Book Read Free

Time Torn

Page 8

by Ilse V Rensburg

  Dammit. Have I just stumbled into their meeting?

  “Where have you been?” The Captain bellows. The crew stand mutely behind him but I'm sure I see one or two of them smirk in response. A gust of wind ruffles my skirt. The escaping heat of the day brings with it all kinds of evening ocean smells. I rub at my arms which are smooth and salty from being beside the sea for so long.

  “I...” I cough. “I was looking for Jesse.”

  One of the crew members groans. I search their faces spotting a few eye rolls. Have I overused that line? It seems like the crew are tired of hearing it, and maybe they are. I would be if it's all anyone did or said around me.

  “Alone! At the time of the falling sun? I was about to send the men out searching for ye.” His tone is noticeably less gruff and more like a worried father.

  My reddening face softens in response. “I’m sorry,” I say lowering my head.

  He dismisses the crew. I wait until I hear them all leave before I look to the Captain again. He's standing beside me with his pipe in his mouth. As he lights it, I take the opportunity to make a suggestion without being cut off.

  “Uh... While I was out, I walked past one of the stations and I thought maybe we should take the train... To Paris I mean. It’s about three hours from here and maybe Jesse landed there?”

  Smoke billows from his nostrils as he replies. “Nah lass. Yer trains are the work of a devil. We could be destroyed walking into that metal contraption.”

  I'm momentarily surprised. “How do you know what a train is?”

  “Erthe has trains lass and I’d already considered it for ye.” Leaning close to me he continues with a hushed tone. “Now, don’t ye tell no-one but I heard that the lass Mechanics is involved with yer trains.”

  “Mechanic’s isn’t a woman Captain. It’s how the technology works. You get mechanical engineers and they work on things like trains. Their effort makes it safe for us.”

  His face in the fading light looks shocked. “Even more reason not to go! An army of demon women!” He looks to the sky as if asking it how it could be that such terrible things exist.

  I join him, but not for the same reasons. “Captain, just trust me.” I huff.

  “Ah, lass... It’s not only that. We had a meeting earlier and we can’t stay here any longer. We need the seven seas like ye need air ta breathe.”

  My stomach drops and with it, I feel a stabbing pain in my chest. I can’t breathe. Is this what happens when your heart shatters?

  “What do you mean? Do you want to leave? What about Jesse?” I lean against the bannister of the ship so that I don’t collapse. Tears already spilling from my eyes.

  “Lass, you said it yourself. The search is not going well. He could be anywhere. All we can do now is set sail for Solange and hope she can provide information.”

  Heaving in a deep breath I search for words and fail. “But Jesse?”

  “If he's anything like ye lass he is going ta be okay.”

  He hands me a stained handkerchief and I wipe my face. “Thank you.”

  The Captain makes sense.

  It doesn't mean I have to be happy about it though. We haven’t heard or seen from Jesse and that means he could be anywhere.

  I can understand how being on land might make them stir crazy too. I can imagine that I would be the same... at sea.

  It's time for us to move on from La Rochelle and the port of Biscay. I know that, but the idea wrenches at my gut.



  Cherry Tobacco. The scent is mild, like a shadow. I wiggle my nose. He whispers my name.

  I mumble under my breath. Annoyed that Riley is trying to wake me from the deep sleep I'd been enjoying. Opening my eyes, I gasp. Riley’s face is an inch above mine. He moves to the side and me, guided by my reflexes, shoot up, hitting my head on the planks above me. Colours swirl before my eyes and an ache thumps inside my skull.

  “Ow!” I moan, rubbing my head. My hair is rough and knotted beneath my fingers, the rubbing turns my hand into a magnet for my follicles as I pull it away.

  Bending over so that his face is level with mine he smiles crookedly at me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say his expression is almost sheepish, but Riley isn’t that kind of guy.

  “Sorry. The Captain asked me to wake you so you could get ready to grab any supplies you'll need before we depart.”

  “Uh...” I'm groggy. What is going on? My eyes itch from the sleep that still clings to my lashes. “Like shopping?” I ask. The word is so normal and yet it doesn’t fit into my world right now. When last had I even gone shopping?

  Careful so as not to hit his own head Riley nods. “Yeah. He gave me a bag of notes and told me to take you into town before we leave for, you know, woman stuff.”

  There it is. Either the Captain thinks he can bribe me into being happy to leave or he’s just being thoughtful. Either way, the idea of leaving still boils my blood.

  Flinging my legs over the bed I push past Riley and stumble into the darkened bathroom.

  My fingers search for the light switch. I let my hand slide down the wall as I remember that there hadn’t ever been one. We use candles and lanterns for that. Grabbing the greying cloth that hangs over a bucket beside the shower I wipe my face clean.

  “Maybe we should get you something other than that to sleep in.” Riley's voice carries from outside the open doorway.

  I wave my hand at him. I'd chosen a few large women’s blouses to sleep in. I know I look weird. They are like strange fitting dresses covered in lace and frills, but I'm starting to understand that Riley only ever says anything to me to get a reaction that will please him, and I'm not about to let that happen. Nope. Not today. I walk back into the cabin and select a bodice, a small pair of men’s breeches and leather boots to change into.

  Riley chuckles and it makes the hair on my neck stand up in annoyance.

  “Not very talkative at this time of the morning, are you?”

  Clutching my assortment of clothes to my chest I glare at him, my grogginess finally leaving me. “I wouldn’t call this morning,” I say, indicating the darkness of the room with my free hand. “Now excuse me while I change.” Storming into the bathroom I slam the door.

  After I slip out of my itchy makeshift nighty, I feel the oncoming guilt ball in my throat. Maybe I've been a little grouchy. I should apologize. I step out of the bathroom ready to do so and stop, horrified. Riley is leaning against the bunks. My only bra hanging from his forefinger like it's some kind of sea urchin.

  “What are you doing?” I try to yell but it comes out as more of a strangled squeak as I lurch forward, grabbing the faded undergarment from his hand.

  He scrunches up his nose. “I saw it on the floor. What is that?”

  He says it innocently but I know Riley. I can see the mischievous glint in his eyes. The question is anything but innocent.

  “It is none of your business is what it is Riley. Jeez. I need to get a new roommate.”

  He shrugs. “Good luck. The Captain won’t move anyone anymore since the Jamie incident...” He pauses.

  “I mean incidents.”

  “Mmmhmmm.” I know he wants me to ask him what he means but I'm not going to bite.

  “Yeah...” Riley grins. “But seeing Kevin covered in puke was well worth it.”

  Okay, now he has me. Returning my bra and my nightshirt back to the wooden chest that sits at the foot of my bed. I shut the lid and sit down on top of it, crossing my arms. “Why was he covered in puke?” I ask making sure my tone sounds as disinterested as possible.

  “Jamie likes the top bunks. If he doesn’t get his way, he throws these huge tantrums. Once he held his breath for so long, he passed out. No one really cared, but the Captain came in and saw him and got really irritated. So, he got the top bunk. He drinks a lot, so, as you can imagine drinking, top bunks and the movement of the ship... well, it doesn’t end well.”

  I pull a face. “Eeew.”

“So, he has gone through a few roommates. Kevin being his last. I suspect the Captain hopes they will teach each other a thing or two, but I don’t see it happening. The same happened to Kevin, and when Jamie was kicked out the Captain made it a rule that none of us could swap or change anymore. So, Jamie, like it or not, got the bottom bunk. Kevin still kicks him out most nights. He sleeps outside the door.”

  “That’s horrible.” I can't help thinking of his round dimpled face out in the cold at night.

  “I don’t think he notices. Half the time he’s so drunk he passes out that way.”

  I shake my head. I’m sure he isn’t that bad. I’d swap Riley for Jamie. At least Jamie wouldn’t be rifling through my underwear like a pervert. Not that I have any. Since the fall I have only what I've been wearing. I’d since decided to go commando. So maybe a shopping trip is actually a good idea.

  I stand, nodding.

  “What’s that for?” Riley asks.

  “Let’s go then. I need things.” I pause and search the room.

  It's dark, and not because the only window is small and round, but because there are no lights. The floor is dark wood with nails that cut your heels and catch at your toes if you walk on it without boots. We have a rug, it's currently pink, seafoam green and yellow, although I'm sure once it was made up of a mix of vibrant red, emerald green and white and I have no idea why it’s in here since all it ever does is trip us and slide around.

  Riley and I each keep our things in a chest of our own as the door that leads to a smaller room’s hinges are stuck, and from what I can see through a crack it's a mess of cobwebs and broken beams.

  I grin.

  “In fact... I think we all need a few things.”

  I expect what follows to be tedious and for Riley to make annoying jokes and drive me mental but, I have to admit, even with the jokes he's actually fun to shop with. I’ve already got a chest full of clothes I’d chosen from the pirates’ pillage pile but I do miss everyday clothes like jeans and shirts so we focus on that. I have to chase him from the lady’s underwear department on two separate occasions with my cheeks flaming, but in the end, I'm relieved that I finally have something supportive to wear again. Picking up my carry bags, I struggle to find a place for them in my arms as Riley pays, removing a pile of Euros from a beige pouch that's tied together with a gold string. I eye the money and lick my lips nervously. I'm sure he has enough to cover my plan, but first I have to convince him it's a good idea.

  Riley persuades me to try frog’s legs and escargot with him since it will be our last chance to do so. We sit down at a café after checking the menu they have pinned to the glass of a window to make sure they make what we want.

  He orders a plate of each which I regard uneasily as Riley knocks back a glass of wine. My appetite for anything other than vegetables and some fish hasn’t completely returned yet. I don’t know if it will, not until the memory of my charred skin fades, which is unlikely.

  “Just grab one and swallow it if you have to, you don’t have to chew if it’s that bad,” he says, pushing the plate of snails towards me.

  Ugh here goes nothing. Plucking one from the plate I swallow it in a gulp, pulling a face. It's rubbery and tastes like salt and butter.

  “And?” His mischievous smile is back.

  “Not too bad.” I pick up a frog's leg and examine it. It looks a little like a chicken leg. Putting it back on the plate I cut off a piece and pop it in my mouth. The meat is a lot like chicken and tastes like it too. I might have enjoyed it if I hadn’t known that I was eating a bit of frog, or that I was going off the taste of meat and the horrible images it brings to mind.

  I poke at the leg amazed that it actually belongs to a frog considering all the frogs I've seen at home are small slimy little creatures.

  Riley pays the bill and my stomach groans. I suggest Riley try Mcdonald's for the same reason he goaded me into trying the French delicacies. I'm rewarded with an exasperated sigh since he knows I've caught him and he can’t disagree. I watch as he savours the first bite of his burger, closing his eyes and smiling.

  Grabbing a handful of fries from the red and white carton in front of me and stuffing them into my mouth I chew slowly thinking of how best to phrase what I have to say.

  “So, I’ve been thinking...” I trail off.

  What is it with French fries that they are so yummy? With their melt in your mouth saltiness and delicious aroma. My stomach moans. I just want to devour the entire serving and then order another three but I know it's just my desire taking control so I hold back. Riley is waiting for me to continue anyway.

  “Ah.” I swallow and continue, “How about we organize a few improvements to the ship before we leave?”

  Riley places what remains of his burger back on to the tray we are sharing and wipes his hands together, lifting his right eyebrow he replies, “Like what?”

  I shrug. “Plumbing, heating, water and lights?”

  Two little girls run past us shrieking. The taller blonde grabbing hold of the shorter and darker blonde's elbow. They knock into our table as they race past us, the little one looking back at us with a curious expression as she goes. Riley frowns and I'm not sure if it is because of the children’s playful screams or because he thinks my idea is absurd.

  He grabs one of my chips, his own extra-large carton crumpled up beside his drink. “The crew would never agree and how do you know the Quinlin can even support improvements like that?”

  I push my chips towards him. Suddenly too nervous to eat. “I know they won’t” I sip on my drink, the ice clinking together from my movement. Can I survive the trip home with magic lanterns and buckets of water? Yes. Would I enjoy it? Probably not. “From what I’ve seen Quinlin isn’t a normal pirate vessel is she? You guys have cabins and a kitchen. Where did the Captain get her?”

  Riley shrugs. “As far as I know he took her the same way all pirates get the things they want, through theft and violence. She’s our version of one of your cruise liners but smaller. We don’t really have cruise vacations back home. There are more exciting things like blimps and glass boats that fly across the sea.”

  My mouth feels dry as I suck on my straw. I knew the Captain was a pirate, I’d just never imagined him as a violent, pillaging pirate. That fact kind of overwhelms the cool magical stuff Riley mentions. I swallow, raising my eyes to his. He’s staring at me with a smile that is quickly building into a grin. “And why did you ask me? Did you think I would be more susceptible to your charm?”

  My cheeks burn at the idea that Riley could ever find me charming. I rub at my nose, suddenly all too aware of the overwhelming smell of fresh burgers and frying potatoes.

  Riley’s words are on repeat and they make me want to laugh too, but a sad kind of horrified laugh because I know it isn’t possible. Dropping my hand to the hard surface of the table I shake my head. “Nope, I just noticed that you have access to the purse strings.” I raise my eyebrows, throwing a suggestive look to the pouch hanging from his hips.

  He laughs. “I should have known it wouldn’t be that simple with you. You’re all about the game-plan.”

  Fingering a serviette on the tray my chest constricts. What does he mean by that? Does he think I'm some kind of obsessed workaholic?

  “So, what first?” He asks, picking up his burger and taking a bite.

  My mouth curls with relief. If Riley is on board then convincing the Captain it's a good idea isn’t going to be impossible... and it's always good to have a co-conspirator.

  “We need to get the Captain out of the way before we can do anything, and then... Well, then we have to hire people who can get the job done on time. Of course, we’ll need to sell a few more things, maybe find a place that exchanges cash for gold?” Cramming what is left of my chips into my mouth I swallow hurriedly, eager to get started on planning. “Oh.” I pause. “And we have to make every single worker promise not to mention anything about mechanics!”

  Riley crumples the box his c
hips had come in and throws it onto the tray. “What do you say, Cris, are you ready to do some pirating with me?”

  THE FIRST PHASE OF my plan goes down without a hitch. Riley convinces the Captain to take most of the crew with them on a two-day excursion for supplies. The second phase is a bit trickier since not many companies can do such a large job last minute. I manage to rope a few specialists in though, which I admit, includes a decorator, as matching colours and fabric isn’t really my forte.

  The job is done in the nick of time.

  The exterior of Quinlin looking the same, while the interior resembles more of a luxury cruise liner - ironic since that’s what she should have been from the start.

  I'm just closing the pristine white shutter doors of Riley and my newly organized and colour coded closet when I hear the Captain’s bellow of surprise. My stomach swirls. What if he despises the changes? I click the doors closed, the LED lighting turning off inside as I do.

  Our cabin is so friendly and bright now. The panelled walls are the same vivid shade of orange as my old bedroom with horizontal white stripes on the far wall. The mottled carpet has been thrown out and replaced with hardwood and the small window has its own roller blind. It's cosy and I can’t wait to slip on my new pyjamas and slide between the Egyptian cotton sheets.

  Stepping out of my cabin and into the hallway I jog towards the stairs, my boots bouncing on the red and cream hotel-esque carpet. The decorator had recommended it since it was hard wearing and stain resistant.

  I increase my pace as I reach the stairs, taking them two steps at a time until I reach the landing of the Captain’s cabin. The door is open and the smell of fresh varnish and paint oozes out.

  My heart jolts as I step inside. The Captain turns to me with a quizzical expression.

  “Why does this place look different?”

  “I err... “I haven’t really thought as far as what I would say to him once he actually saw the changes. I guess a part of me had been too excited at the prospect and had hoped he would be too.


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