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Fake Fiancée

Page 7

by Clara Reese

  Gina smiles at Patricia. “We met during the rebuild of the chalet that Dawn is overseeing – you guys know all about that, I assume?” They all nod and Gina continues, spinning a wonderful tale about how we uncovered some beautiful wooden floorboards in one of the sitting rooms, and how she stepped backwards and tripped on a hammer and I caught her. I’m impressed by her ability to weave fact and fiction together like that.

  “And then we started spending all our lunches together, and then Dawnie started taking me home at night and then we had dinners and it all just sort of spiralled really.”

  I blink when Gina calls me “Dawnie”. No one has given me such a cutesy nickname in a long time, and I think if it were anyone else it might have bothered me. But coming out of her mouth filled with such brilliant emotions it kind of makes me smile instead.

  “Yeah, and I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to jinx it,” I chime in. “You all know how oblivious I can be. Always putting my foot in my mouth and ruining good things.”

  “Yeah, almost as bad as Gabby,” Patricia teases, and I laugh as Gabby shoves her in mock outrage.

  Charlotte nods. “Yeah, I understand. Well, I don’t, but we’re your sisters and we’re here for you whether you’re being an oblivious prat or not. But I do understand. If you get me.”

  “Nobody gets you,” Gabby adds, deadpan. “Maybe you’ve still got baby brain.”

  “I get you,” Gina vows loyally, and Gabby gasps.

  “Hey! Suck up to me, not to her, will you? Nobody ever sucks up to me.”

  I smile happily. Not only is my little group back to its usual banter, but they’re even including Gina in it. She seems to have made quite the impression, and I’m surprised at how fun it’s been to listen to her talk about our “relationship” and making up little anecdotes to tell the girls.

  I sneak a glance at Gina. She’s so expressive when she talks, waving her hands around in wild gestures. And her face lights up too, like when she was talking about her brothers. I can’t believe I’ve gotten this lucky, to have found such a smart, beautiful, wonderful woman to do this with.

  A light cough from Charlotte lets me know that my glance wasn’t quite as subtle as I thought it was. I can feel myself blushing and wonder what’s happened to me. I never used to be this soppy, did I?

  Every now and again Gina touches my arm, and every time I feel electricity shooting through me. My attention is drawn to her lips, thinking about how amazing it was to kiss her. I wonder when I’ll get to kiss her again?

  “Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.” The chant starts off relatively subtle, but by the time they all join in the tables around us are starting to look around. I blush again fiercely and look at Gina. She’s smiling playfully and raises an eyebrow slightly, questioning whether I’m on the same page.

  I nod minutely and we both lean forward. As our lips collide I can dimly hear someone – Gabby, most likely – whooping, but I’m distracted by how soft Gina’s lips are against mine. This time is even better than the last, and I find myself hoping in vain that I’ll never have to stop. I wonder if I should have asked her out for real sometime before this whole mess, and whether Gina would have said “yes” to a proper date.

  Charlotte is the first to leave in order to get back to Katrina and the baby. She hugs both of us, which touches me. Gina and I make our excuses next, and Patricia and Gabby follow Charlotte’s lead. Gabby hugs Gina for a lot longer than she does me, and I’m amused that Gina has made such an impression on her.

  We get back into the car and head for Gina’s apartment to collect some of her things. We decided this morning that we should start living together to make it seem more realistic, and it makes the most sense for Gina to move in with me. I can’t lie...I’m curious to see what Gina’s apartment is like.



  Of course...the one time I bring over a girl the elevator isn’t working. It’s as cantankerous as the landlord, which I usually don’t mind; I can easily climb the four flights to my rooms. But it’s extra embarrassing today with Dawn at my side. She’s so immaculate and perfect and nothing about my building is either of those things.

  I’m also very fond of the rusty bannisters and the way that everyone is up in everyone else’s business. Miss Crosby lives on the same floor as the Johnsons, a family of five, and the Johnson kids spend half their time over at Miss Crosby’s place playing with her Jack Russell (which she is definitely not supposed to have).

  A young couple moved in three months ago, and after a week of living here they’d had cookies the kids made, goulash from Mr Werner, a small bag of tea from Miss Crosby, and Mrs. Crouch promised to knit them a blanket before winter. It’s loud and messy, and as we climb, the children shout over about wanting me to show them how to build a catapult. Yes, they’re terrors, but I love living here.

  We’re finally at my door and I send Dawn a small smile while I fumble for the right key. I’m suddenly nervous at the idea of her seeing my cramped and cluttered apartment. I bet her place is all kinds of luxury and she’s never had to sleep on a single-sized bed in her life. She smiles back and the warmth in her beautiful eyes gives me the courage to open the door and only wince a little bit at the creak of the hinges.

  I can’t afford much, especially with the bills for Carlo’s medical treatments and putting aside money to help the twins through school. I’ve lived here for years now; it’s cheap and I can live on my own, which suits me just fine. There’s a tiny bedroom, a kitchen/living area, and the smallest bathroom known to mankind. The wallpaper has faded in patches from the sun that straggles through the living area window, and the carpet is worn down in patches until it’s almost threadbare.

  “Oh my god,” Dawn says breathlessly, and I shoot a glance at her, half-ready to defend the shabby little place that I’m living in, but her face is alight with pleasure. “Look at the wallpaper!” She hurries over and runs her perfectly manicured hands over it with light touches.

  “I don’t think it’s been decorated since the 80s,” I say with amusement. I’ve certainly never seen anyone react like that before.

  “It definitely hasn’t! It’s classic paisley and absolutely amazing. I love it! Oh and look at the pictures on your fridge! Who did them?” She’s spun and is now crouched next to my tiny fridge, with my niece and nephew’s sketches plastered over it. “My brother’s kids,” I say proudly, pointing at the carefully drawn purple flowers on a ‘We love you auntie’ card that was handmade and all the more precious for it. “They’re budding artists.”

  “So I see! These are adorable. How old are they?”

  I tell her all about them as I pull my little tin of tea out of the single cupboard, then put tea bags into the only two matching mugs I own. I’m about to pour the water when Dawn interrupts, shyly asking if she can have the mug with the yellow suns painted on it. I have to laugh as I pull it down. My family painted each other mugs for Christmas one year, and this was Stefano’s idea of a joke, painting me the ugliest mug he could manage.

  It’s all blues and yellows and suns making faces and it’s atrocious, but it’s obviously making Dawn laugh, so I switch it out and make her tea the way she likes it. “Ready to get started on the packing?” I ask, trying not to notice the way her eyes catch the light of the sun.

  “Absolutely,” she says, cupping the mug to her chest with a grin. “Lead the way.”

  I take her through to my bedroom, which is always in a state of controlled chaos. I work such irregular hours, running between jobs, that keeping the main area of the flat clean is the most I can manage. “Do you mind going through that pile and finding a bunch of tops?” I point at a pile of clean laundry on the foot of the bed. “I’ll see how many of my favorite pairs of jeans I can fit into this bad boy.”

  My suitcase is ancient, and a younger, more naive me plastered it with stickers from all the Broadway shows I could get my hands on. It’s roomy, which is good, and I usually keep half my stuff in it, because it’s
not like there’s room for a dresser. I start rooting through and tossing out old sweaters that I’m unlikely to need during my stay.

  Dawn sits on the bed, her gorgeous legs tucked under her as she goes through my clothes with a critical eye and cheerful enthusiasm. If it looks like she’s picking a lot of my green tops, that’s fine. I’m not going to say anything against her apparent fondness for my eyes.

  Fuck she’s sexy. Her hair is soft around her face, and she bites her lip as she picks through a series of t-shirts, trying to find the ones she likes best. Suddenly, all I want to do is see how her lips taste under mine.

  It would be a bad idea to get involved, but it’s getting harder and harder to remind myself of that fact. I manage to sort out my jeans and underwear, so I start packing the tops that Dawn picked out in around them. As I reach for a cute black t-shirt, Dawn puts a top down on it and our hands meet.

  It feels like my skin is on fire where we’re touching, and I’m not sure that I can breathe. Dawn looks at me, her warm brown eyes hooded and full of the same heat I can feel rushing through my veins. I don’t know which of us moves first. I’m not sure that it wasn’t both of us at once. We meet in a mash of lips and tongue in the most amazing kiss of my entire life.

  I gasp as we pull apart, every reason why we shouldn’t be doing this feeling far away and hazy. There’s something pulling us together, a magnetic attraction that I should probably fight, but really don’t want to. Dawn shuffles back on the bed so I can slide over on top of her.

  Her hands grasp at me and pull me close, into another searing kiss. I’m straddling her hips and she is disheveled and beautiful under me. I kiss her again, sliding my tongue into her mouth. I feel like I could keep kissing her forever. It’s like she’s everything I need in the world.

  When we finally break, we’re both panting, and I’m delighted to see that Dawn looks dazed and giddy, her lips well-kissed and swollen. “Is this okay?” I whisper, stroking my hands gently down her arms. It feels like this is something we both want, but I need to be sure, considering how we’ve talked about not bringing a sexual thing into what we’re doing.

  “I’ve never been more okay with anything in my life,” Dawn says huskily, grinding her hips up against me. “Are you okay with this?”

  “Hell yes.” I try to put into my next kiss just how okay I am and she moans, her mouth falling open as I bit her lip gently.

  “I love how you’re pinning me,” she whispers as I pull back and I laugh a little.

  “Is that so?” It’s the work of a moment to pin her wrists above her head as I nibble lightly on her neck, loving the way she writhes and bucks under me. After a couple of moments I feel so turned on that I can barely take it. I sit back and start taking off her clothes a little at a time, caressing every inch of exposed skin until she’s naked and bucking beneath me.

  I fondle her breasts gently, pressing down lightly until she makes a soft whimpering noise that makes me want to take her right that second. She’s so fucking hot.

  I make my way down to her pussy, smiling in delight as she spreads her legs wide for me, canting her hips upwards to give me the best access she can. My first taste of her is delightful as I curl my tongue around her clit and she cries out. I’m going to make this so good for her.



  Gina’s hands are like velvet and satin on my skin. Her grip is firm, but gentle, her touch light as down.

  I love how she takes control, but she never makes me feel like she’s taking advantage of me. When she pushes me back against the mattress, I fold easily towards it.

  It’s not like being with Tiffany at all. Tiffany was a selfish lover all around, but her innate abusive nature always came out in sex.

  I was always afraid to let go. I thought if I truly gave in to the act then she would actually hurt me. She played on that constantly, always biting, squeezing or slapping just a bit harder than what was needed. She would wait for me to react, and her smirk when I winced told me everything I needed to know about her.

  As I lie back under Gina’s hands, she runs her fingers down my body gently. She puts a little pressure on my breasts, just enough to make my nipples pucker up and goosebumps flare across my belly. My inner thighs feel like they are lit up like landing lights.

  I raise my hips just a little as Gina’s face reaches my pussy. I feel her hands on my thighs and I open up my legs for her, throbbing in anticipation.

  When her tongue wraps around my clit my shout of joy rings off the ceiling. I hear Gina make a small sound of satisfaction before she starts lapping in long, slow strokes right across my clit and inner lips.

  I can feel the pressure building inside me, but Gina’s not going to let the wave hit me too soon. She slows down, pressing her lips right into my pussy and stroking at the inside with the firm tip of her tongue.

  A low moan comes rising from my throat and spirals up into a yell as Gina works her tongue and lips between my pussy and my clit. She grips my ass cheeks, dragging me up towards her as I start to writhe. I can feel my orgasm coming and my yells are starting to come out short and sharp.

  I can hear Gina moaning too, and it only excites me more. It sounds like she’s coming just as hard as I am.

  I feel her drop my ass back onto the mattress and slide on her belly until her tongue finds my slick cave again. I can feel her grinding on the bed while she eats me, her short moans slipping out from between the heat of our bodies.

  The pleasure escalates and Gina’s tongue works harder, faster. She keeps up the pressure on my clit, darting down to my pussy every few seconds. The pleasure bombards me from both places, my orgasm rocking through me until I can feel waves of cum pouring right into Gina’s mouth.

  I can feel her rocking and grinding down there, letting out small happy noises as she comes, eating my orgasm at the same time. Both of us coming at the same time at the height of such an intimate act takes my pleasure to some other level. I feel like my nerves are ringing and I’m not even in my body anymore.

  Waves of pleasure roll against me and toss me gently from side to side. Gina moves upwards, gripping my thighs in her arms as she tugs me even tighter towards her. Then she rolls onto her back and pulls me with her so I’m straddling her face.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been on top before. Not really. Certainly not with Tiffany. I feel out of sorts for only about five seconds before Gina’s tongue starts working at me again. I forget everything, writhing on her face and bucking my hips up and down as she grabs at my ass.

  I grip the top of her head, leaning forward. Her eager lips and tongue tell me she’s loving every minute of it, so I push forward from my hips and grind my clit into her soft mouth. Her hands grab my ass and squeeze as I start to come again. Nothing matters except this point of hot, slippery pleasure and the amazing woman who is giving it to me.

  When my orgasm rages through me, leaving me shattered and trembling, there’s only one thing I want to do, and that’s eat Gina’s pussy twice as hard as she just did mine.

  When I try to move, Gina’s hands grip my thighs. She mumbles as she buries her face in my pussy again. The message is clear: she’s not done yet..

  I wriggle around a bit, trying to turn. I feel her hands relax for a couple of seconds as she lets me face the opposite direction. As I settle above her, I hear her sigh, long and low, full of contentment. Her hands reach up and stroke my ass cheeks as her tongue finds its way into my pussy again.

  I run my hands down Gina’s thighs, face fixed on her pussy. I can see her clit winking at me from beneath the outer hood and I reach forward with one finger, gently parting the lips so I can see the juicy lips underneath.

  She wriggles under me as my hand finds her clit. I touch it firmly with one finger then run it down into her wet pussy. I slide my finger all the way in, feeling how hot and tight she is inside. She pauses in her attentions on my pussy as she lets out a deep, rough moan.

  I tease all the way back up to the clit again,
circling it gently. She stops eating me out altogether as her head falls back and she moans at the ceiling.

  I put my hands back on her thighs, just admiring her. Then I lean down, press my lips to her clit and suck on it.

  She yelps under me, bucking and twisting, grabbing my thighs and ass. I keep sucking, pressing my tongue down on her clit and flicking it. She grips my ass so hard I can feel her fingernails digging in, and cries are tearing out of her throat.

  Slowly, I lick my way down the sweet inner lips all the way into her pussy. I press my mouth in between those petals to run my tongue along the edges of her slit, feeling her thrashing under me as I keep up my slow, careful attention.

  I’ve got my tongue inside her when she starts to shiver. I know I’m going to make her come and I keep up my work, tongue and lips moving with slow purpose. Just when I think I’ve got her exactly where I want her, she locks her arms around my legs and drags me down to her mouth.

  When her lips press into my pussy, I let out a cry, pausing in my attentions to let the pleasure shock through my spine. As she drags me closer to her mouth, I grab her thighs and put my mouth right between her legs again.

  Both of us are holding the other tight, refusing to give an inch. My tongue is delving deep into her pussy and spoiling her clit, while Gina works my pussy with firm, fast strokes.

  Her arms grip my thighs even harder and I can feel trembles right through her. Even though it’s almost impossible to concentrate, I pull myself even closer to her and lavish attention on her clit and pussy.

  Just as she starts to writhe and moans rip out of her throat, I feel my own orgasm building. We cling to each other, waves of pleasure punctuated by cries of joy. It’s like a melody the way the energy flows back and forth between us.

  My orgasm is twice as intense as any I’ve had so far. With Gina coming underneath me my excitement shoots through me and the pleasure shocks through my skin, chasing over me like fire, goosebumps scattering across my skin as I throw my head back and howl.


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