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Another Night Falls

Page 2

by Jerri Hines

  In the shadows, he made out the pistol, cocked and readied to fire. He reacted with brute force...that was until he realized his assailant was a young woman, a beautiful one at that.

  Staring at her now, he was mesmerized by the way the moonlight reflected off her ivory skin. His gaze traveled from her lovely oval face down to her bare feet. He hadn’t looked upon a woman in this manner for a long time.

  The sheer fabric of the white nightdress hung from her shoulders, leaving her arms bare and revealing the swell of her breasts. Her hair was as dark as night and hung unbound over her shoulders and down her back. He wondered what color her eyes were, but her features were fine and delicate.

  She tossed and turned, and he wondered at her comfort. Clutching her hand into a fist, she hit it against the mattress. She was distressed...of course she was! He had knocked her out, but Lord have mercy on him. He must be in a bad state for he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  Questions raked his mind. Who was she? Who was she running from, because it was clear to him she was hiding from someone—her father or an abusive husband? In that, he didn’t know, but there were a few things he had already discerned about her. She didn’t frighten easily, knew how to fight, and by God, she was lovely.

  * * * *

  Sumner combed the house for signs of another soul, but could find none. In the dim lantern light, the house seemed immaculate. There were no other clothes lying around or bed unmade. He wanted no more surprises, but felt confident she was alone.

  Returning to her bedside with a chair, he sat. She was restless and it worried him. Lying there, she looked so helpless.

  “What has brought you here?” he murmured. He received no answer and expected none.

  Shaking his head, he reprimanded himself. He had a mission to complete and no time or desire to deviate from the path before him. He certainly wasn’t going to let some woman...a trespasser...shake his resolve.

  He decided he would see to her care until Warren showed in the afternoon, and then he would send her back with him. Warren was a good man with a wife and family. He held no doubt Warren would show her Christian compassion no matter her reason for hiding.

  If not, he would have to devise another plan. One thing was for certain. He couldn’t have her in this house, not now. She would become more of a distraction than she already was.

  He leaned his chair back against the wall and shut his eyes, finding a semblance of solace in sleep. Suddenly, he awoke to a scream.

  The woman had bolted upright in bed. Even in the darkness, he saw her eyes widen in fear. She screamed again, a high-pitched screech, and retreated off the bed, backing against the wall.

  “No! Please no! They have done nothing!” Her voice shrill with rising hysteria.

  Feeling helpless as a child, Sumner hesitated on his course of action. He knew well how to fight. He had done battle with the British for well over five years. He knew how to tend to the land and have seeds sprout up in a glorious harvest, but to give that, he didn’t know.

  “You are safe,” he offered, but in return, she screeched louder.

  Rising, he looked toward the open door. In the still of the night, who would the screams disturb? He could leave her until her crying ceased. What harm could she do in this state? She would have to eventually stop.

  He slipped out into the hall, but glanced back. Grimacing, he stopped. What in the world he thought he could do, he didn’t know, but he couldn’t leave the woman in such a state. Was he a coward? He had never been called one before and wouldn’t begin this night.

  Walking back into the room, he swept her into his arms and fought off her attempt to push him back. He held her tight until she hadn’t the energy to fight anymore. She collapsed into his arms.

  Sumner eased onto the bed with her in his arms. She laid her head on his shoulder and he whispered comforting words while tears fell heedlessly down her cheeks. She clung to him.

  A warmth surfaced within him as he looked down upon this woman. He made no attempt to withdraw and held her until she slept once more.

  * * * *

  Jane woke with a sudden jolt. Sunlight filtered in the open window announcing a new day, but something wasn’t right. To her dismay, her dreams had returned with a vengeance and the horror of that day relived.

  Her head ached; there was a ringing in her ears. She rose in stunning realization that she lay within someone’s arms. Her eyes wide with shock, she stared at her bed companion as memories of the night resurfaced. Good Lord! It had to be the intruder!

  Quickly, the man leaped out of bed. Disheveled himself, he hastened to quiet her. “I’m certain you are confused, but I only gave you comfort. You were having a bad time, and it seemed the only manner to calm you.”

  Gasping, she was lost for words and could only stare at the tall, rugged stranger. His dark hair fell to his broad shoulders. His muscles bulged beneath his unbuttoned shirt. His intense eyes held hers. Not in a manner that scared her, but in a way that made blood rush to her cheeks.

  Regarding him with trepidation, she asked, “Are you not from the Williamsons’ gang?”

  “Heavens no!” he declared. His reaction was instantaneous. Then as suddenly, his manner eased. “Good Lord, you aren’t hiding from Bloody Benny?”

  She gave no answer but tried to stand. Rising from the bed too quickly, she stumbled. He caught her in his strong arms.

  “I’m fine,” she protested. “I need only to leave. I have my horse.”

  He made no effort to release his grip upon her. Instead, he said, “I believe you have need to rest further. Since I’m the cause of your injury, I must insist you stay.”

  “Insist?” she questioned. “ Obviously, I’m a trespasser and have no right to be here, but if you weren’t sent from Bloody Benny, who are you?”

  “I own this place,” Sumner said forthwith. “Old man Beltcher was my caretaker.”

  Her face fell, and the color drained from her face. “I beg forgiveness. I will take my leave.”

  “There is no need until you have gathered your strength, but, pray tell me, why you would have attempted such an action last night? You could have gotten yourself killed.”

  “What would you do if Bloody Benny was after you?” An awkward silence ensued. After a long moment, she said, “I beg your forgiveness in partaking of what was yours. When I’m settled, I give you my word I will repay you in full.”

  She moved forward, but a hand went to her head, and her legs wobbled. In her next breath, he had her in his arms and placed her back upon the bed.

  “We will talk further when you have recovered sufficiently,” he said firmly. “Until then, I will find us something for breakfast. My supplies won’t be here until the afternoon, but I assume there is something I can dig up to eat.”

  She gave him a slight nod and laid her head on the pillow. His voice was soothing and had been kind despite her invasion of his home. Somehow she found comfort in that knowledge. But if she knew anything, she knew she needed to leave.

  * * * *

  The stranger took his time returning. When he did so, he carried in a tray of food. Jane took note of his dress. A backwoods man, no doubt.

  “You will find I’m not much of a cook,” he said, placing the meager offerings on a bedside table. “I brought only what I could find in the kitchen, some peaches and stale bread. Is this what you have survived upon?”

  “It is enough for my needs.”

  He frowned. “It is no matter. I have supplies coming this afternoon. Parker from the general store in Hanging Rock Creek is delivering them. Do you know of him? Are you from this area?”

  Lowering her gaze, she said simply, “Yes.”

  A look of amusement passed over his face. He sat on the edge of the bed. “You are not going to make this easy for me...making me pull information out of you.” Tilting his head to the side, he forced her to look at him. “This is what I have surmised at this point. You have been here a while and
you are in hiding from one of the most notorious of Loyalist raiders, which makes you either extremely brave or foolish.”

  “What does it matter to you? I will be leaving here soon enough. I need only to dress.”

  “It is dangerous for a woman to travel alone.”

  “I have my pistol.” She glanced around the room. “What have you done with it?”

  “It is useless...old and the barrel leans to the right. I would wage it doesn’t shoot straight and could possibly backfire.”

  She wanted to say she was well aware of that fact. It was why she was here, why she had failed in her attempt to right a wrong...why Bloody Benny was after her.

  “Ah, that you knew.”

  Emotion tightened her expression. She tensed, suddenly feeling like a caged animal. An overwhelming sensation swept through her; she needed to escape from his scrutiny. Her chin rose and her eyes sparked defiance.

  He met her eyes with his own stubbornness. Reaching over, he took her hand in his. Her heart palpitated; his closeness distracted her.

  “Perhaps I should back up and introduce myself. My name is Sumner. I hold to the Patriot cause and fight in the militia. I don’t know which side you hold to, but it is little matter to me. I do not harm defenseless women. I am offering you my help. Where is your family?”

  The memory of her family brought her back to her senses. Her eyes narrowed. She had no intention of sharing her story with him. “I have none, but it is no matter. I’m not your concern.”

  “I wish that was true for I have no time for this, but given you have no one to look after you and you are within my house, my bed...”

  For the first time, she became acutely aware of his eyes upon her. He seemed quite amused at her expense. Taking deep breaths to calm herself, she felt flushed. Pushing back the covers, she almost leaped from the bed to the floor.

  Of all the conceit! To think she had begun to trust him...somewhat. She turned to grab her dress off the chair back, but he took her hand and stopped her.

  “You don’t need to do this. Truly, I meant no offense and apologize. I have no excuse except it has been a long time since I was in the company of a beautiful woman.”

  “I feel so stupid...and foolish.”

  “There is no need. You have done what you must to survive, but you are safe now.”

  Suddenly, she had a great need to be held and made no protest when he wrapped his arms about her. She nestled closer and he held her tighter.

  Holding her in this manner, he became aware of the feel of her body. His concern mingled with a growing desire. He should let her go. Hell, he should saddle her horse himself and see her down the road.

  Instead, he pressed a kiss on her head in a reassuring manner. She looked up at him. He tried to control the urge within him as a moment passed between them. Their stunning intimacy made him too conscious of her. Not heeding the voice of reason, he kissed her.

  A strange, unknown feeling seized Jane. His embrace, so soft and safe, awakened a need. Her lips entrapped with his, warmed her whole body. She did not step back; she wasn’t sure if she could.

  Her eyes closed in acceptance of the strength of his embrace. Brushing kisses along her throat, he mesmerized her. Her befuddled mind pushed aside the nagging voice within that whispered the danger she was in...she was well beyond caring. It felt so wonderful.

  His lips found hers again and greedily devoured them. Confusion, shock, fear reigned in her, yet were overcome by a series of pleasurable sensations that stirred a passion she had never known.

  In one swift motion, he swept her up and laid her on the bed. A moment later, he was beside her, running his hand through her hair. She yielded to the warmth of his embrace with a stark realization of the need for this human connection.

  His kisses became more demanding and his caresses bolder. She trembled under his command. He touched her body in shocking intimacy, cupping her breast through the sheer material. His breath hot against her, his lips kissed her skin above her gown and then downward, nipping at her breast, teasing her unmercifully.

  She was lost in the world he created with his touch. Instinctively, she arched toward him. She felt him reach for the tie of her gown. The voice within her became louder and begged caution...a voice she could no longer ignore. It was too dangerous not to.

  “Please,” she pleaded in a quivering voice. “We mustn’t. I have never been with a man.”

  He broke from her. “You have never been with a man?”

  Staring into his eyes that reflected dark and unresolved emotions, she said meekly, “I have never even been kissed.”

  He fell back on the mattress and began to laugh. The laughter subdued, he asked, “Where then did you get such a gown?”

  “I found it in a trunk in the back room. I didn’t think anyone would...I wore it only at night for it was cool...”

  For a moment, neither moved. Jane sat up and pulled the cover over her chest. “You are vexed and it is my own doing. I should never...”

  “No.” Sumner sighed heavily. “It is mine to own. To have held you last night...”

  He stopped. She would never understand his frustration of holding her as he had last night. Passion ignited within him. He had been convinced she wanted the same the way she had clung to him, but he would never force himself on a woman.

  Even now, looking at her in the morning light, she needed to change into clothes that didn’t make her look so damn desirable. In honesty, he couldn’t deny that her utterance hadn’t taken him by surprise. She hadn’t seemed unwilling or adverse to his touch.

  “I’m sorry.” Her face flamed. “You have been good to me and I have been such a bother.” She rose and carried the cover with her. “I will change quickly and leave.”

  “Where will you go?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I have no home.”

  By all that was holy! He couldn’t let her leave like this. He shook his head. “This changes nothing except that I will find my manners once more. You aren’t in any condition to leave. You need not worry I will force myself upon you again.”

  “You didn’t force yourself upon me, Sumner.” She choked on sobs that welled up. “My behavior has been inexcusable.”

  Sumner said nothing, but watched her walk over to the window. Such sadness seemed to overcome her. She stared blankly out the window and began to speak. “I’m Jane Kilmer. My grandfather held land beyond Hanging Rock Creek up to Bluffort. Last spring during the Williamsons’ gang raids, my family was wiped out...everyone I held dear.”

  “You were there?”

  She nodded. “It is of no matter. I wasn’t the only one to have lost loved ones that horrible day.”

  “Why didn’t you find shelter with neighbors? Surly, someone would take you in.”

  “You don’t understand...those men...swept through and slaughtered my family...left me holding their shattered bodies.” She turned back to him. “I was bent on revenge. I found them holding up at a tavern near Camden. I got close enough to fire a shot at Bloody Benny. You were right about the gun. The aim was off and I only hit him in the shoulder.

  “I failed in my quest for revenge, but in the chaos that ensued I was able to escape...on Bloody Benny’s mount. It is the horse in the stables.”

  Stunned at her boldness, he stared at her in disbelief. The nerve she had to attempt such a feat!

  “From what I heard, he is searching for me. Not in essence because I tried to kill him, but I have his horse. I wanted to shoot the thing and leave it for Bloody Benny to find on the road, but in that I failed as well. I couldn’t kill an innocent creature.”

  His eyebrow rose. “You have no trouble attempting to kill a man, but you can’t shoot a horse?”

  “He is no man, but a monster,” she said emphatically. “I wish only to have one more opportunity to rid the world of such as he.”

  “Bloody Benny will meet his match one day, Jane. Men like him often do.”

  “You don’t know...

  Her words hung in the air. The sound of horses riding up to the farm halted their conversation. Her eyes widened in fear.

  “I will see to the visitors. It will be Warren,” he assured her. “Go back to bed. We will deal with this later.”

  He gave her no opportunity to object and left the room. Taking no chances, he grabbed his rifle. One thing he knew, Warren would have come alone. From the sounds outside, a group of riders had come calling.

  Glancing out the front window, he discovered he wasn’t wrong. From his view, he made out at least four, maybe more. With a finger on the trigger, he opened the door. He hoped to God in heaven she had the good sense to stay in her room.

  Chapter 3

  Stepping out on the porch, Sumner was greeted, not only by a bright sun, but by a band of armed men. They looked like animals on the prowl, glowering at him as if he was their prey.

  “Good morning,” Sumner said. “What might I do you for on this fine and beautiful day?”

  “Marty Henley, my good sir, calling upon our new neighbor,” the tall, lanky one said, kneeing his horse forward alongside the porch steps.

  “News traveled quick since I only arrived last night.” Every survival instinct in him stirred as Sumner glanced over the faces. Two he recognized from the tavern. His gripped tightened around his rifle. “Wish I could invite you in and offer you refreshments, but don’t have much to offer.”

  “There’ll be no need. Only wanted to make your acquaintance.” Henley nodded to his left. “My homestead is a couple of miles down the road along Beaver Creek.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “It would suffice if you let us know where your loyalty lies.” Henley gave Sumner a hollow smile. “What did you say your name was, stranger?”

  “Sumner Farley. I come from across the mountains where we hold to ourselves.”

  “That would be wise.” Henley rubbed his chin with his hand and then gave a little nod, seemingly satisfied with the answer. The over-mountain men had long been known to have no want for this war, having too much to occupy their time such as Indians and surviving the wilderness. Henley went on. “I suppose you heard what happened back in the spring. I would hate for a repeat. It devastated the community.”


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