The Play

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The Play Page 17

by William Dolby

  (Empress Yang turns to the front, standing with her back to the emperor)

  (Enter Eunuch-chamberlain Kao noiselessly, and whispers words in emperor’s ear)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Empress Plum-blossom has departed now. Please, Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor, come out and go to your court session.

  (Emperor nods his head)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: You urge me to oversee the court session, my Most-prized-empress, so I’ll just have to force myself to go out to it. Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, you escort Her Majesty from here back to the palace.

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: As you command! (Turns towards backstage) Position the imperial carriage!

  (Response of assent from backstage)


  How dashing romance dashing romance’s suffering stirs, If you’re not a dashing romantic, you’d never realise.


  (Empress sits down)

  EMPRESS YANG: Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, it’s a fine thing you did deceiving me! Let me just ask you: whose are this kingfisher gold-strip-flower flower-shaped hair-clasp and these phoenix slippers?


  I implore you, milady, not to be vexed and annoyed for no reason,


  In my humble view, Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor, to you


  Allowing all such unrestrained freedom and compliance is a privilege rare.


  Today, this gold-strip-flower flower-shaped hair-clasp and these phoenix slippers,


  Let alone in Plum-blossom’s pavilion,

  when in days gone by his love with her was fine,

  And even in the Six Palaces the new beguiling wives fair,




  Seemingly feigned ignorance,

  With so many schemings,

  you’re so wasting time and effort galore!


  I won’t be so impertinent as to say too much, but nowadays among all the imperial court’s ministers there’s no man without both a main wife and a minor wife,


  How much more, in the case of Ninth Layer, the emperor,

  Can you this night show him tolerance for sure!



  This isn’t my not permitting him to cuddle someone else under the downie.

  You’re saying my unselfishness is as narrow as a tou or shao measuring-cup in capacity!

  I’m just puzzled why he comes at dawn and departs nightly, setting snares,

  Deliberately with his deceptions clamping me tightly.

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: The emperor deceived you, milady, only because he was afraid you’d be annoyed, not for any other intention.


  Rather than fear I’d be irritated,

  He should have not given her an invite.

  Why instead did he, the poor-quality cloud,

  Yearn only on her, a different peak, to drift!

  He pretended to cast her aside,

  But secretly invited her,

  Such deviousness making it impossible to anticipate his heart.

  (Hides her tears with her sleeve, and sits down)

  (Enter Dame Ever-new)

  DAME EVER-NEW: I got up at first dawn, and Empress Yang had disappeared. She’s certain to be in this Kingfisher Villa. I must go in, I think. (Goes in, and meets empress) Oh dear, milady,


  Why are you shedding tears,

  Sitting wordless alone, growing faint and low your spirits?

  (Asks Eunuch-chamberlain Kao)

  Grand lord Kao: (Sings)

  Who is it who her delicate nature offends?

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: (In a quiet voice) Don’t mention it.

  (He secretively takes out the gold-strip-flower hair-clasp and the slippers, and shows them to Dame Ever-new) It’s just because she saw these two things, and was annoyed.

  DAME EVER-NEW: (Laughing, and asking in a quiet voice) What about the other lady?

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: She’s already departed.

  LEM: And Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor?

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: He’s gone out to take charge of his court-session. Elder sister Ever-new, you’ve come excellently at the right time. Might you try and persuade the empress to return to her palace, if you would?

  DAME EVER-NEW: Certainly, sir! (She turns to face Empress Yang) Milady, (Sings)

  Go easy with frowning your eyebrow-kohl,

  Your tears soaking,

  Your fragrant heart vexing.

  You’ve not yet partaken of any breakfast, and first dawn has passed,

  Why are you your thousand-gold-guinea jade-fair body lightly damaging!

  Please go back to the palace,

  And some joy and laughter try finding.

  (Voice backstage) The emperor’s arriving!

  (Empress stands up)

  (Enter emperor)


  When she beguiles, her dainty prettiness is boundless, When love is deep, also real is jealousy; Let me take these thoughts within me, To console the person before my eyes I see.


  I aimed for half a night’s love-joys and diversion, but instead suffered utter vexation. I was going to bellow rebuke at her, but then I was afraid she’d turn on me and say I was specially favouring Most-prized-empress Plum-blossom with my love. So I must just be patient for a bit. Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, where’s Empress Yang?

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: She’s still in the Villa.

  (Exeunt Dame Ever-new and Eunuch-chamberlain Kao unobtrusively)

  (Emperor meets empress. Empress stands with her back to him, says nothing, and sobs into her sleeve)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Oh dear, my Most-prized-empress, why are you covering up your face, and not talking to me? (Empress doesn’t respond. Emperor laughs) Most-prized-empress mine, don’t be disgruntled. You and I shall go together up into Florescence-calyx Tower536 and look at the flowers.


  You ask, ask, ask, ask537 about the dainty prettiness of Florescence-calyx Tower,

  But I fear, fear, fear, fear its “flowers” are than Bower-east's more fine;

  There’s a Plum-blossom sprig has snatched the lead in spring, in love,

  What further, further, further, further need is there for this “green willow”538 me to tug at and you entwine!

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Don't you realise yet how true my heart is once engaged!


  Please, please, please, please, be true of heart to your old love,

  To spare me other people’s reproaching me as of emotions mean.

  (Kneels) (Says)

  I have a humble feeling. that I hope Your Majesty will condescend to listen to.

  (Emperor helps her to her feet by her arm)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: If you have something to say, my Most-prized-empress, you may stand up and tell me.

  EMPRESS YANG: (Sobbing) I'm aware that I’m of no good prospects, and undeservedly stole your loving favours. If I don't quickly withdraw, I'm afraid that rumours and slanders will increase day by day, and it will implicate you, my lord, with unforeseeable consequences of disaster, burdening you so that your virtuous cosmic influence will come to nought, yet further increasing my crime. If now I'm blessed by your celestial affection’s still surviving, I hope that you will confer expulsion upon me. Look with affection on someone else, and don't keep thinking of me.

  (Sobbing, she makes obeisance to him)


  I bow, bow, bow, bow goodbye to your Heaven-high love in days past.

  (Brings out hairpins and casket) (Says)

  These hairpins and this casket are ones bestowed upon me by Your Majesty, which I now hand back
to you.


  For you to accord deep love and intimate thoughts in a new start.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: What do you mean by that?


  Don't, don't, don't, don't in receiving your old gifts,

  let their blessings be impossible to dispel from your heart.

  (Empress chokes with sobs. Emperor helps her to her feet.)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Why do you utter such words, my Most-prized-empress? We two, you and I,


  Our love is fine on both sides,

  Our love is fine on both sides,

  If it were for a century, for being too few years I'd still deplore it.

  How can you say?

  How can you say?

  That we should for no reason part!

  Even though I've been in error,

  Even though I've been in error,

  Please don't be upset,

  Please don't be upset.

  (Laughs and looks at empress)


  Seeing your frowning eyebrows and tear-filled eyes,

  I feel you look all the more pretty yet.

  You may take back the hairpins and the casket as before. Since you can't bear the sight of flowers, come with me to West Palace, where we can talk about this, that or anything that comes to mind.

  EMPRESS YANG: If you're really not casting me off, Your Majesty, what more can I say!

  (She puts the hairpins and casket away in her sleeve, and wishes emperor “ten thousand blessings!”)


  I take the hairpins and casket and put them away once more,

  I guess it will be tender tonight in our lotus-flower bed-curtain,

  As we again evince our love feelings of when we first made our love secure.

  (Emperor takes Empress Yang's hand, and they exeunt side by side)

  (Re-enter Eunuch-chamberlain Kao)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor and Empress Yang have gone into the imperial palace now. Let me now take this kingfisher gold-strip-flower hair-clasp and these phoenix slippers, and go and deliver them back to milady Plum-blossom.


  Weeping-willow hues are ragged, shining by the emerald bower,539 The monarch's jade hand-carriage just now tarries;540 I'd never have realised Most-prized-empress Yang was so spoilt and jealous!541 And still has never ceased vexing wild at the affair’s “east breeze”.542

  Act Twenty: Spy report

  (Enter Kuo Tzu-yi dressed as an Adjutant,543 leading four bearers of staves and swords)

  KUO TZU-YI: (Recites)

  I went forth to guard the craggy frontier and watch over the steely citadels, What I've heard by rumour of frontier troubles is truly deserving of dread; It worries my heart for my country I don't know how much! And I've newly added

  four or five white hairs on my head.


  I'm general Kuo Tzu-yi. I've received our sage emperor's favour, and been promoted to governor of Ling-wu. Previously, when in Ch’ang-an, I noticed that An Lu-shan had the physiognomy of one who was going to rebel, and realised that he was harbouring disastrous feelings. I never imagined our sage emperor would command him to go out and be governor of Fan-yang, quite clearly releasing a tiger to return home to its mountain. He also permitted him to change the generals of the appanages, though, by which An Lu-shan further added to his "fangs and claws" henchmen. Ever since I was elevated from the Heaven-virtue Army,544 I've been anxious about the situation. Here in Ling-wu: it's the "thigh-and-upper-arm”545 key region, where we should be guarding it strictly. I've already sent on some discreet spies to Fan-yang to investigate and obtain information. I'll just wait for them to return, and then I'll know how things stand.

  (Enter spy, grasping a little scarlet flag)

  SPY: (Sings)

  My two feet have galloped like meteors, as swift as lightning,

  Me having enquired and found out a little bit about the frontier situation.

  Speedily leaving the Yen Mountains,546

  I'm already here in my Ling-wu destination.

  (Goes in, meets Kuo Tzu-yi. Goes down on one knee and kow-tows547)


  To Yellow Hall548 governor, I call out "By your leave!"

  like thunder loud-exploding.

  KUO TZU-YI: Ah, spy, it’s you back, is it?

  SPY: (Recites)

  On my shoulder I carry the word "Order" on a little scarlet flag, Night and day I rush and gallop swift as the wind; I've investigated so many matters of the frontier passes, And come to report to my chief from beginning to end.

  KUO TZU-YI: Instruct them to close the doors!

  (All close the doors, then exeunt)

  KUO TZU-YI: Spy, when you investigated An Lu-shan's army situation, how was it with his military developments? Come nearer, and tell me in great detail, while I listen.

  SPY: Listen to my submission, Your Excellency: When I reached that Fan-yang garrison-town,


  I saw swords and lances gleaming like snow,

  Lined up in camp on camp,

  densely pack iron-armoured cavalry.

  Truly it was a matter of shouted commands like mountains tumbling,

  terrifying the very gods and demons,

  Little heeding of the Son of Heaven’s honour,

  Just flaunting his army commands outside the outer city-wall gate-threshold like Ch’e and Che gate-gods549 sternly.

  KUO TZU-YI: What tricks has that An Lu-shan been up to of late at the frontier passes?

  SPY: (Sings)

  He's on his own authority requested

  that the non-Chinese generals come in turn,

  And has dispersed the Chinese generals,

  Lining up and disposing his “fangs and claws” henchmen

  on every side around him crowding.

  Every day, they prance their horses, bend their bows,

  and vie in galloping and hunting,

  Flashing their military might awe-inspiring,


  KUO TZU-YI: How else is he conducting himself?

  SPY: (Sings)

  His rogue conduct’s truly impossible to anticipate,

  His evil sentiments are exceptionally unrestrained in their wickedness.

  He's seduced all the non-Chinese to secretly hook up with him,

  And further beckoned fugitives fleeing for their lives from all the world's Four Regions,

  Harbouring all the violent and sinful in his lairs and nests.

  KUO TZU-YI: (Alarmed) Agh, so such things are happening! Can it be that nobody up in the imperial court has actually informed the emperor of this?

  SPY: I came to hear that one month ago there was someone in the capital who accused An Lu-shan of showing signs of rebellion, and Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor secretly sent a Middle Commissioner550 to Fan-yang to observe his behaviour, When that An Lu-shan met that Middle Commissioner,


  With greatest caution and courtesy he feigned stupidity,

  To the limit covering up his treachery and wickedness,

  He, spreading gold everywhere, plied his coins.

  He felt utterly delighted to cheat the Middle Mandarin.551

  Who, coming back, memorialised the emperor,

  completely covering up An Lu-shan’s rebellious deeds.


  Because of that, Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor all the more trusted An Lu-shan and didn’t suspect him, instead sending the man who’d accused An Lu-shan of rebellion to be dealt with for the crime in front of An Lu-shan’s army.


  Once he was allowed complete freedom to run wild and arrogantly murder,

  Who’d dare again against him ply their tongue and lips!

  KUO TZU-YI: (Sighs) In that case, what’s to be done?

  SPY: The other day, Prime Minister Yang Kuo-chung sent the emperor anothe
r memorial, saying that An Lu-shan’s rebellious activities were abundantly clear, and besought the emperor urgently to execute him. When that An Lu-shan saw that memorial,


  He had to stamp his feet,

  Sigh with his lips,

  Feelings affrighted, in chaos his thoughts.


  But surprisingly, our sage emperor’s command declared An Lu-shan honest and sincere, and that the prime minister needn’t be suspicious of him. As soon as he heard of the emperor’s trust, An Lu-shan at once burst into loud guffawing,


  He cursed the “slanderous minister, who can’t do anything about me”,

  And grinding his teeth-to-the-gums, swore to destroy that man in power at the emperor’s side,

  In a thunderous rage wanted swiftly to wipe clean his feud.

  KUO TZU-YI: Oh dear, if he wants to execute the traitor at our ruler’s side, how can he do so without rebelling? Just a moment, though: How is it no Appanage-capital-residence Copy552 of prime minister Yang’s memorial has appeared?

  SPY: It was a secret memorial, so no Appanage Copy was actually issued. Just because Prime Minister Yang wants to irritate An Lu-shan into speedily rebelling, he specially had the posting-station report copied and sent off to An Lu-shan.

  KUO TZU-YI: Agh, externally, out in the provinces. there’s this rebellious non-Chinese, and internally in the imperial palace there’s this traitorous prime minister. It really makes one’s hair stand on end with rage!

  SPY: I also found out that An Lu-shan happened recently to present horses to the emperor, which was even more terrible.


  He was originally going to display his “jackal” and wolf nature,


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