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The Road to Oz

Page 24

by L. Frank Baum

  The Grand Banquet

  I wish I could tell you how fine the company was that assembled thatevening at Ozma's royal banquet. A long table was spread in the centerof the great dining-hall of the palace and the splendor of thedecorations and the blaze of lights and jewels was acknowledged to bethe most magnificent sight that any of the guests had ever seen.

  The jolliest person present, as well as the most important, was ofcourse, old Santa Claus; so he was given the seat of honor at one end ofthe table while at the other end sat Princess Ozma, the hostess.

  John Dough, Queen Zixi, King Bud, the Queen of Ev and her son Evardo,and the Queen of Merryland had golden thrones to sit in, while theothers were supplied with beautiful chairs.

  At the upper end of the banquet room was a separate table provided forthe animals. Toto sat at one end of this table, with a bib tied aroundhis neck and a silver platter to eat from. At the other end was placed asmall stand, with a low rail around the edge of it, for Billina and herchicks. The rail kept the ten little Dorothys from falling off thestand, while the Yellow Hen could easily reach over and take her foodfrom her tray upon the table. At other places sat the Hungry Tiger, theCowardly Lion, the Saw-Horse, the Rubber Bear, the Fox King and theDonkey King; they made quite a company of animals.

  At the lower end of the great room was another table, at which sat theRyls and Knooks who had come with Santa Claus, the wooden soldiers whohad come with the Queen of Merryland, and the Hilanders and Lolanderswho had come with John Dough. Here were also seated the officers of theroyal palace and of Ozma's army.

  The splendid costumes of those at the three tables made a gorgeous andglittering display that no one present was ever likely to forget;perhaps there has never been in any part of the world at any timeanother assemblage of such wonderful people as that which gathered thisevening to honor the birthday of the Ruler of Oz.

  When all the members of the company were in their places an orchestra offive hundred pieces, in a balcony overlooking the banquet room, began toplay sweet and delightful music. Then a door draped with royal greenopened, and in came the fair and girlish Princess Ozma, who now greetedher guests in person for the first time.

  As she stood by her throne at the head of the banquet table every eyewas turned eagerly upon the lovely Princess, who was as dignified as shewas bewitching, and who smiled upon all her old and new friends in away that touched their hearts and brought an answering smile to everyface.

  Each guest had been served with a crystal goblet filled with lacasa,which is a sort of nectar famous in Oz and nicer to drink thansoda-water or lemonade. Santa now made a pretty speech in verse,congratulating Ozma on having a birthday, and asking every one presentto drink to the health and happiness of their dearly beloved hostess.This was done with great enthusiasm by those who were made so they coulddrink at all, and those who could not drink politely touched the rims oftheir goblets to their lips. All seated themselves at the tables and theservants of the Princess began serving the feast.

  I am quite sure that only in Fairyland could such a delicious repast beprepared. The dishes were of precious metals set with brilliant jewelsand the good things to eat which were placed upon them were countless innumber and of exquisite flavor. Several present, such as the Candy Man,the Rubber Bear, Tik-tok, and the Scarecrow, were not made so they couldeat, and the Queen of Merryland contented herself with a small dish ofsawdust; but these enjoyed the pomp and glitter of the gorgeous scene asmuch as did those who feasted.


  The Woggle-Bug read his "Ode to Ozma," which was written in very goodrhythm and was well received by the company. The Wizard added to theentertainment by making a big pie appear before Dorothy, and when thelittle girl cut the pie the nine tiny piglets leaped out of it anddanced around the table, while the orchestra played a merry tune. Thisamused the company very much, but they were even more pleased whenPolychrome, whose hunger had been easily satisfied, rose from the tableand performed her graceful and bewildering Rainbow Dance for them. Whenit was ended the people clapped their hands and the animals clappedtheir paws, while Billina cackled and the Donkey King brayed approval.

  Johnny Dooit was present, and of course he proved he could do wonders inthe way of eating, as well as in everything else that he undertook todo; the Tin Woodman sang a love song, every one joining in the chorus;and the wooden soldiers from Merryland gave an exhibition of a lightningdrill with their wooden muskets; the Ryls and Knooks danced the FairyCircle; and the Rubber Bear bounced himself all around the room. Therewas laughter and merriment on every side, and everybody was having aroyal good time. Button-Bright was so excited and interested that hepaid little attention to his fine dinner and a great deal of attentionto his queer companions; and perhaps he was wise to do this, because hecould eat at any other time.

  The feasting and merrymaking continued until late in the evening, whenthey separated to meet again the next morning and take part in thebirthday celebration, to which this royal banquet was merely theintroduction.


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