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Out of Tune

Page 19

by Amy Sumida

  You're a little flushed, RS noted gleefully.

  “Can I have just a moment of peace, please?” I grumbled as I headed toward the bed.

  I considered showering first, but I was too tired for that. Between the roller coaster of my emotions and the numerous trips across the Realms, I didn't think I could stay upright long enough to make it past the sudsing. I yawned as I kicked my shoes off and unzipped my jeans.

  A soft knock came at the door.

  “Oh, what now?” I whined as I stomped over to it.

  I yanked open the door irritably to find Verin standing on the other side. His stare went from my face, down my chest, and to my open waistband. I scrambled to zip my pants and button them.

  “Forgive me for the interruption,” Verin murmured, his gaze shooting back to my face. “I know you're tired but... could we speak?”

  “Of course.” I waved him into the room. “What's up?”

  “I'd like to know what my mother said to you.”

  “Right for the jugular,” I muttered as I shut the door. It clicked ominously.

  Verin lifted a prompting brow.

  “I'm sorry; I can't tell you.”

  “Why not?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Because it would interfere with her payment.”

  “What?!” He growled.

  “We have an agreement,” I hurried to explain. “Your mother asked me to do something for her in exchange for her help.”

  “And you can't tell me what it is?”

  “No.” I grimaced. “And please, believe me when I say that I really want to.”

  Verin took a deep, calming breath. “Do I truly need to be here, Elaria?”


  He looked on the verge of saying more but my answer snapped his mouth shut. He processed then asked. “Really?”

  “I swear it. Why are you surprised? Daha said the same thing and he died to get that message to me. I don't think there could be a greater testament to the truth of it.”

  “I thought perhaps...”

  “Your mother was setting us up?” I asked in what I meant to be a teasing tone but came out sultry.

  Verin swallowed visibly. “I had considered it.”

  I almost told him about the RS then; about how the magic was faltering. But when I looked into his clear eyes and watched them warm, I couldn't speak the words. I saw several pairs of eyes over his; steady gazes from men I already loved. Even contemplating taking another man into my heart felt like a massive betrayal, regardless of their approval. Hope reared its shiny, happy head then and told me that maybe we could find another way. And if we did, telling Verin would be moot.

  “I appreciate your help, Verin,” I whispered. “I hope you get something in return; maybe a little adventure. A chance to see more of the surface world.”

  The heat left his gaze and a smile spread over his face. “I have to admit; I'm excited to see the city and to fight the Jinx.”

  “Not a lot of action under the sea?” I smiled back.

  “Oh, there's action,” he drawled. “Just not the sort that involves bloodshed. Well, unless you have savage tastes.”

  “Wow, you just smacked me in the face with that innuendo. I thought kings were supposed to be more subtle.”

  “You can say that to me with a straight face after meeting Zhavage?” He countered. “And what about your King Declan?”

  “Yeah, all right,” I conceded. “There's not much I can say in defense of Declan. Nor would he approve of me saying it.”

  Verin burst out laughing then caught himself as if it had taken him unaware. He stood there staring at me with a soft expression, his lips still touched by amusement. “I've missed you, Elaria.”

  The breath thickened in my throat. I couldn't draw it down or release it up. I just stayed there, forming a lump, as his hand lifted, slowly—so fucking slowly—to my cheek. He laid it there carefully, watching me for any minute flicker of displeasure, then increased the pressure of his palm until he cupped my cheek. The pad of his thumb brushed my bottom lip and sent electric pulses down my chest, tightening my breasts and releasing my breath in a shocked burst.

  Verin's gaze fixed on my mouth and a low sound rumbled past his lips. My stare roamed his face; the high cheekbones sharply lifting the pale, golden skin. The lips that weren't too thick or too thin, as firm as the man himself. The long nose with its flared nostrils as if he were constantly scenting prey. And that silken indigo hair framing it all. I freed another shaky breath across his thumb. Verin's eyes were hot turquoise again, and I could suddenly smell him; Dragon musk with a hint of salt. Like a fine caramel. My mouth watered. All I could think about was what he must taste like.

  His hand lowered, once more doing its slow glide. Over my jawline it went, tracing the column of my neck before coming to rest around the base. His thumb settled in the hollow of my throat and pressed over my increasing pulse. I swallowed and it shifted his touch. I had never been so aware of a hand before. The placement of every finger so clear to me that I could virtually see them without lowering my gaze. His pointer sat just beneath my jaw, the middle finger along my throat, the ring finger on my collarbone, and his pinky grazed the top of my breast. All of them warming from the heat building between us. Verin moved that dangerous little finger just slightly but it was enough to make my nipples harden.

  “Hades's hot balls!” I growled and jerked away from him.

  Verin's hand lowered and his lips twitched.

  “This isn't funny,” I chided him.

  “Hades's balls?” He asked in amused amazement.

  “Hades's hot balls,” I corrected then giggled. I ran a hand over my face. “I'm sorry; I not equipped to deal with this right now.”

  “Deal with what?” Verin's voice dropped again and drew out the words sensually. It sounded like a challenge.

  “Whatever this is.” I waved a hand between us. “What happened to not being interested in sharing a woman?”

  He grunted and it happened to be a sound I couldn't translate. Damn him.

  “Was that an 'I don't know' grunt or a 'you're right' grunt.”

  Verin chuckled. “It's a 'nothing has changed' grunt.”

  “I see.” Why did that send a surge of disappointment through me?

  “I'm sorry, Elaria. I almost wish I felt differently.”

  “Yeah. Me too,” I whispered.

  Verin grunted again, turned on his heels, and strode out of the room.

  “Okay, that's starting to get annoying again,” I muttered.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  I dreamed that Slate was trapped in a bottle and woke with his name on my lips. I sat up, panting through the lingering fear, and stared around the strange room. It took a moment for me to get my bearings. Right; the Jinn Palace. We had that bastard's name which meant we could force him out of Slate and soon, we'd have a place to put him once he was out.

  “Hold on, baby,” I whispered to Slate. “Just a little longer.”

  I got out of bed, showered, and dressed just in time to respond to a knock on my door. It was Torin.

  “We're having breakfast with the Jinn Royals,” Torin said after kissing me good morning. “The others are there already. Did you sleep well?”

  I grimaced at him. “I think I should have asked you to join me.”

  “Well, now you know better,” he teased then kissed me again.

  I took a moment to sink into our kiss and appreciate Torin. My hands coasted over the hard plane of his chest then around to his back. I pulled him closer. Felt his groan vibrate through his chest and into mine. His dark hair fell in a heavy veil against my cheek and his hand slid into my hair to angle my face against his. His kiss held desire but also a hint of desperation. Both emotions brought a violent response from me. I clawed him closer, just as desperate to feel the love he had to offer; to pull it around myself like a shield. Something to protect both of us.

  Torin made a low, guttural sound and lifted me. He didn't shove me
against the wall; he took all of my weight as if it were his right. Forearms braced under my thighs and hands kneading my ass, Torin held me still and ground his hardening shaft up against me. With my jeans between us, it wasn't enough and I nearly asked him to take us back into the bedroom.

  Then I came to my senses.

  “I'm sorry,” I whispered as I pulled out of our kiss. “I shouldn't have started that.”

  “Don't ever apologize for kissing me,” Torin's smile was tender and a touch adoring as he set me back on my feet. “Just give me a moment to ground some of this... energy.”

  I lifted a brow as I stepped back, and he closed his eyes. A brief tingle of magic touched my arms and I baldly watched as his erection diminished. Torin opened his eyes and winked at me.

  “Nice trick,” I said with approval.

  “It got me through our separation,” he confessed.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Utterly.” Torin grimaced and held out his hand. “Shall we? I think we've made them wait long enough.”

  I took his hand and we started down the corridor.

  “Why didn't you fetch me sooner?” I asked him as we quickened our pace. Not run, mind you; running in another royal's palace is generally frowned upon.

  “I tried but you didn't answer.” Torin glanced at my damp hair. “I assume you were bathing. If I were a smarter man, I would have gone in and joined you, but I decided against disturbing you.”

  “You joining me in the shower would be a disturbance I'd savor.” I grinned, my mood brightening with thoughts of a naked, wet Torin.

  “I'll remember that,” he promised with a sly look.

  He led me into a grand dining room; ornate but not large enough to host a party in. I assumed it was the Royal Family's private dining chamber, which made this an even greater honor. And I was late with wet hair.

  “Your Majesties,” I said as I walked in, “please forgive my tardiness and appearance. I was not expecting you to go through so much trouble for us.”

  “No trouble at all and apologies aren't necessary,” King Baha waved my words away. “We've been speaking with your ally, King Verin, and enjoying our morning beverages; no one has suffered hunger pains in your absence.”

  I inclined my head gratefully and took the seat Torin held out for me; one directly across from the Jinn Royals and between him and Declan. I murmured a good morning to everyone and nodded to the servant who offered me coffee. The aroma was enough to kick-start my brain.

  “I assume your son has told you our good news?” I asked the King.

  “Yes. Thus my smiling face.” King Baha chuckled as he waved at his grin. “Queen Elaria, you've given us hope when we had none. The Jinn are most grateful. Again.”

  “I've had a lot of help.” I looked pointedly at Verin. “We would never have been able to get the Jinx's name without King Verin's assistance.”

  Verin grunted dismissively.

  Grexed, RS insisted.

  Shut up, I said without heat.

  “Yes, we've already thanked King Verin for his part and asked him to convey our gratitude to his mother,” King Baha said. “But let's cease with such talk and endeavor to enjoy our meal together.”

  As if it were their cue, servers swept in through a door on the far end of the room, bearing platters of food. They rotated around the table, allowing us to serve ourselves from the platters. Honestly, I would have been happy with a bagel and some cream cheese but when you're a queen you can't snub your nose at offered food, even if it's disgusting (which it wasn't). You must take a little of everything, taste it all, and then try to shove down as much as you can. If I was in for another day like the one before, I'd need the fuel anyway.

  That's not the only fuel you'll need, RS said softly.

  How much time have we got?

  Fuck if I know, she grumbled. I can feel the hunger growing but when it will break me is anyone's guess.

  Try to hold on, RS.

  Yeah, I kinda figured.

  I'm with you, RS, Kyanite surprised both the RS and me by declaring. I will give you all the strength I can.

  Thanks, RS said in an awkward tone.

  Yes, thank you, Ky, I added.

  We're in this together, ladies, Kyanite said gruffly. We're a family.

  It went quiet inside my head; a good quiet filled with warmth and love. It was a nice change.

  We are family, in a way, I finally said. We share a bond even more intimate than those I have with my lovers. In the end, no matter how much they try to help us, it will be our strength and resolve that either saves or destroys us. I know I don't say this often enough but, I love you, both of you, and I'm glad to have you with me.

  The silence that followed my words was even more profound than the one preceding it and peace came with it; a calm that held the knowledge that whatever happened, we'd go through it together. Truly together; experiencing it almost as one entity. That was more than most people got. I was suddenly and profoundly grateful for them.

  Well, that's good cause it's not like you have a choice, RS finally broke the silence with her snark. You're stuck with us.

  Kyanite and I both laughed. I, unfortunately, did so out loud. Everyone at the table looked over at me in question.

  “Sorry. It's the voices in my head.” I grinned broadly.

  “Oh, that's right!” Queen Sabah exclaimed. “You have a... a spell and a stone who speak to you, correct?”

  “Yes, and they can be amusing when they aren't fighting.”

  “They fight?” She asked in surprise. “In your mind?”

  “Oh, yes.” I made an annoyed face. “It's enough to drive me crazy. Although, I believe hearing voices has already condemned me in that regard.”

  The Queen laughed. “You must share the joke they told you.”

  I went still. “Um...” I cleared my throat. “We've been having some problems, but we were sharing a rare moment of solidarity. I conveyed my gratitude for them; for having them with me. RS, she's the spell, decided to lighten the mood by pointing out how fortuitous my happiness is since I have no choice in the matter.”

  The Royal Family laughed but no one else did. My men knew exactly what problems I was referring to and how the RS was the source of those issues. They were not amused by her making light of our situation. King Verin, on the other hand, may not have known exactly what was wrong with me but he was shrewd enough to be concerned. The collection of those grim expressions dampened the Royal Family's humor.

  “Your Majesty, is there more going on with you than you've confided in us?” Prince Saif asked me carefully. “Because if there is, we would be honored to help you in all matters.”

  “Unless you'd like to fall madly in love with me, Prince Saif, I'm afraid it's not possible for you to help,” I spoke without thinking, trying for levity, but the gravity of the situation permeated my words.

  I also belatedly realized that I'd just let the proverbial cat out of its bag. Right in front of Verin. I winced, knowing there was a small chance that I'd done it subconsciously; the guilt of leaving Verin in the dark weighing on me too heavily. Either way, it was done, no going back now.

  The Queen whispered something in her native tongue; something that sounded sympathetic.

  “Well, I can't say the prospect isn't tempting.” Saif smiled at me, his eyes flaring brighter.

  The table went silent again and into that silence came a low, rumbling sound. My shocked stare shifted to Verin, whose stare—no, glare—was focused on the Jinn Prince. And I wasn't the only one gaping at the Blue Dragon's display; the whole table watched him with wide eyes; especially Prince Saif.

  “I was jesting! I merely sought to alleviate the pall.” Saif held up his hands in mock surrender and chuckled—a bit uneasily—while watching Verin as if he might pounce. “Love cannot be forced to bloom.”

  Verin settled back in his seat. As he did, an expression of horror slid over his face. He looked down at his plate and started shoveling food into h
is mouth with desperate gusto.

  “That being said,” Saif went on warily, “I can't imagine that it would be difficult for you to find a new lover, Queen Elaria. There must be droves of men who would kill for the chance to even be considered.”


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