A Young Girl's Wooing
Page 17
Graydon dreaded embarrassment when meeting Madge at dinner, but wasagreeably disappointed. There was nothing in the young girl's mannerwhich suggested a vexed consciousness of their recent interview,neither were there covert overtures, even in tones, toward morefriendly relations. He saw that if any were made he must make them.Madge was merely too well bred to show anger in public, or occasionsurmises that would require explanations. During the meal she spokeof missing her horseback exercise, and said that she meant to ask Dr.Sommers if he did not know of a good animal that might be hired for afew weeks. Graydon at once resolved to make a propitiatory offering,and to go out with Madge when Miss Wildmere was unattainable. For thetime he was content to imitate Madge's tactics, and acted as if heintended to follow the course that she had suggested. The fact thatArnault was so evidently enjoying his dinner and the Wildmere smilesdid not detract from his purpose to prove that he also was not withoutresources. Moreover, he felt that he had not treated Madge fairly;he had been truly fond of her, and now was conscious of a growingrespect. As she had said, it was not a little thing that she hadattempted and accomplished, and there had been small ground for hisdiscontent. After dinner, however, he found a chance to ensconcehimself by Miss Wildmere on the piazza, and he was fully resolved tolose no such opportunities.
Madge, with the Muir children, passed him on the way to a small lakeon which she had promised to give the little people a row. He tookoff his hat in cordial courtesy, and she recognized him with a briefsmile, in which Miss Wildmere could detect no apprehension.
"I hope that 'sister Madge,' as you call her, does not resent myenjoyment of your society."
"Not in the least. I feel, however, that I have been neglecting hershamefully, and propose to make amends."
"Indeed; has she brought you to a sense of your shortcomings? Thisscarcely bears out your first remark."
"It is nothing against its truth. Miss Aldeu makes it very clear thatshe is not dependent on me or any one for enjoyment; but in view ofthe past I have been scarcely courteous. Therefore," he added, witha laugh, "when Arnault monopolizes you I shall console myself withMadge."
"And therefore I shall feel the less compunction. Thank you."
"I am glad to take the least thorn from the roses of your life," washis smiling answer.
She veiled close scrutiny under her reply: "I fear the brilliant MissAlden will cause my society to appear commonplace in contrast."
"I do not see how you can fear anything of the kind," was his promptanswer; "I trust you, and you must trust me."
"I do trust you, Mr. Muir," she said, softly.
Before he could speak again nurses and children came streaming andscreaming from the lake toward the house. "Nellie Wilder is drowned,"was the burden of their dire message.
Graydon sprang down the steps, and rushed with the fleetness of thewind toward the lake.
As Madge, with Jennie and Harry Muir, approached the water, they sawa party of children playing carelessly in a boat, and a moment latera little girl fell overboard. The boat was in motion toward the shore,and when she rose it had passed beyond her reach. Her companions gaveway to wild panic, and, instead of trying to save her, screamed andpulled for land. No one was present except nurses and other children,and they all joined in the wild, helpless chorus of alarm, and began astampede toward the hotel.
Madge saw that if the child was saved she must act promptly andwisely. To the Muir children she said, authoritatively, "Sit downwhere you are and don't move." Then she rushed forward and unfasteneda skiff. As she did so the child rose for the last time and sunk againwith a gurgling cry. Keeping her eyes fixed on the spot, and with anoar in her hand, Madge pushed away from the shore vigorously with herfeet, and with the impetus sprang upon the narrow stern-sheets, thencrept forward toward the bow, at the same time ever keeping her eyesfixed unwaveringly on the spot where the child had sunk, from whichwidening circles were eddying. The nurses and children who had notstarted for the house, seeing that a rescue was attempted, looked onwith breathless dread and suspense.
When the impetus that Madge had first given to the skiff ceased, shekept the little craft in motion by paddling, first on one side, thenon the other, her eyes still fixed on one point in the dark water.At last this point seemed almost beneath her; she dropped the oar,stooped, and peered over the side of the boat. After a moment'shesitation she appeared to those on shore to have lost her balance,fallen overboard, and sunk. Renewed screams of terror resounded,and the Muir children fled toward the hotel, crying, "Aunt Madge isdrowned."
"What do you mean?" Graydon gasped, seizing Harry by the arm.
"Oh, Uncle Graydon! run quick. Aunt Madge fell out of a boat underwater."
A moment later he saw the young girl rise to the surface with a childin her grasp. With one headlong plunge, and a few strong strokes, hewas at her side, exclaiming, "Great God, Madge! what does this mean?"
"Take her to the shore, quick; no matter about me;" and she pushed thelimp and apparently lifeless form into his arms.
"But, Madge--" he began.
"Haste! haste! and the child may be saved. Don't think of me; I canswim as well as you;" and she struck out toward the shore.
Wondering and thrilled with admiration, in spite of the confusion ofhis thoughts, he did as directed, and took the child to land at once.
Madge was there as soon as he, crying, even before she left the water,"Run for Dr. Sommers, and if not at home ride after him."
Meanwhile gentlemen and employes of the house were arriving, and someturned back in search of the physician.
The awful tidings had come upon poor Mrs. Wilder, the mother of thechild, like a bolt out of a clear sky, and she had run screaming andmoaning toward the scene of disaster. Mother love had given her almostsuperhuman strength; but when she saw the pale little face on theground, with the hue of death upon it, she crouched beside it inspeechless agony, and watched the efforts that were made to bring backconsciousness.
Madge led and directed these efforts. In truth, she did as much tosave the child on land as when it had lain submerged on the muddybottom of the pond. Graydon, seeing that she was coming up the bank,had paused a moment irresolutely, and then was about to start for thehotel with his burden. Madge caught his arm, and took the child fromhim.
"Graydon, take off your coat and give it to me," she said,imperatively, as she laid the child down on its back; "yourhandkerchief, also," she added.
She forced open the pale lips, and wiped out the mouth with marvellouscelerity, paying no heed to the clamorous voices around her. "Some onegive me a sharp knife," she cried, "and don't crowd so near."
Lifting the child's clothing at the throat, she cut it down ward tothe waist, then down each arm, leaving the lovely little form exposedand free. Dropping the knife, she next rolled the coat into a bundle,turned the child over so that her abdomen should rest upon it; thenwith hands pressed rather strongly on each side of the little back,Madge sought to expel the water that might have been swallowed.Turning the child over on her back again, the bundle made by the coatwas placed under the small of her back, so as to raise the chest.Then, catching the little tongue that had awakened merry echoes buta few moments before, she drew it out of the mouth to one side by theaid of the handkerchief, and said to Graydon, "Hold it, so."
All now saw that they were witnessing skilled efforts. Discordantadvice ceased, and they looked on with breathless interest.
"Has any one smelling salts?" Madge asked. There was no response. Shesnatched a bit of grass and tickled the child's nose, saying, at thesame time, "Bring water." This, after a few seconds, she dashed overthe face and exposed chest, waited an instant, then gave her patient aslap over the pit of the stomach.
Graydon, kneeling before her, looked on with silent amazement. Herglorious eyes shone with an absorbed and merciful purpose; she wasoblivious of her own strange appearance, the masses of her looseninghair falling over and veiling th
e lovely form outlined clearly bythe wet and clinging drapery of her summer dress. Others looked onin wonder, too, and with a respect akin to awe. Among them were hersister and Henry Muir, Mr. Arnault, and Miss Wildmere--her feelingsdivided between envy and commiseration for the child and its strickenmother.
These first simple efforts having no apparent effect, Madge said,quietly, "We must try artificial respiration. Move a little more toone side, Graydon."
Kneeling behind the child, she lifted the little arms quickly butsteadily up, over and down, until they lay upon the ground behind thewet golden curls. This motion drew the ribs up, expanded the chest andpermitted air to enter it. After two or three seconds Madge reversedthe motion and pressed the arms firmly against the chest, to expel theair. This alternate motion was kept up regularly at about the rateof sixteen times a minute, until the sound of a galloping horse washeard, and the crowd parted for Dr. Sommers. He took in the situationwith his quick eye, and said, "Miss Alden, let me take your place."
"Oh, thank God, you are here!" she exclaimed. "Let me hold her tongue,Graydon; I must do something."
"Yes, Mr. Muir," added the physician; "let her help me; she knows justwhat to do. How long was the child under water?"
"I don't know exactly; not long."
"Not more than four or five minutes?"
"I think not."
"There should be hope, then."
"We must save her!" cried Madge. "I once saw people work over an hourbefore there were signs of life."
"Oh, God bless your brave heart!" murmured the poor mother. "You won'tleave my child--you won't let them give her up, will you?"
"No, Mrs. Wilder, not for one hour or two. I believe that your littlegirl will be saved."
"Have some brandy ready," said Dr. Sommers.
A flask was produced, and Graydon again knelt near, to have it inreadiness, while the doctor kept up his monotonous effort, pressingthe arms against the lungs, then lifting them above the head and backto the ground, with regular and mechanical iteration.
The child's eyelids began to tremble. "Ah!" exclaimed the doctor; amoment later there was a slight choking cough, and a glad cry went upfrom the throng.
"The brandy," said the doctor.
Madge now gave up the case to him and Graydon, and slipped down besidethe mother, who was swaying from side to side. "Don't faint," shesaid; "your child will need you as soon as she is conscious."
"Oh, Heaven bless you! Heaven bless you!" cried the mother; "you havesaved my only, my darling."
"Yes, madam, you are right. It's all plain sailing now," the doctoradded.
Then Madge became guilty of her first useless act. In strong revulsionshe fainted dead away. In a moment her head was on Mrs. Muir's lap,and Henry Muir was at her side.
"Poor girl! no wonder. There's not a woman in a hundred thousand whocould do what she has done. There, don't worry about her. Put her inmy carriage with Mrs. Muir, and take her to her room; I'll be theresoon. She'll come out all right; such girls always do."
Meanwhile Mr. Muir and Graydon were carrying out the doctor'sdirections, and the unconscious girl was borne rapidly to herapartment, where, under her sister's ministrations, she soon revived.
Almost her first conscious words, after being assured that the childwas safe, were, "Oh, Mary! what a guy I must have appeared! What willGraydon--I mean all who saw me--think?"
"They'll think things that might well turn any girl's head. As forGraydon, he is waiting outside now, half crazy with anxiety to receivea message from you."
"Tell him I made a fool of myself, and he must not speak about itagain on the pain of my displeasure."
"Well, you have come to," said Mrs. Muir, and then she went andlaughingly delivered the message verbatim, adding, "Go and put on dryclothes. You'll catch your death with those wet things on, and youlook like a scarecrow."
He departed, more puzzled over Madge Alden than ever, but admitting tohimself that she had earned the right to be anything she pleased.
Dr. Sommers continued his efforts in behalf of the little girl,chafing her wrists and body with the brandy, and occasionally givinga few drops until circulation was well restored; and then, at hermother's side, carried the child to her room, and gave directions tothose who were waiting to assist.
When he entered Madge's apartment, she greeted him with the words,"What a silly thing I did!"
"Not at all, not at all. You made your exit gracefully, and escapedthe plaudits which a brave girl like you wouldn't enjoy. I take offmy hat to you, as we country-folks say. You are a heroine--as gooda doctor as I on shore and a better one in the water. Where did youlearn it all?"
"Nonsense!" said Madge, "nothing would vex me more than to have atime made over the affair. It's all as simple as a, b, c. What's thatlittle pond to one who has been used to swimming in the Pacific! As Isaid, I saw a girl restored once, and Mr. Wayland has explained to meagain and again just what to do."
"Oh, yes, it's all simple enough if you know how, but that's just thetrouble. In all that crowd I don't believe there was one who would nothave done the wrong thing. Well, well, I can manage now if I'm obeyed.You've had a good deal of a shock, and you must keep quiet tillto-morrow. Then I'll see."
Madge laughingly protested that nothing would please her better thana good supper and a good book. "Please give out also," she said, "thatany reference to the affair will have a very injurious influence onme."
In spite of the doctor, messages and flowers poured in. At last Mrs.Wilder came and said to Mrs. Muir, "I must see her, if it is safe."
"It's safe enough," Mrs. Muir began, "only Madge doesn't like so muchmade of it."
"I won't say much," pleaded the mother. She did not say anything, butput her arms around Madge and pressed her tear-stained face upon theyoung girl's bosom in long, passionate embrace, the hastened back toher restored treasure, who was sleeping quietly. Madge's eyes werewet also, and she turned her face to the wall and breathed softlyto herself, "Whatever happens now--and it's plain enough what willhappen--I did not get strong in vain. Graydon can never think mealtogether weak and lackadaisical again, and I have saved one woman'sheart from anguish, however my own may ache."