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The Storm of Garmr

Page 15

by Bo Luellen

  She watched as the hole in her arms from the needle healed over in seconds, “The Creator’s alchemical formula was lost to time for a reason. I believe that in my heart. My creations can’t mate and have only a small sliver of my abilities. Those with a bright enough soul light for me to resurrect can be controlled by my pheromones. That gives a safeguard that wouldn’t be in place if they had my full abilities.

  “The world should count itself lucky that the last of his alchemical formula was used on me by Asher Clerval. His macabre need to understand the thing that had killed his brother Henry drove him to forbidden discovery at all costs. I both feel blessed and cursed by his choice. I’m immortal, but live with the horrors an army of Adams could visit on the world if we were to mate. Victor was right in fearing what would happen if Adam and I reproduced. They would be born perfect, with no physical or genetic flaws. Their bodies would overcome any life-threating attack, and they would see themselves as the next step in evolution for humanity. It would only be a matter of time before humans would be enslaved or worse.”

  Jagger leaned back with a look of dejection as she continued, “They would burn the world, Jagger. The only two left to witness a world undone by Victor’s hubris and ego would be Adam and I. Be patient and let these fools pay us for little miracles. If you attempt to unravel the designs of Frankenstein, you will start walking his path. That is a road that only a madman would venture. Let the thought alone and focus on the task at hand.”

  He reluctantly nodded and picked up one of the silver canisters. He hung it upside down and attached an IV tube to the bottom. Opening the port, a yellowish liquid from the cylinder crept its way down the line and into the body.

  Jagger adjusted the flow regulator and changed the subject, “It wasn’t as easy to get stem cells this time around. The hospital’s security protocols were harder to get past since the new administrator took over.”

  She felt his disappointment and gave him an encouraging look, “I know you can figure it out. The stem cells are highly adaptive and react well with my blood. It was brilliance on your part to suggest we use them.”

  The two sat back down and poured another cup of tea, as they waited for the transfusion to complete. Three canisters of stem cells and one teapot of Earl Grey later, Jagger unhooked the IV from the corpse. Shoshannah went over to the generators and started their engines. She pulled a large switch on the wall that changed the shack’s electrical source from a battery to the generators. He stepped up onto a wooden box and put on a pair of rubber gloves. Shoshannah took off her shoes and walked barefoot on the concrete floor.

  He pulled a long chain that dangled down, and rushing water poured from two square rain shower heads attached to the ceiling. The corpse below was soon drenched, and the floor was quickly becoming a small pool. Over the sound of the cascading fountain, she pulled the second switch that channeled the six generators’ power through the regulator, through the wires, and into the body. In a flash, the corpse reacted to the sixty-thousand watts of electricity. Silvio’s muscles danced on the metal table in reflexive spasMs. Jagger covered his eyes from the pops and sparks created by the wild display, while Shoshannah stood in the current flowing into her feet. In response to the electricity, veins popped out on her skin, and an inch of her black hair went white at the temple. A look of almost sexual extasy came over her face as she ran her finger across the table. Time stopped for her as the life energy that was the source of her power flowed like a lover’s kiss.

  She heard the voice of Jagger struggling to get her attention, “Sho, pull it! Pull it the lever, Sho! Sho! Snap out of it!”

  Reluctantly, she traveled to the present and pulled the switch back to its neutral position. The lights stopped flickering, and the standing water caught on top of the metal table was boiling. They stayed motionless for several seconds watching the deceased Silvio, as smoke floated off his burned skin. His beautiful face twitched, and several seconds later, the Italian’s neck started to turn. The charred red skin turned pink, and the scorched sections of flesh healed over the next few minutes. She smiled as the long pins they had inserted fell out, slow at first, then in rapid-fire. The final one on the crown chakra made a wet sound as the regenerating tissue and bone pushed it out.

  Suddenly, Silvio opened his eyes, and violently tried to sit up in a dash of movement. The chains snapped taught and caused Jagger to jump a little. The re-animated man strained against his bonds, as the broken bones in his neck popped back into place.

  Shoshannah stepped around to look at her creation in the eye. The soul light had returned but was noticeably dimmer than before. The corpse snarled at her and snapped its jaws in the air in an attempt to bite his creator. In a flash of speed, Shoshannah snatched Silvio by the neck and pressed him down on the table. Slowly she dragged her other hand across his face, letting her pheromones drift into his nose. Almost instantly, his eyes dilated, and he went motionless.

  Lowering her face down next to his, she whispered, “Shhh… It’s okay now, Love.”

  Jagger stepped down, ran a series of tests on the charmed Silvio, and reported, “Everything checks out as usual. There is a steady heart rate, respiration is normal, but the motor functions are equalizing. Your pheromones seem to have him completely sedated. Part of me wants to know what would happen if you didn’t do that little trick.”

  She kept her gaze on the newly reborn, “It isn’t something you would want to see. When Asher Clerval discovered my blood was a lesser substitute for Victor’s alchemical formula, he tested it on a baker who had been a friend. The man acted like all of my creations and went wild with rage. I restrained him, but the subject slipped into several mental disorders. It was an engine of destruction that was faster, stronger, and never tired. Jagger, that is an intellectual curiosity that you should leave unanswered.”

  She pulled Silvio to a sitting position and calmly soothed, “Now, now Love. You will be okay. I want you to cooperate with this young gentleman beside me. His name is Doctor Clerval. He is going to run some tests and help you get dressed. Afterward, you and I are going on a trip together.”

  Silvio’s face lit up, “Just the two of us?”

  She kissed his forehead, “Yes, Love. Just the two of us.”

  He reached up to her face, “Where are you taking me?”

  Shoshannah tilted her head so she could peer in his eyes, “To a place called Tulsa to meet a friend of mine named Richard Enfield. You will have me all to yourself. Doesn’t that sound delicious?”

  His regenerating facial muscles managed a maligned smile, “I’ll go anywhere as long as you’re with me.”

  She looked up at Jagger, “I’ll call the Brotherhood and tell them I’m on my way with the golem. Get him ready.”

  Chapter 8: Amanda VII

  Tulsa, Oklahoma – Sunday, November 4th, 2018 – 9:12 a.m. CST

  Amanda Lanyon had promised Basten Van Helsing and the others that she would stay put until today. According to the old man, Sunday was when evil had its sight dimmed. It was hard to keep quiet, but every day she prayed for her daughters and did as he asked.

  She spent the time planning and plotting for her disappearing act. When the morning of November 4th came, she made the call to Josh Dyer to ask for travel money. She wasn’t shocked that he insisted on leaving with her; in fact, she counted on it. To the chagrin of her AEGIS guardians, she gave him the address to her current safehouse hotel. With minutes he had abandoned a press interview and rushed over. Amanda had to admit that it would be nice to finally see a friendly face after such a long time in seclusion.

  AEGIS Field Chief John Hamilton, was in the middle of giving her a speech on how dangerous it was to give out her location to anyone. She was almost thankful when Josh pounded on her door. The Agents swung the door open, dragged him inside, and patted him down. He was careful to protect his newly attached finger while Agent Patrick Decker threw him against the wall. After her friend was scanned with some device that she didn’t recognize, he was
allowed to hug Amanda.

  After some arguing, Amanda talked Hamilton into filling him in on the real happenings behind the vampiric kidnapping of Amanda’s kids. At first, the field chief smiled and made a joke about the account. His grin faded as Decker showed him still pictures of the crime scene photos. A look of horror came on his face as he saw close up shots of his old college classmate, Larry Lanyon, with his head turned completely around.

  Josh’s blue eyes were glazed over, “My God, Mandie! What happened? I didn’t know… that had happened to Larry.”

  She sat down on the edge of the bed, “It’s like they said, Josh. A vampire named Marcus Holmes was in my house when I got home from the Battle at the Preserve. I managed to get his gun and put several rounds into his chest. No effect. Larry showed up with the kids and tried to defend me. This… thing killed him for it. Marcus threated the kids and made me tell him everything you and I had done to track down the Brotherhood.”

  Her friend looked aghast, “You told him about me?”

  John gave a sly smile, “Don’t be too skittish about that part hero. Your face is on every news channel taking as much credit as you can. I’d reckon the Brotherhood might have a notion or two of your involvement.”

  Amanda crossed her arms around her stomach, “Josh, he has my kids. If I don’t stay silent for one year, he says I’ll never see them again. That means no testifying and no helping the police. After what I’ve seen this man do, I believe him.”

  He shook his head in disbelief, “Wait, I thought you said April and Nancy were abducted by the Crimson Brotherhood, and they killed Larry with an icepick.”

  Hamilton put away the photographs, “Yeah that one’s on us, partner. We couldn’t allow Ms. Lanyon to tell you, or anyone else, the truth. I’m not sure how the ME, Amy Howard, came up with an icepick as the murder weapon, but it created a great cover story.”

  Amanda got up and grabbed Josh’s hand, “A man came to see me at the funeral. He’s a specialist in killing vampires. He’s taking Thomas and David with him, and they are going to try and find my kids. To do that, I need to disappear out of sight.”

  Josh put his hands on his hips, “Vampire hunters, huh? Mandie, how do you know this person isn’t some whacko who is off his meds? I can’t believe you would fall for…”

  Hamilton looped his thumb into his belt, “The Van Helsing family has been hunting Vampires for generations. We’ve had some dealings with them in the past. Solid people and well worth the trust Ms. Lanyon has put into them. To be blunt, it’s the only reason we are thinking the notion over instead of hogtying her to the bed.”

  Josh grabbed her shoulders and pleaded, “Mandie, I can give you the money to get where you need to go, but only if you let me accompany you. The Brotherhood still wants you dead, your kids’ lives are on the line, and the country thinks you’re some kind of folk hero. Let me be there for you.”

  Agent Decker crossed his arms and asked, “If we allowed the star witness for the FBI against the Brotherhood to leave our custody, where exactly would you want to go?”

  She decided that now was the time to reveal her plan and looked at Agent Hamilton, “Sterling, Scotland. I want Josh to take me to see his Druidic teacher.”

  Josh seemed shocked, “My teacher, why?”

  She stood up and touched his chest, “Because, I want to know why Cernunnos won’t speak to me anymore. I’ve done DMT three times since my daughters were taken and nothing. I’ve spent hours in these damn hotel rooms meditating and Zen breathing, but it isn’t working. I want to know why he can show me the way to the Preserve, but not where my daughters are being held. I want some answers.”

  Josh shook his head, “That would be impossible. My teacher died four years ago. The position of First Knight of the Line of Merlin has fallen to Ian MacLean. I came up with Ian. He’s a drunk and less than an astute student of the ancient magics. The man’s a wreck that never ventured beyond the Bard level of Druidism.” He shook his index finger in the air, “Although, I know some of the lower members of the Knighthood who are quite talented in the arcane. If there is a way to get Cernunnos’s attention, they might have the answer. We would still have to get Ian’s permission first, but he and I go way back. That won’t be a problem.”

  She set her jaw, “Then that’s what we’ll do!”

  Patrick’s stone face cracked as he observed, “John, you can’t let this happen. The Crimson Brotherhood has proven to be most capable. What are they going to do? Go up to the ticket counter and ask for a flight to Scotland? The cult will know where’s she’s headed and have someone waiting for them before she lands. She’ll be outside of our protection and as good as dead. Control would have a cow if he knew…”

  John Hamilton cut in, “Ms. Lanyon, this isn’t going to work unless we help you. Agent Decker will provide you with fake passports and names for you to use when getting through customs.”

  Decker looked confused, “I am?”

  Hamilton nodded, “Yes, Sir.” He then looked over at Josh, “Mr. Dyer will arrange to have his Foundations private jet brought to the Tulsa International Airport. It will be fueled up and ready to leave before dawn.”

  Josh’s eyebrows went up, “I am?”

  The Texan tapped his cowboy boot on the floor and knocked off some mud, “Yes, Sir. With Amanda out of the country, the Brotherhood will spin their wheels lookin’ for her here in Oklahoma. That will give the Van Helsings time to work and keep those cultists busy looking in the wrong direction for Ms. Lanyon.” He stood up straight, “Let’s face it. The Crimson Brotherhood has been misdirecting us from the beginning. I think it’s time we return the favor. Besides, Ms. Lanyon is willing to let one of our Agents tag along as security in Scotland.”

  Amanda nodded in recognition, “Yes, I guess I am?”

  The Texan grabbed his cowboy hat off the desk, “Yes, Ma’am, you are. Patrick, let’s arrange for a senior Agent to attach to them. We don’t know how far the Crimson Brotherhood’s influence goes. We have to assume they have ears everywhere. Maybe even within the CIA or AEGIS. I want someone who is off the books and retired.”

  Decker pulled out his phone and cycled through the list of names, “I can make a call to a couple of IRATE members.”

  Josh tilted his head, “IRATE?”

  Decker continued moving through his list of names as he answered, “Inactive Retired Agent but Tactically Effective. It’s a sub-organization within AEGIS for Agents who are too old for active duty but still have operational value.”

  Amanda gave a sharp laugh, “Dragging some elderly person along with us isn’t going to help.”

  Hamilton nodded, “You know, the little lady is right. What we need on this is someone on the IRATE list that is still physically capable and has experience. Someone that hasn’t been on a mission in a few years. Someone that isn’t afraid to break a few rules.”

  Decker’s face went pale, “Oh, no. You’re not thinking about…”

  The Texan gave a broad grin, “Roger Quinlynn. Give him a call, fill him in, and arrange for some quiet travel plans that get him off that island and to Scotland.”

  His junior protested, “John, you got to be kidding! That guy is a wreck! After what happened in Canada, Control should have drummed him out of AEGIS. He’s got… issues. Why him?”

  Hamilton grabbed the doorknob to Amanda’s hotel room, “Because he’s one of the sharpest agents I ever worked with. That, and he makes me laugh. He’ll bitch about it, but I’ll ask nicely.” Amanda and Josh gave each other a worried glance as John continued, “I’ll phone the plan into Control. You take care of these two.”

  Over the next hour, Decker forged a pair of passports for both Josh and Amanda, then told them, “Roger will make contact with you in Edinburgh. He’s a master of disguise, so don’t bother looking for him.”

  Josh looked at his forged passport and asked, “How will we know who he is?”

  Decker handed her a card and stated, “When he approaches you, he will hand
you one of these.”

  Lanyon took the brown-colored business card and read it out loud, “AEGIS - The Agency of Exorcism and Guardians Interposing the Supernatural.”

  Josh leaned over her shoulder, “Are you serious? I thought you people were a special branch of the CIA, not some kind of MIB ghostbusters.”

  Decker yanked the card back, “We are an intelligence agency, and we do lots more than deal with ghosts, Mr. Dyer. Now, gather your things. The Dyer Foundation jet just touched down at Tulsa International.”

  Edinburgh, Scotland – Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 – 7:31 a.m. BST

  They found themselves flying under the assumed names of David Driscoll and Ann Darrow. It wasn’t until a TSA Agent remarked that she must have been named after the character in King Kong that she got Patrick’s not-so-subtle attempt at humor. The pair landed in Edinburgh Airport on a cold November morning. It was 45 degrees with light snow on the ground when they touched down.

  As they rode in a cab towards their hotel, Amanda asked, “Does this place bring back good memories?”

  Josh flashed a charming smile, “Oh, yes. I spent many years here in Scotland, studying alongside Ian and the others. Those were some of the best days of my life.”

  She rested her head on the back seat and asked, “This Line of Merlin, how does it work? Are all of you druids?”

  Josh mimicked her relaxed posture and gazed into her eyes, “The green path of the druid is the beginning for all initiates in the Line of Merlin, but not everyone finishes. At the time, the Druidic route was a passion of mine, and I had no interest in becoming a Knight. Traveling the world and speaking with mystics of other faiths was all I wanted to do.”

  Amanda’s interest was piqued, “Knights? Like, as in official Sirs and Dames knighted by the Queen?”

  Josh gave her a playful smirk, “Well, not exactly. They have more esoteric beliefs when it comes to the royal chain of succession. The Line of Merlin holds that King Arthur never actually died. They believe his soul lives on in the body of a Raven on the island of Avalon. His body is held in stasis until it can fully heal from his fight with Mordred at the Battle of Camlann. The Line has vowed to serve the once and future king first.”


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