A Young Girl's Wooing
Page 24
The dawn of the following sacred day was bright, beautiful, andserene, bringing to the world a new wealth of opportunity. MissWildmere began its hours depressed and undecided. Her conscience andbetter angel were pleading; she felt vaguely that her life and itsmotives were wrong, and was uncomfortable over the consciousness. Herphase of character, however, was one of the most hopeless. It was truethat her vanity had grown to the proportions of a disease, but eventhis might be overcome. Her father's stern words had wounded itterribly, and she had experienced twinges of self-disgust. But anothertrait had become inwrought, by long habit, with every fibre of hersoul--selfishness. It was almost impossible to give up her own way andwishes. Graydon Muir pleased her fancy, and she was bent on marryinghim. Her father's assurance that she would bring him disappointment,not happiness, weighed little. Too many men had told her that shewas essential to their happiness to permit qualms on this score. Herconscience did shrink, to some extent, from a loveless, business-likemarriage, and her preference for Graydon made such a union all themore repugnant; but she was incapable of feeling that she would do hima wrong by giving him the pretty jewelled hand for which so many hadasked. Indeed, the question now was, Could she be so self-sacrificingas to think of it under the circumstances? If that stock would onlyrise, if in some way she could be assured that the Muirs would besustained, and so pass on to the wealth sure to flow in upon them inprosperous times, she would decide the question at once, whether theywould do anything for her father or not. He could scramble on insome way, as he had done in the past. What she desired most was theassurance that there should be no long and doubtful interregnumof poverty and privation--that she might continue to be a queen insociety during the period of youth and beauty.
This remained the chief consideration amid the chaos of herconflicting feelings and interests, for she had lived this life solong that she could imagine no other as endurable. She had, moreover,the persistence of a small nature, and longed to humiliate the Muirpride, and to spite Madge Alden, who she half believed cherished morethan a sisterly regard for Graydon. As for her father, she did littlemore than resent his words and the humiliating disquietude they hadcaused. They had sorely wounded her vanity, and presented a painfulalternative.
As the day passed, and old habits of mind resumed sway, she began toconcentrate her thoughts on three questions: Should she accept Graydonand take her chances with him? Should she accept Mr. Arnault, with hiswealth, and be safe? or should she hesitate a little longer, in thehope that she could secure Graydon and wealth also? The persistenceof a will that had always had its own way decided finally in favor ofthe last course of action. She would not give Graydon up unless shemust, and not until she must. Accustomed to consult self-interest,she believed that her father was doing the same, that he was favoringArnault because the latter would be more useful to him, and that forthis reason he was exaggerating the Muirs' peril, if not inventingit. She dismissed his words about leaving Wall Street with scarcely athought; he always talked in this way when the times were bad or hisventures unlucky. They had been on the eve of ruin so many times, thatthe cry of "wolf" was not so alarming as formerly.
"I suppose I must decide before this week is over," she thought."Arnault has practically given me this length of time, and I shalltake him at his word." Therefore, she was very sweet to him during themorning hours, and prepared him to submit to her drive with Graydon inthe afternoon.
Arnault felt that he had given his ultimatum, and was resolved toabide by it. At the same time he knew that it would be a terriblewrench to give up the girl. The very difficulty of winning her hadstimulated to the utmost his passion for attainment. She was the bestthat existed in his superficial world, and fulfilled his ideal. Herdelicate yet somewhat voluptuous beauty completely intoxicated him.
He too thought, and made his decision during the day. If he won her atall it must be speedily, and it should be done by promises of devotionand wealth if possible, and by breaking the Muirs down if this shouldbecome necessary. The time had come for decisive action. It wasevident that her father was in sore straits; the man's appearanceconfirmed this belief. Arnault was almost certain that Henry Muir wasin his power. He would not play the latter card unless he must, but hewould watch so vigilantly as to be promptly aware of the necessity. Hedecided to spend several days of the present week in the mountains andso keep himself informed how the game went here, and while in the cityhe would not only be observant, but would also drop a few wordsto weaken Mr. Muir's credit. One thing, however, was settled--theproblematical issue of his matrimonial scheme must soon be madeknown, and he rather relished its congenial elements of speculativeuncertainty, being conscious that so much depended upon his skill andpower to pull unseen wires.
Seeing that Arnault was at Miss Wildmere's side, Graydon accompaniedhis relatives to church, and soon found himself looking over thesame hymn-book with Madge. The choir were present, and she now merelydelighted Graydon with her rich alto; and so rich and true was it thathe often felt his nerves thrilling at her tones. He did not becomeabsorbed in the service or sermon, but thought a little wonderingly:"Here is a faith ever finding expression all over the world, while Iignore it. How much truth does it represent? It's evidently a realityto Madge, although she makes so little parade of the fact. I don'tbelieve she would do anything contrary to its teachings as sheunderstands them. We men may think what we please, but we haveconfidence in a woman who looks as she does now. She is not inthe least inclined to devotional rhapsodies or to subserviencyto priestcraft, like so many women abroad. She merely appears torecognize a divine power as she accepts nature, only more reverentlyand consciously. I suppose I am an agnostic as much as anything, yetI should only be too glad to have Stella at my side with suchan expression on her face. I wonder if she will go with me thisafternoon. I will submit to this diplomacy a few days longer, andshall then end the matter. There is an increasing revulsion of mywhole being from such tactics in my future wife. Beyond a certainpoint she shall not be a partner in her father's gambling operations,and I would have brought the affair to an end at once, were it not forthat limp little woman, his wife, and her child. But I can't sacrificemy self-respect and Stella's character for them. I must get her outof that atmosphere, so that her true nature may develop. Sweet MadgeAlden, with your eyes so serious and true, and again so full of mirthand spirit, what a treasure you will prove some day if there is a manworthy of you!"
In his deep preoccupation, he forgot his intent regard, until remindedof it by the slow deepening of her color, which so enhanced her beautythat he could not at once withdraw his gaze. Suddenly she turned onhim with a half-angry, half-mirthful flash in her eyes, and whispered,"Looking at girls in church is not good form; but, if you will do it,look at some other girl."
He was delighted at this little unexpected prick, and replied, "St.Paul never would have complained of such a thorn." Then he saw Dr.Sommers looking ominously at him. This factotum of the chapel satwhere he could oversee the miscellaneous little assemblage, andhis eyes instantly pounced upon any offender. Graydon pushed hisinsubordination no further than making an irreverent face at thedoctor, and then addressed himself to the minister during theremainder of the hour.
"We'll arrange it differently next Sunday, Miss Alden," said thedoctor, as Madge passed out; "I'll have Mr. Muir sit with me."
"Try it," whispered Graydon, "and if you don't fall from grace beforemeeting is over I'll give you a new trout-pole. Miss Alden can manageme better than you can."
"No doubt, no doubt. A man must be in a bad way if she couldn't make asaint of him if she undertook it," was the doctor's laughing reply.
Greatly amused, Graydon repeated the words to Madge. "She won'tundertake it in this case," was her brusque comment. "I have noambition to enlighten continental heathen, with their superiortolerance of a faith good enough for women and children."
"My charming rose has not only a thorn but a theological stiletto
inher belt."
"It is evident you have never had trouble, Graydon."
"Why is it evident?"
"Because you are content with the surface-tide of life."
"And you are not?"
"One rarely is when fearing to sink."
"What has that to do with faith?"
"Faith can sustain; that's all."
"And your faith sustained you?"
"What else was there to sustain when day after day brought, not achoice of pleasures, but the question, Shall I live or die?"
"Poor Madge! Dear Madge! And you didn't let me know. I don't suppose Icould have helped you, though."
"No; not then."
"Madge," he said, earnestly, "won't you promise me one thing? If youever should have trouble of any kind again, won't you let me help you,or at least try to?"
"I'll see how you behave," she said, laughing. "Besides, it's notwomen's place to make trouble for men. The idea! Our mission is tosoothe and console you superior beings."
"Women do make a power of trouble for men. Mother Eve began wrong,and--"
"And Adam laid all his misdeeds on her weak shoulders."
"The upshot of all this talk is, I suppose, that your shoulders areso strong, and your spirit so high, that you can at least take care ofyour own troubles."
"I hope so," she again laughed, "and be ready also to give you a lift.When you successful men do get a tumble in life, you are the mosthelpless of mortals."
"Well, well, well, to think that I am talking to little Madge, whocould not say good-by to me without fainting away!"
"Good-by meant more to me than to you. You were going away to new andpleasant activity. I doubted whether I should see you again--or indeedany one long," she added, hastily.
"Don't imagine that I did not feel awfully that night, dear Madge.Tears do not come into my eyes easily, but I added a little saltwater to the ocean as I leaned over the taffrail and saw the city thatcontained you fade from view."
"Did you truly, Graydon?" she asked, turning away.
"I did, indeed."
In her averted face and quickened respiration he thought he saw tracesof more than passing feeling, but she turned on him in sudden gayety,and said: "Whenever I see the ocean I'll remember how its tides havebeen increased. Graydon, I've a secret to tell you, which, foran intense, aesthetic, and vaguely devotional woman, is a mosthumiliating confession: I'm awfully hungry. When will dinner beready?"
"I have a secret to tell you also," he replied, with a half-vexedflash in his eyes: "There is a girl in this house who explainsherself more or less every day, and who yet remains the most charmingconundrum that ever kept a man awake from perplexity."
"Oh, dear!" cried Madge, "is Miss Wildmere so bad as that? Poor, palevictim of insomnia! By the way, do you and Mr. Arnault keep a ledgeraccount of the time you receive? or do you roughly go on the principleof 'share and share alike'?" and with eyes flashing back laughter athis reddening face, she ran up the steps and disappeared.
"That was a Parthian arrow," he muttered. "If we go smoothly on thesharing principle at present, we shall soon go roughly enough, orcease to go at all."
But the lady in question was putting forth all her resources, whichwere not slight when enlisted in her own behalf, to keep the two men_in statu quo_ until more time, with its chances, should pass.
Arnault smiled grimly when he saw her departing with Graydon. She hadbeen evasive, but very friendly, during the day thus far, and afterwhat he had said the preceding night he felt that he was committed toher moods for a week if he could not bring her to a decision before.Seeing Mr. Wildmere walking restlessly up and down the piazza, hejoined him, and offering a superb cigar, said, "Suppose we go out tothe lake and see where the little kid was so nearly drowned."
Soon after they were smoking in the shade, the thoughts of bothreverting to kindred anxieties. Arnault decided to make one movebefore the final one. Perhaps only this would be required; perhapsit might prepare the way for more serious action. They talked overbusiness. Arnault, permitting the other to see through a veileddistinctness of language that he was prospering, remarked, "By theway, I have a little transaction which I wish you would carry out forus," and mentioned an affair of ordinary brokerage, concluding, inoff-hand tones, "from what you said some days since I infer that youmay find a little money handy at present. I can let you have a checkfor five hundred or a thousand just as well as not. I know how dulltimes are now, and you will soon make it up by commissions."
The hard-pressed man could scarcely disguise the relief which thesewords brought. He began a grateful acknowledgment of the kindness,when Arnault interrupted him by saying, "Oh, that's nothing--merematter of business. I will write you a check to-night for a thousand.It's only an advance, you know," and then changed the subject.
"Will you go to town to-morrow?" Mr. Wildmere asked.
"No, not to-morrow. I'll run down Tuesday or Wednesday. In spite ofthe times business doesn't give us much leeway this summer, but I'vearranged to be away more or less at present." Then he added, with whatwas meant to be a frank, deprecatory laugh, "I suppose you see howit is. It's some time since I asked permission to pay my addresses toyour daughter. I don't think I've been neglectful of opportunities,but I don't get on as fast as I would like, and now feel that if Iwould keep any chance at all I must be on hand. Muir is a formidablerival."
"You know that you have my consent and more, Mr. Arnault."
"It's the lady's consent that I must obtain," was the reply. "Muir isa fine fellow, and I cannot wonder that she hesitates--that is, ifshe does hesitate. I may be wasting my time here and adding to thebitterness of my disappointment, for of course it must become greaterif I see Miss Wildmere every day and still fail."
There was a covert question in this remark, and after a moment or twoMr. Wildmere said, hesitatingly: "I do not think you are wasting yourtime. I think Stella is in honest doubt as to her choice. At least,that is my impression. You know that young ladies in our free landdo not take much counsel of parents, and Stella has ever been veryindependent in her views. When once she makes up her mind you willfind her very decided and loyal. Of course I have my strong preferencein this case, and have a right also to make it known to her, asI shall. I should be very sorry to see her engaged to a man whosefortunes are dependent on a brother in such financial straits as Mr.Muir is undoubtedly in."
"Do you think Henry Muir is in very great danger?"
"I do indeed."
"Hum!" ejaculated Arnault, looking serious.
"What! would he involve you?"
"Oh, no, a mere trifle; but then--Well, please make some inquiriesto-morrow, and I'll see you during the week."
"I'll do anything I can to oblige you, Mr. Arnault. I wouldn't like myquestions, however, to hurt Muir's credit, you understand."
"Of course not, nor would I wish this; but as one of our brokers youcan pick up some information, like enough. I knew, as did others, thatMuir was having a rather hard time of it, but if there is pressingdanger I may have to take some action."
"In that case of course you can command me."
"I only wish to do what is fair and considerate among business men.We'll lunch together when I come to town, and perhaps the case will beclearer then."
During his drive with Miss Wildmere, Graydon simply adhered to thetactics which he had adopted, and she saw that he was waiting untilthe Arnault phase of the problem should be eliminated. When, however,she took occasion to bewail the dismal prospects of her "poor papa,"and to open the way for him to speak naturally of his own and hisbrother's affairs, he was gravely silent. She didn't like this, forit tended to confirm her father's belief that they were in trouble,or else it looked like suspicion of her motive. The trait of reticencewhich Graydon at times shared with his brother was not agreeable, forit suggested hidden processes of thought which might develop intovery decisive action. She came back satisfied that Graydon was stillthoroughly "in hand," and that she must obtain information in someother wa
y, if possible.
There was sacred music in the parlor during the evening, but neitherMiss Wildmere nor Madge would sing in solo. Graydon good-naturedlytried to arrange a duet between the two girls. The former declinedinstantly, yet took off the edge of her refusal by saying, "I wouldgladly sing for you if I could, but do not care to permit all thesestrangers to institute comparisons."
Therefore, the guests sang in chorus as usual, a professional playingthe accompaniments. There were few, however, who did not recognizethe strong, sweet alto which ran through each melody like a minor key.Graydon's acute ear for music heard little else, and he said to Madge"I shall be glad when this hotel life is over. What delicious eveningsI shall have this fall! By the way, I'm going to have your piano tunedwhen I go to town."
"Perhaps what? Perhaps I shall remember about the tuner? You'll see."
"I may go back with the Waylands. I'm not at all sure that I shall notspend my winter on the Pacific."
"Why, Madge! With your health you could spend it in Greenland."
"That's what I may do. We always have a lovely green land in thatclimate."
"I must investigate Santa Barbara. You have left some one or somethingthere which has powerful attractions."
"Yes, memories; as well as skies so bright that you can't help smilingback at them."
"I supposed you were going to enter society this fall and create a_furore_."
"Oh, bah!" Then she began to laugh, and said, "A certain gentleman inthis house thought I was so bent on having my fling in society that Ididn't wish to be embarrassed by even a little fraternal counsel."
"A certain fellow in this house finds himself embarrassed by ablack-eyed clairvoyant, who reads his thoughts as if they weresign-boards, but remains inscrutable herself."
"Such an objectionable and inconvenient creature should certainly bebanished to wilds of the West"
"As one of the Muir family I'll never consent."
"You'll soon be engrossed by cares of your own," she concluded,laughing. "Good-night."
"Stay," said Graydon, eagerly; "one so gifted with second-sight shouldbe able to read the thoughts of others."
"Whose?" Madge asked, demurely.
"Whose indeed? As if you did not know! Miss Wildmere's."
"What! Reveal a woman's thoughts? I won't speak to you againto-night;" and she left him with his tranquillity not a littledisturbed.