A Young Girl's Wooing
Page 19
Miss Wildmere's indignant virtue was not soothed on the followingmorning, when, as she returned from a drive with Arnault, Graydongalloped up on a superb bay horse, and Madge so far forgot herselfagain as to rush to meet him with unaffected pleasure. The championof propriety paused in the distance to take an observation, for shethought she saw a cloud in the sky.
"What a beauty! what a grand arch of the neck he has! Oh, I'm justwild to be on him! Don't bribe me with horses, Graydon; I can resistanything else."
"I am glad of the information. A volume of thanks would not be worthhalf so much."
"I thought the thanks were in my tone and manner."
"So I thought, and am more than content; but, Madge, I am troubledabout your riding him. I fear he is a very Satan of a horse."
"Nonsense! Wait till you see me mounted, and your fears will vanish.People don't walk at Santa Barbara; they ride; every one rides. If thehorse don't tumble, there'll be no tumbling on my part. Oh, he is sucha splendid fellow! What shall I call him?"
"Better call him 'Go.' There is more go in him than in any horse Iever bestrode."
"All the better. I shall give him another name, however. It willcome to me sometime;" and she patted the proud neck, and fondledthe tossing head, in a way to excite the envy of observers from thepiazza. "Oh, Graydon, what shall I do for a saddle? Do you think thereis one to be had in this region? I'm impatient for a gallop."
"I telegraphed, early this morning, for equipments; and they should behere this afternoon."
"That was considerate kindness itself. You must let me pay for allthis. You know I can."
"So can I."
"But there's reason in all things."
"Therefore, a little in me. Please, Madge, don't make me feel thatI am almost a stranger to you. If we had remained together, I shouldhave paid out more than this for candy, flowers, and nonsense. I haveyielded everything, haven't I? and, as Mary says, I do wish to feel alittle like one of the family."
"Well, then," she said, laughing and blushing, "as from one of thefamily--"
"And from your deceased brother," he interrupted.
She put her finger to her lips. "That's past," she said. "No moreallusions. We began sensibly last night, and I certainly am verylenient now in taking gifts that I should protest against even fromHenry. I wish to prove to you that I am the Madge of old times as faras I can be."
"Rest assured I'm the same fellow, and ever shall be."
He had dismounted, and they were walking slowly toward the stable."Bless me!" cried Madge, "where am I going with no better protectionthan a sunshade? I'm always a little off when a horse like that is athand. I say, Graydon," she added, in a wheedling tone, "mount andput him through his paces. I can't resist the fun, no matter what thedowagers say."
He vaulted lightly into the saddle, and the horse reared and dashedtoward the stable, but was soon pulled up. Then Graydon made himprance, curvet, and trot, Madge looking on with parted lips, and eyesglowing with delicious anticipation. If a close observer had beenpresent he might have seen that the rider, with his fine easy graceand mastery, was, after all, the chief attraction.
She walked back to the house, thinking, "I'll have some bright hoursbefore the skies grow gray. Oh, kindly fate! prosper Mr. Arnault hereand in Wall Street, too, for all I care."
"Oh, Mr. Muir, teach me to ride," said Miss Wildmere, when he joinedher in the deserted parlor. "You have such a superb horse! and you saton him as if you were a part of him."
"I will teach you with pleasure," said Graydon. "Nothing would give memore enjoyment, for I am very fond of riding, and we could explore themountain roads far and near."
"Can I ride your horse?"
"That was not my horse. He belongs to Miss Alden."
"Oh, indeed," began Miss Wildmere, hastily, yet coldly; "I wouldn'tthink of it, then."
"She would lend him to you readily, if it were safe; but only anexpert should ride that horse. As it is, I shall run him four or fivemiles before I let her mount him. He is awfully high-strung and alittle vicious. I'll get you a quiet, safe lady's horse, suitable fora beginner. You will soon acquire confidence and skill. I wouldn'thave you incur any risks for all the world."
"Wouldn't you?" she asked, with a fascinating and incredulous smile.
"You know well that I would not."
"I shall scarcely know what I know when I see you galloping away withMiss Alden."
"Come, Miss Stella, we may as well get through with that phase of thequestion at once. Madge Alden came into our family when I was scarcelymore than a boy, and she but a child. She is still one of the family.The idea of your being concerned about her makes me smile audibly. Ionly wish you girls would be good friends. It would save awkwardnessand embarrassment. Madge is a sister to me in everything but name, andever will be. I'm proud of her, as I ought to be, and a distant mannerwould be absurd toward a member of our household. Why should I affectit when I'm truly fond of her jolly good company? Don't you think I amsetting you a good example? I'm patient over your good times with Mr.Arnault, who is an open suitor."
"I have not said they were good times."
"Nor have you said they were not. He evidently enjoys them, and littlewonder. You can make any fellow have a good time without trying. Idon't pretend to understand the necessity of your being so friendly,or tolerant, or what you will, with him; neither do I pry or question.My regard for you makes trust imperative. I do trust you as readily asyou should trust me. What else can we do till times are better?"
"What do you mean by saying, 'till times are better?'" she asked,in gentle solicitude. "Are you having a hard time in town, like poorpapa?"
"Oh, bless you! no. I don't suppose Henry is making much. He's thekind of man to take in sail in times like these. I'm not in thefirm yet, you know, but shall be soon. My foreign department of thebusiness is all right. I left it snug and safe. Of course, I don'tknow much about things on this side of the water yet. Mr. Muir is notthe kind of man to speak to any one about his affairs unless it isessential, but if anything were amiss he would have told me. I knowthe times are dismal, and I am better off on my assured salary than ifin the firm now. No one but 'bears' are making anything."
"I hope your brother isn't in anxiety, like papa," she said, warmly.
His quick commercial instinct took alarm, and he asked, "What, haveyou heard anything?"
"Oh, no indeed. Papa says that Mr. Muir is one of the mostconservative of men; but he also says that there is scarcely a chancenow for any honest man, and that investments which once seemed assolid as these mountains are sinking out of sight. If it wasn't so weshouldn't be so worried. He wouldn't like it if he knew I was talkingto you in this way; but then I know it will go no further, andnaturally my mind dwells on the subject of his anxieties. Whatwouldn't I do to help him!" she concluded, with a fine enthusiasm.
"I think you are doing a great deal to help him, Stella," he said,gravely and gently; "and, believe me, it involves no little sacrificeon my part also."
"But you have promised to be patient, Graydon."
"I have, but you cannot think that I like it or approve of thediplomacy you are compelled to practice, even though your motive beunselfish and filial. I don't think you ought to be placed in such aposition, and would that it were in my power to relieve you from it!"
Tears of self-commiseration came into her eyes, and they appeared tohim exceedingly pathetic. She made as if she would speak but couldnot, then retreated hastily to her room. Once in seclusion she dashedthe drops away, her eyes glittered with anger, and she stamped herfoot on the floor and muttered: "It is indeed an abominable position.I might accept Graydon any day, any hour, now, and dare not. Yet ifhe gets an inkling of my real attitude he'll be off forever. He is asproud as Lucifer about some things, and would be quick as a flashif his suspicions were aroused. Even the belief that I am humoringArnault for papa's sake tests his loyalty greatly. If I have to refusehim
at last I shall be placed in an odious light. The idiots! whycan't they find out whether Henry Muir is going to fail or not! Thathorrid Madge Alden is not his sister, and knows it, and she is gainingtime to make impressions. I know how she felt years ago, when she wasa perfect spook. I don't believe she's changed. With all her impulsiveways she's as deep as perdition, and she'd flirt with him to spiteme, if nothing more. Papa said last night that I had better acceptArnault. I won't accept him till I must, and he'll rue his success ifhe wins it." Then the mirror reflected a lovely creature dissolved intears.
Again she soliloquized: "I can't accept a horse from Graydon; Arnaultwould never submit to it. The receiving of such a present wouldcompromise me at once. It does not matter so much what I say or lookin private; this proves nothing to the world, and I see more and moreclearly that Arnault will not permit his pride to be humiliated. Hewill endure what he calls a fair, open suit philosophically, but theexpression of his eyes makes me shiver sometimes. Was ever a girlplaced in such a mean and horrible position! I won't endure thisshilly-shally much longer. If they can't prove something more definiteagainst the Muirs, I'll accept Graydon. Papa is just horrid! Why can'the make more in Wall Street? There must be ways, and any way is asrespectable as the one I may be compelled to take. Well, if I do haveto accept Arnault I'll make Graydon think that I had to do so forpapa's sake, and we'll become good friends again before long. Perhapsthis would be the best way in the end, for papa looked wildly, andspoke of a tenement-house last night. Tenement! Great heavens! I'dsooner die."