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It Takes Two

Page 18

by Allie K. Adams

  “You think that’s what this is? You think you’re getting treated any differently than anyone else we’ve ever protected?” His tone dripped with condescending attitude. “You’ve got a hunter who’s picked up your scent and is now closing in. Someone is trying to end your life, Mrs. Harrington. It’s our job to see that doesn’t happen. People don’t call on TREX for idle, busy work. If we’re involved, you can bet your sweet ass it’s serious. Instead of this false bravado you’re attempting, it’s okay to be scared.” He hesitated before adding, “Sorry about the sweet ass comment.”

  She didn’t know what to say. He was right, of course, which didn’t make her feel any better. And she was scared. Scared she’d never get to go home again. Scared Jeremy would give up on her and walk away like she’d done to him after high school. Scared whoever wanted her dead would try again. She needed the Bowmans for more than her protection.

  What about when this all ended? Would Jeremy disappear? Would she lose him? That thought scared her more than anything else.

  TREX wouldn’t still be involved once this was over. Rand wouldn’t insist on taking Willy’s position to protect her. Jason wouldn’t be nursing a gunshot wound. Jeremy wouldn’t be close to stroking out from the level of stress this put on him.

  “I owe you an apology.” She owed them all an apology. Rand first. Jeremy and Jason would get theirs when she arrived at their place. “I’ve been selfish, only thinking of how this affects me. I failed to realize how much this affected all of you, too.”

  “Damn right,” he growled. “I take my job very seriously.”

  “But this is my life,” she snapped when his response to her apology grated on her nerves. Like she didn’t take this seriously? “It’s a job to you. You just said so yourself. But, it’s my life. You get to go home at the end of the day. Call in sick. Take time off. I don’t.” She jabbed her finger against her chest. Horror swelled in her eyes and thickened her voice as the reality set in. “Someone wants to kill me. Me! I’m nobody.”

  And then the floodgates opened. All her doubts and fears surfaced, and she couldn’t hold it in, not any more. She had no one to talk to. Whitney would take it personally and try to fix it. Jeremy would blame himself and also try to fix it. “I don’t deserve the life I have. I live alone in a penthouse suite that’s way too big for one person. I have a convertible Bentley I never drive because I have a car service that takes me wherever I want to go. For what? To impress people I don’t even know.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I’m the face of Goggles. It’s up to me to keep Peter’s memory alive. This is what he wanted.”

  “But is it what you want?”

  What she wanted didn’t matter. She would not dishonor Peter’s memory. She would not give up. Above everything else, she would not prove all the skeptics right by failing. To drive home her point, she repeated her initial thought out loud. “What I want doesn’t matter.”

  “That seems pretty selfish.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Hear me out before you go bat shit crazy.” He pulled up to the curb in front of the building. As he slowed to a stop, she jumped out against his protests and made it halfway to the door before he halted her with a giant gorilla grip on her arm. He jerked her to a stop and whipped her around. His features were solid and as cold as ice as he nailed her with that lethal glare. He set his jaw and hissed through his ground out viciously, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Getting away from you.” She yanked at her arm, which only had him tighten his grasp. When she sucked in a breath, he loosened his hold. Slightly. “Let me go, Rand.”

  “Not until you hear me out.”

  “So you can insult me again?” Holding his glare with her own, she braced herself for his next retort.

  “I knew you’d take it that way. This is what I get for offering up advice.”

  “Is that what you were doing?”


  “Could have fooled me.”

  “Jesus Christ,” he hissed under his breath. “You women are all alike. Good luck, Bowman. She’s in a mood.”

  She spun and fell mute when she spotted Jason at the front door, his blue eyes blazing as they focused on her. When did he appear? Strike that. When did Rand usher her to the door? Somehow, during their argument, he’d gotten her all the way up the walkway without her knowing.

  “Everything okay?” Jason asked as his gaze slid to Rand’s.

  “It’s fine,” they answered in unison.

  “Clearly.” He moved that intense attention to her. “Hungry?”


  “Thanks, Rand. Jeremy has an early meeting, so we’ll drive her in tomorrow.” He held the door for her. After she walked inside, he regarded Rand over his shoulder. “From the sounds of it, you two could use a little time apart.”

  Rand grumbled something about never getting tickets from Jason again and stormed off, not slowing until he’d slammed the car door and sped off, disappearing around the first corner.

  “Are you really in a mood?” Jason asked as he pushed the call button for the elevator. “Or is he the one in the mood?”

  “He is,” she snapped and stepped into the car. The more she thought about it, the more she realized she shared in the blame of that outcome. “Well, mostly. I may be in a bit of a mood, too.”

  “Because of Jeremy?”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “That’s what he keeps saying.”

  Of course he’d blame himself. When would he stop taking on the world’s problems? She changed the subject. “How’s that audit coming?”

  “Slow, just like everything else.” He stepped off the elevator and didn’t speak again until they were inside the suite, a glass of wine in her hand, and settled on the couch. His gaze searched hers. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “The audit?”

  “Seriously?” He looked at her.

  “Where’s Jeremy?”

  “On a call. He asked me to keep you company.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Now, are you going to tell me what that was all about, or am I going to have to get it from Rand?”

  She conceded with a sigh that deflated her attitude along with her lungs. “He said some brutal things on the way here.”

  “Brutal as in mean? Or true?”

  “I don’t know,” she sighed and slumped as she sipped her wine. “Maybe both.” She took a longer sip. When the smooth liquid mixed with her blood and relaxed her, she sighed again. “Maybe more on the true side.”

  “What did he say?” He stood and entered the kitchen, grabbed a beer out of the fridge, and popped off the top.

  “He called me selfish.”

  “It can’t be the first time that’s ever happened.”

  Not him, too. She didn’t have the strength or patience to deal with Jason lecturing her as well. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh, like you don’t know.”

  “I don’t!”

  “You and Jer were crazy about each other. Everybody knew it. Why the hell would you give that up?”

  “We were best friends,” she defended, her frustration growing and burning in her cheeks.

  “Instead of staying and fighting for what you wanted,” he went on. “You took the easy way out and married Peter. You don’t think that’s selfish?”

  She sucked in a breath. Who was Jason Bowman to lecture her on being selfish? He’d stolen every last minute of recognition from his brother and without a second thought. “You have no idea why I left.”

  “Because you’re selfish,” he snarled, relentless in his attack.

  “No. It’s because I didn’t deserve him.”

  “Didn’t deserve him?” He took his time closing the distance, his intense blue glare piercing into her soul. “Are you shitting me?”

  “No, Jason,” she retorted and stood, challenging him right back as he stopped in front of her. “I’m not shitting you. I didn’
t deserve him then, and I don’t deserve him now. I don’t deserve any of this. Goggles was Peter’s baby. He should have never left it to me. He should have never left. Period. Do you have any idea what it’s like living in a dead man’s shadow? Constantly being compared to someone ten times smarter?”

  “Not the dead part,” he said in that classic clueless tone he’d mastered years ago. “But I definitely get that last part. Jeremy’s brain runs circles around mine.”

  “That’s exactly what I mean,” she practically cried, still irritated at him agreeing with Rand about her being selfish. Still, they’d found common ground, so she went with it. “He’s so smart. So gorgeous. So great. I don’t measure up.” As she finally admitted her greatest fear, she couldn’t stop herself from adding, “I’ll never be good enough.”

  The full-on panic attack had her panting in fear and anger. After all this time and years of being conditioned on how to exude overwhelming confidence, she was still nothing more than that inept girl with frizzy hair and bad skin. As soon as Jeremy saw her for what she really was, he’d leave her just like Peter had.

  And that terrified her.

  The epiphany hit her so hard she inhaled sharply. That was her biggest fear. She couldn’t lose him. Losing Peter had nearly destroyed her. Losing Jeremy would destroy her. He was the only one who knew the real her, the her she was before high school. Before she’d changed who she was for everyone else. If she lost him, she lost her.

  “That’s where you’re being selfish.”

  She whipped around as Jeremy appeared and joined in the conversation. He adjusted his glasses as his attention never left her. Narrowed gaze, set jaw, he didn’t look happy. Not at all. “How does any of this make me selfish?”

  “You’re denying yourself any type of happiness,” he explained as he closed the gap between them. “That sounds pretty selfish to me.”

  “I’m happy.”

  “Bullshit.” Jason moved in behind her.

  “I am!”

  “List three things,” Jeremy ordered. They used to play this game growing up. Whenever the situation seemed grim, when it couldn’t get any worse, they’d list three things they loved about it. It always helped. When she didn’t, he said, “I’ll start. I get to spend time with you.”

  “As my bodyguard. That’s hardly quality time.”

  “I’ll take any time I can get.” His gaze twinkled wickedly.

  “Technically,” Jason said from behind her. “I’m the bodyguard here, remember? Jer is the accountant.” Judging by the way he’d snuck in and held his body against hers, his erection pressing against the small of her back, he had every intention of protecting her body in the most primal of ways. Considering her mood and the fact she hated fighting, sex would be a great way to release all this pent up energy.

  “I get to track down the bastard trying to hurt you,” Jeremy went on. “Nothing would please me more than to get my hands on him and show him what happens when he threatens my girl.”

  His girl. She loved the sound of that. It both excited and scared her. She’d always wanted to be Jeremy’s girl in every sense of the word. A little kissing, a little rubbing, and yet she wanted more. She wanted the whole package, regardless whether she deserved it.

  “Nothing would please you more?” She stepped into his personal space and gave him a little smile.

  He groaned and licked his lips. “And third, I get to do this.” He didn’t just kiss her. He consumed her and stole secrets straight from her soul. His tongue tangled with hers and left her whimpering when he broke their contact.

  “Oh, wow.”

  Jason kissed her neck as he worked the buttons of her blouse. “If I’m going to protect this body, I need to see it the way God intended. You know, to make sure there’s no damage from last night’s incident.”

  She liked the sound of that. Forgetting everything else, Bree focused on the here and now. They were here and she wanted them now. Screw whether she deserved it. She shut off her brain and allowed her feelings to take control of her actions.

  Jeremy’s hands framed her face before he took her lips with his once again, possessing her with his kiss, and pulled a moan from her. He swallowed it and increased the intensity of their connection, stealing several mewling noises from her she swore she’d never make. Whimpers. Cries. Noises a woman made on the brink of losing control. And she was. Dear God, how she was.

  And then he stopped.

  Panting, confused and eager to start back up, she blinked at him. “Why’d you stop?”

  “Yeah, bro. What’s the deal?”

  He stiffened and set his jaw. The look of disappointment swirling in his gaze couldn’t be denied. “We need to keep this professional.”

  “I think we passed that point Saturday night.”

  “And then again last night,” Jason added.

  “We can’t protect her buried inside her.” Jeremy’s comment sent her knees into a wobble.

  “Aw, man. That’s bullshit.”

  Bree agreed with Jason. Not this time. She refused to let Jeremy dictate her every move, to take her control, and grabbed him by the collar, kissing him with the unbridled hunger she’d held in for too many years. This time, she’d take it all the way. She wanted him. She’d always wanted him. Tonight, she’d get him on her terms.

  Jason pulled her blouse out of her skirt and slid it down her shoulders, trailing kisses down her arm. As he removed the shirt, he dropped to his knees and delivered a searing trail of heat from his tongue and lips on the small of her back. He unzipped her skirt and slipped it off her hips, leaving her in her lacy bra and matching G-string.

  “Sweet Jesus,” he groaned. “You’re so beautiful, Bree.”

  Jeremy lifted his lips from hers and went to work on her neck. She tipped her head back and weaved her fingers into his hair when he pushed the material aside and covered an aching breast with his moist lips. He licked. He teased. And still it wasn’t enough. Her body demanded more.

  “Jeremy.” Her voice shook as she fisted his hair, holding him as he drifted lower. He kissed the flat of her tummy, licking the diamond in her bellybutton as he slowly slid her panties down. He darted his tongue out and stabbed the saturated folds between her legs, pulling the dew from her curls. He then spread her lips and delivered one slow, long stroke that had her crying out as she flinched from the sensation. Her breath ripped from her lungs and pleasure took over, driving her actions.

  She rocked her hips to him, desperate for friction on her throbbing clit. He licked her, pressing against her entrance, and had her whimpering for more. His tongue was gentle but still drove her crazy with the way he teased her.

  And Jason—the charming, wicked man—destroyed what hesitancy she had about having two lovers when he tortured her by running his tongue back and forth over her rear entrance. Then, as she strangled back a cry, he eased a slickened finger into her backside.

  “Oh, God!” Her knees gave out. Jason held her up, pressing her to his chest and massaged her breasts with his free hand. His other slowly eased in and out, stroking nerves and driving her wild.

  “It’s okay. It’s just us, Bree. It’s just us.” Jeremy continued to assault her, to devour her, with his mouth. He increased his movement, biting and flicking, and forcing Bree to increase the rocking of her hips, which moved Jason’s wicked finger in and out of her rear at an equally fast pace.

  And then Jason slid his finger free, drawing a whimper from her. She didn’t want him to stop. They had her so close. She didn’t want to stop now.

  “Slow down, baby.” Jeremy pulled back. “I refuse to give you another orgasm standing like this. Come here.”

  He led her down a hallway and into a room with an enormous bed. Jason reappeared, drying his hands with a towel. He tossed it aside and threw the covers to the end of the bed. He then turned to Jeremy and gave him a single nod. Jeremy nodded back. The twins undressed in unison, both leaving their shirts on. Bree loved the amazing family similarities. Both had
impressive cocks, fully engorged, heavy with need.

  Jason fisted his and stroked slowly as Jeremy laid her on the bed, coming over her and stealing another one of those destructive kisses. He removed her bra so the sensitive tips of her breasts brushed against his hard chest. She wrapped her arms around him and held him as he reached down and sank a finger deep into her.

  “Is she wet?” Jason asked from the sidelines.

  “Soaking,” Jeremy answered.

  Bree loved the dirty talk and wanted more. It had her body liquefying from the inside out, drenching the crux between her legs. After Jeremy sheathed his erection, he rolled around, pulling her on top of him. The blunt end of his hard cock nudged against her entrance and, seconds later, started to work inside her.

  Oh sweet Jesus. He stretched her, filled her, and had her squirming for more. And then, before she could adjust to Jeremy’s flesh filling her, Jason disappeared behind her and ran a finger around the tiny opening, teasing it and driving her wild.

  “Oh, God. Oh, no. Oh, yes. Jeremy!” she cried out, incoherent thoughts that all jumbled together as Jason slowly, steadily, penetrated her rear with something blunt and tapered.

  And now vibrating.

  “Hold onto me, baby.” Jeremy held her close, the head of his cock nestled inside her, as Jason worked the toy in, then retreated, then in with another measured stroke. Bree screamed when he sank the toy deep inside her.

  She cried out, unable to do anything else. Every nerve ending was on fire, several she didn’t even know she had. Jeremy held her perfectly still as Jason plunged the toy, invading her with long, steady strokes. When Jeremy rocked his hips, she shuddered and whimpered, his timing in perfect precision as Jason continued to slide the toy across her nerves. The brothers moved in perfect time with each other, one an extension of the other.

  These two had done this before and knew exactly what to do to drive her closer and closer to climax. Jason surged behind her, driving the vibrating toy deep into her ass. Jeremy pushed deeper, his cock buried to the hilt.

  Bree bucked her hips with wild abandon. She couldn’t stop and fisted Jeremy’s shirt as their constant moving inside her body pushed her higher and higher. She needed them, needed them both to give her everything. She needed them.


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