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Arranged Marriage Mafia: A Dark Italian Novel (Mafia Romance Book 1)

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by Madison Klien

  Finally, the third man comes in and Pasquale sat up as best as he could. The man introduced himself as Don Vito. Pasquale knew that but Carmela had never met him before. She knew him only by the name. His presence was intimidating. He looked around the room and as he did, he spread some fear. Then he collected the bat from his muscle and observed it as though it was something he had never seen before. He liked the smooth surface. He rubs it with his palm then grips the bat by the base and swings it in the direction of Pasquale to hit the head.

  “No!” Carmela cried through the gag.

  Pasquale was in pain as he bled. He yelled so loudly. Carmela had never seen her father in so much pain in all her life. It hurt her to see him getting hurt. He bled on the side of his head as he had his face down with so much discomfort as he could not hold where it hurt. The blood flowing from his head was now staining his clothes.

  “Silence!” Don Vito yells to stop Carmela from crying. And she does immediately but with tears still flowing from her eyes.

  The Don began to speak. He likes to make an entrance with fear and intimidation. He liked to hurt those who got in his way. Loyalty is just a currency. He burns it the moment a line has been crossed with no exceptions.

  “Did you think you would get away with it?” Don Vito says with his voice having a subtle anger tone. “Did you think that? You thought wrong.” He pushes Pasquale up so that he could look into his eyes as he talks.

  “Answer me!” he shouts.

  “Boy oh boy … who could have thought that you would betray me? Death means nothing to me,” Don Vito says. “You killed the most important client for the Mafia. You have set us back by a decade for your action. I am going to enjoy this,” he says. He picks up the bat once again and this time he hit Pasquale’s stomach and he screamed as loud as he could through the gag. The gag began to soak up with blood flowing from his head.

  Carmela screams through her gag as she could no longer stay silent. She begged for his life with the gag in her mouth and gestures on her face.

  Pasquale was trying to cough out blood which soaked the gag much more. He was sweating and in dismay.

  The man with the black briefcase laid it down on a metal table and releases the locks and opens it. Carmela became more terrified when she saw the horrific tools in the box. She saw sharp metal and other tools she had never seen before.

  Don Vito walks over to the briefcase to pull out a knife shining in the dimmed room. Then he walked back to Pasquale. He taunted him with the knife before walking over behind him. He used the knife to cut his leg slowly and more blood spilt out from Pasquale who screamed out through the gag in his mouth.

  Uncontrollable tears flowed through her eyes and her vision became blurred. She felt helpless and wish there was more she could do beside beg for his life. Her father was losing blood and she feared so much for his life.

  The muscle who carried the black briefcase turns to her to hush her from making more noise. He goes into the briefcase to pick up a sharp object that looked like a corkscrew. He held it firmly in his hand as he approached her. He pointed the sharp object at her and maid partial contact as he tells her to be quiet. Then he began to apply pressure on her body as he dug into her skin. She cried from the pain and more tears flowed from her eyes.

  The other man who pointed the gun saw this happen switched his thoughts and without much thinking, he gets involved and pushes the man away from hurting her. Don Vito paused to observe as he noticed what was happening. He pulls the younger man to his side and whispered something to him.

  Carmela had no idea of what was happening or what they said but by their body movement, she could deduce they were talking about her. It would seem they have decided to kill her off immediately because of her behaviour. “This is the end,” she thought.

  Don Vito began to walk toward her with his intimating look and appearance. Carmela could smell the sweat from his forehead along with the smell of her father’s blood that had paltered on his cloth.

  Then he says to her, “Today is your lucky day,” as their eyes met. “She is to be spared,” he orders the big guy. “However, your freedom to live, to see the sun again and exist comes with a price. You will be marrying my son - Salvatore. You have a strong resolve and you will make an excellent wife for him. It would be an honour for you as you shall accept this offer to live.”

  He calls his name, Salvatore, and he answers, “Yes, Father.” Carmela was surprised that he was the one who pushed the big guy away and also the man that pointed the gun to her at her home. Don Vito instruct Salvatore to untie her immediately. He unties her and pulls her up from the chair with her mouth still gagged. Carmela was more concerned about her father as her eyes were on him and she mumbled some words through the gag. Salvatore understood what she was trying to tell him and immediately he tells her it is no longer her concern.

  “Now, come with me,” he says as he leads Carmela to her room.

  Pasquale was in continuous torture and Carmela could hear his muffled screams through the gag and the metal chair jerking vigorously. As she was being taken away from the room, she turned to look him before the door was shut behind her. She was scared for his life.

  ACT 2


  She kept hearing his cry as she was taken away. The farther they moved, the fainter the sound of his pains and cries. Salvatore instructed her not to worry about it as worrying won't make any difference. “He got what's coming to him,” he said. “I must say, he is lucky Don Vito hasn't executed him yet. So stay with me. My father has been generous to spare you.”

  Her eyes were heavy yet all she could think about is her father. “Lucky!” She thought about what that even means. She kept her inner voice to herself. They continued together through the hallway that leads to a staircase. She thought to make a run for it but that would mean the end of any hope her father will have to be alive. The path was scented with oil perfume and it had ancient artworks that would cost a fortune in the market. He led her up to the stairs and she could see more cameras at each angle she turned her head. Finally, he takes her to a room.

  “This is your room,” Salvatore says to her. She walked slow and sluggish but he encouraged her to brace up. The room was huge with artworks and a huge mirror. She could tell the room was designed for a woman. The floor was easy on the feet as she walked into the room. Although beautiful in sight, her mind could not get over the torture her father was undergoing. The room had a king-sized bed with beautiful ornaments on the frame. She strode to the bed and crawled into it till she got to the edge of the bed. She scanned the room with her eyes to find any camera but none was visible. It would seem there were no cameras in the room. She took a deep breath then another, trying in a view to calm her nerves. It wasn’t working. She was shaking up and panicking.

  The picture of her father bleeding was in her head. She picked up a white fluffy pillow and she put it on her lap with her legs crossed as she sat on the bed. She held it tightly with both hands as she squeezed her frustration into it. She became angry about being helpless and unable to do anything to save him. She could not make a decision for herself except the option given to her by Don Vito. No goes against the Don. He says what he wants and he gets it. This wasn’t how she planned her life. She wanted a life away from the mafia. Now the mafia is bringing her into the life she wanted out of. Don Vito has set her up for his son. Like everyone one captured against their will all she began to think about was her escape. The more she thought about it the more she thought about her father. It broke her heart much more. Her situation is hopeless. She was at the bottom of despair and so she looked up to the ceiling with her heavy eyes and tears began to race down her cheeks. As it seemed her father had a 50/50 chance at life or death. She was by herself when she heard footsteps and it would seem it was more than a person coming to her.

  “What could be happening now? Is he okay?” she hoped. The door began to open slowly and her heart started to race. Hope is truly a dangerous thing for
a woman like her. The intimidating personality appeared before her. It was Don Vito but this time he was accompanied by someone else. A woman whom he introduced to her as his wife. She looked colourful in her dress with her beautiful olive skin. Carmela wiped her tears as she stood up from the bed as though everything was alright. She had to be fearless. Carmela expressed her concern as she demands to know what had happened to her father.

  “Tell me what you’ve done with him,” she said. “Where is he?” she demanded. Although she was scared of him, she did not let that hold her back from demanding an answer from him.

  Don Vito did not like her tone. Carmela could sense she was getting on his nerve. She felt good about it for a moment. Her sharp tone irritated the mafia boss. But she had no idea what it means to disrespect a mafia. Don Vito descended on her face a slap that left a mark on her cheeks which saw her face turn in the instant. She touched her wounded reddened cheek with her right hand and her eyes opened. With a wave of foolish anger and bravery, she said again with a sharper tone, “Tell me about the fate of my father now!”

  The Don looked at her with so much disgust in his narrow dark blue eyes as he hit her again, much harder, with a slap that sent her flying onto the bed.

  She became scared as she was lying flat on the bed and crawling backwards on the sheets as Don Vito began to walk closer to her with his intimidating presence. His eyes lit like it was on fire from hell especially with his tapered eyebrow.

  “Child!” he said with a heavy voice. “I will spare you today because you are not familiar with how things are done here. I understand you have not had the opportunity to learn your place in the mafia. I will give you a pass tonight. This is your chance to get acquainted with the mafia. The first rule and the most important rule is never to disrespect me. The next rule is never to disrespect your future husband. Do you understand?” he yelled at her.

  “Yes, sir,” she cried.

  Don Vito continued to walk towards her with brewing anger and Carmela started to draw backwards. A soft hand touched Don Vito by the shoulder. He looks over to his beautiful wife – Maria. She stepped in to calm his nerve. She is the only one capable of doing this. She had this effect on him. “My love,” she says, “do not let out your anger on her as she is but a child that knows nothing. Would you leave her to me?” she suggests.

  He looked at her and saw to reason with her. Cold with no emotion as though he was not moved by her words, he said, “Very well then, I will leave you to this. Keep her in line,” he commanded her. He held her by the face and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. She reassures him that she will take her in and explain to her to understand the new life she has been brought into. He looked at Maria once more and nods his head. Then he leaves the room by slamming the door on them. That was not enough, he continued by locking the door behind him.

  After the door was locked, Maria ran up to her to ask if she was okay. “How are you feeling my child?” Carmela was dumbfounded without saying a word as many thoughts went through her mind. Maria looked out of place as the wife of the mafia boss because she had a warm and caring feeling. Maria touched her face checking if she was okay. Carmela’s visions were blurred from the slap and her hearing were distorted that she could barely make out the words of Maria. Her eyes started to open as she saw the frame before her with a rounded jaw and a square face. Maria looked more beautiful up close as Carmela’s eyes began to normalise. She saw into her slanted brown eyes which showed so much concern. “Are you alright?” Maria asked again.

  Arrrg! Ouch! Carmela sighed as she touched her cheeks. The reality of her situation became more obvious that she could no longer elude it with a brave attitude. She was in no place to demand anything. Carmela got up to sit at the edge of the bed as Maria was trying to nurse her hurt cheek.

  Suddenly, Carmela fell on her knees and began to cry. She kept sobbing that Maria had to tell her that crying won’t get her any help. Maria was not sure if anyone was listening as from her experience in the mafia especially at Don Vito’s house, anyone could be watching and listen and so she leaned closer to Carmela like she was helping her only to whisper in her ears, “Women stick together.” After she said this, she leaned back to a normally reserved composure then said to her, “You must learn when to speak and when not to speak. You have to learn how and when to speak to men. Most importantly, do not speak up to men as it is a sign of disrespect and the mafia takes honour and disrespect strongly in their code.” “Your face is in a bad shape,” Maria say. “Let me go get you some ice to dull the pain. Do you care for some pain killer as well?”

  “Yes, please,” Carmela said. She thought about how kind-hearted Maria was to her. Maria went to the door, brought out her key and unlocked it as she exits the room. Soon she would hear the metal lock turning again. She was locked in. it would seem she won’t be going anywhere for a long time. Her father was being tied up in a room and locked away. His fate she has no idea about and now she was locked up in a bedroom with a key.

  Her reality kicked in that she was a prisoner. Fighting or getting the mafia angry will not help her situation and she also needed to get her father out? If she was going to have any success at all, she needed to be of good behaviour and follow the rules. She remembers what Maria said to her. She whispered for a reason that phrase “women stick together.” She must have said that for a reason. Maybe she was on her side. She could not tell yet but her face hurt a lot and she could use the ice and pain killer. The plan to escape was to obey and follow their rules. It felt like a shitty plan but that is all that she had got.

  Maria returns to the room with water, pain killer and ice. Carmela took the painkiller first and Maria ensures that she drank the entire bottle of water. “You need this to rehydrate my child.” Maria took the ice and started to apply it on her face. She continued to give her lessons and survival tips to get along with the mafia. “Never ask too many questions,” she says. Carmela got that and she continued to grow under Maria’s guide. She finally finished with her face and told her to get some rest. “We will continue in the morning,” Maria says to her.

  As she was about to leave, Carmela asked her if she would lock her in the room. Maria looked at her with a smile then said, “I wish I could but I have to lock you inside. This is the wish of Don Vito.”

  “I understand,” Carmela says as she goes to sleep.

  Maria became her guide. Although she was always locked up in the room she found some comfort with Maria. Maria’s dressing style is colourful but she likes to wear vintage clothes because it made her skin glow. She took Carmela under her wings as she showed her how to dress like the wife of a mafia boss. She taught her how to conduct herself amongst the men. All this time she had no privilege to know about her father. Carmela already had the worst thought about her father. She believed he was already dead and she was trying to find a way to move on until she would make her great escape. Whenever she tried to ask about her father Maria would caution her to be careful. She listens to Maria. She’s full of light and kind in heart. Carmela enjoyed being in the company of Maria. That was the best part of her day. Whenever she is locked in the room with no one to speak with or interact with she slowly falls into depression and thoughts of being a prisoner. Maria’s presence made her forget about everything she had to deal with at Don Vito’s house.

  Maria always reminded Carmela that her situation was temporary. She told her that she has a special place with the Mafia. Salvatore is the hire and being considered to marry him puts her highly in rank and respect. She needs to learn their ways so she does not get on the bad side of Don Vito. Carmela’s wardrobe changed to fancy clothes and designers. She was given the best and most expensive makeup accessories, pendants, necklaces and earrings. They needed her to look royal and magisterial.

  Maria told her she will not be involved in any dirty or shady dealing with the mafia. Her role is to keep up appearance and look stunning as always. Maria assured her that as long as she was around no hurt will come upon her. Ca
rmela felt reassured by her words. What a kind soul is Maria? She often thought how such a person got caught up with Don Vito and the mafia but she had no idea and felt it would be unpleasant to ask her about how she got involved with them. The mafia deals in drugs sold in the market and are the major distributors and they also sold to the socialites in the city. The activities of the mafia does not suit the personality of Maria. Perhaps there was more to her than she knew about. Carmela was happy to have Maria in her corner. She was her guiding light and mentor while she was living in the house as a prisoner.

  While she was in isolation in the room and being mentored by Maria, the Mafia looked through Carmela’s file. They studied and tracked her past life. They knew all her routines and activities. She was someone they could use and they had Maria to take her into the transformation process. They wanted to know her beyond what they have seen. Soon they discovered she had a rich educational background and a degree in accounting. They learnt that she was seasoned and a professional in accounting. The mafia sort to use her abilities with their books. Carmela worked as an accountant. That was the life she had before she got mixed up with the mafia as a prisoner. The mafia already covered her track by acquiring the firm she worked at and gave her a leave of absence so that no one goes looking for her whereabouts and raise flags about her false imprisonment. They knew she would want to return to that life so they made her an offer to work with them on their books. Carmela saw this as an opportunity to gain their trust and prove her loyalty.

  Carmela knew if she was brought on board to work their books she would soon learn about their business dealings especially the flow of money. She is good at what she does as she would give advice and covered their tracks where they were exposed and vulnerable. She was able to use her knowledge to increase their earning and cut down spending’s that were not yielding any profit for their empire.


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