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Scarred: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 10

by Cheri Marie

  “Owen, he’s not the one we need to take down. He took care of Mac.”

  “He took care of Mac? Did you hear what you just said?” I think she’s lost her freaking mind.

  “Of course, I heard what I just said. He’s not the one behind the human trafficking…”

  “Maybe not, Cam, but he’s behind a lot of other bad shit! Murder being only one thing.” I lowered my voice to keep from attracting unwanted attention to our conversation.

  “I understand that, but Owen…he took care of Mac. If it wasn’t for him, she could be dead.” Her eyes plead with me to understand.

  “Did Mac tell you what her job was with him?”

  “No, she didn’t.” I can see the realization spread across her face as she says the words.

  “Why don’t you go back up and ask your friend…or better yet, ask your sister.” With that, I hit the button for the elevator. It opens instantly and I step in. I see the pain in Camryn’s eyes as the elevator doors close shut. What the fuck is she thinking? Is she in love with this guy?

  Walking into Murphy O’Hare’s hospital room, I’m still pissed at Camryn for being here ahead of me. I half expected to see O’Hare asleep in the bed, but instead, I find him sitting upright and on his cell phone.

  “Off the phone O’Hare,” I say sternly.

  Murphy holds up one finger, pissing me off further. He’s the fucking one under arrest. The thought to pull my gun and shoot him in the other leg crosses my mind.

  “Off the goddamned phone!” I say louder.

  “I want it done, and I want it done yesterday.” Murphy clicks off his cell and lays back against the pillows of his bed.

  “How the fuck did you get a cell phone in here?”

  “Officer Branson, what do I owe the honor of your visit?”

  “Cut the shit, O’Hare. I want to know who you’re working for…and I want to know yesterday,” I say with sarcasm.

  “You think I’ll just tell you because…?” He crosses his arms across his chest and gives me a smirk I wish I could knock off.

  “Because you’ve hurt enough people. People I happen to care about.”

  “Camryn? Or is it MacKenzie?” He places a finger to his chin before he continues, “Oh, wait a minute. Are you into both? They are sisters.”

  I inhale deeply, trying not to let this piece of crap get to me, then I change my tone.

  “Listen, I know you’ve talked to Camryn. I just don’t want her putting in a good word for someone that doesn’t deserve it.”

  “And you don’t think I deserve it.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  “No, I don’t. I know that you took care of Mac, but I also know that she was the one bringing in the drugs and weapons for the gang.”

  “She was our logistics person, yes. But she didn’t have to be someone’s sex slave, now did she?”

  “You put her in some very dangerous situations. Just being in your gang with all those depraved men, she could have been raped, or even killed.”

  “But she wasn’t, Officer Branson. I made sure of that. If you don’t believe me, then ask her.” He straightens himself as best he can, almost as if he is trying to show that he is still a man to be reckoned with.

  “I won’t have to, it will all come out in the trial.” I turn to walk out of the room. I am done with this case. I am done with this gang.

  “We’ll see, Officer Branson. We’ll see.”

  All I hear as the door closes is Murphy O’Hare’s laughter.

  Chapter 21


  A Year Later

  “Love you, too. Bye for now.”

  “Who do you love and why are you whispering?”

  “Jesus, Owen! You scared the hell out of me!” I playfully swat him on the chest as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

  “Who were you on the phone with, Cammie?”

  “I can’t tell you.” I reach up and place a little kiss on his lips before moving out of his arms.

  “We’ve talked about this. You can’t risk being traced. You can be putting both of you in a lot of danger.”

  “Do you really think they’re still after her? It’s been a year, Richy is dead, and no one has had any sighting of Murphy since his release six months ago.”

  “She’s in the witness protection program for a reason, babe. You should know this better than anyone.” Owen pours himself a cup of coffee and pulls out a seat at the small dining table.

  “I know but I had just found her and then she had to disappear again.”

  “Well, this case is pretty much closed for now. Like you said, Richy is dead. Whoever killed him was creative.”

  “Yeah, severing every major artery so he could bleed out, that’s creative,” I say sarcastically, knowing that Richy’s death had been described to him long before he was killed.

  Owen glances over at me, giving me a strange look, then continues with what he was saying. “And, thanks to that fancy lawyer O’Hare had, he’s out on the streets somewhere. We just have to wait until he shows up before we can do anything about him.”

  I pull a chair out across from Owen and sit down.

  “I don’t think we’ll be seeing or hearing anything from Murphy. I think he’s taken a page from the MacKenzie Barrett handbook and disappeared.”

  “Really? What makes you think that?”

  “Just a feeling. I got to know him when I was undercover. He’s not as bad as you’d like to think, Owen.”

  “He’s bad enough, Cam.”

  “I’ve got to get to work, I’m already running late. You want to come over for dinner tonight?” I stand and lean over to place a kiss on his lips.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t we go out instead? What time do you get off?”

  “Seven. What time are you picking me up, Officer Branson?”

  “Eight. Be ready to be dazzled with fine wine and cheap food.” He smiles up at me.

  “Sounds divine.” I laugh as I give him one last kiss and make my way across the room and out the door on my way to work.

  “Barrett! Camryn Barrett!” A voice booms from the doorway. I look up to see a young man carrying a bouquet of white roses.

  “Umm, that would be me,” I say loud enough for him to hear me and raising my hand so he can see me.

  “Ah, Ms. Barrett. I was told to deliver these to you personally. There’s a card attached.” He places the roses on my desk. I go to retrieve a tip from my wallet, but he stops me.

  “No tip, ma’am. I was already tipped but thank you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Very sure, ma’am.” He tips his hat to me. “Enjoy the roses.”

  “Thank you,” I say after him absently. He was already out the door and I’m looking for the card.

  Who in the world is sending me white roses? God knows I love Owen, but flowers are just not his thing. I finally find the card and fumble as I open it.


  You will always be the purity to my evil,

  the peace to my unrest, and the solitude to the chaos of my mind.

  You made me realize that even I can start over.

  Until the day I met you, I never knew that there was someone

  that could calm the madness.

  You've stolen my heart, and I have fallen madly for you,

  but I know that your heart belongs to another, and I am not deserving.

  I wish you many years of happiness with your sister, as well as your cop.

  Au Revoir,


  Au revoir? Is that a hint as to where he may be? I read the note one more time before placing it back in the envelope it came in, and then I slide it into my purse. Murphy was a good man at heart, he just needed to be reminded of it.



  Three Months Later

  “Cammie, will you hurry up? We’re going to be late!”

  “I’m trying to hurry! I just got home, and you expect me to be ready for
a date that I didn’t know we had until five minutes ago? Where are you taking me anyway?”

  “You’ll find out when we get there. Now, come on.” I grab her by the hand and pull her out the door behind me.

  I open Camryn’s passenger door and shut it once she’s in, and then I make my way around the car and slide behind the steering wheel. I pull away from the curb and make my way through town. After several minutes of silence, I glance over at Camryn and find her staring out the window.

  God, she’s beautiful. I don’t think I can remember a time that she’s been this beautiful. It’s been a little over a year since she found her sister and found out that I had her hidden for more than two years before that. I never thought she’d forgive me for not telling her the truth; I thank God every day that she did. I’ve got Camryn back. My life is complete as far as I’m concerned. Well, almost complete.

  “We’re headed out of Sunnyville?” she says as we enter the highway.

  “Yes, we are. I thought we’d go out to walk along the beach, maybe have dinner at that little bistro you like.”

  “Owen, I would love that. Thank you.” She smiles at me and I can see the sparkle reach her eyes.

  “No need for thanks, babe.” I reach over and take her hand in mine, interlacing our fingers.

  Our drive out of Sunnyville and out to the ocean took about forty minutes. We chatted about work and how warm the weather has been for early May. I pull into the parking spots designated for beach parking and place the car in park, turning off the engine. I get out and walk around the car to open her door before she can open it herself. She gives me a strange look and I pull her to me for a long, slow kiss; ending whatever she was about to ask me.

  “Come,” I say, taking her hand as I walk out to the end of the pier. A few people are scattered about, some fishing, some just enjoying the peaceful sounds that come from being by the ocean.

  Camryn leans against the railing, staring out onto the water, watching the moonlight dance upon the waves. I press my body against the back of hers, encasing her between my arms.

  “I’ve been wanting to ask you something, but I’ve been trying to wait for the right time to ask,” I whisper into her ear.

  “What is it?”

  Releasing her, I take a step back and lower myself down to one knee before she turns around.

  “Camryn Barrett, you have been the love of my life since we were sixteen years old. Even when we were apart, there was never a moment that my love for you faltered. Now that we’ve found our way back to each other, I don’t want to waste another minute to begin the rest of our lives together. Will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?”

  She gasps as tears stream down her beautiful face and she shakes her head yes. I slide the ring on her finger before getting to my feet and lifting her into my arms, swinging her around before placing her back on her feet.

  “I really wish Mac was here to see this,” she admits, then a voice comes from behind her.

  “I am here,” MacKenzie says as she flips down the hood on her sweatshirt. Camryn squeals as she releases me and wraps her arms around her sister.

  “How? When? What’re you doing here?” She stumbles through her words.

  “It’s been a little more than a year with no issues, so the department thought it was safe for Mac to finally come home. I went and picked her up and brought her here before coming home to get you.”

  Camryn hugs MacKenzie again. “I’m so happy to see you. I’ve missed you so much.” She tells her.

  “I’ve missed you too, Cam.”

  Camryn releases her, coming back to me, and I kiss her deeply.

  “Today is the happiest day of my life, next to finding Mac of course. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I can’t wait either. I love you so damn much.”

  “I love you, too. Now, can you feed me please, I’m starving.”

  “Me too.” MacKenzie admits.

  “Of course, come on. Let’s go.”

  I wrap my arm around Camryn’s waist, leading her back up the pier towards the restaurant. MacKenzie grabs Camryn’s free hand, swinging their arms back and forth as we walk.

  “You know that means you’re stuck with me for life too, right?” MacKenzie laughs.

  I smile over at her and give her a wink. “Of course, Mac and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Everyday Heroes World

  Want to keep up with all of the other books in K. Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes World? You can visit us anytime at and the best way to stay up to date on all of our latest releases and sales, is to sign up for our official KB Worlds newsletter HERE.

  Are you interested in reading the bestselling books that inspired the Everyday Heroes World? You can find them HERE.

  Other Titles Written By Cheri Marie

  Hearts Aligned (Currently Unavailable)

  Loves Wicked Ways

  What If I Fall

  Savage Princess

  Ruthless: A Mafia Romance

  Always You

  Playing Dirty

  Finding Ainsley

  Other Titles Written By Alexis R. Craig

  This Rose Has Thorns

  Finding Yesterday: A Ranger’s Heart Book 1

  A Different Kind of Love: A Tale of Two Mutants

  Ruthless: A Mafia Romance

  Taking a Chance: A Second Chance Love Story

  Finding Grace (Coming Soon)


  Cheri’s Acknowledgements:

  To my co-author and dear friend, Alexis R. Craig – Thank you so much for always lending an ear, being encouraging and setting my ass straight when its necessary. Lol. Thank you for going on this adventure with me as we continue to work on living out our dreams! Love you, bunches!!

  To my PA, amazing friend and the person in charge of helping me keep my life on track, Melissa Taegel-Parnell. Thank you for all that you do for me. For being my sounding board and always being encouraging. Your friendship truly means so much to me. Love you!! ❤️

  To my Jilly, thank you for always being so supportive and encouraging. We’ve taken on so many adventures together already and this was just another, with more to come! I’m so excited for you and what is to come in the future. Love you, mucho!!

  To my readers, those loyal and those new, thank you for believing in me enough to pick up my books. Thank you for loving my characters as much as I do and for just being you. This wouldn’t be my ninth release if it wasn’t for you! So thank you for your continued support and I will do my very best to continue to bring you stories that you love for as long as I am able. ❤️


  Alexis’s Acknowledgments:

  To my co-author and amazing friend, Cheri Marie – Thank you for everything. You gave me my first chance in this crazy world of writing, and for that, I will be forever grateful. We are on this wild ride together! Love you, Lady!!

  To my PA, and more importantly, my dear friend, Barb Shuler -- I don’t know how you manage to do everything that you do. You are an amazing person and I greatly appreciate everything that you do for me. You always find time to listen to my rants and my worries. You are the best of the best. Love you beyond words.

  To everyone that takes the time to pick up one of my books, thank you for doing so. You are the most important part of this writing world. Without you, I wouldn’t continue to write. You taking a chance on reading what I write… what we all write… that’s what keeps us all going. Again, thank you! ❤️

  About the Author

  I have always had a love for reading since I was young. I remember working for our family business and devouring book after book by Danielle Steele while we weren't busy. When I was in my late teens, I had kind of fallen out of love with reading until the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer then, fast forward ten years, I fell in love with the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. After reading the trilogy, I was hooked on reading again! Shortly af
ter I was introduced to the Indie community of authors and that brought on the idea that maybe "I" could write a book of my own. And so began my journey... In February 2016, I self-published my first novel, Hearts Aligned, a military love story about second chances. From then until the present, I've dabbled in multiple different genres and I continue to do so until the stories stop coming to me. Which, might I add, I hope never happens.

  About the Author

  Alexis R. Craig writes contemporary romance that contains a mixture of sweet, sexy, emotional, and a touch of real. Although she writes in multiple genres, romance is her favorite genre. She is a self-professed romantic, in love with the idea of love, romance, poetry, and a good wine. Writing a good love story that defies all the rules and boundaries has become her addiction; an addiction that has become her passion.

  Alexis lives in rural North Carolina with her husband. She loves to travel and find old places, old stories, and new memories.

  Also Written By

  K. Bromberg



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