Star's Storm
Page 20
“Again,” he grunted out.
“Again?” Star asked dazed. “Are you serious?” She felt like she didn’t have a solid bone in her body.
Jazin’s eyes blazed and a wicked grin curved his lips. “I am well rested now. Again.”
Star giggled and shook her head. “Well Mr. Well-rested, I need a shower.”
Jazin’s eyelids lowered and the grin on his face turned even more wicked if that was possible. “Good idea.”
Star should have known she was in trouble from the grin on his face. Her startled squeal drew a chuckle from Jazin as he pulled out of her body and scooped her up into his arms rising from the bed in one fluid motion. She gripped his shoulder as her head spun from the rapid movement. Jazin called out the command to start the cleansing unit and stepped into it with her still in his arms. He set her down long enough to reach out and snagging a drying cloth. Star watched in confusion as he ripped it into strips. She sputtered when he grabbed her wrists and tied them together. Above the shower unit was a bar that could be used to hold onto if necessary. He flipped one end over it before he tied it around her wrists again. With a pull, he lifted her up off her feet until she was hanging in front of him. The only choice she had was to either hang from the bar or wrap her legs around his waist or over his shoulders.
She bit her lip before she lifted her leg up and put one slender thigh on each shoulder. This move opened her up to him, thrusting her hips forward and tilting her breasts upward. The deep growl of approval told her she had made the right choice.
“Now what?” She asked looking down at the dark head of her mate.
“Now this,” he said, opening her to him.
Star’s choked scream and the tightening of her thighs around his shoulders told him she like liked him attacking her clit with his rough tongue. He licked, sucked, and nipped at it until she was struggling and begging him to give her release. Every time she would get close, he would pause or bite down on her clitoris until she was still again. He would train her to come on his command.
“I want you,” she wailed out when he built her to exploding again then denied her.
“Only when I tell you,” he growled out in satisfaction as the warm water washed down on them like the soft rains back home. “Tell me who you belong to,” he purred against her as he slid two of his fingers deeply into her.
Star pulled up on her arms and looked down into Jazin’s eyes as he stroked her slowly in and out. She fought to keep her eyes open as the tightening inside her body built again. “You, only you.”
“Come for me,” he responded as he pushed deeply into her at the same time as he clamped down on her swollen nub again with a mercilessness that pulled a shattered scream for her as her body exploded at the fierce attack.
Jazin never released her gaze as he drank the sweet crème pouring from her like a river suddenly escaping from the dam that had held it back for too long. He pulled back, sliding her legs from his shoulders. Rising, he turned her until she was facing away from him. He pulled her back and pushed through her swollen, over-sensitive lips until he was buried as deeply as he could go. He pulled on her distended nipples even as she fought against the invasion. Her body was on overload from his careful manipulations. He had wanted to heat her until she was mindless. He had succeeded. She was mumbling wildly as he took her ruthlessly, pouring his seed into her again and again until he felt the moment her body opened to his and accepted it. He bent forward, biting down on her shoulder as she sobbed out begging him to let her come again. As his cock expanded and his hot seed poured into her, he pulled back enough to tell her to give him everything inside her. Those heated words of need washed through them both as her body responded to his in complete surrender.
Jazin held onto Star’s limp body. He was still too hard to withdraw from her yet. A part of him knew he should be ashamed over what he had done but he refused to feel any remorse. He was being selfish. He didn’t want to take any chances of something trying to take his mate from him. If they returned to his world and her parents tried to influence her feelings for him or there was another male from her past who wanted to stake a claim it would be a moot point. She would only respond to his body now. Not only that, she carried the heir to the House of Kassis. As such, she could never be taken from him except by death. He had sealed her to him completely, forever as she had asked.
He reached up and untied the strips of cloth he had used to tie her with. Giving the command, he switched the heated moisture of the shower to the soft, warmth of air that dried their bodies. He carefully pulled free of her body when he had softened enough to do so without causing either of them pain. Even so, he was still semi-hard. That appeared to be a constant state for him ever since the little warrior had come into his life.
He turned her gently in his arms, pressing her head against his shoulder as he stepped out of the cleansing unit. He carried her into their living quarters and laid her gently down on the bed. Reaching down, he tenderly brushed her hair away from her still flushed face. He waited patiently until her eyelashes fluttered before her eyes slowly opened. He raised the hand he clutched in his large hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
“Wow!” She said with a husky, shy laugh.
Jazin chuckled. “Wow.”
“If I didn’t get pregnant from that we are definitely going to have to try again,” she muttered as she rose up into a sitting position and put a hand to her head as it spun. “That was…. Wow!”
Jazin’s chuckle turned to a deep, satisfied laugh. He leaned forward and brushed a kiss along her full lips. “Your body accepted my seed. Soon you will grow round with our child. But, that does not mean we cannot continue practicing for the next time.”
Star’s hand dropped to her stomach at the same time her mouth dropped open. “How can you know whether I got pregnant or not? It will be weeks before we know.”
Jazin shook his head. “No. I felt the moment your body opened and accepted my seed. A Kassisan warrior does not give his seed lightly and when he does, he knows when it is accepted. Soon, you will know I speak the truth. Your parents will have to accept me. You are mine forever, Star.”
Star saw the vulnerability flash through Jazin’s eyes as he mentioned her parents. A light clicked on as she thought about what had just happened. Her big, strong warrior was afraid. He was afraid of losing her. He was afraid of her parent’s not accepting him. He had absolutely nothing to fear.
“My parents are going to love you,” she murmured. “You’ll see. You are the man I love, forever,” she reassured him tenderly.
She ran her fingers over the faint scar on his cheek that he received when they first met. That seemed like another lifetime ago. Her life back on Earth seemed surreal compared to her life now. She never thought she would be thankful for being kidnapped by a group of rebel aliens but she would be forever thankful to the fate that set her destiny in motion.
Jazin’s comlink sounded next to the bed and he released a sigh as he pulled back enough to reach over and activate it. “Speak.”
“We are in orbit around Kassis. Crews from the planet have already started the resupply and transfer of crew,” Dakar stated.
“We will be ready shortly,” Jazin said. “Tell Armet and Jarmen to prepare to depart with us. We need to meet with my father and brothers to discuss our next plan of offense against Tai Tek.”
“Yes, my lord,” Dakar responded.
Jazin released a deep breath as he turned to look at the relaxed features of his mate. His eyes roamed her nude figure and he bit back a groan as his body responded again. She was going to be the death of him.
“Come, let us get ready,” he said. “I suspect your parents, sister, and River are anxious to see you.”
Star’s eyes lit up with delight. “Oh, I forgot all about them already! I can’t think of anything else but you when I’m with you,” she said with an excited giggle.
Jazin hid the smile of delight at her response as she moved to gathe
r her clothes. He listened distractedly as they dressed. She told him about several members of her extended family. He could tell she had a deep affection for all of them as she shared story after story. Her tiny body practically hummed with suppressed energy as she moved.
He caught her in his arms just before they exited their living quarters. “I love you, Star Ja Kel Coradon.”
A shy smile curved her lips as she pressed her lips against his briefly. “I love you too, Jazin Ja Kel Coradon. Don’t you ever doubt it.”
Chapter 21
Two weeks later, Jazin was watching in disbelief and with no small amount of fear as his mate flew through the air. His heart plummeted to his feet and didn’t return to his chest until he saw her tiny hands grab the bar that was swung out to her. He was about to storm into the huge tent set up in the middle of the compound where Star’s parents and the other species – humans – lived to get his tiny mate when two strange creatures with unusual white and black paint on their faces stopped him. They never said a word when he came. They just stopped him. There was something about them that always made him stop even if he didn’t understand what it was. They didn’t carry any weapons, they never touched him, but there was something that froze him in place as they acted like they had to search him, pulling outlandish things like scarves, feathers, even a strange furry thing with a long tail on it from his ear, the back of his vest, and other places. Then, they would act like there was an invisible door they had to unlock and open before he could enter. It was downright intimidating!
Personally, he agreed with his brother Manota about the clowns but he could add a few other creatures as well. He moved through the invisible door trying to reach out his hand inconspicuously to see if he could feel anything as he went through. He even bended his head like the two figures taught him. He scowled deeply at them when they burst into fits of silent laughter at him.
One of these days I’m going to find out where in the Gods they found all those things on me, he thought as he shuddered when the hairy white creature with the long tail came into his mind and he rubbed his left ear where they had pulled it from.
He nodded at the two Frenchmen, Jon Paul and Luc, who were sitting further down near the bottom of the seats next to Madas and Gril. The two men were pointing out things to the two Tearnats as different members of the circus moved about doing different stunts. Jarmen had disappeared almost immediately when the two of them arrived without a word. He just shook his head at his friend’s unusual behavior lately. He was more concerned with his own problems right now.
He climbed the metal seating that was set up and moved up to the center where Star’s parents were sitting. He had to admit he liked Alan and Tami Strauss. They had accepted him warmly into their family. He had been introduced to many different species – humans – over the last two weeks. His eyes moved to the small man who was down near the center ring ordering people around and watched as they scrambled to do as he told them before turning back to the couple sitting contentedly watching everything.
“Good afternoon, Jazin,” Tami Strauss said rising up to give him a big hug and a kiss.
“Lady Tami,” Jazin responded with an amused smile.
He was still unused to the affection of the humans. Star’s mom was as tiny and petite as her daughter with the same white blond hair and light blue, twinkling eyes. Her father was several inches taller and had a dark blond hair and dark blue eyes. He reached out and shook Jazin’s hand before indicating he might as well sit for a while.
“Jazin,” Alan Strauss nodded in greeting before he nodded toward where his two daughters were flying through the air. “They are beautiful to watch, aren’t they?”
Jazin swallowed again as he watched Jo catch Star as she did a flip in the air. “Yes,” he replied hoarsely. “I am not sure she should be doing this?”
Alan laughed as he watched Jazin’s face pale a little. “You have to accept there is no stopping her. Tami was eight months pregnant with Jo and still flying through the air. Being a flyer is as much a part of us as the air we breathe.”
Tami reached over and squeezed Jazin’s hand in encouragement. “All Star has ever wanted was to be accepted for who and what she is. She may be small in stature but she is as tall as Jerry the Giant.”
Jazin’s eyes followed where a huge human male, almost eight feet tall stood nodding at whatever the small ringmaster, Walter, was telling him. He watched as a young man walked in with several huge animals called horses. The man swatted the one in the lead on its rump and it took off at a fast trot into the ring followed by the others. A few minutes later, his eyes rose to the top of the ring where two long ropes unfurled and Jo and Star worked their way down them. As the huge creatures passed under them, they dropped down lightly onto their backs. A light film of sweat beaded his forehead as they both stood on the backs of the massive creatures as they circled the ring before jumping into the arms of a couple of clowns that came out of nowhere to catch them. The man who had brought the horses in whistled and the four creatures moved back out of the ring and through the tent exit on the far side.
“Walter is very, very strict about safety,” Alan said looking at Jazin with understanding. “He would never allow them to do anything that could harm them.”
Jazin released a deep breath as he gave Tami and Alan a shaky smile. “I have never formally welcomed you to our world. Or formally asked for your daughter. In truth, I was not sure how you would react to your daughter mating with someone different from her.”
Alan chuckled as he pulled his wife closer to him. “Look around you, Jazin. Star has been raised her whole like to accept those that are different. I won’t say we were not a little worried and concerned when we first met Manota or saw the shuttles that ferried us up to the spaceship that carried us to this remarkable world,” Alan began.
“Or when we heard that Star had been hurt,” Tami added softly squeezing her husband’s hand. “But, we have always hoped that our daughters would find someone who could make them happy, complete. I feel that you do that with Star.”
Jazin saw the sincerity in their eyes. “I would give my life to protect your daughter. I love her deeply. She has proven to be a warrior in her own right. I would have died if not for her skills,” Jazin admitted as he watched Star and Jo laughing with several people who had joined them down below.
“Is it true that your people believe that Jo, Star, and River are part of a prophesy?” Alan asked hesitantly. “Your brother mentioned it.”
Jazin’s head turned in surprise that Manota had shared this information so soon. He would have thought his brother would have held back, concerned that Jo and Star’s parents would be reluctant to allow their daughters to mate with them knowing there was a possibility of danger to them.
He cleared his throat before he answered. “Yes, it is believed them are the three warriors mentioned in a prophesy from long ago. Their strength and skills will save and unite the House of Kassis. I have to believe it is true. River saved my brother, Torak, from an assassin. Star saved my life when I was kidnapped. Star….,” Jazin paused as his gaze softened on his mate’s glowing face. “Star had a vision. She saw us together in another lifetime. I am named after a great warrior from long ago. Our world had been attacked and our people were brought to the point of extinction from the invasion. On the night when the two moons of Kassis formed one, the stormy skies opened up and from the heavens, the Gods and Goddesses rained down like rain destroying our enemy. One fighter descended to where my ancestor stood in fierce defiance. From the fighter, his mate, the Goddess Starla, appeared before him. He claimed her and together they built the House of Kassis, bringing hope and love to its people. Just as your daughter has brought hope and love to me.”
Tami wiped a tear from her cheek and gave a small, embarrassed laugh. “Well, who are we to deny that!”
Alan pressed a kiss against his wife’s temple. “Welcome to the family, son. I know you’ll take good care of our little girl.”
> Jazin looked down and smiled before he looked at Alan and Tami with a resigned smile. “I think she will be taking just as good care of me as I will her. I would like to invite you to our home for a dinner to welcome you to our world.”
“We’ll be honored to attend,” Alan said. “Isn’t that your father?”
Jazin looked down as his father and Ristéard Roald walked in to the huge tent. They paused to talk with Walter who came hurrying up to them when Ristéard raised a sword at the two painted-faced men who were always stopping him at the entrance. “Yes, he has been stopping by regularly to talk with Walter.”
“Who is the other man?” Tami asked eyeing the huge, blue-skinned man who was looking around the arena with narrowed eyes. “He looks a little scary. I wouldn’t be surprised if Walter doesn’t try to hire him.”
Jazin’s chuckle was rich and deep at the thought of Ristéard Roald, the Grand Ruler of Elpidios, being ordered around by the little human male. While he could appreciate the authority the small man obviously had over those in the circus, he highly doubted that the man would have a chance in hell of success at bossing the huge warrior around. Jazin’s eyes widened when he heard a low, deep snarl erupt from Ristéard. His eyes followed where the Grand Ruler was looking and he chuckled. It looked like something had caught the big blue warrior’s attention and he didn’t like the idea of someone else having the same thoughts.
A tall slender female wearing knee high black boots, a slim skirt that ended just about her knees, and a soft, blue long sleeved blouse was talking to the two men who had stopped him when he first came in. She glanced over at Ristéard with a dark frown on her face before turning her attention back to the men. He studied the female carefully. She was very tall for a human female, over six feet if he was to make a guess. Her dark blond hair was pulled back into a tight bun at the back of her head and she was wearing something over her eyes. She was lovely in a long, gangly way. She reminded him of the slender animals that gazed in the forests near his mountain retreat.