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Wicked Dreams (The Dream Chronicles Book 2)

Page 3

by J. Clarice

  “Jayden, hold for me!” Jayden and Trevor switched places at Scarlett’s order. With Jayden in front of her, she dropped her wall and crouched to the floor. Jayden stayed upright and blocked the white shots that rained from their direction. Trevor and Jasper had their fair share of fire and held a wall to deflect the shots.

  Slowing her breathing, Scarlett placed her palms on the ground and closed her eyes. Everything zoned out and from an unknown command, her power flowed from her hands like snakes. They slithered along the dark ground unseen to anyone else.

  ‘Come on, come on.’

  They moved silently until the vibration of three figures entered her radar.

  ‘Got you.’

  Opening her eyes, Scarlett willed her tendril to wrap around their ankles and clenched her fist while rising. She heard their screams before she saw them.

  Three wriggling Dreamers fought against her tendrils but didn’t stand a chance. Lifting her hand, her power lifted them into the air, and with a flick of her wrists, they flung in different directions.

  With their side clear, Scarlett felt the vibrations of something larger coming for Trevor and Jasper. She flung herself into the air and landed in between the two men. “Ten. They’re coming head-on. All Dreammares.”

  She glanced at Trevor and Jayden to only find hardened eyes. She couldn’t know what they were feeling but knew, it was their life or the others. They were choosing their own.

  The row of Dreammares entered their line of sight and charged. Colors of power erupted, and if one weren’t watching their back, another’s force would whip them. Trevor’s blue ability flung through the air wielded with his curved knives that effortlessly sliced the Dreammare that neared. Each of Jayden’s arrows flew with her signature purple tendrils that weakened whomever it landed on. Purple vines would erupt upon the impact of her arrows, shocking the Dreammare to which Jasper would strike the final blow with his sword. Scarlett fought alongside her team, and the pride that flourished through her kept her striking one Dreammare after the other.

  When more arrived was lost to Scarlett, but a raged cry caught her attention. Turning toward the Havened Ones, she found Queen Esma clawing her way past two Dreammares that tried to hold her back. Scarlett sped towards her as she let a tendril pour from each of her palms. Lifting her arms, she yanked them down and watched with delight as the tendrils whip end struck the Dreammares holding the Queen. Their armor split, exposing their bare skin, which quickly blackened and left them withered. The two dropped, and Queen Esma stared in Scarlett’s direction.

  Scarlett spotted Jude and one of the guards fighting not too far away.

  “What happened?” Scarlett rushed as she dropped beside the Queen.

  “They took her… They took her!” Queen Esma shouted as white lightning fired from her palms. Her snarl and downcast brows gave way to the rage that coursed through her veins.

  A whistle rang throughout the air, and the Dreammares began to retreat. They all ceased their fight except for Jayden. She trapped a Dreammare and sent her power to wrap him in a cocoon. Knowing her power alone wouldn’t be enough, Trevor layered his on top. The Dreammare wasn’t getting away.

  “Is everyone alright?” Scarlett asked as she did a headcount. Two were noticeably missing.

  “Everyone alright?” Queen Esma narrowed her eyes as she stepped forward. “One of my people just died, and those barbaric Dreammares of yours have taken another. I am going to get her.”

  ‘The young female.’

  “No offense Queen Esma, but do we have time for this kind of delay?” Trevor’s words froze the Queen, and Scarlett felt her intentions before she acted upon them.

  “Queen Esma control yourself before you do something you’ll only later regret,” Scarlett’s harsh reminder snapped the Queen out of her trance She lowered her hands and instead clenched her fists.

  “This detour will not be a delay if we get it done as quickly as possible,” Scarlett informed and shook her head to cease Trevor’s opposing statements. “We will aid you in getting her back, but for now, you will have to calm yourself.”

  Queen Esma’s chest heavily rose, but the heat that sat in her foggy eyes dulled.

  “We will get her back. For now, make sure the rest of your team are okay, and I’ll get the information we’ll need.”

  Scarlett kept her eyes trained on Queen Esma until she got a confirming nod. The queen shook as she held back the energy that wanted to burst. She took a deep breath and backed away. With the air calmed, Scarlett turned and moved her head for Trevor and Jasper to follow.

  Jayden stood beside the Dreammare with the rusty orange armor. Unlike Jasper’s, which was polished and in its honored state, the Dreammare’s armor was torn and missing metal. It looked sanded as if to remove the color.

  Scarlett took her time approaching the Dreammare until she was no more than a foot in front of him.

  “You bitch!” the Dreammare spat.

  The ball in Scarlett’s chest churned, eager to put the rat in his place. For one second the thought scared her and the next, she pushed it aside.

  “I take it you’re a part of Official Leon’s pathetic group to overthrow me?” Scarlett raised a brow and took in the man’s light brown eyes and skin that was a shade darker than her own but still pale. “Where did they take the Havened One?”

  “Like I’m telling you shit.”

  Scarlett clucked her tongue. “Wrong answer.”

  She lifted her hand and watched as the Dreammare’s eyes widened despite his words of false bravery. “Unless you want to find out what I have planned for you, I suggest you start speaking now.”

  The front the Dreammare had been putting up began to dim, and Scarlett kept her palm open and ready.

  “They took her to the where the imprisoned Nightmares were being held. That’s where we’ve been holing up,” the Dreammare squeaked, and at his loose lips, Scarlett took notice that he was only a few years her senior. Perhaps twenty-one or two. What has come of them wanting to kill each other?

  What was she to do with him? They attacked in hopes of murdering them, and they’re rebelling against her rule. The eighteen-year-old in her wanted to cower and not have to make any decision. But the queen in her, the darkness that crept in her veins…

  Not saying another word, Scarlett turned towards Queen Esma. “We know where they are. Do with him as you wish.”

  Scarlett held her eyes and knew the message had been received. Jayden pushed the Dreammare towards the three Havened and then joined Scarlett, Trevor, and Jasper as they walked away.

  Scarlett felt their stares.

  His screams echoed throughout their ears, followed by the smell of freshly roasted flesh from a Dreamers power. He’d been a Dreammare, one of their own, but Scarlett couldn’t afford to take any more chances.

  They were either on her side… or not.

  The prisons weren’t far, and they continued through the darkness toward the place that was once filled with the vilest Nightmares.

  Queen Esma flew ahead of the group, and Scarlett quickly joined her with ease. She made sure they were out of earshot from the others before voicing her thoughts.

  “Who is she to you?” Scarlett asked and took notice of Queen Esma’s wringing fingers and ticked jaw.


  “I asked, who she is to you?” She made sure to emphasize every word. “I may be years younger than you, Queen Esma, but do not mistake me for a fool. It’s clear to us all that she is more than simply a council member.”

  “Who she is to me is none of your concern –”

  “It is of my concern when it involves putting my people at risk to save one of yours,” Scarlett harshly cut her off. “All I’m asking is for you to answer me this one question. If we are to work together, there is no room for secrets.”

  Queen Esma stared ahead in her flight and parted her lips. “She is… my – younger sister. The only family I have left. I can’t afford to lose her.”

; Scarlett knew there was more to her words but didn’t push.

  “We’ll get her back.”

  They neared the edge of the prison and lowered themselves to the ground. They stayed away to be hidden yet, close enough to see.

  A white concrete wall resembling the Refuge’s stood high and wide. A fair number of Dreammares stood at the top of the wall and others walked along the ground edge. At the center was a single, double-doored gate, and to its right, was a flat grey building with a glass door and no windows.

  “Since this doesn’t seem like it’ll be a peaceful negotiation, we’re going to have to break in,” Trevor said as he surveyed the area. “Our point of entry will have to be the transport building on the side. They’d bring in captured Nightmares through there.”

  “Once we’re in, what’s next? Scour the entirety of cells in there?”

  At Queen Esma’s question, everyone quieted at her choice of words.

  “I am going, and that is without question. Unless you want to call attention before we’re even in, I suggest you continue with the plan.”

  “Alright then, only three of us will be going. The rest will stay out here in case anything is to go wrong,” Trevor continued. “Once inside, we will have to find the camera room. It’s normally right beside the main control room, which means it’ll be heavily guarded. But once there, we’ll be able to find where they put her no problem.”

  “Great. Trevor, Queen Esma, and I will be going. The rest of you stay here on standby and alert,” Scarlett appointed as she rose. “This is to be quick and silent. We can’t afford to waste any more time.”

  Nodding at the twins, Scarlett then eyed the Havened Ones. While she didn’t completely trust them, she knew at that moment they had more to lose. Scarlett turned away and Trevor and Queen Esma followed, heading toward the prison.

  Not wanting to risk being seen, they gave a wide birth from the edge and stayed just outside the circle of light illuminating from the top of the wall. Trevor led the way as he knew the layout of the prison better than the others.

  Scarlett took notice of a towering building inside of the prison that wasn’t noticeable from the front. It more than likely gave a broad view of everything inside.

  “Trevor, I think our best chance is going to be in there,” whispered Scarlett. Trevor and Queen Esma turned their attention to the semi-hidden tower and nodded in agreement.

  Approaching the corner of the building, they came upon the back of the structure.

  ‘It was used for Nightmare’s alright.’

  The first thing to attack their senses was the pungent smell that stabbed their noses. It undeniably belonged to Nightmares, and the three large metal gates dripped with muck. Most of it was dried up or in deep puddles on the ground. On either side of the gates were ramp openings in the floor that reeked of death. The bar gates appeared torn as if busted from the inside out. Whatever wanted to get out, got out. The rebels tried to repair the gates as best as they could. They failed, but it left the perfect opening for them to go through.

  “The gates in the ground were used for the higher-level Nightmares. They led to the lowest floor of the prison,” Trevor pointed out the openings.

  “I’m guessing the destruction of the gate was due to when they escaped, leaving this place empty. Then the rebelling Dreamers and Dreammares come across here, find their way in, and try to patch it up,” Queen Esma snorted. “They did a terrible job.”

  Scarlett twisted toward Queen Esma with furrowed brows. “How do you even see that?”

  “Eyes are not needed to see Scarlett. There are more ways to do something than you’d know.”

  Queen Esma’s words left Scarlett with unease, but Trevor interrupted before the feeling could settle.

  “As much as I’d like to hear more about Queen Esma’s all-seeing eyes, the guard just passed the post, and if we’re to make a move, the time is now.”

  Crouching low, Trevor scanned the area before sprinting and sliding down the muck-ridden ramp. Scarlett did the same and flew across the path before getting low to slide. Trevor got to work on quietly widening the hole in the gate while they waited for Queen Esma.

  She joined as Trevor got a good rip in. “Hurry, I saw the next guard circling. We’ve ten seconds.”

  The approaching footsteps filled their ears and mixed with the pounding of their hearts. Queen Esma was the first through, followed by a stealthy Trevor. Scarlett put one leg through the hole and tried to stop her armor from scratching against the gate, only for a metal screech to sound throughout the air.

  Her breathing stopped as the footsteps ceased beyond their gate. She turned back and motioned for Trevor and Queen Esma to stay silent. Lifting her hand out to her side, Scarlett instinctively willed the shadows of her cloak to cover her. Like a wave, they washed over as Scarlett’s heart pounded in her chest.

  The guard made her way into Scarlett’s line of sight and surveyed the area. Her eyes landed on the poorly repaired gate and zeroed in on where Scarlett was wedged. She inched herself closer and walked along the edge, not wanting to step into the deep puddle of muck that flooded the bar gate. She glanced up and then back to the floor.

  ‘Please, please go away.’

  Scarlett held her breath. The female guard got closer.

  She was following the slide of the ground, which led directly to where Scarlett was stuck. With her eyes trained on where Scarlett hid, she slowly opened her palm.

  Scarlett saw the twitch of her lips and knew their plan was about to blow. With a flick of her wrist, tendrils shot from her palm and wrapped around the guard’s throat. They coiled tightly, and the Dreamer weakly shot poofs of white but didn’t last for more than six seconds. Scarlett left them for an extra five before gently laying the limp body in the puddle of muck. It was deep enough to cover the body.

  Releasing the guard, Scarlett finished sliding her way through the gate and glanced up to find a shocked Trevor and Queen Esma.

  “You were invisible.” Trevor gaped with confusion. “How is that possible? Did you even know you could do that?”

  His words dawned and the realization chilled Scarlett. She hadn’t known she could.

  “No, I didn’t…,” Scarlett truthfully responded.

  “What else could you do?” Queen Esma whispered as she inquisitively stared off.

  “Enough about me. We haven’t much time, I just killed one of their guards, and it won’t be long before she’s reported. We need to be on our way out by then.” Her words snapped them out of their thoughts, and they turned to continue while her mind couldn’t. It replayed the fading pulse she had within her tendrils; the stopping of the guard’s heart; and the euphoric chill that swept through her body.

  And, as much as she wanted to stop the thoughts, she didn’t…

  The hall they walked along was empty and went deeper with each turn.

  Not a single door, window, or switch was in sight.

  “Where are all the cells?” Scarlett’s question was answered as they rounded the final corner. They entered what could be mistaken for an arena if it weren’t for the giant arching bar gates. The gates lined the edge of the bowl in the center. There were too many to count, and Scarlett could only imagine what it must’ve been like when the Nightmares were freed. A slaughter.

  “There she is!” Queen Esma pointed towards the middle of the arena below where a large cage held her sister. “Cassandra!”

  ‘The female has a name.’

  Cassandra laid unconscious on the cage’s floor, nonresponsive to Queen Esma’s call. Trevor analyzed the arena and stopped Scarlett and Queen Esma from taking any more steps.

  “Something isn’t right,” Trevor warned as he unsheathed his knives. Scarlett and Queen Esma ignited their hands and formed a small triangle.

  A noise rustled from the arena's edge, and two figures stepped out from the shadows.

  Scarlett recognized them all too well.

  Official Leon had his brown hair pulled into a low ma
n bun, and his brown eyes shone with malice. Above his left eyebrow lay a black mole as his most distinctive feature. He was not a very tall man, but what he lacked in height, he made up for with his stocky build. Not nearly muscular as Trevor, but close enough to have anyone think twice.

  Beside the first piece of shit was another that made Scarlett churn in disgust. She never found out her name, but the pale blue-eyed Dreammare stood beside Official Leon in her brown armor. In her right hand was a tall black spear with a white arrow sitting at the top. The way the light glinted off it caught Scarlett’s attention.

  The appearance of their armor didn’t pass anybody. The once bright, clear surface was scratched and dull as if sanded to rid the armor of its color.

  They were doing it on purpose.

  “Queen Scarlett, what a pleasure it is to meet you under our new circumstances.” Official Leon smirked. “As I see, you even brought some friends. Trevor and Queen Esma, I’ve heard great things about the two of you… especially the latter.”

  Leon winked at Queen Esma, who bristled at the gesture.

  “Cut the show, Leon. You know exactly why we’re here,” Scarlett responded as her eyes skittered to Cassandra.

  “Of course, I do—a rescue mission for the damsel in distress. You were supposed to rush into the bowl of this grand arena, attempt to free the dear Cassandra, all the while falling into my little trap. But you see, you’re too smart, and I have my partner, Nova, to thank for calling that.”

  Leon wrapped his arm around Nova’s slim waist as she adjusted the spear. She was a good one or two inches taller than Leon. As peculiar as their appearances were, the two were perfect for each other.

  Her pale eyes narrowed on Scarlett. “Do you remember me?”

  Scarlett stifled the need to laugh and instead let a small smile slip through. “How could I ever forget something like you? You served as a great reminder of what I wouldn’t want to be.”

  The widening of their eyes and anger that simmered within them charged Scarlett. She smirked before noticing where Nova’s attention had gone.


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