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Mine to Keep

Page 3

by Megs Pritchard

  “Adan!” Dylan hugged Adan and stepped in, shutting the door behind him. “Hi, Troy.”

  Troy winced when he caught Dylan’s frown as he looked over at him. “Hey, Dylan.”

  “So, where are we going tonight? Need a drink and, man, I need to get laid.”

  Pointing at Troy, Adan said, “He’s going home.”

  “What?” Dylan shook his head and pointed at him. “You need sex, Troy, not to go home.”

  Troy smiled sadly and shook his head. Only one person would do it for him and he didn’t want a kid like Troy.

  “I know something’s not right. You eating and feeding?” Dylan asked, dropping his bag next to Adan’s bed.

  “It’s not that,” Troy muttered. He really didn’t want to talk about it.

  “What is it? I know you don’t tell me much, but I know something’s wrong.”

  Troy picked up his cell debating about contacting his mate so soon. Sighing, he said, “I’m mated.”

  Dylan grinned. “That’s fucking great! I thought mates were like some mythical shit!”

  Smiling, Troy said, “I know three mated couples. All of them are human and vampire matings.”

  “Seriously?” Turning to Adan, Dylan said, “I have a mate. How fucking awesome is that!”

  Adan smiled back at him. “You’ve talked about mates for years.”

  “So, what’s he or she like?”

  Swallowing, Troy answered Dylan’s question. “He. He’s part of a rescue team that get called in when anyone needs help.”

  Dylan punched Troy in the arm. “I can’t believe you never told me. All this time, Troy. That’s great-”

  “He doesn’t want me.”

  Dylan’s mouth fell open. “What? I… what?” Dylan frowned. “Your mate doesn’t want you? What the fuck! You’re really mated, right?”

  Troy nodded. “We were both drunk. I had no fucking clue what I was feeling when I saw him, I just had to get close to him and…”

  “Bite him and that led to you two fucking. Shit, Troy,” Dylan muttered, rubbing a hand over his face.

  “Yeah, and now we’re both fucked.”

  “Why wouldn’t he want you?”

  “It’s complicated, Dylan.”

  “Not that fucking complicated. We only get one mate. There’s no spare hidden away somewhere. He knows this, right?”

  “Yeah, he does, but like I said, it’s complicated. Like, really fucking complicated.”

  “And I repeat, nothing is that complicated. If he’s thinking about himself and not you, then he’s a fucking selfish bastard.”

  Troy stared at the cell in his hand, breathing deeply. “My pops is mated to a vampire, Chester, and my mate is Chester’s friend. They’ve known each other for years.”

  “And? What fucking difference does that make?” Dylan demanded.

  “He’s older than me. Like, a lot.”

  “And so the fuck what?” Dylan paced the small room. “I was taught that a mate is the most important person in your life. If I ever find mine, I will keep hold of him or her. I wouldn’t let them go.”

  Troy nodded. “I know, but it’s a bit difficult when your mate tells you not to bother.” Troy rubbed his chest. “I could feel how much it bothered him.”

  Dylan sat next to him on the bed. “What do you mean?”

  “When you’re mated, you can feel them. Strong emotions mainly, but I don’t know for sure. I try not to feel him or reach out to him and certainly don’t talk to him. That’s too personal.”

  “Don’t talk to him. Do you message him?”

  Troy frowned glancing at the cell then smiled. Dylan thought he meant talk, talk. “Telepathy.”

  Dylan’s mouth fell open. “Holy shit. Like mind talk?”


  Dylan’s mouth opened and closed a few times and he looked over at Adan. “Telepathy. That’s awesome.”

  Adan shook his head. “Seriously?”

  Troy smiled. “Yeah. All the mated couples I know do it. Especially when one of them is away. They say it keeps them close.” Troy shrugged. “I don’t really know.”

  “You’ve never…”

  “No. He doesn’t want me. I hate asking him for blood.”

  “Shit, Troy.” Dylan looked at him, shaking his head and looking him up and down. “You’re not getting enough, you know that. I can see how thin you are from the last time I was here. You can’t keep going like this. At some point, you’re going to lose control and attack someone.”

  “Yeah, and I share a room with you. I’m like number one on that list!”

  Troy winced. “Sorry, Adan. I’m going to text him today and ask for more.”

  “You need more than his blood, Troy,” Dylan argued. “You need him.”

  “He doesn’t want me. He told me he was too old and that I should find someone else. I could feel it.” Troy thumped his chest. “I could feel how he felt about being my mate. He was revolted!”

  “What, because you’re younger than him? So the fuck what?” Dylan shook his head.

  “Dylan,” Adan muttered. “It’s none of our business.”

  Dylan turned to Adan, and said, “He needs his mate, Adan. You don’t mate with someone and then walk away. They’re connected now. They will feel what the other feels.”

  “He’s right, but you can’t make someone want you,” Troy whispered. “Ale doesn’t want me.”


  Ale stared at the campus building Troy lived in, debating whether he should go up and speak to him. No matter how hard Troy tried to keep his emotions hidden, Ale could feel his pain… and hunger. The hunger was gnawing away at him, and Ale knew how it was making him feel.

  Why hadn’t Troy contacted him sooner? Ale could feel the need he had for more blood and yet Troy hadn’t said a word. He knew he’d told Troy to contact him when he needed blood, but he never thought Troy would endanger his life and potentially the lives of those around him by ignoring this need.

  Troy’s behavior was irresponsible, reckless, and dangerous. Behaving like the stupid kid he was.

  His fingers drummed on the steering wheel as he stared at the building in front of him. Sighing, he slowly pushed the door open and stepped out, slamming it shut behind him. He leaned back against his truck, sighing again.

  He ran his fingers through his long dark hair, remembering Troy fisting it in his hands, and an image of their time together flashed through his mind.

  He growled quietly. He needed to stop thinking about that day. Needed to move on even when every part of him wanted Troy. His pale skin, black hair and blue eyes. Even now, months later, Ale could easily recall the image of Troy naked and aroused, his body clenching around Ale’s.

  Pushing off the car, Ale sauntered over to the building. He knew what floor Troy was on, what number his room was. He’d managed to get the information from Chester on their last mission and now he was here to speak to his mate and fix this mess.

  Troy had to tell him when he needed more blood. By the time Ale left, Troy would be under no illusions of what he had to do next time he ran out and waiting to contact him wasn’t it.

  He waited for the elevator to arrive and stepped to one side when a group of teenagers got off. As he stepped in, he heard giggling behind him as one commented, “Oh, I’d have him.”

  Ale turned and smirked at them, chuckling when he heard them laughing and waited as the elevator rose to the floor he wanted.

  The smile dropped from his face as he approached the door and he shoved his hands into his jean pockets after knocking on it.

  Some kid opened it and looked him up and down before saying, “What do you want?”

  “I’m here for Troy.”

  Chapter Five

  Adan walked over to the door and opened it, saying, “What do you want?”

  “I’m here for Troy.”

  Troy’s head snapped up when he heard Ale’s voice. He scooted back on the bed, lifting his legs up and wrapping his arms around them.
He closed his eyes, trying to cut out the emotions rushing through his body. His mate was here. He was right here.

  He wanted to run over to him and hold him close. Kiss and touch him. Bite him and feed from him.

  “Is that him?” Dylan asked quietly.

  Troy nodded. “I’m not ready,” he whispered.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll help.”

  Dylan stood and walked over to the door. “What do you want with Troy?”

  “That’s none of your business. Where is he?”

  “Well, it is my business. What do you want?”

  Sighing, Troy stood and walked to the door. He whimpered when he saw Ale. Tall and broad, muscles bulging in his arms as he stood leaning against the door, hazel eyes fixed on his own blue, his long hair loose around his shoulders.

  “Hello Ale.”

  “Can we go somewhere to talk?”

  Dylan put his arm over Troy’s shoulders and pulled him in front of him so Troy’s back was against his chest. “You know him, babe?”

  Troy closed his eyes briefly. This wouldn’t help. “It’s okay, Dylan.”

  Ale looked between Troy and Dylan, grinding his jaw. Troy glanced down, seeing Ale’s hands clenched into fists.

  “Are you sure, babe?”

  Troy turned and smiled at Dylan. “I’m sure. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Troy stepped away only to have Dylan pull him back and kiss him. “I’ll be here waiting, babe.”

  Troy glared at Dylan who smirked back at him and then followed Ale down the corridor to the elevator. He didn’t say anything and neither did Ale, the silence heavy between them.

  Troy was conscious of every move Ale made and he shoved his hands in his pockets to stop himself from reaching out to touch his mate. He wanted to touch him, desperately. He pursed his lips and closed his eyes, only opening them when the elevator arrived.

  He stepped in behind Ale and moved as far away as he could. He needed the distance because having Ale so close was tearing him apart. His mate stood only feet away, but he was untouchable. He might as well be on another continent.

  They rode down in silence and when the doors opened, Troy followed Ale as he walked out of the building. They went around the side, away from everyone, and Troy folded his arms over his chest, waiting for Ale to speak.

  He wasn’t going to say a word. Fuck that. Ale had come here, so he could be the one to talk first. Childish? Yes, but Troy didn’t care.

  “I know you need to feed, Troy. I can feel it. Why aren’t you asking me for more?”

  Troy grunted. “You want fuck all to do with me, so why should I bother you?”

  Ale stared at him and eventually sighed. “Because no matter what we both want, we’re mates. You need me.”

  “And you must really fucking hate it. I can feel you, Ale. I know when you’re thinking about me because I can feel it.”

  “It doesn’t matter. We’re still mated, and you still need my blood. You need to feed.”

  Troy slashed his hand through the air. “No.”

  Ale stepped closer. “I can feel it, Troy. Don’t be a stubborn fool.”

  Troy glared at Ale. “Fuck. You.”

  Ale glared back at him and suddenly grabbed Troy, pushing him up against the wall. Troy had time to suck in a breath before Ale’s lips met his and Troy lost all thought. His mate was finally kissing him.

  He groaned loudly and fisted Ale’s shirt in his hands, parting his lips and sucking Ale’s tongue in, moaning when they tangled together.

  The kiss was messy and desperate, and Troy pulled Ale closer, rubbing against him, desperate to feel his hard body. He whimpered as emotions flooded through him, his and Ale’s. It didn’t matter what Ale said, he was into the kiss just as much as Troy was. His arousal flowed through their connection and ramped up Troy’s, his hard dick rubbing and sliding against its mate.

  Ale suddenly broke the kiss, breathing heavily, and stared at him for a few seconds. Then he pushed Troy towards his neck. Troy moaned, inhaling his mate’s scent, and ran his fangs up and down Ale’s neck before biting into Ale’s flesh. He groaned when he tasted Ale’s blood, drinking deeply. So much better coming from Ale than a sterile plastic bag.

  Ale’s hand rubbed his dick and Troy groaned, arching up into the touch, trying to increase the friction. He was so close. The smell, taste, and touch of his mate was overwhelming his senses. Being completely surrounded by Ale, all Troy could do was feel.

  His balls pulled up as a tingling sensation shot through him and he grunted as he came, his body jerking. He heard Ale’s harsh groans and knew he’d also come.

  He eventually pulled back and licked the wound, sealing it. He opened his eyes and stared into Ale’s hazel ones and knew the exact second Ale shut down again, putting distance between them.

  Ale let him go and took several steps away. “Don’t let it get so bad again,” he muttered before walking away.

  Troy watched shocked, his eyes widening. He shook his head and shouted, “You cunt!”

  Ale stopped walking but didn’t turn around. “I’ve told you, Troy. This isn’t going to happen.”

  Troy watched Ale continue to walk away. Troy growled, grinding his jaw and clenching his fists. The selfish bastard. “Fuck you, Ale!” he screamed before turning and storming away.

  He didn’t remember walking to his room, but he was aware of people jumping out of his way. He was furious. No, he was beyond furious. How dare Ale treat him like that? Like some cheap fucking hook-up. Troy was his mate. Who the fuck did he think he was? Walking away from Troy like he meant nothing to him.

  He slammed the door to his room open, and ignoring both Adan and Dylan, he went into the bathroom and straight into the shower. There was nothing worse than crusty dried come. Oh, wait, there was. Your mate making you come and walking away like nothing had happened.

  Within ten minutes, he was showered and dressed. Fuck his mate. Fuck Ale.

  To Adan and Dylan, he asked, “Ready?”

  He was going out and he was going to find someone who wanted him and then he was going to fuck Ale away.


  Ale sat in his car and slumped in the seat, dropping his head into his hands. He could feel the rage inside Troy, could feel it bubbling over, consuming him, controlling his thoughts and actions.

  He closed his eyes and sighed. “Shit,” he muttered.

  How long could they keep doing this when it was tearing Troy apart? The pain and anger were almost too much for Troy to take and Ale could feel it all. He knew Troy tried to shield him from his wants, needs, and desires, tried to keep his emotions hidden, but there were times when Ale felt them and knew that Troy was struggling with it.

  Right now, Troy was pissed. He was beyond pissed.

  Ale didn’t know how much time had passed, but something caught his eye and when he looked up towards the campus building, he saw Troy and his friends leaving.

  He sat up straight, his eyebrows shooting up when he noticed what Troy was wearing. Skin tight jeans and a tight t-shirt that showed everything off. So, Troy was going out to get laid.

  Growling, Ale glared at him and his friends as they stood waiting. His stomach churned and his chest tightened. Troy was going to fuck someone else. Ale thumped the steering wheel. He had no one to blame but himself. Hadn’t he told Troy that they could never be together? That they could never have a relationship. Well, it looked like he’d finally listened and now Ale was the one feeling pissed off.

  He clenched his hands into fists, his jaw tightening when a group of men looked Troy up and down. Troy smiled in their direction and words were said, but Ale was too far away to hear.

  A cab pulled up and the three of them got in. Ale watched it pull away.

  He closed his eyes, breathing harshly. A burning anger rose in him. No, he deserved to feel this way. Troy was young and should be going out and having fun. He shouldn’t be stuck with an old man like him. Ale was fucked up after witnessing too much horror. You
didn’t get to see the things he had or do the things he’d done, without it leaving scars. No, Troy was better off without him.

  Even though he was doing what Ale wanted, Ale felt sick to his stomach at the thought of someone else kissing and touching and fucking Troy. But this was what he wanted, wasn’t it?

  Starting the engine, Ale pulled away.

  Chapter Six

  The music was blaring from the speakers and Troy was in the middle of the dance floor, letting the beat roll through his body. He needed this. He needed to forget about Ale and move on because the bastard had made his decision and Troy wasn’t wasting his life waiting for Ale to change his mind.

  He lifted the almost empty bottle of beer and drained the contents. He didn’t give a fuck that he wasn’t old enough. He needed to get drunk and then laid. He needed to fuck someone and have them wipe out the memory of his mate. He passed the now empty bottle to Dylan and continued dancing, ignoring the concerned look Dylan threw his way.

  The lights above him moved and swirled, a dizzying array of colors that splashed across the dancers. Troy sang along with the song playing, trying to forget what had happened earlier.

  He ran his hands over his abs and chest, closing his eyes and letting the music take him away. His body moved in time to the beat, his hips swaying from side to side. People danced around him and when someone touched him, Troy leaned back into it, letting the man’s hands do what they wanted.

  The man dancing behind him ran his hands up and down Troy’s chest, and he squeezed his eyes as they itched. The man behind him wasn’t Ale, but he’d do it because he needed to move on and forget about the human.

  His skin crawled at the man’s touch, but Troy ignored it and tried to enjoy the closeness. The stranger’s touch felt all wrong and Troy kept his eyes shut. One time he’d slept with Ale and it had fucked his body up.

  The man behind ground his hips into Troy and he felt his hard dick rubbing along his ass. The hands continued to move over his chest until one moved beneath his t-shirt and it was skin on skin. Troy panted, his body shuddering, but not with pleasure. He needed to do this though and he ignored the revulsion he felt at the touch of a man who wasn’t Ale.


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