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Falling for the President’s Daughter: Satan’s Fury MC

Page 6

by Wilder, L.

  “I don’t have to be at school until noon tomorrow, so I thought I’d come by and say hello.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did.” I felt a shiver skirt down my spine as he leaned towards me with a sexy smile. “Definitely the highlight of my day.”

  “Mine too. Especially after seeing our picture on the wall.”

  “Pretty cool, huh?”

  “Very cool.”

  “You hungry?” Flynn asked as he motioned his hand over to the kitchen. “I could round ya up a burger or some of those cheesy fries you like.”

  “Cheesy fries would be great.”

  “You got it.” He stepped over to the walk-up window and placed my order, then quickly made his way back to me and asked, “How about a drink?”

  “How about one of Danver’s famous lemonades?”

  “You got it.” Flynn filled a glass and placed it in front of me. “So, why don’t you have to be at school until noon tomorrow?”

  “Parent-teacher conferences.”

  “Oh, that should be fun.”

  “Loads,” I scoffed. “But it’s only for a few hours, so it shouldn’t be too bad.”

  “Well, that’s good. The less you have to deal with that kind of stuff, the better ...” his voice trailed off as he glanced over at the table of customers in the corner. Remembering Pappy had told Flynn to keep an eye on them, he said, “I’ll be right back.”

  I watched as he walked over and started talking to Patsy and her boys. Flynn gave them a warm smile as he spoke and even placed his hand on the youngest boy’s shoulder as he said something funny. They all laughed, and it wasn’t long before Flynn gave them their ticket. Patsy thanked him, and then he turned and headed towards me. Once he was back behind the counter, he said, “Looks like another satisfied customer.”

  “Certainly hope so.” My words sounded more provocative than I’d intended. Doing my best to play it off, I quickly cleared my throat and said, “I, uh, didn’t get a chance to thank you for dropping my car off the other morning. I really appreciated it.”

  “It wasn’t a big deal. I was glad to do it.” When the cook rang the bell, Flynn walked over to the kitchen window and grabbed my basket of cheesy fries, then brought them over to me. “Here ya go. Just the way you like ’em.”

  “They look great.” Even though I knew they were hot, I immediately reached for one and took a bite. “Yep, just like I remembered. Best fries ever.”

  “Yeah, they are pretty damn good.”

  He reached over and grabbed a couple out of the basket, then shoved them in his mouth. I gave him a playful scowl as I teased, “That’s a good way to lose a hand, mister.”

  “I’ll take my chances.” He gave me a wink before turning his attention to the pool table in the corner. “What about you? You willing to take a chance?”

  “At a game of pool?”

  “Yeah, unless you’re chicken.”

  “You know I’m no chicken.”

  “Says the girl who’s still sitting there eating her cheesy fries.”

  “Oh, no, you didn’t.”

  “Yeah, I did.” He cocked his eyebrow as he taunted me. “So, what’s it gonna be, Smalls? You gonna play or what?”

  “Oh, I’m gonna play, but I don’t want to hear any whining after I win.”

  “I hate to burst your bubble, babe, but I’ve got no intention of losing.”

  “Oh, really?’

  “I play to win, or I don’t play at all.”

  “Alrighty then.” I took another fry and popped it in my mouth, then stood up and strolled over to the pool table. I picked up one of the pool cues and twirled it in my hand, checking the weight and length. It felt pretty good, so I turned to Flynn and gave him a wink. “Let’s see what you got, big guy.”

  He sauntered over to the rack on the wall and grabbed another pool cue while he continued to tease me. “You just keep running that sexy mouth of yours and see what happens.”

  “See what happens? Hmm.” I could feel my smile growing wider as I asked, “Why does that make me want to mess with you even more?”

  “I tell ya what.” Flynn started racking the balls as he continued, “Why don’t we make this interesting and put a little wager on the table?”

  “Oh, I like the sound of that. What kind of wager did you have in mind?”

  “How about we make a bet on what we do after this game. If you happen to win, which you won’t, you can decide what we do, and if I win, we’ll go to my place.”

  “And what will we do if we go to your place?”

  A spark of mischief flashed through his dark eyes as he replied, “I’ll fill you in on that when I win, and if by the-ever-so-slim chance you win, you can do the same. You think you can handle that?”

  “Oh, yeah. I can definitely handle that.” I extended my hand and said, “You’ve got yourself a bet.”

  Chapter 5


  Lauren was a badass. There was no other way to describe her. She was not only breathtakingly beautiful, but she was also strong and determined—and unapologetically so. Without even trying, the woman had me tied up in knots, and she not only knew what effect she was having on me, but she was using it against me. Every time it was my turn to make a play, she’d find some way to distract me, and it was fucking brutal. As soon as I’d lean in and try to focus on my shot, she’d find a way to brush up against me with her hip or ass, or she’d touch me—ever-so-lightly, but I’d feel it the second the tip of her fingers ran along my spine or through the base of my hair.

  I tried my best to ignore Lauren’s wicked temptations until she leaned against the table, batting her long eyelashes and revealing a hint of her cleavage.

  When I missed the pocket, I stood and fussed, “You aren’t playing fair.”

  “No whining, remember?” Sashaying over to the other end of the pool table, Lauren leaned down and positioned her pool cue, then looked up at me and teasingly said, “Besides, all is fair in love and war.”

  “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” She made the shot, and like many times before, the ball slipped right into the pocket. “Yeah, I think I might’ve been hustled.”

  “Hustled? No, Flynn. I’d never hustle you.” She gave me a playful wink, then skirted behind me with her breasts lightly grazing my back. I could feel the warmth of her breath on my neck as she whispered, “You underestimated me, and that’s something you should never do to a girl who grew up with bikers.”

  “You’ve got a good point there.” I watched a smile sweep across her beautiful face as she leaned down to make her next play. She had me in the palm of her hand, and she knew it. I simply couldn’t have that—not this early in the game of “love and war,” so I decided it was time for me to turn the tables on her. I took a couple of steps back and positioned myself right behind her, then stared directly at her ass as I groaned, “Mmm...Mmm...Mmm.”

  With an arched brow, she glanced over her shoulder at me and asked, “There a problem?”

  “Nope.” I never took my eyes off her ass as I continued, “Everything is perfectly fine.”

  “So, you’re just going to stand there and stare at my ass?”

  “Just enjoying the view.”

  “Fine.” She leaned back over to take the shot as she grumbled, “Suit yourself.”

  Seeming completely unfazed, Lauren made the shot, only this time, the ball didn’t go into the pocket. Instead, it caught the corner and bounced back, leaving me wide open to win the game. Without so much as an agitated look, she stood and walked over to the corner, waiting patiently for me to make my move. I eased over to the table and was considering which ball to target when Lauren drew my attention yet again. Her arms were crossed with one hand raised near her face, and as her eyes remained seductively fixed on mine, she slowly trailed her index finger across her bottom lip. Damn. I knew Lauren was just fucking with me, but she was about to learn that I could only be pushed so far.

  I stood upright and leaned my pool cue against the table befo
re stalking towards her. Her eyes widened, but they never left mine as I placed the palm of my hand on the wall behind her. She stood there, just inches away from me, looking like every man’s wet dream. Without warning or permission, I lowered my mouth to hers, kissing her with all the heat and angst that had been brewing inside me since she walked through the front door. I could feel the beat of her heart next to mine. It calmed me, refueled me, and that’s when I knew—Lauren wasn’t my first, but if I had anything to say about it, she would be my last. I pulled her closer as I continued to devour her mouth, claiming her the only way I could in that moment. I could feel myself losing control, so I took a step back, quickly breaking our embrace.

  “Something wrong?”

  “We have a game to finish.”

  After inhaling a deep breath, I walked back over to the pool table and took my shot. The last of my striped balls fell into the pocket, leaving the eight-ball as my last one to conquer. It was an easy corner play, one I’d made plenty of times, but winning the game wouldn’t have actually been a win—not this time. I needed to know that she wanted to come back to my place on her own and not because of some fucking bet, so I had no choice. I leaned in and made my next shot. When the eight-ball bounced off the side pocket, Lauren immediately asked, “Did you just miss that on purpose?”

  “I already told you. I play to win, or I don’t play at all.”

  It wasn’t exactly a lie. I might’ve intentionally missed the shot, but this game wasn’t the one I was most interested in winning. Lauren glared at me for a moment, then shook her head as she stepped towards the table and prepared to make her play. In a matter of a few seconds, she’d pocketed all of her solids and had moved on to the final eight-ball shot. When the ball slipped into the pocket, Lauren turned to me and said, “I’d gloat a little, but something tells me you didn’t give this game your all.”

  “Gloat all you want. You won fair and square.”

  “So, I get to decide what we do from here, right?”

  “That was the deal.”

  “Okay, good.”

  “Well, what’s it gonna be?”

  “I say we go back to your place.” A wicked grin crossed Lauren’s face as she added, “Maybe finish off that wine from the other night, and then you can tell me what we would’ve done if you’d won the game.”

  “You sure that’s what you wanna do?”

  “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I wasn’t.”

  “Okay.” I motioned my head towards the office. “Let me go tell Pappy that we’re heading out.”

  Since there was no one at the bar, I didn’t feel bad about asking Pappy to close, and just as I’d hoped, he was more than willing to accommodate, especially since he knew I was with Lauren. He’d always thought a lot of her and her family—mainly because he knew they’d done their part to look out for me when Gran died. After I told Lauren we were good to go, we headed out to the parking lot. Since we were only a few miles from home, we both decided it was best for her to just follow me back to my place.

  When we entered the house, Lauren and I headed straight to the kitchen and opened the bottle of wine. I poured us each a glass, then asked, “All right, my little pool shark. Now what?”

  “I’m not sure.” She studied me for a moment, then smiled. “We could play another game?”

  “Feeling lucky, are ya?”


  “Okay, what kind of game did you have in mind?”

  “How about truth or dare?”

  I wouldn’t have given the idea a second thought, but I’d seen the naughty little smirk on Lauren’s face. I knew she was up to something, and while that made me a little nervous, there was no way I’d pass on a chance to find out what was going on in her head. I crossed my arms and said, “Yeah, truth or dare sounds good to me.”

  “Great, I’ll go first.” She took a sip of her wine, then asked, “Truth or dare?”

  “You going to take it easy on me?”

  “Now, what would be the fun in that?”

  “Okay, fine.” I picked up my glass and finished off the last of my wine, then said, “Dare. No, truth.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, definitely truth.”

  “All right, let me think.” She raked her teeth across her bottom lip while she considered what truth she wanted to know. The second her lips curled into a smile, I knew I was in trouble. “When was your first time, and who was it with?”



  “Okay, but that’s two truths.” Of all the fucking questions she could ask, it had to be that. Fuck. I grabbed the bottle of wine and poured myself another. “I guess I was around eighteen, and it was with Misty.”

  Lauren inhaled a quick breath like I’d just punched her in the gut. She tilted her head, making it impossible for me to see her face, but I didn’t have to see her to know how bothered she was by my answer. She’d had the same kind of reaction when we were kids after she found out I’d started dating Misty. I should’ve known then that something was up, but I was too thickheaded to see it. The last thing I wanted was for her to think too much about it, especially since I never did, so I quickly said, “Your turn. Truth or dare?”


  “Okay, same question. When was your first time and who was it with?”

  “Umm ... I’m not sure I picked the right game.”

  “Oh, no, I’m not letting you chicken out now. I spilled the beans, and now it’s your turn.”

  “Okay, fine. It was my sophomore year of college, and the guy’s name was Devin.”

  While I wasn’t thrilled hearing about her experience with Devin, I wasn’t going to let this line of questioning dampen the moment—at least, not any more than it already had. I cleared my throat and forced a smile. “See, that wasn’t so hard, and before you ask, I’ll take another truth.”

  “Okay, let me think.” Lauren took another sip of her wine as she thought about her next question. After a few seconds, a smile swept across her face, letting me know she was about to hit me with another whopper. “What’s an embarrassing secret about yourself you’ve never told anyone?”

  “Oh, man. You’ll just use it against me.”

  “Well, yeah, of course I will.” She snickered. “That’s why I asked.”

  “Just remember, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” When she didn’t back off the question, I finally answered, “There’s this show I like. It’s kind of cheesy, but ...”

  “Which show?”

  I winced as I answered, “The Bachelor.”

  “Seriously?” She giggled as she admitted, “I watch it too. It’s actually a sick obsession of mine.”

  “Same here, but I’ll warn you now. If you ever tell anyone, I’ll deny it.”

  “I wouldn’t dare tell a soul.” She laughed as she tucked a loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. The second those blue eyes met mine, I knew she’d use my secret against me as often as she possibly could. Damn. My only hope was to find something to hang over her head as well. It would be my only chance to survive her incessant ridicule, so I was relieved when she said, “Okay, it’s your turn, so I’ll take a truth.”

  “I hate to do it to you again, but I’m gonna steal your question. I gotta know...” I crossed my arms and smiled. “What’s your most embarrassing secret?”

  “Well, if you must know, I sleep with the TV on.”

  “Hold up. There’s nothing embarrassing about sleeping with the TV on,” I argued. “You’re gonna have to give me more than that.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s why I sleep with the TV on that’s a little embarrassing.” A light blush crossed her beautiful face as she admitted, “I’m a little scared of the dark, so I always sleep with some kind of light on.”

  “Well, damn.”


  “I was hoping it would be something I could mess with you about, but that shit is just sad.” I stuck out my bottom lip and feigned a dejected, pi
tiful look as I pretended to feel sorry for her, then I shook my head and dramatically threw up my hands. “No way I can pick on the poor wittle girl who’s skeered of the dark.”

  “Flynn!” she fussed. “That’s just wrong!”

  “What?” Continuing with my theatrics, I glanced around the room and teased her, “Is it too dark in here? Should I light some candles or turn on some more lights? Would that make you feel a little less scared?”

  Refusing to let me get the best of her, she taunted, “Or how about I go check the TV schedule and see if a rerun of The Bachelor is playing?”

  “You could do that, or you could just get on with the game, Ms. Scaredy-cat.”

  “Truth or Dare?”

  “I’ll do one more truth, and then we’ll change things up a bit.”

  “Okay, I gotta make this a good one.” She ran the tip of her finger across her bottom lip, much like she’d done at the bar, and it was quickly becoming difficult to keep my focus on the game at hand. Maybe then, I would’ve been better prepared when she finally asked, “I got it. What is your biggest regret?”

  “Of all time?”

  She cocked her eyebrow as she sassed, “If you don’t want to answer the question, I’ve got a great dare in mind.”

  “I’ve got one myself, but first, I’ll give you my truth.” I took a step towards her. “I have many regrets, Lauren, some bigger than others, but my biggest—the one that keeps me up at night—is the fact I waited so long to ask you out.”


  I lifted my hand up to her face, cupped her cheek, which was quickly turning a bright shade of pink, and leaned into her, hovering my lips over hers. “Truth or dare, Lauren?”


  “Kiss me.”

  Our breaths mingled for a brief moment, and then she slowly moved over to me, lifting her head as she granted me access to her mouth. As soon as our lips touched, sparks flew, and the world faded around us. There were no thoughts of the past and all the time we’d wasted. It was just her and me, and nothing else mattered.

  I wanted to take my time, savor the softness of her lips and the quickening of her breath when I delved deeper into her mouth. A light moan vibrated through her chest as she wound her arms around my neck, pulling me closer as her body melted into mine. Damn, I’d never wanted anyone as much as Lauren. I wanted to feel the warmth of her body next to mine, to explore every inch of her and watch as she came undone by my touch, but it was too much too soon. I was afraid I’d lose control or take things too far, possibly ruining what was happening between us before we ever got started.


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