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I Super Don't: An Enemies to Lovers Fake Fiance Romance

Page 14

by Jamie Knight

  “Oh, I don’t know. What are you going to do to me?”

  “Well, I was thinking I could lay you down and take off your shirt and kiss your skin. I could taste you. I could fuck you.”

  That sounds like something I want to happen.

  I pull myself away from him and close the barn doors. Thankfully, my parents installed electricity, so we’re not shrouded in total darkness once we’re closed off. I go back to Jameson, and he leans down to kiss me. His mouth is soft, molding to mine. While he kisses me, he turns us around and leads me backwards until I feel my feet step into the hay. I break our kiss and look down.

  “Do you really want to have sex in this pile of hay?”

  “I mean, we don’t have to, but we’re on a farm, and when in Rome,” he shrugs.

  I roll my eyes, but I’m more than willing to fulfill this little fantasy of his. It’s a little weird, but he makes me feel so good, and I like returning the favor.

  I kiss him again, wrapping my arms around his neck. With a little bit of force, I pull him down to the ground so he’s lying on top of me. Our kiss deepens, and his knees comes between my legs, pressing into my center.

  “Jesus, Jenny,” he mumbles against my mouth.

  I bite his bottom lip, bringing my face back a little before letting it go. I feel his hand travel down my torso and go into my pants. He rubs soft circles against my clit over my panties.

  Little zaps of pleasure start swirling in my lower stomach, slowly being awakened.

  “Jameson,” I sigh.

  My arms tighten around his neck. He’s moving so slowly, I could almost die. My breathing picks up even though his pace remains the same.

  “Fuck…” I wriggle a little underneath him, needing to relieve this pressure. He’s going too slowly. I’m going to go insane.

  “Come on, baby,” Jameson whispers. He places his face in the crook of my neck, nipping at my skin.

  I’m so close. My stomach is doing all kinds of flips. My back arches just as I reach my peak, bursting into a million tiny pieces. Jameson keeps making his little circles until I come back down to earth.

  “Are you ready for that roll?” he asks, removing his face from my neck.

  I giggle while placing my hands on his cheeks and bringing him into a kiss. I feel his smile growing, and, soon, he’s up on his knees, unbuckling his belt. He’s being a little haphazard about the whole thing, so it is not going smoothly. I join the fun, unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down. Soon, we’re both pants-less, and Jameson is back on top of me. I feel his erection pressing into my leg.

  “Are you going to…?” I bite my lip and finger the hem of his boxers.

  He pumps his eyebrows and then pulls them down. I follow suit, bring my panties as far down as I can. Jameson takes them the rest of the way.

  He doesn’t hesitate to enter me. I cry out, surprised at the sudden intrusion, but I quickly adapt. I wrap my leg around his waist, pushing further into him. His shaft stretches me, grinding against my walls.

  “Your pussy’s so tight, Jesus fuck!” he grunts.

  I mewl in response, not really able to think of actual words. The feel of his slick skin on mine, our bodies melding together, becoming one, I can’t think of anything else.

  His starts pounding into me, causing my body to rock back and forth against the hay. The force in his stroke combined with the hay scratching my back, every inch of my body is sensitive.

  The ridges of his shaft strum over my g-spot, and I buck under him. A few more strokes, and my body starts to shudder. Soon, I’m holding on to Jameson for dear life. Everything passes through me in waves, crashing through my entire being until it subsides. Jameson pumps a few more times before he comes inside me. His face tenses and then breaks into calm before he collapses on top of me.

  I thread my hands into his hair, playing with it while he relaxes.

  “We should probably head back inside,” Jameson grumbles. I know he’s right. My parents are probably wondering where we are, if they haven’t come to their own conclusions. Oh Jesus Christ, we need to head back inside.

  “Yeah, let’s go.” I push Jameson off me and look for my clothes. He lands on his back and chuckles. The two of us get fully dressed before exiting the barn. I hope my mom and dad just went to sleep. I don’t want to have to walk inside and see my parents sitting there, knowing what we’ve just done.

  Oh, that would be way too awkward.

  We get back to the house, and I very slowly open the door. No one is coming out of the shadows to confront us or anything, so I think Jameson and I are in the clear.

  I wave him inside.

  “Let’s go upstairs. I think my parents are asleep, so shhh,” I whisper. I take him upstairs, tiptoeing all the way to my childhood bedroom. We fall into bed together, too tired to change our clothes.

  My old bed is a little twin sized one, but Jameson and I manage to squeeze in. He snuggles up close, wraps his hands around me, and I can hear his breath evening out as he falls asleep behind me. Soon, my eyelids flutter close, and I’m down in dreamland with him.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The couple days we spent with Jenny’s parents were pretty great. I could tell she was nervous about me meeting them. But they were both relaxed, the weekend was fun, and I’m not sure if it could have gone any better. I mean, we had sex in a barn. That was something I never knew I wanted until the moment it was about to happen.

  And it seemed like her parents liked me. Her dad gave me a hard line of questioning at first – which is understandable given they hadn’t heard about me being ‘engaged’ to their daughter until just a few days ago. But after the initial hump, it was all smooth sailing.

  And, now, we’re planning a trip together because I have an away game that she can attend.

  “So, I just follow you guys all the way to the hotel?”

  “Yeah, I have to be on the bus with the rest of the team, so you’ll be in the convertible alone, but, once we get to the hotel, you’ll join me. It should only be a few hours.”

  I’m pretty excited. Jenny’s going to be there for the next away game. I’m sure that she’s the key to me playing well. It’ll also be nice just to have her there. These past couple of weeks have been fun, and there’s no reason the fun cannot continue.

  “Okay, yeah, I can keep up with you guys for a few hours. No problem.”

  I give her a kiss on the cheek, and the two of us commence packing. We throw a bunch of stuff into duffle bags, and it’s not too long before we’re on the road. Typically, I use these rides to get in a good nap.

  So, that’s what I do.

  I wake up to find us at the hotel, ready to be loaded off the bus. I can see Jenny parking the ‘vette. She gets out and waits, looking over at the bus. I get off quickly and wave her over to me. Usually, I’d be going out, looking for the best party in town, but, tonight, I am more than happy to remain indoors.

  We get up to our hotel room, and Jenny immediately flops on the bed. She must be tired from driving all that way.

  “Ugh, I could sleep for like ten days,” she sighs.

  I smile and put our duffle bags down. I wait for her to get back up, but her breathing slows down, and I truly think she has just fallen asleep.

  “Jenny?” I whisper. If she’s awake, I don’t mind having maybe a conversation, but if she’s asleep then I can leave her be. She doesn’t say anything. It’s too bad she’s that tired, I was kind of hoping to have a bit of fun. Maybe this is better though. I really do need to focus up for the game tomorrow. I’ve got my good luck charm, I’m feeling like I am in the best shape, and, tomorrow, I’m pretty sure I’m about to really kill it in the game.

  I strip down to my underwear and then get some of Jenny’s clothes off, so she’ll be more comfortable. I get us both underneath the covers. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.


  “Fuck yeah!” I hear on of my teammates yell as we head back into the locker roo
m. It’s a fuck yeah day indeed. We just won the fucking game in a landslide. I know I was expecting a lot out of tonight, but what actually happened – oh boy. I feel someone rush into me from behind.

  “God damn, Kendrick! Way to go!”

  Everyone’s been giving me compliments. I thought I was over needing praise, but not going to lie, this feels really good.

  I jump in the shower and then get back into my street clothes. Maybe I should pick up some dinner for me and Jenny to enjoy back at the hotel. Since she brought the car, I’m sure I don’t have to ride back home with everyone.

  I’ve got my uniform packed up and everything, and my foot is almost out that door, when I hear Lloyd’s booming voice.

  “Yo, Irish Whiskey!”

  I turn to see our team captain approaching me. He’s still sweaty in his uniform, probably because he tends to give the interviews after games. I mean, someone has to do it. It’s definitely a better gig if your team wins. And he looks like he’s in a good mood, so I’m not too worried.

  “Hey, you played a damn good game tonight. Was your girl here?”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “She’s gotta come to every game, dude. I mean, you really fucking did the thing tonight!” I’ve never seen Lloyd excited about anything I’ve done before. This is a much welcome change from last year.

  “Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.”

  “Also, the guys and I were talking on the bus, but I think you were asleep. We’re throwing this after party, you and Jenny should definitely come. Nothing too crazy, but we’ll one hundred percent be celebrating our win. You down?”

  I was thinking about a quiet night in our hotel room, but Jenny would probably like hanging out with the team. Plus, I’d like to. I never really got a chance to bond with anyone – which, once again, my fault – so this should be nice.

  “Yeah, I’m sure Jenny would love to come to something like that.”

  “Great! I’ll send ya the address.”

  Lloyd goes off to talk with some of the other players. I’m done in the locker room, so I leave, and, just like last time, I find Jenny waiting for me not too far outside it.

  “Hey!” she excitedly waves at me.

  I approach and give her a kiss on the cheek. “So, did you enjoy the game?”

  “It was amazing, and you were amazing. This has to be the best you’ve played.”

  “Thanks, babe. I really appreciate that.”

  “Well, it’s the truth. There’s a reason all those teams wanted to recruit you.”

  “Hm, maybe there was.” I feel my phone vibrate and check it to see that Lloyd texted me the address. “Do you want to go to this party? The team captain invited us, and I’m sure it’s going to be fun.”

  “A party? With the whole team?”

  It sounds like Jenny might be a little nervous. Admittedly, I’m a little anxious about this whole thing. Making a good impression is still pretty important to me. This is the first time anyone on the team has invited me to anything noncompulsory i.e. the first time they’ve actually seemingly wanted to hang out with me. I feel like a kid who’s just got invited to his first playdate.

  “Yeah, let’s go. I’ve never actually been to a real party.”

  “Not one? No keggers or frats or anything?”

  Jenny snort laughs. “No, Jameson. I’m kind of a boring person, so…,” she trails off.

  “You are not boring in the slightest.” All the time I’ve spent with Jenny has proven that to me. “And I would be honored to take you to your first party. It won’t quite be like your typical college thing, but there will be similarities.” Like a whole ton of alcohol. Maybe we should drop the car back at the hotel, so we can both let loose.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I propose the idea to Jenny that we shouldn’t drive, and she’s on board. We drop off the car and catch an uber over. Everything is already in full-swing by the time we get there. I get us each a drink, just a beer. While I am fully prepared to not drive us back tonight, I’m not going to get wrecked or anything. It’s the age of a more mature, more responsible Jameson.

  “Yo, Kendrick! You made it. And Jenny! So glad you guys are here.”

  “Thanks for inviting us, man.”

  “Totally. There’s plenty to eat and drink, so you guys can go wild. And we got this whole place closed off, so you don’t have to worry about paparazzi or anything like that. Just have a good time.” Lloyd is off again to schmooze and talk with the other people here. It looks like he invited the other team along with some other people, but security also looked tight.


  I turn around to see a girl who looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t quite place her in my memory.

  “Do you know her?” Jenny asks into my ear.

  “Um, I’m not sure.” It’s looks like she’s on her way to talk either way. When she reaches us, she brings me into a hug I was not expecting.

  “It’s so good to see you!” She breaks our embrace and hugs Jenny next. “You must be his fiancée. You’re so pretty! I’m Marsha by the way.”

  “Uh, Jenny.”

  Marsha? She’s going on and on with Jenny, the two of them talking about the game. I’m standing over here trying to figure out where I know this girl from. And then it dawns on me. I slept with her when I was a rookie. I wouldn’t say Marsha was my girlfriend, but our arrangement went on for a few dates.

  Oh, this could very easily become a shit storm.

  “So, how did you two meet?” Marsha asks.

  “Oh, we ran into one another at a club, and Jameson and I actually went to high school together, so it was kind of like a little reunion. It was history from there.”

  “Oh my god, that is so sweet! I actually just got engaged. My fiancé works for the local team which is why I’m here tonight. He’s by the bar right now.” She points to a tall, lanky dude leaning over the bar. “We kind of just met recently, but when you know, you know, right.”

  “Yeah,” Jenny nods awkwardly.

  “And you bring this guy so much luck. He’d be a fool to let you go.” I see Jenny tilt her head, but, before she can say anything else, Marsha turns around again. “I have to get going, but it was so lovely meeting you. Good luck with everything.” She says goodbye and heads over to the bar.

  “So, did you remember where you knew her from?”

  I feel my face warm up from Jenny’s question. I’ve never really been terribly ashamed of my past with women. Yeah, I kind of wished I did it a little differently, but it was what it was. But having Jenny ask me about it has me feeling a little hot under the collar, but I’m not going to lie either.

  “Well, I knew Marsha last year. She was one of my flings.”

  “Oh, I see,” a sick smile breaks across Jenny’s face. Not exactly the reaction I was expecting, but this is somehow scarier. “So, can I get all the juicy details about your rookie days from her?”

  “Probably,” I sigh. “I’m not sure how juicy they are though. You might just know the most about me,” I comment. Her smile gets a little smaller, but it’s sweeter.

  We navigate through the rest of the party, saying hi to all my teammates, people on the other team, and whoever else is present. A lot of people have caught on to Jenny being the key to my success. I thought I was being a lot less obvious about it, but maybe I wasn’t.

  As the evening goes on, Jenny gets a little quieter. She must be feeling the effects of all the drinks we’ve been having. They’ve been flowing all night, and I’m sure we’re going to feel it in the morning.

  I can definitely tell I’m ready to turn in for the night. We’ve been here a couple of hours, and I think I’d like the chance to have some alone time with Jenny before we both turn in for the night.

  “Hey, are you ready to go?”

  She nods, and I get us both out the back door. I call that uber, and, soon, we’re back at the hotel. Jenny has been weirdly silent. I thought she was a little too tips
y, but maybe it’s more exhaustion. We did a little tour of the city before the game, and then I had her go to that after party. I wouldn’t be totally surprised if she just wants to turn in. I’m a little disappointed, but it’s something I can easily handle.

  Once we’re back in our room, I check in with her.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  She seems to finally come out of whatever funk she was in. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  I come up from behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, placing my chin on her shoulder. “You’re really okay?”

  “I’m really okay, I promise.”

  I spin her body around to face me and pull her shirt up. Jenny is surprised at first, but goes with it, lifting up her arms. While I’m pulling her tee over her head she mumbles something I don’t quite catch.

  “What was that?” I finish taking her shirt off and let it fall to the floor.

  “I was just curious about the whole good luck charm thing?”

  “What about it?”

  “Why was everyone saying I am yours?”

  Is that what she’s so worried about? I guess it could look kind of weird to someone on the outside of it all.

  “Players are just superstitious, babe,” I explain while sliding her bra strap off. My lips are drawn to the soft skin of her shoulder. “Clearly, you’ve only brought good things into my life, so you’re my good luck charm. I just realized I’ve been telling everyone that, though. I’m just excited or whatever.” I am going to tone it down with the talk, though. I don’t want to get too big for my britches.

  “That’s all it is?” She takes my cheeks, moving my head, so I’m looking directly into her eyes.

  “Yeah,” I smile. “You make my life better. That’s all it is.”

  She smiles back at me and brings me into a deep kiss. Somehow, we end up on the bed with her on top of me.


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