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The Ranch Girls and Their Heart's Desire

Page 5

by Margaret Vandercook



  One afternoon about ten days later Jean Bruce, who was Mrs. RalphMerritt; Olive, who was Mrs. Bryan MacDonnell; and Frieda Ralston, thewife of the eminent scientist, Professor Henry Tilford Russell, weresitting with their sewing under one of the big trees not far from thebig house, built after the discovery of the gold mine on the Rainbowranch and christened the "Rainbow Castle."

  Jack, as was often the case when they were thus quietly engaged, was notwith them, but was riding somewhere over the ranch with her son, Jimmie,and Jeannette, one of the four new Ranch girls, to some spot where JimColter was apt to be found, in order that he might ride back home withthem.

  The other little girls were playing at no great distance away, exceptlittle Peace, who was sitting in a small chair watching them.

  "I do think Jack might have remained at home with us," Frieda remarkedpetulantly. "Here I have traveled all the way from Chicago, closed myhome for a year, partly of course because the doctors thought it bestfor Peace to be in the west and outdoors as much as possible, andbecause Henry needed a change, but also because Jack was to be with usat the old ranch and I had not seen her since Frank's death. And yetnearly every afternoon off she goes riding like a whirlwind anddeserting the rest of us as if she cared nothing for our society. Jackhas changed a great deal I think, or else is more like she was as a girlthan as a married woman, now her husband's influence is removed. Iparticularly wished her at home this afternoon because, as it is such aperfect afternoon, some of the neighbors are sure to call. After Jack'sunfortunate performance the other afternoon I am convinced people aretalking about her, so I would like her to make a pleasant personalimpression upon some of the best people."

  Leaning back in a big wicker chair, Jean Merritt put down her embroideryfor a moment.

  "Oh, Jack will make a pleasant impression upon some people and not uponothers, as she used to do as a girl and has probably done all her life.Of whatever else one may accuse Jack, no one can say that she has not aforceful personality, so that people either like or dislike her. I oftenthink of the contrast between Jack and me, now we are women, although Ipresume it was just as conspicuous when we were girls. I create no suchaffection and no such antagonism as Jack does, but a kind of mild likingor mild admiration as the case may be." Jean laughed, adding:

  "I don't know whether I am glad or sorry, whether I envy Jack or feelshe should envy me. One thing I am sure of, I should never have turnedmy back upon the title and position Jack could have continued to hold inEngland for the simplicity of the old life here at the Rainbow ranch, atleast not for any great length of time. I believe I was always a littleenvious of Jack's opportunities, the very things for which she cared solittle. I would like to have been Lady Kent, to have entertained in KentHouse, to have been a leader in English society. People talk of Ralph asa successful engineer, but I wonder if they realize this means we havenever had a home, and I have simply dragged myself and the childrenafter him wherever he has been employed. Then, Ralph never has made themoney most persons believe he has; as a matter of fact, he is a muchmore successful engineer than he is a business man. Not that I amintending to complain," Jean said, hastily resuming her work, "but ofcourse one cannot help thinking of how strange life is and how often itgives things to the people who don't wish for them and withholds fromthose who do. I have wanted to be a prominent society woman all my lifeand Jack has always had an aversion to such an existence, therefore theopportunity has been hers, not mine."

  "Jean, please do not speak in such a pessimistic fashion," Oliveinterrupted. "The truth is that you have the social gift and Jack,charming and brilliant as she is, has not. Of course I think this isbecause she does not care to possess it. Jack loved her husband morethan the character of life she was obliged to live on his account,"Olive continued in the tone which always created a calmer atmosphere inany family discussion. "As for Jack's riding off and leaving us at home,you must try and understand, Frieda dear, that Jack is possessed ofinfinitely greater energy than the rest of us, and that all her dayswhen she has been troubled she has not kept still and brooded as mostgirls and women do. At present, in spite of what she has been through,she remains cheerful and agreeable whenever she is with us, and when sheis unhappy tries to wear herself out with physical exercise. I wonder ifany one of us would be as courageous in her present circumstances? Asfor what Jack did the other afternoon, Frieda, of course you know Iagree with you that it was indiscreet of her, but suppose we do notmention the fact any more."

  Frieda's red lips closed in a finer line than one might have expected ofher dimpled countenance.

  "One is obliged to continue to mention one's attitude on such matters toJack, else she forgets and does again exactly what she likes regardlessof consequences," Frieda replied with primness. "But of course, Olive, Iappreciate that you have never found any fault in Jack for as long asyou have known each other. I wonder sometimes how your husband feels,except that he has pretty much the same point of view. But I have notbeen disagreeable to Jack over her latest escapade except because ofits possible effect upon her. I am sure you understand this, Jean, ifOlive does not. Jack is planning to live in this neighborhood for anumber of years, until Jimmie should be taken home to England, thereforeit is most important that she should have a good reputation among ourneighbors and friends. I am sure I love Jack better than either of youcan, as she is my own sister. Even she realizes that it is for her sakethat I have been so annoyed."

  "Certainly, Frieda," Jean Merritt returned soothingly, having always hadmore influence upon the youngest of the original four Ranch girls thanthe others even in their girlhood, "Olive does understand your attitudeand has said she agreed with you. But I also agree with Olive that wemust not scold Jack any more for this particular offence. I have neverseen Jim Colter so displeased with Jack before. After all, it wasnothing more than an indiscretion, which my wretch of a husband refusesto take seriously and declares was rather sporting of Jack. He insistsJack is one of the few persons in the world who dares to do what shewishes when there is no harm in it and therefore other people must comeround to her way of thinking in the end. Now, if there is gossip,Frieda, don't you think it might be wiser to have Jack's family take theposition that she has done nothing so extraordinary? Goodness, is thatone of our formidable neighbors approaching? Shall we go indoors toenjoy her visit? I agree with you, Frieda, I wish Jack _had_ stayed athome this afternoon. If she could have made a friend of Mrs. SenatorMarshall half the battle in this neighborhood would have been won. Atleast we shall be able to find if what we have been fearing has cometrue. If I remember the lady at all well, if she has been told of Jack'sindiscretion, we are sure to learn of it."

  Before Jean had finished speaking she had arisen, laid her work asideand was moving graciously forward to greet a woman who was driving upthe avenue toward the house.

  She was driving a new electric machine beautifully upholstered in abright blue. Mrs. Marshall was herself dressed in a costume of almostthe same color, and was rather stout with a mass of sandy colored hairturning gray, and a florid complexion. She was the second wife of aUnited States senator.

  "No, I should of course prefer to remain out of doors. You do look toocomfortable and delightful," she began in a manner which was perhaps alittle too cordial to be perfectly sincere. Then when she had shakenhands with Frieda and Olive, she murmured: "So Lady Kent is not at home.I am so sorry. You will understand if I say my visit is made especiallyto her, as I hear she intends remaining among us for the present. Butthere, I had forgotten. I was not to say Lady Kent, so my stepsoninformed me. Strange for an American woman voluntarily to resign atitle! I am so little of the time in Wyoming and so much of the time inWashington perhaps I fail to understand Mrs. Kent's more western pointof view. But as we are to be in Wyoming for some time now, in fact untilmy husband is renominated and I presume re-elected to the Senate, he wasanxious I should meet Mrs. Kent, whom I believe he knew as a girl."

are very kind," Frieda murmured. "I am sure my sister will bedisappointed at not seeing you and will look forward to the pleasure alittle later. Indeed, I hope she may return before you leave."

  But whatever Frieda's tone and manner, she was not so convinced that hersister Jack would enjoy the acquaintance of their present visitor. Mrs.Marshall was as unlike Jack as one could well imagine two persons being.She had the reputation for being both a gossip and a snob and yet awoman of whom for these very reasons a number of persons were afraid.Personally Frieda felt a little afraid herself and preferred that sheshould be their friend rather than enemy.

  "Your sister seems to spend a great deal of her time on horseback sinceher arrival in the neighborhood," Mrs. Marshall remarked in a casualfashion. Nevertheless both Frieda and Olive experienced slightsensations of discomfort, wishing that Jean Merritt, who was better ableto answer their guest, had not disappeared at this moment to ask one ofthe maids to serve tea.

  "Yes, my sister has been devoted to horseback riding all her life,"Frieda answered a little too warmly. "She rode always as a girl andnever gave up riding after marrying and living in England."

  "Yet she must have ridden in a very different fashion. One can scarcelyimagine an English lady riding with a lot of cowboys and ranchmen andengaging in a lassoing contest with no other women present. My husbandand I were much amused when we heard the story. Mrs. Kent is known to besuch a western enthusiast there is a report that she may be intending toenter a wild west show. However, I believe the commonest report of thestory is that Mrs. Kent is thinking of joining the movies. Well, it isthe most popular thing one can do these days!" And the older womanlaughed as if she only half believed her own suggestions. Nevertheless,she could hardly have failed to realize that neither of her companionswere enjoying her remarks.

  Frieda had flushed until her big blue eyes were half full of tears whichshe was doing her best to restrain. Her voice shook during her reply,yet she also endeavored to summon a smile.

  "One is so glad to find something or some one to talk about in a smallcommunity, isn't one?" she returned. "I should have supposed you wouldhave lost interest in gossip yourself, Mrs. Marshall, living so much ofyour time in a city like Washington," Frieda added. "Of course you mustknow personally that my sister is not interested in any of thepicturesque suggestions you seem to have had brought to your attention.As a matter of fact, she has not yet entirely given up wearing mourning.She has a rather large fortune and later must find some way ofinteresting herself, although at present she appears content merely withher own family. Yet I am sure after a time people must realize what hercoming into a community like this one may mean."

  Then realizing that she was not making the situation any better, andthat their visitor was annoyed by the suggestion she had intended toconvey, that her sister, Mrs. Kent, might become a more important personin the neighborhood than Mrs. Marshall herself, Frieda grew suddenlysilent. After all, why was Jack not at home to explain her owneccentricity?

  Now as Olive entered the conversation Frieda experienced a sensation ofrelief. Olive's manner was so gentle and quiet one was seldomantagonized by it.

  "We are _so_ glad of what you have just told us, Mrs. Marshall," shebegan. "I confess we have been interested to know whether Mrs. Kent'saction the other afternoon was of sufficient importance to interest herneighbors and what story had been told concerning it. Mrs. Marshall, Iam sure, will be glad to hear what actually took place and tell otherpeople the exact truth. You are quite right; Mrs. Kent did ride overwith several of our ranchmen to watch a lassoing contest among thecowboys. She used to take a deep interest in all western sports as agirl and never has lost her interest apparently. Then I confess, to ourregret, Mrs. Kent did try to discover if she had forgotten her old-timeskill with a lasso. We were frightened, as she might so easily have beeninjured. But nothing of the kind occurred and there is no more to thestory. Mrs. Kent will be sorry to disappoint her neighbors if they haveimagined a more interesting set of circumstances."

  Returning at this instant, followed by a maid with tea, the conversationaltered. A short time after, without any further reference to JacquelineKent except to repeat that she was sorry to have missed her, the visitorwithdrew.

  However, the three former Ranch girls did not immediately go indoors. Itwas still not five o'clock in the afternoon of a beautiful lateSeptember day. Beyond the broad fields of wheat and oats were golden andripe for harvesting. Nearby the new little Ranch girls were still atplay, spinning around in a gay circle at the game of "drop thehand-kerchief," little Peace in her chair looking on.

  "It is just as I feared, Jack is going to be the talk of theneighborhood before any one has even seen her or been introduced to her.I presume the cowboys discuss her skill around their camp fires at nightas well as our richer neighbors; Mrs. Marshall probably spared us asmuch of the gossip as possible," Frieda declared irritably.

  But at this instant glancing up, she saw the figure of a woman onhorseback outlined against the blue horizon and at the same instant Jackwaved to her and came cantering in their direction.

  No one, except an extremely stupid or self-absorbed person, ever beheldJacqueline Kent on horseback without a distinct sensation of pleasure.

  Frieda, in spite of the many times she had seen her in such a position,was not proof against the fascination. "How wonderfully Jack rides! Nowonder she loves it," she exclaimed. "I am glad she is at home at last!"

  A few moments after, having cleared the gate of the farther fieldwithout descending to open it, Jack rode swiftly up the avenue.

  The eyes of Frieda, Olive and Jean remained fastened upon her.

  Having added to the disapproval of her family by being seen in an oldand discarded riding habit upon the afternoon of her unfortunateadventure, Jack had since appeared only in an extremely new and smartriding costume made for her by her London tailor shortly before sailingfor the United States. It was of black cloth with a close fitting coatand riding trousers. This afternoon she also wore black riding boots ofsoft leather and a little derby hat. Her hair in the yellow afternoonlight was much the same color as the ripened wheat.

  So intent was the small audience upon watching Jack's return and sointent were the new little Ranch girls upon their game, that no one sawa small figure rise suddenly from her chair, clap her hands together andthen dart across the little space of grass toward the rapidly gallopinghorse. A moment later, and she was directly in the horse's path, notthree feet away.

  There the baby stood stock still, her little white frock fluttering inthe wind, her yellow curls flying, her face upturned, frightened now andquite still. The horse seemed to rear so high above her head that shecaught no vision of the loved figure she had run forward to greet.

  Her mother saw her, and Olive and Jean, and they were not many yardsaway, and also the other children, who suddenly had quit their play andremained standing in a long line, still holding one another's hands,breathless, intent, terrified, unable in the surprise and terror of themoment to offer aid.

  "Baby!" Frieda called and darted forward, yet knowing instinctively shecould not be in time. Olive and Jean would have run after her except fora swift call from Jack.

  They saw Jack hold her bridle easily in one hand, and then lean overfrom her saddle until her arm could sweep the ground, when with a singleswift motion she lifted little Peace into the saddle, as she drew herhorse to a standstill.

  "Don't frighten Peace, please, Frieda," she said, as she gave the littlegirl safe and smiling and pleased with her adventure into Frieda'soutstretched arms.


  "And to think, Jack dear," Frieda murmured, still tearful half an hourafterwards although Peace was safe in bed, "that I sometimes havecriticized you for keeping on with your riding when you might be doingsuch stupid indoor things as Jean and Olive and I enjoy. Had you beenone of us, why, Peace might have been killed or worse this afternoon. Inever saw any one do anything so quickly or
so skilfully, Jack, as youlifted little Peace out of danger. Why, I--I had forgotten that you usedto be able long ago to lean from your horse and pick up anything youwished from the ground. One would not have supposed that such anaccomplishment could be so valuable as actually to save my baby's life.Say you forgive me for being so hateful about that other thing for thepast ten days."

  Jack's arm was about her sister as they walked up and down before thehouse waiting for Professor Russell's return from the small hut situatedabout a mile away where he spent the greater part of each day engaged inscientific investigations.

  "But, Frieda dear, I was to blame and I am sorry," Jack replied. "Jimhas not forgiven me yet. I was to blame this afternoon too, for I shouldnot have ridden up to the house so swiftly when I knew the childrenwere playing near. But I grew suddenly lonely for you and Olive and Jeanand left Jimmie and Jeannette with Jim and rode quickly home to findyou. Here comes your husband, I'll leave you and go home to the lodge.No, I don't want any one to come with me and I won't see you again thisevening. Good-night."


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