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SEAL's Sunshine - Lynne St Jame

Page 10

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  “No, not exactly.”

  “What does that mean?” Ryan asked. It was the first time he’d spoken since Chrissy had come into the room.

  “You all know Tex, right? Ex-SEAL, computer whiz, overall badass? He can pull information from thin air that no one else even knows exists.”

  They nodded.

  “After we got Chrissy’s information this morning, I contacted him off the record and had him start digging. We may not be able to operate but we sure as hell can defend ourselves.”

  It was a modicum of relief, but Cam was itching to go after Miranda and make sure she was safe. He didn’t like that she was out there alone with Meghan and they were defenseless.

  “Did he find anything?” Cam asked.

  “Not yet, but I have no doubt between him and Chrissy we’ll find this motherfucker and take out him and anyone else helping him,” Jake said.

  “Chrissy, you’re okay with this? It’s not exactly legal?” Ryan asked. Startled, she looked at him. It was the first question directed to her and from the one SEAL who usually ignored her. Cam could just about imagine what he was thinking. They all knew he had it bad for her, but what held him back, they still didn’t know.

  “I shouldn’t be, but you’re my friends, and my best friend is a target. So, yeah, I’ll deal with the fall out if it comes to that. I was given permission to brief you. Not sure how far that extends, but I’ll do what I can.”

  Ryan nodded. “What’s next, Boss? How do you want to handle this?”

  “This is where I leave you. As far as Command is concerned, you’re all on leave for the next two weeks. I anticipate that this will be handled by then.”

  Jake nodded, and after the door closed with a loud click, he laid out the part that Chrissy was involved with. It wasn’t complicated, and they had to be careful they didn’t get in the way of law enforcement. But they were licensed to carry and wouldn’t leave the house without a weapon until they’d caught whoever was behind this mess. They had two weeks to get it done.

  “Chrissy, you can’t tell Meghan and Miranda any of this. At least not yet. We have to be careful of what is shared because it’s related to a past mission.”

  “You’re shitting me, right? They’re in just as much danger as you guys and you’re not going to warn them?”

  “We didn’t say that. But you can’t. Or you’ll be laying yourself wide open to a rash of shit. We’ll figure out a way to give them enough information to keep them safe.”

  Chrissy nodded, but she wasn’t happy. They weren’t even on a mission and were still in the middle of a cluster fuck. How did they keep getting so lucky?

  “One other thing, Chrissy. Forget you ever heard Tex’s name.”

  “No problem. I guess I’m dismissed now?”

  “Afraid so. You don’t need to know the rest of the plan.”

  After Chrissy left, they mapped out the details. Then they called Tex.


  “Hey bro, good to talk to you. You’re on speaker with the team. I know you know Rafe and Cam. But let me introduce you to the team. Ryan McLaughlin and Drew Murphy.”

  “Too bad we’re not meeting under better circumstances.”

  “No shit,” Murph said.

  “Have you turned up anything on the guy that Chrissy identified?”

  “I haven’t located him, but I’m searching social media for any sign of him.”

  “Hopefully, something turns up soon. From the chatter Chrissy picked up it looks like there is a whole terror cell that we uncovered because they got sloppy.”

  “Yes, I’ve been working with the intel that Chrissy shared to try to identify any known associates of Arfat. But they have gotten smarter over the years, and there are so many apps that erase as you go.”

  “Fucking typical. Let’s help the terrorists get more efficient,” Murph said.

  “It’s inevitable, but our technology is better. Don’t worry we’ll find them. Just think though, if it weren’t for Azfaar’s vendetta against you, we’d never have found about the cell, or at least not in time to diffuse whatever they’re planning.”

  Tex had a point. It still sucked, but he was right. Cam would have preferred to tackle the asshole on foreign soil, and he knew the team felt the same way. Having to stop the threat this way was much harder and could get them court-martialed if they weren’t careful.

  “So where does that leave us?” Jake asked.

  “I’ll keep the trackers active on Meghan and Miranda, but they’re only good if they have their phones with them. Other than that, I’ll keep digging. As soon as I find anything I’ll let you know.”

  “Copy that. Thanks for always being there for us, Tex. I don’t know what we’d all do without you.”

  “No shit. I’m keeping track of so many of your women now I need a separate computer just for that. Maybe I should start a side hustle.”

  “You could always put Melody in charge of that part.”

  “She’s got her hands full with the kids, but you never know. Watch your six, and I’ll be in touch.”

  After they disconnected, Jake looked around the table, meeting each one of their eyes. “We’re in a shit show here, and I’m not sure how it’s going to play out. But if we aren’t careful we could all end up off the teams or worse. If you want out of this, say so now.”

  “What the fuck, Boss? We’re a team, brothers, we might as well be the five muskafuckingteers,” Murph responded.

  They agreed with Murph. No matter what they were in this together.

  “Rafe, you and Cam figure out what you’re going to tell your women. We don’t want to scare them, but they need to take precautions.”

  They nodded. Cam didn’t have a clue what he was going to tell Miranda. The last thing he wanted was to blow a hole in her confidence.

  “I think we need to tell them as much as possible. They’re smart women, they’ll know if we lie to them,” Rafe said.

  “I agree, but how much can we tell them without sharing top-secret intel?”

  After going back and forth, they came up with a basic cover story since the girls knew Azfaar had initially escaped capture. They’d tell them that he hired some people to take out the SEALs as revenge for killing his brother and they needed to be extra vigilant.

  Chapter 12

  The food at the Mexican restaurant was delicious, and Miranda was stuffed. For a change, it was she and Meghan who’d nearly finished their food. The guys were quiet and hardly ate anything. In fact, if the women hadn’t been talking most of the meal it would have been strangely quiet.

  She wondered if she’d made Cam mad because she practically insisted they sit outside on the patio so Halo could be with them. But neither she nor Meghan wanted him to be stuck in the car. It wasn’t too hot but still, it didn’t seem fair. He and Rafe relented but neither looked happy.

  “What are you doing tomorrow?” Meghan asked as they paid the check and packed their take-home boxes. “If you don’t have plans you could come over and we’ll have a big BBQ for the whole team. We haven’t done that in a while. What do you think, Rafe?”

  “Sounds okay to me. But Cam and Miranda might want some alone time.”

  Miranda looked at Cam to see if he seemed interested one way or the other, but she couldn’t tell. Normally, his face was so animated, but today it was like he was brooding. She wondered what had happened when they were at the base.

  “I’ll text you later and let you know, okay?” Miranda said.

  “No problem. Or we can do it later in the week. It’d just be fun to get together before you go back to Atlanta.”

  “I agree.”

  When they reached their trucks, Meghan hugged Miranda and whispered, “if you need to talk I’m just a text or call away. I can come and get you too if there’s a problem.”

  “Thanks, I’m sure it’s fine.”

  “Talk to you later,” Rafe said as he helped Meghan into his truck.

  When Cam opened the door and let Halo
into the back, she’d had enough. “Want to tell me what is going on? You’ve been weird since we left Target. In fact, your comment about the bathing suit was practically the last thing you’ve said.”

  She’d surprised him because it was like he’d come out of a fog. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “Is it work? I know you can’t talk about it, but you can say yes or no, right?”

  “Yes I can say that, and it is kind of about work. Let’s just get home and relax and we can talk more.”

  His reply eased some of the tension that had been building up in her shoulders and stopped her stomach from churning. For a few minutes, she thought she was going to lose her lunch. Then she’d gotten pissed. There was no reason for him to act like this at least not without talking to her about the issue.

  “If you don’t want to go to Meghan and Rafe’s tomorrow that’s fine. I came here to spend time with you.”

  “I know, Sunshine. It’s what I want more than anything. I hate that we only have a few days and all of this other stuff is eating into our time. We’ll get it figured out.”

  “As long as you haven’t changed your mind about us. If that happens, I’d rather you just tell me than be a jerk about it.”

  “What? Is that what you think? That I’ve changed my mind?”

  “Maybe. The way you’ve been acting today is so different, it made me wonder if after last night…”

  “No. Just stop. Last night was fucking amazing. Nothing has changed, other than I’m worried about you.” By then they’d made it back to his apartment building. After he pulled into a spot, turned off the truck, he turned to look at her. “You are the light in my life, that’s not going to change, no matter what. Got it?”

  “Got it.” She might be the light in his life, but he was definitely her knight in shining armor and Halo was his mini-me. If there hadn’t been a console between them, she’d have jumped into his arms and kissed him. But she figured she could wait until they got inside.

  Flashing one of his wonderful smiles, he came around to get her and let Halo. She did notice that he took his time looking around before he opened her door. But when he grabbed her hand she forgot all about it. When they got to his apartment, they followed the same routine as the day before.

  “Do you do this every time you come home or is it just because I’m here?”

  “Every time. It keeps Halo sharp. It’s part of his training.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. I guess he has to train almost as much as the rest of the team.” Halo gave them the all clear, and they went into the apartment. In some ways it made her feel safer after Halo checked everything out.

  “Sometimes, I think more. He goes in first a lot of the time and makes sure we know what to look for. Like he did when he went into the cave to find you.”

  “I was never so happy to see anyone when he rubbed his head against my hand, and I saw the American flag on his vest.”

  “And that’s the best part of the job.”

  “I can imagine that there are lots of times without happy endings.”

  “It happens, but lots of successes too.”

  “I’m sorry if I am getting into dangerous territory and asking too many questions.”

  “You’re fine, Sunshine. But we do have something to talk about. But first how about a drink? Water, wine, something else?”

  From the dour look on his face, she was thinking she might need something stronger than water. “I’ll have a glass of wine.”

  “Be right back, why don’t you pick out a movie.”

  Cam was going back and forth so much she was starting to wonder if she was losing her mind. She hoped whatever was eating at him, he’d spit it out and they could move on.

  The desire to punch a wall was almost overwhelming. He was a trained special operator, a frogman, and he fucking knew better. Yet he couldn’t control his feelings around Miranda, and it was dangerous. If he wasn’t careful, she’d get hurt and it would be his fault.

  Ever since Chrissy shared her intel, he’d been going back and forth about what to do. Miranda would be safer if he sent her back home. There was plenty of security there. But she’d never go without a full explanation, and that was something he couldn’t give her. The alternative was to break up with her, but then he might as well rip his heart out.

  The plan should work but these terror cells were getting more sophisticated all the time. At least with the FBI was in charge of the case they’d get more intel than they would from the police. Chrissy texted him while they were at lunch. When Meghan and Miranda went to the ladies’ room, he saw the message. But it didn’t uncomplicate anything.

  Waiting for Tex to update them was torture, but he needed to focus. It was no different than any other mission, except it was. This time his heart was involved.

  Grabbing a bottle of white wine from the fridge and two glasses he went into the living room. Halo was sitting on the couch next to Miranda and getting lots of loving. She was going to spoil that dog rotten by the time she went home.

  “Hey, isn’t that my spot?”

  “You can have this side,” she answered and patted the other side of the sofa. Smiling, he sat down and poured their wine.

  “Did you pick a movie?”

  “Yeah, I figured we might as well stay with the theme. So tonight’s feature is Winter Soldier.”

  “Have you seen it already?”

  “Yes, I have, I liked it too. But this way you won’t have to feel bad if I fall asleep again. Although, I think I’ll be okay today.”

  “I did have you up most of the night.” Her blush never failed to make him smile. The rose color spread across her cheekbones and tinged her whole face until she looked like one of the old fashioned china dolls his sister had when she was a kid.

  “That’s true. But I’m not complaining.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. There is something I have to talk to you about before we start the movie.”

  “Okay…” She was stressed and this time it was entirely his fault.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve been cranky, none of it has to do with you. Like I said downstairs, you are my Sunshine, just like the song says.”

  “Meghan told me you called me that, but until this visit, I never heard you say it.”

  “Because we were at your parent’s house and it didn’t seem right. But after this visit, I doubt I’ll be able to hold back next time.”

  He handed her a wine glass and took a sip of his. Then leaned back against the sofa and pulled her against his side. Cam needed to touch her, to gauge her reaction, her fear when he told her.

  “So what’s going on, Cam. Like I said before, just rip that Band-Aid off and be done with it.”

  “Do you remember the man who kept you hostage?”

  “Yes,” her voice quivered. “I’ll never forget. I can see his face as clearly as I see yours.”

  He hated dredging this up, but they didn’t have any other option. “Well even though we killed him we weren’t able to capture his brother. He’s still out there and he wants revenge.”

  “Oh my God. Does he blame me? Is he coming for me?”

  “No, baby. Not you, he wants the team, and somehow he found out who we are. We think that’s who was shooting at us yesterday.”

  All the color drained out of Miranda’s face and the hand that held the wine glass shook so violently he thought she’d either break the stem or dump it all over. Gently, he took and put both glasses on the table. Then he pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

  “Miranda, look at me.” She turned her head and met his eyes. She was still pale as a ghost. “Baby, you are safe. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I told you because you’re here with me. I need you to be vigilant, always aware of your surroundings. If something seems wrong, tell me.”

  Hoping to quiet her shaking, he rested his lips against her forehead and whispered over and over again that it would be okay. When he didn’t get a
response, he was worried maybe he needed to call Meghan or her mom, but then she relaxed against him.

  “Are you okay, baby?”

  “As much as I can be. But you’ll keep me safe, right?” And he would. She was his life, and no one was going to take her from him.

  “Always, Sunshine. Always.”

  What she did next managed to surprise him again. She reached for the wine glass, took a large swallow and then turned to him with a big smile on her face. “So how about that movie now. Unless there’s more we need to talk about?”

  “No, that’s everything.”

  “Good. I think we both deserve some downtime. You start the movie and I’ll grab more of that popcorn you bought yesterday.” Then she hopped off his lap and headed for the kitchen.

  Halo looked just as surprised with the sudden change in mood. Either she was excellent at compartmentalizing or she was in the other room losing it. He’d bet it was the later. But since she wanted privacy, as much as it killed him to do it, he stayed in the living room. Put the movie in and got it set up for when she returned.

  If he hadn’t looked closely he wouldn’t have been able to tell she’d been crying, when she came in with the popcorn. But he didn’t say anything, just clicked play and lifted his arm for her to settle against him.

  Her breathing calmed as she leaned against him and he hoped she’d be able to relax and enjoy the movie. If not, he had another way to make sure she’d be relaxed and happy and entirely worn out afterward. In fact, he’d prefer that option to the movie anyway.

  Chapter 13

  Miranda focused on Cam’s breathing in an effort to steady hers. She’d freaked out, scared herself, and worried him. There was danger but it wasn’t aimed at her based on what Cam told her. There was no reason for him to lie to her. So why had she lost it?

  PTSD. She answered her own question. Everyone around her saw it, and she’d tried to ignore it. Put it up on a shelf in a pretty jar that could be left to get dusty. Except it refused to be ignored. The movie and wine would help, so would snuggling with Cam, but it wouldn’t make it go away. Or prevent the inevitable nightmare that would visit her later. It was time for her to take control. Cam was right, seeing a therapist would rehash everything, but it would get it out in the open and help her work through her fear.


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