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The Play

Page 19

by William Dolby

  In my fragrant wagon travel.

  TOGETHER: (Sing)

  Availing ourselves of there being no cloud-dregs in the azure sky,

  In the new nip and the cool-breeze of eventide,

  (They go up onto the bridge)

  The ragged form of this bridge we tread,

  And over the Milky Way’s shine and clear bright water,

  reflecting we bend.

  And we’re further terribly delighted by the new moon’s slender silk-fibre,

  The abundance of the flowers’ dew-liquid,

  Skirting low over magpie pair-flying wings,

  We suddenly feel the Silver River Milky Way

  in autumn produces beauty of special kind.

  (They cross the bridge)

  TWO FEMALE IMMORTLS: We submit to you, milady: We’ve now crossed over the Silver River.

  GODDESS WEAVING-DAMSEL: Gazing below the Silver River, I see very faintly in the distance a cluster of incense-smoke wafting, whisking, soaring up into the air. What’s happening in that place, though?

  TWO FENALE IMMORTALS: It’s the T’ang dynasty Son of Heaven’s Most-prized-empress Yang Jade-bangle who’s Luck-begging in his imperial palace!

  GODDESS WEAVING-DAMSEL: Fancy her putting herself to such trouble, with utter piety! I must go there, when I’ve joined up together with Young Sir Oxherd, to have a look.

  TOGETHER: (Sing)

  Up in Heaven we tarry for our tryst,

  Every year it comes around;

  We laugh, though, that but a moment long are their love-destinies in the mortal world.

  (Exeunt together)

  (Enter two eunuch attendants carrying lanterns on poles over their shoulders, leading the emperor)


  Autumn moonlight’s still,

  In the so deep azure sky the light mist’s sent into the night-dark,

  And after rain the parasol-trees are slightly chilly.

  The Silver River turns sinuously,

  Silk-fibre-slender clouds adorn the Paired Stars580 prettily.

  (Laughs from backstage. Emperor listens)


  I further listen minutely to what blows my way on the breeze,

  And hear merry laughter beyond the blossoms in the shadow of shady trees.


  Eunuch attendant, where’s such laughing and chatting coming from?

  EUNUCH ATTENDANT: Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor’s asking where such laughter and chatting’s coming from?

  VOICE BACKSTAGE: It’s Empress Yang going to Lasting-life Palace-hall to Beg Luck-in-love!

  EUNUCH ATTENDANT: (Reporting back to emperor) Empress Yang’s going to Lasting-life Palace-hall to Beg Luck-in-love. That’s why there’s the laughing and chatting.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Don’t pass on any announcement of my words, eunuch attendant. I shall very quietly go over there. Disperse our scarlet lanterns, and I’ll stealthily go to the Dragon Steps, and get a clear view of what’s happening.

  (Makes a false exit)

  (Enter Empress Yang, leading two palace ladies who bear, cupped in their hands, incense caskets, round fine-silk fans, flowers in vases, and Birth-magic Figures,581 wax models of babies, in gold basins)


  In the imperial-palace courtyard,

  There’s a pall of seal-script-shaped incense from gold burners,

  And candle-light flickers.

  Rice-grain-size good-luck-spiders hug each other tight,582

  Beans grow on gold trays,583

  And sprigs of blossom flutter and unfold in silver pitchers.

  DAME EVER-NEW and DAME REMEMBER-ME: Ah, here we are now at Lasting-life Palace-hall. The Love-luck Feast584 is all laid out ready in order: Please take some incense in your fingers, milady.

  (They take the Vase Flowers and Birth-magicking Basins,585 and set them out on tables. Dame Ever-new cups an incense-casket in her hands, and Empress Yang takes a stick of incense between her thumb and index finger.)

  EMPRESS YANG: I’m Yang Jade-bangle. I devoutly light Heart Incense,586 and bow in prayer to the Star Pair, prostrating myself humbly and praying for you to shine on me your light of judgement and succour me.


  I pray that my hairpin casket and love-destiny be forever secured,

  (She bows in prayer)


  Don’t let me be left cold neglected as a fan in autumn wind.

  (Enter emperor, sneaking on and peeping)


  Looking at my pretty,

  I see her lying face-down in obeisance on the jade steps,

  Making prayer after prayer secretly.

  (Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me meet emperor)

  DAME EVER-NEW and DAME REMEMBER-ME: Ah, Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor has arrived!

  (Empress Yang turns around in haste, and makes obeisance to the emperor)

  (Emperor helps her to her feet)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: What are you up to here, my Most-prized-empress?

  EMPRESS YANG: It’s Seventh Night today, so I’ve had some melons and fruits set out, and come specially to Love-luck Beg from Heaven’s Granddaughter Weaving-damsel.587

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: My Most-prized-empress, you’ve cleverly appropriated Heaven’s finesse, so why need you beg anything further?

  EMPRESS YANG: You’re too kind!

  (Emperor and Empress Yang both sit down apart)

  (Exeunt unobtrusively Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me with two palace-ladies)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: My Most-prized-empress, I recall that Oxherd and Weaving-damsel are separated from each other by the Milky Way, and can only meet up once a year, so their love-yearning must be hard for them,


  In the autumn air when the night is endless,

  and clear the azure skies,

  At last they meet in their magic carriages;

  But alas the Heaven-bestowed tryst is only half a moment,

  And, all too readily, the cock crows in their ears.

  The clouds are wintry, the dew cold,

  And the year of lone separation up again gallops.

  EMPRESS YANG: Your Majesty, when you mention the bitter regrets of the Star Pair at their separation, you make me feel desolate. It’s just a pity that here in our mortal world we don’t know what happens up in Heaven.


  But if we found out,

  We’d suffer maladie d’amour, without a doubt.

  (She sheds tears)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Oh dear, My Most-prized-empress, why are you shedding tears?

  EMPRESS YANG: I was thinking that even though Oxherd and Weaving-damsel meet only once a year, their love is Earth-long and Heaven-enduring. I’m just afraid that the love between you, Your Majesty, and me cannot last as long as theirs.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: What are you saying, my Most-prized-empress!


  Even though those immortal mates have lasting life,

  If we assess our mortal “Dust” love-destinies,

  it’s neither so bad.

  Our life’s hundred years are fine for divining the splendours of romantic love,

  We make the best of things as they occur,

  To foster our love-joys and further our affection,

  I’m puzzled you’re so negative,

  turn so sob-choking sad.

  (He moves his chair closer to Empress Yang’s, and sings in a quiet voice:)

  Let me ask how the Star Pair

  Morning after morning, dusk after dusk,

  Can with you and me compare!

  EMPRESS YANG: I’ve received your deep and weighty love, and tonight I’ve something to say to you. …

  (Stops speaking)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: If you’ve got something to tell me, my Most-prized-empress, you might as well just say it.
  (Empress faces emperor and sobs)

  EMPRESS YANG: Nobody in the Six Palaces can match me in the affection I’ve received from you, but I’m just afraid that as time wears on you’ll eventually become distant in your loving favour, and I’ll have to sigh White-haired sighs!588


  At the very mention of it, my heart aches,

  I recall how,

  when I, this poor insignificant person,

  attended upon you in the Armpit Courtyard589 side-chamber,

  As, changing your attire and beside your hand-carriage,

  I was so splendidly favoured.

  In the twinkling of an eye, I fear this “flower” will be old,

  and nothing left of the spring,

  And on your love-favour

  it be impossible to depend.

  (She tugs at emperor’s robe and sobs)


  Considering love,

  If I could manage to have it for a time long-lasting,

  Even death would feel timely right;

  If I could manage to have it to the end,

  Even if I died, I’d be able to close my eyes happily.

  It would be so much better than the P’ing-yang singer’s singing and dancing,590

  And her emperor’s love shifting from her and his affection changing

  And more than that empress’s loneliness in Tall-gate Palace,

  Wits melting away and tears slowly raining

  Heart-broken, at her scarlet countenance’s fate

  futilely sobbing.

  (Emperor raises his sleeve, and with it wipes away Empress Yang’s tears)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: My Most-prized-empress, don’t feel grieved. The love between you and me certainly isn’t to be likened to something casual, is it!


  Don’t worry your heart,

  Nor let your tears drop slowly,

  Fearing there’ll be a time of love’s shifting,

  That there’ll be a change most mighty.

  (He grasps her hand)


  Children made of cream mixed with honey stick firmly together like glue,

  And we’ll never part for even a second.

  TOGETHER: (Sing)

  Our talk’s a winding-on liana,

  As flowers blur the way and moon dims,

  Shadow and body can’t be distinguished.

  EMPRESS YANG: Since I’ve received from Your Majesty such lavish feelings of love, and availing ourselves of our being below the Star Pair, I beg you to bestow upon me an act of alliance, to consolidate our whole lives together.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Let you and me go and burn incense and establish vows.

  (He takes her by the hand, and they walk)

  TOGETHER: (Sing)

  Fragrant shoulder leaning aslant against,

  Hand in hand we walk down the steps.

  One strip of Shining River Milky Way

  bars across this palace-hall,


  I suddenly feel the night cool arising in my tulle dress.


  I should just speak softly and talk quietly with you,

  In mountain-enduring vows and sea-lasting promises.

  (Emperor offers up incense, and bows, and with Empress prays for blessings)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Star Pair on high, I Li Lung-chi and Yang Jade-bangle,

  EMPRESS YANG: (Joins in) Very much in love and deep in our affection, pray that we may generation after generation, life after life, stay together as man and wife, and never part from one another, and that if we ever transgress against this pledge, you Star Pair will judge us for it.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: (Bowing again) (Recites)

  We pray we may in Heaven be Wing-sharing Birds,591

  EMPRESS YANG: (Recites)

  We pray Twined-branch Love-trees we on Earth may be;

  TOGETHER: (Recite)

  Though Heaven be enduring and Earth last long, there will come a time when they end, These vows will wind on and on, with no date of expiry.

  (Empress Yang makes obeisance, and thanks emperor)

  EMPRESS YANG: I’m deeply grateful for Your Majesty’s great love. The pledge we’ve sworn this night, I shall abide by in life and death.

  (Emperor takes Empress Yang’s hand)


  In Lasting-life Palace-hall we’ve secretly fixed our pledge,


  I ask who this night will bear us witness?

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: (Pointing) (Sings)

  It’s, beside this Milky Way bridge,

  The paired Oxherd and Weaving-damsel star-gods.

  (Exeunt together)

  (Enter Oxherd in Cloud Turban592 and Immortal’s Robe,593 together with Weaving-damsel leading female immortals)


  I just see them swearing their pledge and secretly making their vows,

  Praying so eagerly and making obeisances,

  Both of them with unparalleled love,

  Both the same the words from their lips.

  STAR-GOD OXHERD: Heaven’s Granddaughter, look at the T’ang dynasty Son of Heaven and Yang Jade-bangle! They’re so very much in love!


  They cuddle quiet,

  He leaning against her fragrant shoulder,

  No gap between them in the slightest.


  You and I having been tied fast in fine love-destiny up here in Heaven, are fit to be leaders of the realm of Love.594 Moreover, they’ve set up an altar for their pledge to us, so we must protect them.


  Seeing their Shared-wings love,

  Yearning to be side by side on a branch,

  And praying they may have love’s true perfection,

  life after life, age after age,

  Of romance in the mortal world

  we should put them ever in charge.

  GODDESS WEAVING-DAMSEL: It’s just that the two of them are about to reach kalpa-trouble,595 and will inevitably be parted in life and separated by death. If indeed they don’t break their present pledge in the future, we should certainly bind them together.

  STAR-GOD OXHERD: You’re right in what you say, Heaven’s Granddaughter. Look, the sky’s getting dark, so let’s return to Dipper-ox Palace.596

  (He takes her by the hand, and they move off)

  TOGETHER: (Sing)

  We’re here up in Heaven for a splendid tryst,

  Here every year,

  Laughing, though,

  that love-destiny in the mortal world only lasts for a very brief spurt!


  What use have we for the hurried years and months

  in the mortal world!597 Star Bridge bars across the sky, Then, whence they came, the magpies fly back;598 Don’t say because we seldom meet each other up in Heaven,599 We don’t have the compassion to send down Love-luck.600

  Act Twenty-three: Taking the Pass

  (Enter An Lu-shan leading two non-Chinese generals and four soldiers grasping flags)

  AN LU-SHAN: (Sings)

  With wolf-greed and tiger-gaze,

  I have great awesome prestige,

  I govern Yü-yang.

  and my soldiers are cock-bold,

  my generals many.

  I’m going to make a long push

  and conquer Jumbled-box Pass,601

  And we’ll sing songs of triumph together

  on our declaration of victory.


  I’m An Lu-shan. Since I came out to govern the frontier, I’ve linked up with all the non-Chinese of the frontier, have recruited all the world’s fugitives and outlaws, and have a million crack troops, so could embark on major operations. But just because the T’ang dynasty’s Son of Heaven treated me not without generosity, I thought I’d wait until he’d passed away before rising up militarily. That fe
llow Yang Kuo-chung, however, has frequently said that I’m blatantly showing signs of rebellion, and has besought our sublime emperor to hurry up and execute me. Even though the Son of Heaven doesn’t heed him, I’m here on the frontier, and he’s in the imperial court, so if I don’t devise measures against him soon, I fear I’ll eventually be got at by him in some underhand way. For that reason, I’ve fabricated an imperial document of command, saying that I’ve respectfully received the emperor’s order summoning me to enter the imperial court and execute Yang Kuo-chung. I’ll take the opportunity to smash the Western Capital and snatch the House of T’ang’s “rivers and mountains”, its territory. That will certainly realise my whole life’s greatest prayer!

  Today’s a Yellow Path602 propitious day, so non-Chinese generals, we’ll here and now set our forces in motion, and head there.

  ALL: Command received!

  (Commands are shouted, and they move off)

  AN LU-SHAN: (Sings)

  Just because a traitorous minister has great disaster brewed,

  ALL: (Sing)

  Great disaster brewed.

  AN LU-SHAN: (Sings)

  It’s caused the rise in frontier garrisons of warfare’s “shields and dagger-axes”,603

  ALL: (Sing)

  Forces of “shield and dagger-axe”.

  TOGETHER. (Sing)

  When we encounter a citadel, we’ll attack it,

  and when we encounter men we’ll slice them up.

  Corpses will sprawl across the wilds everywhere,

  and blood flow as rivers,

  We’ll burn homes and plunder cottages,


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