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Jack and Jill: Army

Page 5

by Ansley Gilmore


  Jill felt relieved that she won the first argument with her new partner, if you could call it that. She sensed his quiet rebellion, but at least he saluted her before departing. She returned his salute, climbed into the Army Hummer, and drove off. She looked in her rear view mirror as Jack climbed into the other Hummer and drove away. For some reason, Jill did not have the sanguine sensation that she usually felt after winning an argument with a male soldier. In a way, she felt sad, like she had hurt the feelings of a good friend. But how could that be? She had only known him for less than an hour. She tried not to think about this. After all, her job was to be his boss. I have to be tough and smart. Otherwise he will never respect me. Once I earn his respect, everything will work out. Who knows, maybe in the distant future we might become friends.


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