The Play

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The Play Page 16

by William Dolby

The information I got by my investigations is true and sure.

  EMPRESS YANG: Agh, Heavens! So sure enough it’s Plum-blossom Sprite who’s once more attracted the emperor’s love-favours!

  (She drinks wine, wordlessly, sits down disconsolately, and hides her tears with her sleeves.)

  DAME EVER-NEW and DAME REMEMBER-ME: Milady, we beseech you not to be sorrowful and upset.


  Hearing her words, I shudder in alarm,

  How can I tell of my grief and heart-pains!

  (Sheds tears)

  Past intimate thoughts,

  Loving affection of the old days,

  I all consign to my tear-flowers and flick them away towards the skies.

  I remember when our joyous love was first established,

  Remember when our joyous love was first established,

  I prayed we’d become a pair like the two limbs of a hairpin,

  As the closed lid-leaves of a box united.

  I never thought my lord’s heart

  Would alter in a sliver of time,

  And even if I’m due to be expelled,

  He must proclaim the nature of my crime.

  How can a frozen bud, a “wintry flower”518 be allowed to

  Secretly know the face of the “eastern breeze”!519

  Of course, even though his body was over here,

  His heart’s been tied to that other courtyard always.

  He’s entirely deceptive love and false intentions,

  So faking, so deceitful,

  Nothing but me, in my docile biddability. cheating.

  DAME REMEMBER-ME: Something you don’t yet know, milady, is that I’ve heard a minor eunuch say that yesterday Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor, up in Florescence-calyx Tower, secretly sealed a package of one bushel520 of pearls to bestow on her, but she refused to accept them. In return, she presented him with a poem, which included the lines:

  Since from then on I don’t comb or wash “in the palace of Tall Gate”,521

  What need is there for pearls to comfort me in my lonely state!


  That’s what brought about tonight’s events.

  EMPRESS YANG: Oh, so that’s how it is. I’d never have imagined it so!


  He describes his repinings for Bower-east,

  And surreptitiously sends pearls.

  It’s so impossible to slice apart the love feelings of the two,

  I can’t help my inch-heart being as if cut with scissors.

  It’s not, though, that my heart’s too small and constricted,

  Just that I laugh that my monarch’s of mistaken views:

  I laugh that my monarch’s of mistaken views,

  Mistaking a criminal discarded “remnant makeup”522

  For a “charming dame in gold rooms”.523

  It’s obvious I remain a clumsy phoenix

  Unfit to fight against “spring” love-vying orioles-and swallows.

  DAME EVER-NEW: Since Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor can’t forget his love for her, why don’t you fall in with his thinking, and strongly urge him to summon her back. He’s bound to be overjoyed, and I anticipate that he won’t think of forgetting your good turn.

  EMPRESS YANG: Agh, don’t mention such a thing.


  He’ll be able to twine her with the Scarlet Silk524 of love union himself.


  What imperative is there for me to be heavily involved!

  I just fear that a clueless matchmaker,

  Would his hatred and despisal foster.


  You two ladies, come accompany me to Kingfisher Villa.

  DAME REMEMBER-ME: Why go there, milady?

  EMPRESS YANG: When I get there,


  I’ll see how she’s displaying her beguiling allure,

  How she her tricks and opportunistic deceptions does display,

  Casually rousing the emperor’s love,

  Turning things upside down, all topsy-turvy,

  Surreptitiously leading his affections astray.

  DAME REMEMBER-ME: Thinking of events in Kingfisher Villa tonight, I was originally afraid that you, milady, would get to know about them! And now it’s approaching the third watch-drum in the night, and Ten-thousand-years-grandfather the emperor’s bound to be sound asleep in bed, so how can you rush over there in such haste! I’m afraid there’d be an embarrassment. It was better if you’d please take my humble advice and go and have some restful sleep, and attend to things again tomorrow morning.

  (Empress Yang says nothing. She covers up her tears with her sleeves, and sighs)

  EMPRESS YANG: Right then, right! But how do you expect me to get to sleep tonight!


  He in his love-joys and diversions only fears the clepsydra’s silver arrows’ hurry,525

  While I’m deep in this courtyard all lonely,

  And must just shoulder my lantern and, full clothed,

  wrap around me my empty downie.


  Far far in the scarlet forbidden precincts the imperial-palace clepsydra sounds,526 High clouds arise and the azure sky’s like stream-water;527 Though my lord’s loving favour’s severed, my tears are never,528 Leaning aslant on the perfuming-basket, I sit until dawn’s glimmer.

  Act Nineteen: Reunited

  (Enter Eunuch-chamberlain Kao)


  Since Resplendent-sunlight palace-hall closed, spring then autumn again, Her chiffon-silk dress has been all dampened, and still her tears flow; Alike the moth-antennaed-eyebrowed ones have bright-moon nights, But there’s song and dance in the south palace, and in the north palace sorrow.


  I’m Eunuch-chamberlain Kao. In years past, I was sent as an imperial envoy to Fukien and Kwangtung, and was able to select Most-prized-empress Chiang529 to present to Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor, and he hugely favoured her with his love. Because she had an innate nature that cherished plum-blossoms, he conferred upon her the title of Most-prized-empress Plum-blossom, and everybody in the imperial palace refers to her as Milady Plum-blossom.

  After Empress Yang came into the place to attend upon him, that love-favour was daily snatched further from Plum-blossom, and Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor eventually moved Plum-blossom away, and installed her in East Bower of Upper-sunlight Palace.530 Last night, suddenly, on the pretext of illness, he spent the night in Kingfisher-flourishing West Villa, and sent a minor eunuch officer to secretly summon her to him. He cautioned the palace ladies that they were not to let Empress Yang know of it, and commanded me to keep watch in front of the Villa, and not permit unauthorised persons to presume to enter it. By now, it’s dawn breaking, and I fear I must take Most-prized-empress Plum-blossom back to her place. I must just watch out for her here.

  (Simulated exit)

  (Enter Empress Yang. Walking)


  The whole night through I didn’t sleep, vague sorrows disturbing me,

  Before the light of dawn, I crept here secretly.

  In the past, I saw the scarlet sun’s beams playing with the blossom tips,

  And, me all feeble and limp, my spring sleep’s hard to dispel,

  And I still collapse pressing down onto my embroidered downie.

  Today, oh

  Why, though, do I hastily throw away my phoenix pillow?

  Simply because I can’t cast off their affair and let things be.

  (Enter unobtrusively Eunuch-chamberlain Kao from one side. Gazes)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Oh, it’s Empress Yang just now coming from a long way off. It must be the news has leaked out? Right now Most-prized-empress Plum-blossom’s still in the Villa, so what can I do for the best?

  (Empress Yang arrives)

  (Eunuch-chamberlain Kao hurries over and meets her)

ERLAIN KAO: I, your “maidservant slave”, kow-tow in audience with you, milady.

  EMPRESS YANG: Where is Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor?


  EMPRESS YANG: Who else is in there?


  EMPRESS YANG: Open the Villa door, and let me go in and have a look.

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: (In a panic) I beg you first sit a while, milady.

  (Empress Yang sits down)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: I submit to you, milady: Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor yesterday


  Just because he was toiling at governing with diligence,

  He fell unwell, and shunned upsetting disturbance.

  EMPRESS YANG: Since his sage body was unwell, why has he stationed himself here?


  He loves tranquil secluded West Villa,

  And is this while recuperating there from dusk to dawn’s onset.

  EMPRESS YANG: What’s he doing in there?


  He’s lying face down on his dragon bed,

  quietly recovering from his weariness of spirit.

  EMPRESS YANG: What’s your business here?


  I keep a watch over the Jade Doors,531 and don’t allow people entry.

  EMPRESS YANG: Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, are you not going to allow me to go in?

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Calm your anger, milady.


  It’s just because I’ve respectfully received our monarch’s command,

  Would you deem me impertinent enough to act awkward, obstructively!

  EMPRESS YANG: (In anger) (Sings)


  You have to ply your falsehoods!

  Your mouth plappering on,

  playing devilish tricks, feigning false airs

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: How would I be so impertinent as to do that!


  I’m annoyed, yes annoyed,

  You make me so impatient, I feel wholly more and more vexed.


  I’m aware that today,


  You’ve another person, who’s hung her eye-tips on him,

  Relying on the high love-favour in which she’s held.

  You’re obviously trying to cheat me, this out-of-love-favour person,

  now the time’s deteriorated and my luck collapsed,

  (She stands up) (Says)

  All right then,


  I’ll just have to knock on the door myself.

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Milady, sit down, I beg you, while I call to them to come and open the door.

  (He calls loudly)

  Empress Yang has come here. Open the door.

  (Empress Yang sits down)

  (Enter emperor with his robe flung around him, and leading eunuch attendants. Listens)


  What’s up, such loud talk?

  All of a sudden from one’s dreams startling one awake!

  (Eunuch-chamberlain Kao calls out again)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Empress Yang’s here. Hurry up and open the door.

  EUNUCH ATTENDANT: I submit to Your Majesty Ten-thousand-years-grandfather: Empress Yang has arrived.

  (Emperor is visibly discombobulated)



  My “springtime” love-affair forth is leaked,

  How will it be resolved?

  EUNUCH ATTENDANT: Do we open this door or not, then?

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Hang on a bit. (Aside) Just tell Most-prized-empress Plum-blossom to hide for a while in the lined arras, will you.

  (Exit in haste)

  EUNUCH ATTENDANT: (Laughs) Oh dear, Ten-thousand-years-grandfather, Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-our-emperor,


  If you “hide a Dainty in a gold room” in this manner,

  I fear you’ll create jealous havoc, “push the grape-trellis over”.532

  (Emperor bends face-down over a table as if asleep. Eunuch attendant, sings)

  I’ll use the pillow beside my bed, to pretend I’m sleeping,

  And you must open the wild-beast-boss ring-knocker.

  EUNUCH ATTENDANT: As you command!

  (Opens door)

  (Empress Yang marches straight in. Meets emperor)

  EMPRESS YANG. I heard that Your Majesty my emperor was indisposed, so have made a point of coming over to wish you well.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: I chanced to feel poorly, so haven’t managed to go into the palace yet. What has put you to the trouble of coming here in the fresh of dawn, my Most-prized-empress?

  EMPRESS YANG: I’ve an inkling as to why Your Majesty contracted an illness.

  (Emperor laughs)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: What is it you’ve managed to guess, my Most-prized-empress?


  You’ve been twined round with love yearnings, most likely,

  And because of someone you fancy,

  you’ve picked up a “heart-malady”.

  (Emperor laughs)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: My Most-prized-empress, who, apart from you, is there I’d have a fancy for?

  EMPRESS YANG: I think that, of those you’ve cherished greatly in the past, none have you done more so than Plum-blossom Sprite. Why not summon her here, so that she can assuage your yearnings for her?

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: (Astonished) Oh dear, that woman’s long been installed in Bower-east, so how could I summon her back!


  I was just afraid you sly God of Spring533

  secretly little Plum-blossom’s tip might leak, release,

  And will solely look forward to Plum’s coming

  your thirst to slake, to cease.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: As if I’d have any such intention!

  EMPRESS YANG: If you didn’t,


  How would it have been possible for that bushel of pearls the comfort of her loneliness to be!

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Don’t be so suspicious, my Most-prized-empress. Last night I


  Chanced just because of a minor ailment,

  To temporarily feel a yearning for tranqulility,

  You, of epidendrum heart and orchid innate nature,

  Go easy with so much surmising and reckoning,

  Gratuitously assailing me with mockery.

  (Yawns and stretches wearily)


  I’m mentally voided and too languid to entertain you,

  And now we’ve met I haven’t much to say.

  I beseech you to return to your fragrant carriage,

  While to sleep my fill I’ll try.

  EMPRESS YANG: (Looks) Why, isn’t that a pair of phoenix slippers here under your imperial couch?

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: (Standing up in a panic, and trying to cover them up) Where?

  (He drops an emerald gold-strip-flower flower-shaped hair-clasp from the breast-flaps of his robe)

  (Empress picks it up, and looks at it)

  EMPRESS YANG: Ah, and an emerald gold-strip-flower flower-shaped hair clasp as well! These are all things for a woman. Since you slept on your own, how do they come to be here?

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: (Looking abashed) Most odd! Where did they come from? Even I can’t fathom.

  EMPRESS YANG: How don’t you comprehend, Your Majesty?

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: (Looking in a panic, speaking in a quiet voice to the eunuch attendant) Oh dear, it’s bad now. Seeing this emerald gold-strip-flower flower-shaped hair-clasp and those phoenix slippers, Empress Yang’s bound not to just let me off. You quickly see off milady Plum-blossom, take her out through the tumbledown wall behind the Villa, and back to Bower-east, will

  EUNUCH ATTENDANT: Right, got it.

  (False-exits behind emperor’s back)


  This imperial bed of yours is heavily and strictly guarded,

  and a long way off is this imperial palace forbidden precinct,

  Surely you don’t mean to say some goddess flew across in the middle of the night!

  I just ask you: who these two tokens dropped?

  (She throws the slippers and the hair-clasp onto the floor. Eunuch-chamberlain discreetly picks them up.)


  Who came to attend upon you in your bed last night?

  And what sort of “phoenix-friendship and roc-amity” was it,

  That now, when the sun’s three poles high,

  you’re not yet presiding over your session in court?

  Outsiders didn’t realise:

  They all said what was pestering you weary, my monarch,

  was my mediocre figure and poor-quality aspect,

  Little did they realise that, fancying love-joy diversion,

  you had another “rain-grotto and cloud-nest”!534


  Please go out and oversee your morning court-session, Your Majesty. I think I’ll just wait here for you to proceed back to the palace.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: I’m ill today. I can’t oversee the court-session.


  Even though it’s the aftermath of your “butterfly dream”,535

  In your mandarin-drake-quilt love-ripples,

  Bowled over by spring love,

  Weary and dazed, your mind could yet put up with it,

  But how can you let down all those mandarin-colleagues standing like expectant swans at Phoenix Steps’ foot.


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