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House Of Storms: Dragon Guardians

Page 20

by Grove, Scarlett

  Chapter 15

  JoJo went to her room, arranged her clothes on the bed, and got in the shower. When she was done, she stood in front of the foggy mirror. Wiping her hand over the glass, she stared at herself. Looking deep into her eyes, she tried to understand who she really was.

  Zephyr had complimented her on her emotional stability in the face of the reality-shifting information that had come to her attention over the last several days. But the truth was, JoJo was still struggling. And now that she had come to find out the small scar on her neck was actually a vampire bite, she could feel the edges of her calm and collected manner beginning to break down and fray.

  She took a deep breath and let it out, reminding herself that she was British. She would remain polite and civilized no matter what the external situation might be. But deep down, she knew she couldn’t maintain it. It was getting to be too much. Her feelings for Hanish were not in any way diminished, but there was only so much that love and attraction could do. He had been a dear to her, and she was certainly feeling the effects of a budding romance in her blood. But with all this vampire business, she didn’t know how the two of them would get through it.

  She finished putting on her makeup and doing her hair before getting dressed and meeting the rest of the family down in the living room.

  “Are you ready to be tested?” Zephyr asked her.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” she said, trying to maintain a stiff upper lip. She smiled, but it was faker than she’d intended it to be.

  “Let us proceed to the basement,” he said.

  Zephyr led her down the hall, past the safe room and the bowling alley, to the last doorway. They then stepped into what was obviously the bridge of an advanced extraterrestrial spaceship.

  Her mouth dropped as she took in the sight of the holographic control panels and highly advanced technological equipment.

  “You can sit right there.” He motioned to a chair.

  She sat in a high-back chair and waited for further instruction.

  “Greetings, JoJo Morris,” a disembodied female voice said. “I am Azure, the shipboard AI for the House of Storms.”

  “Did your computer just talk to me?” JoJo asked, not sure what the social protocol was for such things.

  “Indeed. Azure is welcoming you aboard our ship.”

  “I apologize, Azure,” JoJo said. “I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “No apology necessary,” Azure said. “It is understandable that you would be unsure of how to respond to artificial intelligence.”

  “Shall we proceed?” Zephyr asked. “Azure, I would like to run a diagnostic on the effects of a vampire bite in JoJo’s blood and DNA.”

  “I will begin the physiological scan now. But we also need a blood sample.”

  “Very good.” Zephyr produced a device from one of the drawers in the wall. He brought it over to JoJo and began scanning her entire body. With the scan complete, he asked her to reveal her arm. She pulled back her shirt sleeve and set her arm on the armrest of the chair. Zephyr scanned her veins and pricked the crook of her elbow with his device. Blood began to channel from her arm into a vial. A moment later, he clicked a button, and the blood stopped flowing. He bandaged her arm with a piece of gauze and brought the sample to the computer dashboard. JoJo watched him as he dripped her blood onto an analysis plate and it uploaded into the computer system.

  “Blood analysis commencing,” Azure said.

  “Estimated completion time, Azure?” Zephyr asked.

  “Inconclusive, Lieutenant Zephyr,” Azure said.

  Zephyr sighed. “Very well. Please alert me when the analysis is complete.”

  “I will do so immediately, Lieutenant,” Azure said.

  “How are you feeling, JoJo?” Zephyr pulled a penlight from his pocket and examined her eyes.

  “I feel fine.”

  “You aren’t lightheaded?”

  “Not at all.”

  “You are free to go and proceed with the rest of your day,” Zephyr said.

  “I’m very interested to know what you find.”

  Zephyr nodded. “I will let you know as soon as I have any new information.”

  “Thank you.” JoJo left the basement and climbed the stairs. When she reached the top, she found Hanish coming down. He had a concerned look on his face.

  “You seem very worried. Is something wrong?”

  “Everything.” He brushed past her as if he couldn’t get away fast enough.

  JoJo crossed her arms, feeling less at ease than ever. She had just come to understand her feelings about Hanish, and now he was acting so distant.

  Her emotions got the best of her, and she held back a shuddering sob. Luckily, Raiden was shouting into a headset as he sat in front of the TV, playing one of his shooting video games. He didn’t look up at her or ask what was wrong. She didn’t even know what was wrong and would’ve had no idea how to answer. She just needed to be alone.

  Upstairs, she closed her bedroom door, checked the baby monitor, and lay down to take a nap. Maybe when she woke up, she would find that this had all been a bad dream. Maybe she would wake up to a reality that made sense, and she would be in control again.

  But that was not what happened.

  Chapter 16

  Hanish was coming up from the basement when there was a sharp rap at the door. He turned toward Raiden, who was playing one of his ridiculous games. He knew his friend wouldn’t get up, so Hanish answered it himself. On the other side of the door, he found a man in a uniform, holding a package.

  “Hanish Storm?” the man asked.

  “Yes,” Hanish said.

  “I have a package for you. Please sign here.”

  He signed for the package and closed the door. Then he stood in the entryway and ripped open the package. Once he pulled out the contents, his eyes drifted over the words—words he couldn’t even believe he was reading.

  Captain Hanish Storm,

  It has come to my attention that you are housing one JoJo Morris and that you believe she is your mate. I am pleased to inform you that JoJo Morris cannot be claimed by you because she has already been claimed by me. Any sense of connection, bonding, or duty you feel to the woman is misplaced. I am on my way from England and have been in constant communication with the vampire coven in the area. Due to JoJo’s considerable power, we will stop at nothing to make her one of us. You would be advised for the safety of your house and your son to comply with our demands, as it will be much easier for everyone if you help us bring my mate back to me. She is mine and always will be.

  Sincerely, Edgar Norton.

  Hanish’s heart dropped like a stone. Everything was falling apart, and he would never be able to pick up the pieces again. The woman he had come to love was not who he believed her to be. She had been claimed by another. And his dreams of having a mate and a family of his own were completely destroyed. Holding back sorrow and anger, he hurried to speak with Zephyr.

  He was about to open the basement door when JoJo stepped through. They had a brief and awkward interaction before he brushed past her, not knowing what to think or say. His heart hurt, and his head was pounding. His dragon roared with frustration, and he had no idea how to calm it or himself. He felt as though his dreams and his future were at risk. Everything he had ever wanted was fading away into darkness. He didn’t want to believe the words of the vampire. But the evidence was right there on her neck.

  Hanish stepped onto the bridge of the spaceship and found Zephyr sitting in front of the computer, reading the lines of analysis as they slid up the holographic screen.

  “Azure is unable to provide an accurate estimate of how long it will take to analyze JoJo’s blood. But I have already found some interesting anomalies I wanted to bring to your attention.”

  “What is it?” Hanish wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

  “I do see evidence of vampiric interference. After reviewing Cato’s work with his mate’s sister, Flora, I’
m fairly familiar with the change.”

  “But JoJo wasn’t changed into a vampire,” Hanish said, not understanding.

  “No, but she was bitten, so she would have received a smaller dose. My question is whether or not it will prevent a dragon claiming.”

  “Well, according to Edgar Norton, it will.”

  “Who is Edgar Norton?” Zephyr asked.

  “Apparently, he is the vampire who bit her. He sent me a letter by courier, stating that she cannot be claimed by a dragon mate since he claimed her first, and he’s now coming to take her away.”

  “That is an interesting development.”

  Hanish fumed. “Interesting isn’t how I would put it.”

  “I don’t mean to be insensitive, Captain, but we may be able to use this to our advantage.”

  “How can any of this be an advantage?”

  “I have observed your interactions with JoJo,” Zephyr said. “And if you don’t mind me saying, she seems quite smitten with you. She’s not a woman who is harboring any feelings for another man.”

  “You think so?”

  “I have studied human females fairly extensively in my research on mating, and by all accounts, JoJo seems to only have eyes for you. The vampire claims she cannot be bonded by another, but I have yet to see proof of that. It will require more research and a completed analysis of her blood until we can know for sure if his bite can prevent your claiming bite from transforming her body and blood.”

  “Read this letter.” Hanish showed Edgar Norton’s letter to Zephyr.

  He read it quickly and handed it back, waving his hand dismissively. “We know enough about these vampires to know that they will say and do just about anything. I wouldn’t take this communication seriously, sir. It is just an attempt to undermine your confidence. They’re trying to get something. They obviously know that JoJo is powerful, especially after the attack on your way home. I heard they pursued Aria relentlessly for her power, and I wouldn’t doubt they did the same thing to JoJo.”

  “I will kill them myself.”

  “With Aria away, our ability to defend ourselves is waning every day.”

  “When will she be back?” Hanish asked.

  “Aria and Aiden are taking a break from the tour to visit in two days.”

  “Let us hope that it is soon enough.”

  “Do you fear the vampires will take some sort of action?”

  “They already have.” Hanish pointed to the letter. “Double our defenses. The house is on red alert.”

  “Yes, sir,” Zephyr said. “I will inform the House of Flames of the situation.”

  “I prefer you only share the news with Cato and Kian under strict confidence. I don’t want the information about my mate getting out and affecting the way anyone interacts with her.”

  Zephyr nodded. “I can see the wisdom in that.”

  “Let me know when you have any updates about JoJo’s condition.”

  “I will let you know immediately. But may I ask you a question, sir?”

  “Of course.”

  “If the results are unfavorable, what do you intend to do?

  “I don’t know, Zephyr.”

  “Have your feelings for JoJo changed?”

  “I hope I’m a better man than that. But I can’t help but feel a sense of jealousy at the idea that she may have been keeping something from me.”

  “May I be frank with you, sir?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “I think you’re taking all this the wrong way, and you should give JoJo the benefit of the doubt.”

  Hanish sighed heavily and looked down at his hands. “You’re right. She deserves better. She deserves my trust and loyalty. She’s shown me so much trust coming into this strange situation. And how have I repaid her? By suspecting her after hearing what are most likely lies from an unknown monster. I am ashamed of myself.”

  “It is perfectly understandable. But if I were you, I would not share your suspicions with her. Let them resolve naturally.”

  “This is why I depend on your counsel. You have never steered me wrong in all of our years together.”

  Zephyr bowed slightly. “I continue to try to be of service.”

  “I am going to speak to JoJo.”

  “Are you going to tell her about the letter?”

  “Do you think it is unwise?”

  Zephyr thought for a moment. “I believe it could be beneficial to be honest. But everything that has happened in the last several days is already extremely alarming. I would hesitate to add more.”

  “I can see your point. I will try to refrain from alarming her. But I believe I should speak with her about this.”

  “She has a right to know,” Zephyr said in agreement. “That is probably the right attitude, Captain.”

  “I’m glad you agree.”

  Hanish left the basement, feeling slightly less confused and angry than he had been, and passed Raiden on the way to the living room. “Are you still playing that video game?”

  “I enjoy it, so why shouldn’t I?” Raiden shouted a profanity into his headset.

  “Shouldn’t you be doing something useful with your time?”

  Raiden flicked him a glance. “Like what?”

  “Like finding your mate.”

  Raiden scoffed. “What’s the point?”

  Hanish felt irate. “What’s the point in finding a mate? Every dragon wants a mate.”

  “I don’t need one.”

  Hanish gaped at him. “Whyever not?” His voice was harsh as he stood at the end of the couch.

  “I have everything I need already.” Raiden smashed the controller, yelling at his team through the headset.

  “How is that?”

  “I have Flora. She’s my friend. She’s the only female I need in my life.”

  “Are you sure Flora isn’t your mate?”

  “She’s not my mate.” His tone was matter of fact.

  Hanish shook his head. “You are an odd man, Raiden.”

  “Thanks,” Raiden said with a wide grin.

  Chapter 17

  JoJo rose from her nap at the sound of knocking at her door. When she answered it, she found Hanish standing on the other side with a sheepish, unsure look on his face that was wholly unfamiliar to her.

  “What is it?” she asked hesitantly.

  “I need to speak with you,” he said. “Can I come in?”

  “Yes, of course.” She stepped aside. “What is it?”

  “I’ve received some distressing information.”

  “Oh?” Her heart rate sped up. This whole mess was already difficult for her; she wasn’t sure if she could take any more.

  “I received a letter by courier just a few moments ago.”

  “What was it?” she asked, her curiosity rising.

  Hanish handed her the letter. “Read it for yourself.”

  She took the paper with trembling hands, feeling as if her control of her world was slipping further away with each passing moment. JoJo read the paper, but the words seemed to be in a foreign language. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She read it over four times before it finally sank in.

  “He’s coming for me?” she gasped.

  Hanish tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. “How do you feel about that?”

  “Terrified,” JoJo said, handing the paper back to him. “I never thought I would see the man again. I had no idea the aggressive boy I knew in college was a vampire. And now that I’ve finally found someone that could make me happy, he threatens to tear it all away from me.”

  “You think I could make you happy?” Hanish asked. He seemed so unsure of himself, so far removed from the swift, competent captain she’d come to know. But the situation was having a similar effect on her. JoJo was usually so efficient and precise, but at the moment, she felt muddled and incapable of organizing one thought in front of the other.

  “I did,” she said. “I had hope for my life, for our life together. I thought it was a turning po
int for me, that instead of always serving other people’s families, I may actually be able to have one of my own, with you. The nights we shared together were so special to me. It’s beyond my ability to express how much. But now you seem unsure.”

  “Nothing has changed.” Hanish crossed the room and gathered her into his arms.

  “I can understand how you feel,” she said. “This is a very trying situation. But you must believe me when I say I never had any feelings for Edgar. He was a disgusting lout, and after he bit me, I never wanted to see him again. And I never have. I don’t know what has given him so much confidence, but I intend to find out.” She slapped her fist in her palm and set her jaw. When JoJo made up her mind about something, it happened. She wasn’t going to let this vampire destroy her chance at happiness.

  “What do you intend to do?” Hanish asked.

  “I want to confront him. How dare he say I belong to him? I should have reported him to student security. I’m sure he would be singing a different tune now.”

  “He is apparently in communication with the local vampire coven, the same people who attacked us on the road the other day.”

  “We need to send them a message once and for all that I am not and never will be one of them.”

  “We could send them a letter,” Hanish suggested.

  JoJo fisted her hands at her sides. “I’m afraid that’s not nearly forceful enough.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “I suggest we go over there and let them know in person.”

  “I’m afraid that is impossible. It isn’t safe.”

  “I can’t just sit here and do nothing while there’s some monster out there claiming that I am his mate.”

  “I agree.” Hanish took her in his arms and kissed her forehead. “But we can’t attack until Aria returns. Without her song, we are unable to make contact with the vampires. Even with the upgraded weapons, it is impossible to defend ourselves without her buffer.”

  “But I can make contact with them using my power. I always have. They’ve never been able to touch me.”


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