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The Play

Page 39

by William Dolby

  Being ten thousand layers deep,

  Ten thousand layers bound.

  Since you and he both loved each other so achingly and ardently,

  And had moreover shared words of a pledge for eternity,

  How was it that he, all of a sudden, had a heart like iron,

  And, at Ma Wei’s Slope, could bring himself to infidelity?

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: (Shedding tears)


  I sigh in grief:

  It certainly wasn’t that he, all at once, became base and mean!

  That day when I suffered violence,

  Weapons and blades, warfare, criss-crossed the land,

  And the state altars of soil and millet were imperilled,

  How was it possible for him to give me, his maidservant,


  I gladly went to my death,

  And died without complaint,

  What did it have to do with my sovereign!



  How can I forget those basic tokens securing our love, the hairpins and the casket!

  (She brings out hairpins and casket, and gives them to Weaving-damsel to look at)


  These gold hairpins and gold-strip-flower casket were bestowed upon me by my monarch on that day when we plighted our troth. When I suffered that disaster, I kept them on me. I took them in my hands into Erigeron-chenopodium paradise, and wore them at my waist and fondled them dawn to dusk, yearning to join up once more our love-destiny. But I just wonder whether we’ll be able to do that?


  At first, not to distance itself your heart vowed,

  And it was impossible the objects of old you cherished in your bosom to cast aside;


  Grand-truth, I imagine it’s because of what happened to you at Ma Wei’s Slope that,


  You feel the misery and pain of a thousand autumns,

  And that bitter regret of yours was supreme in unique way.

  Do you mean to say that you don’t retain even slight regret for your fallen bones,

  And only yearn for your severed-headed incense to be re-lighted one day!

  In the palace of Erigeron-chenopodium,

  The thousand-fold city-walls of your sorrows will be magicked away.

  (She returns the hairpins and casket to Empress Yang’s spirit)

  It’s just that you’ve now been inducted into the immortal throng, and your love-destiny ought to be severed. If your thoughts are all thus entangled,


  I fear that needlessly, in time to come ahead, into the Dust mayhem you’ll again to fall be caused.

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: You know, I, Jade-bangle


  Even though I rank among the immortals,

  In my dreams, the T’ang dynasty imperial palace I never leave.

  A thousand times returning and ten thousand times wending back, impossible to extinguish is my love.

  (Stands up) (Says)

  Your Majesty on high, should I be able to have my love’s silk strands rejoined, I’ll be glad to be banished down from the immortal throng.


  If it’s noted on the Mandarin-duck-and-drake Documents love-records,1074that we shall as a pair fly,

  And for Three Lives,1075 past, present, future, my love-destiny with my old loved one shall re-tie,



  Then at being again punished to live in the mortal world

  What regrets would have I!

  (Weaving-damsel helps her to her feet by the arm)

  WEAVING-DAMSEL: Grand-truth, be seated. I’ve long thought to join up your love-destiny again. But it’s just because, in the troubles of Ma Wei’s Slope, when, I bitterly regret, the T’ang dynasty emperor was meagre in his love, and unfaithful to his pledge with you, I’ve found it impossible to unite you. Just now, I met the Taoist Priest Yang Mystery-accesser, who said that since you encountered your plight, the T’ang dynasty emperor’s aching longing for you has been undiminished, and he made a point of ordering Mystery-accesser to ascend to Heaven and go down into Earth, and search in each place for your fragrant spirit.

  Bearing in mind that the emperor has such love for you, I’ve directed Mystery-accesser to Mount Erigeron-chenopodium. I still feared, however, that you’re not without lingering reservations, and so I invited you here to question you about it. Now that I know that both of you feel true love for each other, I feel it fitting that you should be a couple. I must memorialise Heaven’s court, to arrange for the two of you to live your lives in Trayastrimsas Heaven,1076 and be a pair for evermore, so as to remedy the bitter feelings of your past separation.


  On one side, he’s utterly mortified in the mortal world,

  On the other side, you, an immortal, yearn ardent.

  The infatuated love of you both is so copious,

  Your infatuated love is so abundant

  For that sublime sincerity of love,

  I shall Heaven’s palace beseech,

  To remedy your regrets and mend your sorrows,

  Ten thousand ages without breach.

  (Empress Yang’s spirit turns aside and sheds tear)


  I still just fear that my karma barrier of sin past and obstacles present, my Karmavarana hindrance,1077 is all-pervading,

  My love-destiny still lame,

  And still far off our meeting.

  (Turns to face Weaving-damsel) (Says)

  I’m very grateful for Your Majesty’s sympathy, and I only seek one meeting with Sublime August-emperor, and then my prayers will be fulfilled.

  WEAVING-DAMSEL: Very well, then. I have come to hear that your new score of Rainbow-skirt is to be performed in the moon, and they’re bound to invite you to the performance. It happens by coincidence that tonight is precisely the juncture when your T’ang dynasty emperor is due to fly up into immortality. You may go back to where you dwell, and I’ll order Mystery-accesser at the appointed time to guide Sublime August-emperor straight into the moon for a meeting with you. How would that suit you?

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: I just fear that the moon may not be a convenient place for a private rendezvous.

  WEAVING-DAMSEL: Never mind that. Let me first explain things to Constant-charmeuse. When the two of you meet each other, I shall just memorialise a request for God to send his Jade Sound1078 edict there, so as to secure your love-destinies forever.

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Many thanks, Your Majesty. I’ll say goodbye now.


  Your perfect union awaits Mid-Autumn Festival,

  When I guarantee your love will be requited and your desires contentment gain.


  But these myriad kinds of heart-grievance of mine,

  When I meet him, how shall I explain!


  Troubles in life, and after, roll on endlessly,1079 I’m sated, though, with an immortal’s long-dragging days and months;1080


  Today with your lord you’ll be rid of myriad regrets,1081 Mid chalcedony trees of Moon-palace, a land of immortals.1082

  Act Forty-eight: Conveying love

  (Enter Yang Mystery-accesser’s Great Spirit)


  I once heard that over the sea’s an immortals’ mountain there,

  Its mountain’s amid the void and distance faint far.


  I, this poor Taoist, am Yang Mystery-accesser. I’ve just met Her Majesty Weaving-damsel, who said that Most-prized-empress Yang was up on Mount Erigeron-chenopodium. So I’ve immediately flown across the various coastal mountains, and come straight here.


  I see the palaces of all different heights wintry amid the many
-coloured flocks of cloud.


  The cave-paradise doors ahead are closed, deeply secluding. I must go up to them, and have a look.



  Let me minutely peruse the silver noticeboard.

  (Reads out)

  “The courtyard of Jade Most-prized-empress Grand-truth.” Ah, it’s here.

  (Pulls out a hairpin, and knocks on the door with it)


  I must pull forth a chalcedony hairpin, and on the door lightly tap.

  (Enter lady immortal)


  The sea of clouds sags heavy heavy, our cave paradise is wintry,

  The crane-path1083 here’s deserted, in Cloud Mountain-hermitage1084 we’re locked deep,

  (Yang Mystery-accesser knocks again)


  Who beneath the blossoms comes at our bronze ring to rap?

  (Opens door) (Says)

  Who is it?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER’S GREAT SPIRIT: I, Yang Mystery-accesser, kow-tow.

  LADY IMMORTAL: What business brings you here?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER’S GREAT SPIRIT: Sublime August-emperor of the Great T’ang dynasty has made a point of sending me to ask after Jade Most-prized-empress.

  LADY IMMORTAL: Her Majesty has gone to Pearl Palace.1085 Please wait a little while, immortal master.



  I think I’ll just stand put at ease on this Jasper Step.

  LADY IMMORTAL: I see Her Majesty coming in the far distance now.


  I hear in the distance an immortal breeze blowing her jade waist-ornaments and jade bangles tip-tap.

  (Enter Empress Yang’s spirit leading lady immortal)


  Returning home from amid the clouds, I step tinkle-tinkling,

  I’ve heard that some green roc’s delivering an imperial letter to me from afar.

  (Sees Yang Mystery-accesser) (Says)



  Why, sure enough, it’s an immortal guest waiting at the Heavy Door.1086

  (Lady immortal comes out to welcome her)

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Why has the Taoist priest come here?

  LADY IMMORTAL: I was just coming to inform you, Your Majesty:


  He’s the House of T’ang Son of Heaven’s messenger from the mortal world,

  Coming from far far away to this mountain, on a mission by command.

  (Empress Yang’s spirit goes in)

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Since he’s a messenger from Sublime August-emperor, quickly invite him to meet me.

  (Lady immortal invites Yang Mystery-accesser’s Great Spirit, who comes in)

  (He meets her)

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER’S GREAT SPIRIT: I, this poor Taoist Yang Mystery-accesser, kow-tow to you.

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Please be seated, immortal master.

  (Yang Mystery-accesser’s Great Spirit sits)

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Might I ask what’s brought you here, immortal master?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER’S GREAT SPIRIT: In respectful receipt of Sublime August-emperor’s command, I’ve come here specially to ask after you, your Majesty.

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Is Sublime August-emperor well?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER’S GREAT SPIRIT: Sublime Aguste-emperor longs dawn to dusk for you, Your Majesty, and because of that he’s fallen somewhat unwell.


  Since his gold-bells carriage to the capital returned,

  For you night and day he’s yearned,

  All dawn to dusk his purling tears flood.

  Spring breeze or autumn rain,

  Both without exception rouse in him heart-grieving troubles by the circumstances roused:

  Trying to mirror the “lotus”, the others’ faces are all wrong,

  Trying to match the “weeping-willow”, to attempt new eyebrows none would!

  To convey and show you

  His “one speck of” old love he’s me specially delegated.

  (Empress Yang’s spirit sheds tears)


  My guts and liver are severed,

  My tears ten thousand silk-strands,

  My monarch to you for such love my gratitude!

  Since my voice and looks1087 from you parted,

  On the immortals’ mountains, cut off from you,

  I’ve disobediently neglected in person upon you to attend.

  In Erigeron-chenopodium Court, the moon’s worn and the blossoms wan,

  In Resplendent-sunlight Palace-hall the people are the wrong ones though right the material milieu,.

  I unrestrainedly send my “little speck of love”,

  In reply to manifest to you.

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER’S GREAT SPIRIT: I receive your command. I just beseech you to send him some further object as a token.

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Very well. That year when I received his loving favours, Sublime August-emperor included, among his bestowals upon me, two gold hairpins and a gold-strip-flower casket. So I now divide off one limb of the hairpins and split off one leaf of the casket, which I’ll trouble you, immortal master, to proffer to the emperor for me. As long as our desires both remain firm, we may for certain stay true to our pledge.

  (She divides the hairpins and casket. Sheds tears)

  Maidservant, give these hairpins and casket to the immortal master.

  (Maidservant hands hairpins and casket to Yang Mystery-accesser’s Great Spirit)

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Please approach, immortal master, that I may do obeisance to you, and trouble you with this task.


  (He does obeisance to her)1088


  In personally conveying these old tokens,

  I entirely depend upon you,

  They slightly but eagerly my deep love expressing.

  With one half-side of this gold-strip-flower casket,

  I grieve at my lonely isolation,

  With one1089 hairpin,

  I consign you from afar my love-yearning.


  If, as I’d be grateful, you’d take them to Sublime August-emperor,


  I just pray that this heart be firm as at the start,

  And eventually there’ll be the time when each other again we meet.

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER’S GREAT SPIRIT: I’ve something more to say. The hairpins and casket are things that exist elsewhere in the mortal world, so if I present them to Sublime August-emperor, I fear he may not trust them. I must have knowledge of some happening from that year, something which other people are unaware of, that I can convey to him as proof, if he’s to see that what I say isn’t erroneous.

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: What you say makes sense, too.

  (She lowers her head and ponders)


  As he’ s about to part, I’m eagerly more words sending,

  Words in which there’s boundless love-yearning.


  Ah, I’ve got it! – I remember how on the Seventh Night of the Seventh Month in the Tenth Year of the Heaven-treasure reign-period in Lasting-life Palace-hall,


  At midnight, with no one else around, as we were in secret whispering,


  At that time, Sublime August-emperor and I were standing shoulder to shoulder, and, moved by what happens between Oxherd and Weaving-damsel, we secretly vowed our hearts to each other, praying that we might for age after age, life after life, always be husband and wife for evermore.


  Who knew that the Twin-winged Birds would fly their separate ways,
the Mingled-branch Love-trees dying,

  And as they wind on and on my bitter regrets know no exhaustion or halting!

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER’S GREAT SPIRIT: I can report back to Sublime August-emperor as to what has happened. I’ll say goodbye now.

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT. Stop a moment. I’ve got a few more words to say. On the night of the Fifteenth Day of the Eighth Month this year they’ll be holding a big party in the moon, and performing Rainbow-skirt. And, by exact coincidence, that night will be the juncture when Sublime August-emperor flies up into immortality. I shall wait specially for him there a while. Might I trouble you, immortal master, on that date to guide Superior-August-emperor there. If we miss this opportunity, we’ll never have another chance to meet again any time.

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER’S GREAT SPIRIT: I receive your command, Your Majesty!

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Immortal master, tell him that:


  Full of love and staring with frozen gaze I thank my monarch,1090 A Dust dream’s certainly not as long as a Crane Dream.1091


  I’ll secretly memorialise our monarch so he knows he’s to enter the moon,1092When all the immortals listen to Rainbow-skirt, On that one day the time.1093

  Act Forty-nine: Obtaining the tokens

  (Enter emperor in invalid-costume, supported by the arm by palace ladies)


  Love-yearning pierces through my very bones, and I’ve long been gravely ill,


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