reason. I’m afraid for their safety.”

  “You’re right. Good thinking. I’ll have to make sure Marshall and Colton don’t give any other details either. I’m on it.”


  “You okay?”


  “It’ll all work out, Charlie.”


  By the time Colton arrived home and showered, darkness had fallen. His bed seemed to call to him. He settled between the covers, but sleep would not come. Rolling to his side, he squeezed his eyes shut, willing exhaustion to take over. His mind buzzed on.

  Finally, he slung the sheet and comforter back and fell to his knees beside the bed. In the silence, the plane crash replayed on the screen of this mind. He had survived putting an aircraft into water. “Oh, God, thank You for sparing my life and Marshall’s.”

  His wallet perched on the nearby dresser. How could he even consider carrying that parcel just for the cash? He hung his head, cradling it in his hands. “God, You’ve got my attention. I’ve known for a long time that money and things have become my focus. How could I let myself get there? I know better.”

  After a few more moments, he jumped to his feet. He resolved to sell the boat and motorcycle. And the first thing tomorrow morning, he would call Charlie.

  Settling back in bed, his tension eased, and he dozed off.

  * * *

  Jordan pushed the control for the garage door opener and eased his SUV into its spot. As he stepped from the vehicle, Alyssa rushed him.

  “Are Marshall and Colton okay?” Her voice quivered.

  He pulled her into his arms. “Yeah. They’re fine.”

  She sighed. “Thank God.” Stepping back, she gazed into his eyes. “Can you give me the real story or do I have to trust the TV news?”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Come on. Let’s go inside and I’ll give you what I know since I can now.”

  Jordan hopped onto a kitchen stool. Alyssa raised a mug toward him and he nodded. She filled the cup with coffee and pushed it across the counter then sat down.

  He wrapped both hands around the steaming brew and sipped. Looking his wife in the eyes, he explained about the crash, the cause, and Charlie’s real identity. He reached across the smooth granite and grabbed her hand. “Now you know why I couldn’t talk about Charlie. The captain swore us to secrecy about her identity.” He leaned closer. “So, I did meet with her alone a couple of times. But I had to. We were working.”

  Alyssa’s features softened into a smile. “It was silly of me to even think…”

  “But normal.” He kissed her forehead.

  “I’m guessing Marshall is home now?” She grinned.

  “Yeah, we released both him and Colton. Like I say, I don’t think anything will come of it. There was no exchange of money.”

  Alyssa pursed her lips and nodded.

  Jordan studied her. “What?”

  She shook her head and shrugged.

  “I think I might call Marshall and check on Emma. He was worried about her seeing the reports.”

  “You do that.” She giggled and sauntered out of the room.

  Jordan brought up Marshall’s number and hit send.

  “Jordan. Hey. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, man. I just wanted to check to make sure everything was fine with Emma when you got home.”

  “We’re doubly good, as Emma says.” Marshall chuckled.


  “We’re definitely having twins.”

  “I knew Alyssa was keeping something from me. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” Marshall cleared his throat. “What’s gonna happen with this drug thing?” His tone slipped into serious mode.

  “Nothing. Like Charlie said, there’s proof you two carried the parcel unknowingly. There was no money. And, as far as anyone knows, the plane had engine failure and bad fuel to blame for your water landing. Anyway, don’t think on that. You’re going to be a daddy. You concentrate on that and taking care of Emma.”

  “Thanks, Jordan.”

  He ended the call and rubbed his hand down his face. This whole scenario could have turned out much differently. Those twins might have lost their daddy before even having the opportunity to meet him. Jordan was beginning to understand why Charlie took this drug fight so personally. Determination lodged in his gut and he gritted his teeth. Time to nab some drug traffickers.

  * * *

  Colton awoke to stripes of sunshine lining his stomach from the blinds on the window. His head jerked to the clock on the bedside table. It
wasn’t too early. He punched send on Charlie’s number.

  He barely allowed her to answer. “I’m sorry for being angry. I was just in shock over the whole situation. I really can’t see myself walking away from what we have begun. But I guess I need to know if you still feel the same?” Colton plunked onto the side of his bed.

  “I do. And I want to come completely clean. Tell you everything. Now that I can.”

  “Tonight? Over dinner? Italian place?”


  A weight lifted from Colton. He would come clean with Charlie too. He would explain the wake-up call this whole situation had been for him. The decisions he had made before God last night should be out in the open. How would she react? A little knot embedded in the pit of his stomach.

  * * *

  Charlie plopped into the booth offered by the waitress. Colton eased into the seat across from her. His demeanor screamed guarded. How could she blame him? She would tell him the whole tale that made up her life. He may wish he’d never asked to know all about me, but I’m determined to not leave anything out.

  Charlie waited until they had ordered their food. “Now that you know I’ve been working undercover, I’m gonna tell you everything.”

  Colton propped his elbows on the table and acted as if he were getting settled in for a bedtime story. She stifled a chuckle. He looked adorable. But she couldn’t get distracted. “First, I need you to know that I did grow up here. I was the only child of my parents.” She continued to tell him about her parents and about the horrible situation surrounding their deaths. She added the more recent incident of losing her partner and friend to drug traffickers as well.

  Colton reached his hand across the table and laid it on top of hers. “Charlie, I’m sorry.” His expression was soft and his eyes kind.

  “I’m sorry I had to keep this secret from you. I would prefer nothing between us.”

  Colton bowed his head in a gesture Charlie interpreted as shame. “If that’s true, then I need to come clean.”

  A sharp pang lodged in her stomach. She braced herself for what he would say. Would her fears be realized? Was Colton involved in this drug operation?

  He gazed into her eyes. “I considered carrying the parcel for the money. I’ve gotten in over my head with things. But, no more.” His tone firmed. “I’m gonna sell the bike and boat. I have to get my priorities straight. I mean, I survived a plane crash into a lake.” He ran his hand through his hair. “God spared me. He’s got my attention. I need to get back to Him.”


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