A Young Girl's Wooing
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Mr. Arnault's manner as he passed struck both Graydon and Madge asindicating strong feeling and stern purpose. In order to account forhis action, it is necessary to go back in our history for a shortperiod. While Madge was receiving such rich compensation for havingbecome simply what she was, Miss Wildmere had been gathering therewards of diplomacy. As we have seen, she had reached the finalconclusion that if Mr. Muir did not fail that day she would acceptGraydon at once; and, during its earlier hours, she had beencomplacency itself, feeling that everything was now in her own hands.Mr. Muir's appearance and manner the previous evening had nearlyconvinced her that he was in no financial difficulties whatever--thather father and Mr. Arnault were either mistaken or else were deceivingher. "If the latter is the case," she had thought, "they have sobungled as to enable me to test the truth of their words withintwenty-four hours.
"I am virtually certain," she said, with an exultant smile, "that Ishall be engaged to Graydon Muir before I sleep to-night."
In the afternoon it began to trouble her that Graydon had notappeared. As the hours passed she grew anxious, and with the shadow ofnight there fell a chill on her heart and hope. This passed into alarmwhen at last Graydon arrived with his brother and Madge, and greetedher with the cold recognition that has been described. She had met Mr.Arnault cordially at first, because there were still possibilities inhis favor; but when her father promptly disappeared, with the evidentpurpose to avoid questions, and Mr. Muir and his family at supper gaveevidence of superb spirits instead of trouble, she saw that she hadbeen duped, or, in any case, misled. Her anger and worry increasedmomentarily, especially since Graydon, beyond a little furtiveobservation, completely ignored her. She naturally ascribed his courseto resentment at her first greeting of Arnault, his continued presenceat her side, and the almost deferential manner with which he wastreated by her father, who had joined his family at supper, when noqueries could be made.
"I'll prove to Graydon by my manner that I am for him," was herthought; but he either did not or would not see her increasingcoldness toward Arnault.
Her purpose and tactics were all observed and thoroughly understood bythe latter, however, but he gave few obvious signs of the fact. In hiswords, tones, compliments he proved that he was making good all thathe had promised; but the changing expression in his eyes grew soominous that Mr. Wildmere saw his suppressed anger with alarm.
Miss Wildmere felt sure that before the evening was over she couldconvey to Graydon her decision, and chafed every moment over theleisurely supper that Mr. Arnault persisted in making, especially asshe saw that it was not his appetite that detained him. The Muir grouphad passed out, and to leave him and her father would not only be anact of rudeness, but also would appear like open pursuit of Graydon.When at last she reached the parlor, to decline Arnault's invitationto dance would be scarcely less than an insult; yet, with intensifyinganger and fear, she saw that circumstances were compelling her toappear as if she had disregarded Graydon's warnings and expectations.So far from being dismissed, Arnault was the one whom she had firstgreeted and to whom she was now giving the evening.
While she was dancing with Arnault, Graydon, with Madge, appearedupon the floor. She was almost reckless in her efforts to secure hisattention. In this endeavor she did not fail, but she failed signallyin winning any recognition, and the ill-concealed importunity of hereyes hastened Graydon's departure with Madge, and gave time for thelong interview described in the previous chapter. She grew cold withdread. It was the impulse of her self-pleasing nature to want thatmost which seemed the most denied, and she reasoned, "He is angrybecause Arnault is at my side as usual, in spite of all he said. Heis determined to bring me to a decision, and won't approach me atArnault's side. Yet I dare not openly shake Arnault off, and he's soattentive that I must do it openly if at all. Graydon's manner wasso very strange and cold that I feel that I should do something toconciliate him at once; and yet how can I when Arnault is bent uponmonopolizing the whole evening? He gives me no chance to leave himunless I am guilty of the shameful rudeness of telling him to leaveme. Oh, if I could only see Graydon alone, even for a moment!"
Arnault was indeed a curious study, and yet he was actingcharacteristically. He had virtually given up hope of ever winningStella Wildmere. He had wooed devotedly, offered wealth, and playedhis final card, and in each had failed. When he left the city hestill had hope that his promise of immediate wealth and Mr. Wildmere'snecessity and influence might turn the scale in his favor; and hebelieved that having secured her decision she, as a woman of theworld, would grow content and happy in the future that he couldprovide for her. But, be his fate what it might, both his pride andhis peculiar sense of honor made it imperative that he should be hersuitor until the time stipulated for his answer should expire. Up totwelve o'clock that night he would not give her the slightest causefor resentment or even complaint. Then his obligation to her ceasedutterly, and she knew that it would.
He had been irritated and despondent ever since Mr. Muir, throughMadge's aid, had so signally checkmated him. But Stella's greetinghad reassured him, and Graydon's manner toward her gave the impressionthat she had not been extending encouragement to him. This promisingaspect of affairs speedily began to pass away, however, when he sawher step to Graydon's side and ask if he was not going to shake handswith her. He knew how proud the girl was, and by this high standardmeasured the strength of the regard which impelled to this advance.He had since noted every effort that she had made to secure Graydon'sattention, and the truth became perfectly clear. She had utterly lostfaith in his and her father's predictions of financial disaster toHenry Muir, and would accept Graydon at the earliest opportunity.He saw that his defeat in Wall Street insured his defeat in theCatskills, and feared that Graydon had guessed his strategy, and,therefore, would not approach the girl while he was at her side. Therewas no use in his playing lover any longer--he had no desire to doso--for even he now so clearly recognized the mercenary spirit whichmight have brought her to his arms, that such manhood as he hadrevolted at it. If she had given him her hand it would have beensecured purely through a financial trick, and even his Wall Streetsoul experienced a revulsion of disgust at the thought of a wife thusobtained. If he could have detected a little sentiment toward him,some kindly regret that she could not reward his long-continued andunstinted devotion, he would have parted from her more in sorrow thanin anger; but now he knew that she was wild to escape from him, thatshe would instantly break her promise not to accept Muir before theclose of the week, and, to his punctilious business mind, the week didnot end until twelve o'clock Saturday night.
With a sort of grim vindictiveness he had muttered, "She shall keepher promise. Neither she nor Muir shall be happy till my time hasexpired."
Later in the evening, Graydon not returning, the thought occurredto Arnault, "Perhaps he too has recognized the sharp game she hasplayed--perhaps Henry Muir has said to him, 'She has been putting youoff to see the result of the sudden calling in of Arnault's loan,'and now young Muir proposes to console himself with that handsome MissAlden;" and a gleam of pleasure at the prospect illumined his facefor a moment. Meanwhile he maintained his mask before the world soadmirably that even Miss Wildmere little guessed the depth of hisrevolt. He was the last one to reveal his bitter disappointment andhumiliating defeat to the vigilant gossips of the house. Those who sawhis smiling face and gallantries, and heard his breezy, half-cynicalwords, little guessed the storm within. He had been taught in the bestschool in the world how to say and look one thing and mean another.
At last an acquaintance approached, and said, "Pardon me, Mr. Arnault,but I don't propose to permit you to monopolize Miss Wildmere all theevening;" and then asked for the next dance.
Stella complied instantly, thinking, "Graydon may return now at anymoment, and if he sees that I am not with Arnault will come to me, asusual."
Arnault bowed politely, looked at his watch, and invited an
other ladyto dance. Stella had been on the floor but a few moments when notGraydon, but her father came and said to her partner, "Excuse me, sir.I wish to speak to my daughter."
Requesting her companion to wait, she followed Mr. Wildmere through anopen window, and when on the piazza he took her hand and put it withinhis arm with a firmness that permitted no resistance. Arnault notedthe proceeding with a cynical smile.
"Stella," said her father, in a low, stern tone, "did you not promiseMr. Arnault his answer this evening?"
"Answer my question first," she replied, bitterly. "Did Henry Muirfail to-day? Of course he did not. You have been deceiving me."
"I did not deceive you--I was mistaken myself. But I warn you. GraydonMuir is not at your side. He may not return. Arnault is waiting togive you wealth and me safety, but he may not wait much longer. Youare taking worse risks than I ever incurred in the Street, and yourloss may be greater than any I have met with."
"Bah!" she replied, in anger. "I might have been engaged to GraydonMuir this moment had I not listened to your croakings. I'll manage formyself now;" and she broke away and joined her partner again.
After the dance was over she said, "Suppose we walk on the piazza; I'mwarm." She was cold and trembling. Arnault took his stand in the mainhall, where he and she could see the clock should she approach himagain. The last hour was rapidly passing. Miss Wildmere and herattendant strolled leisurely the whole length of the piazza, butGraydon was not to be seen. Then she led him through a hall whenceshe could glance into the reception and reading rooms. The quest wasfutile, and she passed Arnault unheedingly into the parlor, sayingthat she was tired, and with her companion sat down where they couldbe seen from the doorway and windows. But he thought her singularly_distraite_ in her effort to maintain conversation.
"Oh," she thought, "he will come soon--he must come soon! I must--I_must_ see him before I retire!"
Arnault meantime maintained his position in the hall, chatting andlaughing with an acquaintance. She could see him, and there was littlein his manner to excite apprehension. He occasionally looked towardher, but she tried to appear absorbed in conversation with the manwhom she puzzled by her random words. Arnault also saw that her eyesrested in swift, eager scrutiny on every one who entered from without,and that the two hands of the clock were pointing closely towardmidnight.
The parlor was becoming deserted. Those whom the beauty of the nighthad lured without were straggling in, the man at her side was growingcurious and interested, and he determined to maintain his position aslong as she would.
He was detained but little longer. The clock soon chimed midnight.Arnault gave her a brief, cold look, turned on his heel and wentout, passing Graydon and Madge, who were at that moment ascending thesteps.
"Oh, pardon me," said Miss Wildmere, fairly trembling with dread;"I had no idea it was so late!" and she bowed her companion awayinstantly. At that moment she saw Graydon entering, and she went tothe parlor door; but he passed her without apparent notice, andbade Madge a cordial good-night at the foot of the stairs. As he wasturning away Miss Wildmere was at his side.
"Mr. Muir--Graydon," she said, in an eager tone, "I wish to speak withyou."
He bowed very politely, and answered, in a voice that she alone couldhear, "You will receive a note from me at your room within half anhour." Then, bowing again, he walked rapidly away.
She saw from his grave face and unsympathetic eyes that she had losthim.
Half desperate, and with the instinct of self-preservation, she passedout on the piazza to bid Arnault good-night, as she tried to assureherself, with pallid lips, but ready then at last to take any termsfrom him. Arnault was not to be seen. After a moment her fatherstepped to her side and said:
"Stella, it is late. You had better retire."
"I wish to say good-night to Mr. Arnault," she faltered.
"Mr. Arnault has gone."
"Gone where?" she gasped.
"I don't know. As the clock struck twelve he came rapidly out andwalked away. He passed by me, but would not answer when I spoke tohim. Come, let me take you to your room."
With a chill at heart almost like that of death she went with him, andsat down pale and speechless.
In a few moments a note was brought to Mr. Wildmere's door, and hetook it to his daughter. She could scarcely open it with her nervelessfingers, and when she read the brief words--
"MISS WILDMERE--You must permit me to renounce all claims upon you now and forever. Memory and your own thoughts will reveal to you the obvious reasons for my action, GRAYDON MUIR,"
she found a brief respite from the results of her diplomacy inunconsciousness.