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SEAL's Sunshine - Lynne St Jame

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by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  It had been over three months since she’d seen him, and she’d still been using crutches. There had been something between them from the first moment she’d seen him. He’d been part of the SEAL team who’d rescued her, and she’d be grateful forever, but with Cam, it was more than just gratitude. In the beginning, she told herself it was just hero worship but the more time they spent together the more she realized it was different. He was special in a way she hadn’t felt about anyone before.

  Dating a Navy SEAL had its drawbacks, mostly since she never knew when they’d have a mission. When he was gone she never knew where he was or when he’d be back. It was a bit easier for her since her father worked for the CIA before he retired and entered politics. Growing up, she’d known he traveled a lot but not what he did. It wasn’t until he retired that she found out. Secrecy had always been part of her life.

  Just thinking about Cam made her smile. And Halo. She loved that dog. He’d been the first one to reach her in the cave and then helped to keep her calm. But it was Cam’s kind blue eyes that had erased the fear. The other SEAL, Ryan, took care of her injuries, but Cam held her hand to make sure she’d stayed calm. After they left her at Bagram with the medical staff, she thought she’d never see any of them again.

  Instead, he’d checked on her more than once before they sent her to Germany for further treatment. Then after they got back to the states he’d taken her out a few times, including to Meghan and Rafe’s, one of the other SEAL team members, for their housewarming party. It was awkward at first, but they were so nice, like a huge family of teddy bears, not that she’d ever say it to their faces. Meghan and her friend Chrissy were great too and knowing Meghan had been through a lot of the same treatment at the hands of the Taliban, made it easier.

  It was no wonder she was up early, today was extra special. Cam was due back from his three-month deployment, and she was flying to Norfolk to stay with him for a week. It was going to be her first time there. So far he’d come to Atlanta to stay with her, under the watchful eye of her mother.

  Rafe’s girlfriend Meghan was supposed to pick her up at the airport since she was due in before the guys landed. Then she’d stay with her until Cam came for her. She really liked him and was nervous she’d do something to ruin it. But if there was one thing she learned it was that if you wanted something you needed to go after it.

  “Miranda, honey, are you packed?”

  “Yes, Mom. I packed last night. I just have to shower and get dressed.”

  Mrs. Cherise Stanhope, ex-socialite, and still one of the most beautiful women Miranda had ever seen, strolled onto the patio with her morning juice concoction in a crystal glass.

  “I don’t know how you drink that. It looks disgusting.”

  “It keeps me healthy, and it would be good for you to have too instead of that coffee all the time. Besides, what’s wrong with green? It’s a beautiful color. You know, I’ve even got your dad drinking them now.”

  “Ugh. You won’t be converting me anytime soon so don’t even try. I love my coffee too much.”

  “A little juicing couldn’t hurt. Especially since you’re still healing from that ordeal.”

  “I wouldn’t call it an ordeal, and I’m healed, just have to keep up the exercises.”

  Cherise sighed as she pinched off a couple of the dying flowers on the potted plant next to her chair. “The gardener is slacking.”

  “You’re too picky. The flower wasn’t even dead yet, more like in the wilting stage. You’re supposed to let them die then deadhead them.”

  “But then the whole plant looks untended.”

  Miranda rolled her eyes at her mother. She wasn’t usually this ornery. It was because her dad was out of the country and she was leaving later. Her mother hated to be alone. Miranda had stayed close to home for college because of that. But she needed to make her own choices now. She was twenty-five years old and had her own life to live.

  “Mom, it will be okay. Dad will be back in a few days and I’ll call you as soon as I get to Meghan’s house.”

  “Of course it’ll be fine. I’m not worried.” Her mom was a softy, but she hid it well. That was her good old southern charm, everything perfect on the outside, but if you were one of the privileged few, you’d see inside and get the real truth.

  “I’m going to shower. Enjoy your drink,” Miranda said with a chuckle. Then she came up behind Cherise and hugged her around the shoulders. “I love you, Mom.”

  Cherise patted her hand and smiled. “I love you too. I wish you wouldn’t go. He could come here again.”

  “I know, but it’s just for a week.” Miranda had no intention of telling her that she was going on another trip for the Deliver Hope Ministries with Charlie. It could wait until she returned from Cam’s. No need to stress her out more than she already would be.

  “Do you want me to drive you to the airport?”

  “Nope,” Miranda yelled over her shoulder. “I have an Uber coming to get me.” Cherise said something but Miranda was out of range, and it was just as well. Instead of taking the elevator, she chose to make her way up the stairs, pushing herself and her recovery. She worked hard to get back to where she was before they’d beaten and tortured her almost to death and she was almost there.

  The shower helped with her aches and eased some of the tension that had been with her since Afghanistan. More proof of PTSD according to Cam, and it might be, but she wasn’t going to give in to it. After being released from PT, she was told she could ease back into her yoga routine. If anything would help her get rid of the tension, yoga would.

  After applying some lipstick and mascara, she was ready to leave for the airport. Grabbing her overnight bag, she took the elevator this time, since the Atlanta-Hartsfield Airport was huge, and she never got lucky with the gate location.

  After she gave her mom a hug and kiss goodbye, she was out the door before Cherise could try to convince her to stay home and have Cam come visit again. They’d already beaten that argument to death.

  The closer she got to seeing Cam, the more her excitement bubbled inside. But knowing that by this time tomorrow she’d be with him, had her practically vibrating with happiness. It might be silly, but seeing his face made her happy and when they’d kissed the last few times they’d been together it had curled her toes. Since then she’d had quite a few restless nights and lots of cold showers when taking care of herself wasn’t enough.

  Chapter 2

  The flight to Norfolk was uneventful after she gave in to the first class upgrade her mother had booked. Miranda needed to set some ground rules with her when she went back home. Grabbing the carry-on from the overhead, she waited as the other first-class passengers filed off the plane, and then headed for the waiting area. The walk wasn’t too bad, and she saw Meghan almost as soon as she came through the sliding doors to the main terminal area.

  “How was the flight?” Meghan asked as she hugged Miranda.

  “Great. No turbulence and no chatty weird men. It doesn’t get better than that.”

  “No shit, right? When I flew into Atlanta last time to visit my sister last month it was ridiculous. I ended up in a middle seat and the guy in the aisle kept hitting on me. Then the person in the window seat must have gotten up about twelve times to go to the bathroom. I was like seriously? It’s a two-hour fight. Just stay in the fucking bathroom already.”

  “You need to let my mother make your reservations, then you’ll end up in first class whether you want to or not.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to fly first class? I’d be all over that.”

  “I always feel like it’s overkill. Especially on a short flight. Maybe I’m used to roughing since I’ve been on so many missionary trips.”

  “Speaking of trips, Charlie told me you guys are heading back in three months.” They’d chatted as Meghan led the way to her car.

  “Yeah, I haven’t told my parents yet. I figured I’d wait until it got closer. I know they’re going to freak out. Bu
t it’s my job—at least for now.”

  “I’m sure they’ll understand.”

  “Maybe my dad, but not my mother. She was freaking out about me coming here. It always was a problem, but it’s gotten a million times worse since Afghanistan.”

  “You’re her baby, an only child, right?”

  “Yeah. I know she loves me and is just trying to protect me. But I’m twenty-five. I need to follow my path. She had her chance to follow hers.”

  “I get it. I was lucky since there were three of us it wasn’t as hard. Have you explained it to her like that?”

  “No, not yet. But that’s a good idea.” Meghan smiled and popped the trunk of the car. Stowing Miranda’s bag, they got into the car and headed to her apartment.

  “I didn’t want to tell you right away, but I have some bad news,” Meghan started, but Miranda cut her off. Hearing the words ‘bad news’ twisted her insides into a knot and the worst possible thoughts entered her mind.

  “What news? Is Cam okay?”

  “Easy, everyone is fine as far as I know. I didn’t mean to freak you out. They’re going to be delayed. Something came up and their schedule got changed.”

  “But they’re okay?”

  “Yup. Rafe couldn’t tell me anything other than they weren’t coming back yet and he’d let me know when they were on their way home.”

  “I wonder why Cam didn’t let me know?”

  “They were in a hurry, I told Rafe I’d let you know. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Yeah, of course. But now you’re stuck with me. I can get a hotel room until they get back.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You can hang out and we can get to know each other better. Charlie talks about you all the time.”

  “He talks about you too. He’s pretty chatty for a guy, isn’t he?”

  “Oh hell yeah. My sister, Lizzie, used to bitch at him all the time for telling all our secrets to anyone he met.”

  “That’s funny.”

  “It is now, but it was absolute hell in high school. Oh my God, I remember when Lizzie had a huge crush on this guy on the Lacrosse team and Charlie told him. I thought she was going to kill him until Eric asked her to the prom. Then she didn’t mind so much,” Meghan said with a chuckle.

  “I didn’t have to worry about stuff like it. I used to wish for a sister to share secrets with. I think that’s why I enjoy being part of the missionary group. Most of them have become my friends, some closer, like Charlie. It’s like having sisters and brothers now.”

  “I guess I never thought of it that way. We always seem to want what we don’t have, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s true. How are you doing? I bet you miss Rafe.”

  “I do, but I’ve been keeping busy working on my book. I also went to Atlanta twice to check on my mom and help my sister. Did Charlie tell you our mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last year?”

  “He did. I’m so sorry. It’s a horrible disease.”

  “It is, but since we caught it early they are trying some of the newer drugs. Lizzie also found out about a new drug trial for some new ‘miracle’ drug. We’re hoping we can get her in.”

  “That’s great. If you have trouble maybe my dad can help try to get her in. Sometimes it helps to know people.”

  “That would be freaking great. Thank you so much. Do you think he’d help? I feel bad that most of mom’s care falls on my sister since she’s there. Plus she has her kids and a husband who travels constantly. I try to go and help out when I can.”

  “When I get back home, I’ll be happy to help out. I love kids and old people,” Miranda said with a smile. It was true, she enjoyed being around most people. There were just a few who’d been part of the missionary team on their last trip that had gotten on her last nerve. Not everyone who joined the group was religious, most of them, like her, had joined to help the girls in Afghanistan and it was the best way to do it.

  “Thank you, that’s so sweet of you. Maybe while you’re here we can Skype with Lizzie and you can meet her and the kids. They are a piece of work.”

  “How old are they?”

  “Ten going on twenty and they’re twins. Lia and Craig.”

  “Twins? How cool is that?”

  “Yeah, I said the same thing. So did Lizzie until her husband was away on business and she was alone with two newborns. Then it wasn’t so cool.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that. How come he travels so much?”

  “His job, he’s in software applications and trying to move up the ‘food chain’ hoping to get a VP job so he can be home more.”

  “That would be good. I’m sure Lizzie would be grateful.”

  “Shit, you have no idea. And we’re here. That was one of the most pleasant rides from the airport ever. Hardly any traffic and no back-ups in the tunnel. You must be good luck.”

  “I doubt it, but I’m happy it worked today.” The two women were still smiling when they went into the condo. The first thing Meghan did was show Miranda her room and then she turned on the news. Meghan had wanted to be a foreign correspondent but after what she went through in Afghanistan trying to save her brother, she’d decided to stick to blogs and was writing a book instead. From what Cam had told her, Meghan’s blog was doing great and she was making decent money.

  “Still addicted to the news?” Miranda asked as she joined Meghan in the living room.

  “Yeah, I can’t help it. Especially when the guys are deployed. It’s like my little link to Rafe. We may not know where they are, but if there’s trouble and they’re deployed it’s a pretty good guess they’re in the middle of it.”

  “I do the same thing. At first, I would drive myself crazy trying to figure out where they’d been sent. But this deployment has been the worst.”

  “It hasn’t been fun, that’s for sure. But we won’t have to wait much longer. They’ll be home soon.”

  Miranda envied Meghan’s calm composure. She felt like she was constantly on edge. Worried that something would happen to Cam before they could get to know each other.

  “I hope so.”

  “Hey, it’ll be okay. I have an idea. How about I invite Chrissy to come over and we can have a girl’s night? Watch chick flicks, eat pizza, and drink way too much wine.”

  “That sounds great.”

  “I’ll give her a call. The menu for the pizza place is in the drawer next to the stove, can you grab it so we can order.”

  The transport touched down in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, just after dawn. They’d landed on one of the regular runways and taxied to the back of the General Aviation Terminal. Air Force One would be landing at the Royal Terminal in three and a half hours. The clock was ticking.

  “Remember, we’re not here, so stay under the radar as well as you can,” Captain Knox said as they grabbed their gear. It wasn’t necessary to remind them how to do their jobs, but with the importance of the mission, Cam understood why he did it. Not that they all weren’t important, but this was POTUS.

  “We’ll take out the tangos, diffuse the threat and be back before you know it,” Jake responded for all of them.

  “You might need to leave Halo here, Cam,” Knox said as they grabbed their gear.

  “He’ll be fine, Captain. Besides, he’ll sniff out the explosive materials before any of us could find them.”

  “I think we need him, Captain. As a safeguard. Halo knows how to stay low, don’t you, boy?” Jake said, and Knox nodded. Halo acted like he understood the whole conversation. As soon as Knox said his name he sat down and looked forlorn, but once Jake spoke, he was back on his feet with his tail wagging.

  Activating the camera on Halo’s collar was the last thing Cam did as they exited the plane. The clock was down to three hours. Dressed like the locals, they did their best to blend in. They separated as they entered the airline terminal and arranged to meet up at the first rendezvous point.

  Navigating through the airport with Halo took Cam longer than expected. The children wanted
to pet him, and to maintain his cover he let them. A few asked about the camera on Halo’s collar and he told them it was a charm. Finally, he met up with the team at the Taxi Stand in front of the airport.

  Lynch’s contact had arranged for a van to take them to a local coffee shop for the meetup. So far, so good. The vehicle was waiting as expected. It was almost too easy. Usually, there was at least one issue they’d have had to deal with. They didn’t know Lynch’s contact, and he hadn’t figured out who the mole was yet, so they could be walking into a trap. Time would tell. Jake’s voice came through his earpiece, “radio silence until we know this isn’t a setup.”

  “Copy that,” the team replied. Cam’s gut screamed at him that something wasn’t right, but nothing looked out of place as the van navigated the streets of Riyadh. Ten minutes later they stopped in front of the Camel Step Coffee Roasters on Abi Bakr As Siddiq Road.

  “Watch your six,” Jake murmured, and they nodded. The streets were packed with people and the coffee shop was no exception. Grabbing a table outside since they had Halo, Jake sent Murph in with the driver to get the coffee.

  A few minutes later, they returned. Lynch and another man was with them. How he’d gotten there so quickly none of them knew, but it so far everything was on target. Splitting up so they didn’t draw attention to themselves, they sat on opposite sides of the coffee shop doorway. With their coms, they’d hear everything.

  “This is Naif, he’s been my contact here for about five years. You can trust him,” Lynch advised as they sat down with the coffee. Jake shook the man’s hand, then they sat down.

  “Naif, tell them what you told me,” Lynch said, then took a sip of coffee and looked around. Halo sat at Cam’s side, his ears twitching as he stayed alert. Cam bent down to rub his ears and reported two men he’d seen across the street taking photos.

  If he hadn’t been watching, Cam wouldn’t have noticed the almost imperceptible nods from Jake and the team. Murph picked up another two on the other side of the street. That meant there were at least four men surveilling them, but how had they known they were going to be at the coffee shop. There wasn’t a member of their team who believed in coincidences.


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