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Wrath of the Goddess (Goddess with a Blade)

Page 14

by Lauren Dane

  It took a lot for them to all come together across those lines. So they usually didn’t unless they had little other choice.

  But there they were. Vampires had been involved and as a result, human servants as well as other Vampires had been killed. Property destroyed. They would rouse to war, because their most sacred laws had been violated.

  “Is it a bug or a feature?” she murmured.

  “Explain,” he said.

  “Is this enemy attacking everyone on purpose? To make it look one way when really it’s another? In other words, it’s not a reckless attack on all other paranormals who will then hunt you down. It’s a way to do something. Achieve something. So a feature rather than a flaw. The what is obviously key here. Keep us looking elsewhere? Maybe chaos is part of how this enemy gets their kicks?” Rowan blew out a breath. “Remember the halcyon days of tweaker Vampire serial killers?”

  “These are certainly interesting times. I do plan on bringing the issues you raise to the other Scions and The First. I look forward to hearing what Genevieve has found out.”

  “Me too. She was supposed to be back by afternoon but she texted to say they’d gotten caught up in some debate regarding this mess and she didn’t know if she’d even make it back before tomorrow.”

  “I can’t deny the appeal of having her on your side in this.” Another powerful being who’d lend her strength when she needed it was something that pleased him greatly. Clive held up the note she’d left. “Jack?”

  “Still a whiny faced baby-man. Still thinks I’m the cause of all his problems. But the important thing is he knows I’m not telling him everything but I don’t think he’ll push. He can’t prove shit.”

  “But he’d take delight in messing with you.” Or he would if he thought he could get away with it. Fortunately for Rowan, Clive had already let Jack know just what the penalty would be for going after her. And though years had passed, it wasn’t the sort of thing Clive figured the detective would forget.

  “Whatever. I don’t have time for foolishness. He can eat a bag of salty dicks for all I care. What’s on your agenda today?”

  “Seems to me, unsalted dicks would be worse. But humans are strange.”

  She grinned at him. “You made a funny.”

  “I’m capable of such feats from time to time.”

  She looked him over carefully and nodded. “You’ve fed. Good.”

  He’d made a promise to himself to do so because she’d been so concerned about him and she had enough on her plate to worry about.

  Knowing she’d be uncomfortable if he pointed that out, he said instead, “I’m calling The First shortly.”

  She frowned. “From here? Don’t you usually do that at your office?”

  “The equipment for me to make this video call is portable. I’ll work from home tonight.” Clive wanted to be near her. He could still remember the metallic taste of fear when, for a split second, he wasn’t sure she was all right.

  Rowan watched him with knowing eyes. “You can’t just stop working to hover over me. You have a job. I’m not it.”

  He cut a hand through the air, hoping to forestall an argument. “Arguing over this is ridiculous. I’m not changing my mind so it’s also a waste of time. There’s a leak in my organization and I’m declaring war tonight and telling your father to do the same. I can do that from here. Your desk and computer equipment will do nicely for that. And before you argue anyway, let me emphasize that you can show him you’re all right and that will serve your purpose as well.”

  “You need to be visible right now. Your people need to see you at the office. See you going about your day and being a badass who is afraid of no one. This is your city, Clive. Your ground and fuck anyone for trying to kill you on it. Once this grows, and you know it will, everyone is going to be anxious. They’ll need leadership more than ever. It’s who you are to be the Scion.”

  Sometimes, his vicious, powerful wife would show another facet and he’d be dazzled. Canny and sarcastic, she could also know when a tender but firm lecture was needed.

  What he needed.

  “You already stop by Die Mitte every night to let me take you home to keep me from attaching myself to your side as you work this hunt,” he said. Knowing the answer.

  “It’s good for us both. And it’s good for your Vampires to see me. I’m your whatever now and so they need to know I’m with them. I’m not one of them. Don’t wanna be. You’re all a pretentious bunch with paper-thin feelings and a god complex. But. You’re Scion and so they need to know I’m adding to you, not taking you from them. It makes me the bad guy otherwise. And you’re not doing what you were born to do.”

  “I was born for you, you silly twit,” he said because she was right and he loved her so deeply it made him feel faint and yet he wanted more. Always more.

  That she softened enough to lean her head into him for a moment felt like victory.

  “We can call Theo from your office. You have snacks for me in the fridge there. Then I have some Vampires to annoy.”

  “You say that with so much cheer.”

  “If you can’t find the pleasure in the little things, what have you got?”

  “Ever the philosopher. Which Vampires and why?”

  “Do I tell you how to be Scion?”

  “Multiple times daily.”

  She laughed. “Fair point. I do. Mainly because I’m right. I have some sources to go pester, if you must know. And you really don’t but I’m being nice to you. Then I’m going to talk to Patience and see what she’s doing to get your security better trained.” She pointed at him, daring him to interrupt her, before adding, “It’s not just the leak. It’s overall sloppiness and an inability to deal with modern day problems. It leaves you vulnerable and it makes you look weak to outsiders. I don’t want to run your security, for Goddess’s sake. I just want to, you know, see what I can see and offer help in whatever way I can. Without usurping Patty and her authority. Because even though she’s a twat, she’s not your leak. She’s just got to be yanked into this century.”

  Clive had felt much the same way, especially after having worked with Rowan and been around her as she ran an investigation and a hunt. Despite her sarcastic mien, she was precise and well disciplined when it came to her job. She used technology without hesitation, which in turn had led him to be more open about using technology and modern methods in his territory.

  “I was thinking of bringing in some younger Vampires. There are a lot of ancients in my inner circle. Some personnel who are more familiar and comfortable with innovation might be needed once I find this leak and wipe that Vampire from existence.”

  “I agree. And perhaps new blood creates some new alliances for you in the Nation and here in your territory. You’re going to need to keep expanding your influence here. Each city you host as Scion will need to bring its own power to you. Any news about the leak today?”

  “Alice is on it. Tracing through all the various lines of communication to see who would have had access to not only the information about where we were during our betrothal ceremony at the Keep, but your schedule when you were in London earlier. And then who had access to the secured parking deck.”

  “I want to see the footage. I know that car didn’t have a bomb on it yesterday when you left here. I swept it myself, damn it. Which means it was put in place on your property. There are cameras everywhere in Las Vegas,” Rowan told him as she finished up her juice. “I’ll find it. That link. It’s right there just outside my line of sight, you know? There’s something I’m not seeing yet. There’s always a clue somewhere. Especially when these fools are jumping from the rafters all bold and shit, trying to end me.”

  He winced. “You can use my office to review it if you like. After the call to The First. I’d planned on suggesting you use one of the fleet of cars we have at Die Mitte. But I’m not convinced of the sa
fety of that suggestion. Since you won’t agree to a bodyguard and driver, at least take David with you. Or Genevieve if she arrives tonight.”

  Because he wasn’t the only one who’d been terrified of losing a spouse, she took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Doubling up when I can is fine. Otherwise I’m saying I need protection. The last thing I want is anyone thinking I’m an easy target now. Making me beat up dumbasses day and night like it’s some kind of gunslinger thing.”

  He was certain there was some humorous reflection there, but it was lost to him so he gave her a bland look. “Thank you. Oh and the house will be ready for us to move in by Tuesday. But perhaps we should stay here until this business is attended to. This seems a far more secure location.”

  Rowan shrugged. “For now. But in reality, there’s nowhere that’s totally safe. And just like you showing up at Vampire central today is important, it’s important for us to move on with our lives. We can’t hide forever and fuck that anyway. I hate hiding. It takes too much energy.”

  Which is exactly what Alice told him Rowan would say when he suggested to his assistant that maybe the move should be postponed. Rowan wouldn’t stand for hiding out.

  “Fine. But there’ll be extra security on the house. And I don’t care if you don’t like it. You’re lucky I don’t give you a guard driver like my mother has.”

  Rowan flipped him off. “I’m lucky? Whatever, sport. Just keep telling yourself that. I do what I want, Scion. Now come do me before we go to work so you can be lucky too.”

  She headed into the bedroom she used, with him behind her, closing the door at her back and locking it.

  “I like it when you take extra precautions,” he muttered as he pulled his shirt off.

  “I wouldn’t want to sully you. I know your reputation is important. Also, it would scar David forever to catch Mom and Dad doing it.”

  She whipped her blouse open and he reached for her. She was alive against him. Warm and full of sensuality. He bent to breathe her in where neck met shoulder. Her magic tended to pool there and he took it in, delighting in the slow rush of pleasure it sent through his system.

  Grief still peppered her taste and he held her tight for long moments until she reached down into his trousers and grabbed his cock.

  Desire washed over him. Hers. Urgency.

  She had his pants shoved down and her mouth on his hot and hard as she pushed them both to the bed. Demanding.

  He fell to his back, watching her as she stripped totally naked. He loved the long line of her body. Athletic and powerful. Sexy.

  Her hair had come loose from the long braid and she set it free totally, knowing the sight of it against her skin like a cloak incited him.

  This creature, this aspect of Rowan Summerwaite was totally and utterly his. This wasn’t Hunter and Scion. It was Rowan and Clive. She was his mate in every possible way he could think of. Nothing was between them in these stolen moments. No other responsibilities but one another and their relationship.

  Grinning, she tossed the remains of his clothing over her shoulder and then joined him.

  Things were rarely slow and gentle when it came to sex with Rowan. She wanted what she wanted, when she wanted it. Demanded it. There was something ridiculously sexy about the way she owned her desires. The way she trusted him to deliver it.

  Scrambling atop him she bent to kiss his mouth and then across his jaw and down his neck, giving him the edge of her teeth and the hard-edged sensation he liked. Her nails scored down his sides as she writhed, rubbing herself against him like a cat.

  She kissed and licked, nibbled and when it pleased her, she bit. All the while he petted over her skin. Across the curve of her shoulders. Down her arms. Up the ladder of her spine and down again, grabbing her ass and trying to hold her in place where she’d settled cock to cunt.

  A grunt and a growl as she kissed over his ribs and scooted her body down his. She clearly had other ideas and he certainly wasn’t going to complain, especially as she licked down the line of his cock while she held his gaze.

  Clive couldn’t imagine a time when she wouldn’t be so thrilling and exciting. When the way she touched him didn’t set him on fire.

  * * *

  Rowan loved the way he looked at her. Adored her. No one had ever seen her the way he did. It affected how she saw herself. Not so much that he completed her or made her feel like a woman. She was a grown ass woman before he came into her life.

  But it was hard to listen to the darker voices in her head when he looked at her like she was the most beautiful, sexy and brilliant person on the planet. Even when he was mad at her, he looked at her that way.

  He treasured her.

  It filled her with wonder that he knew her as well as he did and yet, still looked at her that way. Need seemed to caress her skin. Urge her on. Crave the salt of his skin and his taste, Goddess, his taste.

  She swirled her tongue over the head of his cock and he groaned, hands not so insistent she move to his beat just now. Now with her mouth on him as he lay beneath her like a damned feast of hot British Vampire.

  Oh sure, he tried to resist. Tried to hold back as she sucked and licked his cock, scored her nails over his balls and hummed her delight.

  But he couldn’t. Not forever. She knew him too well. Knew which places were irresistible, the way when she dug her tongue into that spot just under the head he jumped and then his balls tightened up.

  Knew how to slowly devastate him until there was nothing left but his climax. She took it all, pressing one last kiss to his hip before she began to crawl back up his body.

  And found herself on her back with said hot British Vampire kissing up the inside of her thigh.

  Clive had a great many talents. Giving head was one of them and up at the top. He held her thighs open wide, giving himself all the access he wanted. Keeping her spread for his gaze and pleasure.

  Slow licks began to increase with speed and pressure as he added a spin of the tip of his tongue against her clit at the end. Over and over as the pleasure filled her. More and more until it made her dizzy.

  And then more as he sucked her clit between his teeth, just this shy of pain. Just enough to send her arching into his mouth as she punched the mattress to underline just how fucking good it felt.

  He chuckled, the sound vibrating through her pussy, sending waves of sensation through her.

  He built her orgasm like an art project. A masterpiece of desire, thwarted climax, only to start again. Over and over and over again until there was nothing to do but come so hard she bit her tongue and tasted blood.

  And it didn’t matter because lights flashed against her closed eyelids and her man pleasured her until all she could do was lie limp on her bed, his head resting on her belly as she caught her breath.

  “Your scars are fading,” he told her, tracing along her hip with an idle fingertip.

  “On my back?”

  “Yes. I noticed when I was fucking you the other night but promptly forgot to mention it given that I was fucking you.”

  “Your attention to detail is always appreciated. I wonder why?” Not that she would mind. The scars had been from repeated beatings as a child and every time anyone saw them, it was a whole deal and she had to explain them or people looked at her with pity and she didn’t care for explanations or for pity.

  “I’d guess all the Vampire blood you’ve had over the last year would be part of it. Whatever the case, it makes you stronger. Which I approve of.”

  And since that blood had kept her from dying more than once, she didn’t regret the infusions at all. Even if it had tied her even more closely to the Vampire world she’d been running from for half her life.

  She was alive. She was strong and she had Clive. All in all, it was a small price to pay, being back in Theo’s orbit again.

  “Speaking of strong Vampires, let’s
get going so we can call Theo and you can deal with your fellow Scions on the other side of the world while it’s still dark.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Rowan smiled at Theo’s face on the screen as he joined the video call. At the sight of her, the icy mask he wore faded.

  “Petal, there you are. I believe you have some things to tell me.”

  Behind him, Nadir stood tall. She cut her gaze to Rowan’s and nodded slightly. He was in a good mood and could be told the basics.

  “Which bad news do you want first?” Rowan asked.

  “Surprise me. You know how I love surprises.”

  Uh, no, no she didn’t. But okay then.

  “Well, as you’ve already been told about the leak within the Nation, I can tell you there was an explosion here last night. At Die Mitte. Clive’s car blew up. But the good news is, we weren’t in it at the time.”

  Those cold eyes shifted to Clive. “I would dress you down for your sloppy security, but it seems I’ve been lax enough in my own house when it comes to this conspiracy.”

  Clive nodded, remaining stiff and very upright. “Vassalis, I apologize for this lapse and assure you I’ve got an entire team working on rooting out who these traitors within the Nation are.”

  “Discipline is sorely lacking in all my territories. And now it’s harming my child. This cannot be tolerated, Scion.”

  Clive’s body language remained the same. On the outside. But Rowan knew he had to be at least a little terrified by a fully enraged Theo.

  Goddess knew she was. The scars on her back might be disappearing, but the damage they’d done inside would always remain. He’d beaten the terror into her from a very early age.

  Rowan shifted from his daughter to the Hunter, needing to get his attention off Clive. “I will have a magic user inspect the scene of last night’s incident. She may be able to tell us more about whoever is responsible. Hunter Corp. has not decided if this was an attempt on the Scion of North America, or on me. As such, we are on heightened alert and I’ve been authorized to act with whatever force I deem necessary. The Treaty rules that in an extraordinary situation, the normal rules regarding force and warrants for true death can be altered.”


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