Book Read Free


Page 9

by Vera Sparks

  I had something I wanted to do.

  “That’s my book!” Millie gasped as I pulled out the book I’d taken from her room. A dragon with a young elf on its back marked the cover, titled ‘Dragon Destiny’.

  “Yeah, I thought you might want to read it with me,” I smiled tenderly as we sat on the stone wall at the parking lot with a streetlight over us.

  “My parents got it for my birthday,” Millie sighed as she took the book and opened it up.

  She tenderly ran her fingers over the birthday note to her on the inside.

  I kept one arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Can you read it to me? I loved it when my mom would read it to me,” Millie looked up at me with wistful eyes.

  “Of course,” I murmured.

  We turned the page together, and she gently touched the detailed drawing of a baby dragon.

  “There once was a baby dragon named Avera who lived in a world of magic and wonder,” I began, and I relaxed as Millie nestled into my side.

  As I read the story to her, I kept thinking of the information Percy had given me.

  We’d find her killer, and I was sure both Percy and Alex would be more than happy to help me put the sick bastard down.

  “You remind me of her,” Millie suddenly said as we turned the page.

  “Of who?” I asked.

  “My mom, she was pretty and nice, like you. I miss her,” Millie murmured as she traced the image of the purple dragon learning to fly.

  “I know sweetie, I know,” I sighed as I stroked her hair, my gut wrenching at her words.

  Tomorrow, I’d be one step closer to reuniting her with her family.

  But for now, I’d help her relax with her most treasured story.

  I just wanted her to forget everything, even if only for a moment.

  She deserved that.


  “Good morning,” I smiled as Percy walked into the living room. He yawned and stretched as he nodded at me.

  “Bacon and eggs sound good?” I asked as I continued checking the said meal in the frying pan while I toasted some bread.

  Axle was beside me eating from his steel dog bowl. I’d given him some mince and thrown in a few strips of bacon.

  “Um, sure,” Percy said as he walked over. “You didn’t have bacon or eggs last night in the fridge.”

  “I couldn’t sleep so I bought them early this morning,” I shrugged as he sat down on the stool on the other side of the kitchen island. I’d come back to find Axle had peed in the shower so I washed that down without waking Percy before taking him for an early morning walk to get anything else out of his system. I enjoyed our walks before the sun rose, when the city was still asleep and mostly quiet. I’d gone to the 24/7 convenience store to pick up breakfast. I was lucky they carried more than the bare necessities like most all-night places.

  “We ah… did stuff, last night,” Percy bit his lip as he shifted uneasily.

  “Yes, we’re adults,” I nodded as I gave him an odd glance. Had he forgotten?

  “I’m… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come onto you so hard; it’s not something I can, well, control. I just, that’s not how it should’ve, um, God,” he muttered as he shook his head, obviously annoyed with himself.

  “Relax, it’s not that big of a deal,” I frowned at him as I emptied the pan-cooked meal onto two plates and buttered the toast.

  “You saved my life and I practically tried to rape you,” he winced as he gave me sorrowful look.

  “I didn’t stop you,” I stated as I handed him his plate and cutlery.

  “I know,” he cleared his throat. “But, if you’d allow me, after we’ve handled the situation that’s going on, I’d like to take you on an actual date, like dinner, maybe,” he shifted uncomfortably on the stool as he averted his eyes.

  He was utterly adorable, and I couldn’t help but grin at his sweetness.

  It was… nice.

  “I guess we could do that. I would like to actually get to maybe know you, you know, outside of the bedroom, “I chuckled as he grinned and looked away in embarrassment.

  He was quite a charming, sweet guy. And he also barely fit the black shirt I’d found for him. Those biceps, I mean damn.

  “Now, eat up, we’ve got a big day ahead. We’re getting you home to your pack,” I said as I set my plate down on my side of the counter and dug in.

  “God I missed real food,” he moaned as he chewed on a piece of bacon.

  “How long did they have you?” I frowned as I watched him eat like he’d been starved.

  “A few weeks, maybe a month, I think, I didn’t exactly have a way to keep track of time,” he managed to say through a mouthful of toast and eggs.

  “Wow, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be, you got me out,” he mumbled through his food. Axle had now taken up a position beside him, staring hard at the ‘wolf as if he could telepathically force him to hand over the bacon. I smiled and shook my head at the dog before I shooed him off. He gave a distasteful grunt as he headed over to his bed obediently.

  Percy was stuffing his face and I sat down beside him with my plate. I watched him quietly as he devoured his breakfast with ease while I enjoyed my own.

  “Last night was… good,” he said softly as he set his cutlery down on his empty plate.

  “It was,” I nodded. “I had fun.”

  “Good, good,” he scratched his head as he looked out the windows at the city around us.

  He’d been so confident last night, and now he had reverted to a rather shy, handsome man.

  I found it quite amusing to say the least.

  “So, where’s your pack?”

  “Cottage Grove.”

  I drove down the street, rather surprised at the modern feel of the close-knit homes here. I’d had some kind of idea in my head that werewolves would live in some caravan park as a big community or something similar. Not this. I’d left Axle in Maurice’s hands for the day, and promised to call and let her know if I needed her to keep him for the night as well.

  “That house up there is where Gene lives, he’s the Alpha. He’ll be able to help us out,” Percy pointed out the front window at the house at the end of the cul de-sac.

  I pulled into the drive; admiring the trimmed and well-cared for gardens surrounding the home. Roses of every color marked the gardens, along with an assortment of other colorful flowers, of which I couldn’t name. I’d never been much of a flower woman.

  “The garden is beautiful,” I stated as I turned the engine off.

  “That’s his mate’s work, Heather. She loves her gardening. Do be careful; just follow my lead. Gene is a kind-hearted man, but Heather is a fiery shewolf. It’s why she’s a good leader,” Percy sighed as he pushed the passenger door open.

  “Right,” I nodded. I didn’t want to piss off the Alpha of a pack.

  We strode up the brick path to the wooden door, the stained glass window in it designed with a howling wolf. How subtle.

  Percy rapped his knuckles on it and clasped his hands together as he waited.

  I eyed the shoes I’d given him; they fit him well despite how the shirt hadn’t. I wouldn’t tell him they were from a one night stand who’d bailed during the night and left all his clothing behind. Quite a curious thing that’d been, but apparently he’d had his wife call him. I hadn’t known he was married. And to save from waking me u and admitting he was not actually single, he left everything.

  Percy had asked where the clothes had come from, and I laughed, saying they were from a memory long gone.


  The door flung open and I widened my eyes at the dark haired woman staring in amazement at Percy.

  She was at least forty, her dark hair tumbling down over her shoulders in waves, and her brown eyes were bright and excited at Percy’s presence. Her curvy figure was not what I’d expected, but I was beginning to think that my ideas of werewolves were not quite correct.

  Her arms were toned
and she looked like she could easily win a fight even against a man despite her smaller build.

  She gave off a vibe of ‘not to be messed with’, and I could understand why she was the Alpha.

  “Heather, it’s nice to see you,” Percy nodded. “This is my friend, Ivy,” he indicated at me.

  Heather barely gave me a glance as she frowned at him.

  “We thought you’d abandoned the pack like the others,” she murmured. “We thought you were lost to us for good. We searched for you, but it was like you had simply vanished. God, your mother, she’ll be so glad to see you back. She was so distraught,” Heather said.

  His mother? I hadn’t even known he had family here, but then again, I hadn’t asked.

  “I don’t think anyone’s abandoning the pack, Heather,” Percy’s jaw set as he sighed. “And how is my mother?”

  “What? What do you mean? And Gwen is good; she’s been keeping busy teaching at the school. Taking on after hour work and tutoring to keep occupied. What do you mean they’re not abandoning the pack?” Heather’s brow furrowed even deeper.

  “Good,” Percy sighed, glad to hear his mother was well. “Anyways, Ivy here rescued me. I owe her my life,” Percy stated.

  “Rescued you?” Heather now finally gave me more than a glance as she took in my smaller frame. Her confused eyes dragged over me before settling on my face, and I struggled not to shift uncomfortably under her powerful stare.

  “Vamps. They’re taking weres’ for an underground fight ring. I was tranquilized and taken. Ivy came along with a friend of hers, she bought me to save me as they’d just put down another fighter and I was next,” Percy said.

  “Vamps?” Heather’s eyes shot back to him with fire.

  “Yes, and I think, God forbid, someone is selling us out to them,” Percy murmured as he glanced around the neighborhood suspiciously.

  “No. No one would betray the Pack like that,” Heather said firmly.

  “That’s what I thought as well, but now, I’m not so sure,” Percy said softly.

  Heather’s eyes flashed with fury as she eyed the homes around us carefully.

  “Come, Gene will be home soon, you can tell me everything when he arrives. He needs to know too,” Heather stepped aside to allow us into her home. She nodded at me as I passed her, and Percy gave me a gentle, reassuring smile as I raised my eyebrows at him.

  Heather definitely gave off an ‘in command’ aura.

  “Would you like something to drink? Water, coffee, beer?” Heather offered as she shut the door behind us and showed us to the living room.

  “A beer sounds perfect. Ivy?” Percy looked over at me as he settled down on the couch.

  “I’m good, thanks,” I smiled and Heather nodded as she strode into the kitchen.

  She returned in moments with two beers and handed one to Percy before sitting down in the armchair across from us.

  “So, why’d you save Percy?” Heather turned her attention to me as I sat down beside Percy and took in the pristine, modern home. It was minimal to say the least, a lone bookcase in the corner and a coffee table between us along with a TV on the wall. No display cabinets or piles of magazines, Heather must be a very organized woman.

  “We were at the fights looking for a man,” I stated as I glanced over at Percy. “A vampire who’d murdered a young girl. He bore the tattoo of the gang that ran the fights, so we were trying to locate him,” I continued when Percy made no motion for me to stop.

  “Why?” Heather asked as she took a swig of her beer. She seemed to be a peculiar woman indeed.

  “To make him pay for his crime. He murdered the girl’s parents before dragging her off to the woods to drain her slowly,” I said, seething at the reminder of who Deon was.

  At least we had a name to work with now.

  “And how’d you wind up with Percy?” she raised an eyebrow.

  “I managed to get downstairs below where the cage fights were held in hopes of finding the man down there. I saw Percy and another man chained up in a room, and two vampires killed the other man before I could do anything. My friend stopped them, and we decided to bargain for Percy’s life, to buy him,” I said the last part carefully.

  I felt Percy’s curious gaze and I shifted uneasily. Was there something I’d missed?

  “Why were they going to kill you?” Heather looked to Percy.

  “Because I wouldn’t initiate fights or kill, I only defended myself. They wanted ruthless fighters for the cages,” Percy moved his eyes from me to glare at his beer.

  “I see,” Heather nodded. “So you bought him then?”

  “Yes,” I nodded.

  “And what does he have to do to repay you, to be free from you?” Heather raised a questioning eyebrow.

  I tried to keep my calm at her tone, as if I’d bought him for the simple purpose of using him. How dare she assume such a thing!

  But the way she looked at me was not accusatory, just intrigued. Still, it angered me.

  “Nothing, she wanted to free me. That’s why I’m here. But it turns out I did have something they needed. I know the man they’re after,” Percy jumped in, sensing my anger at her words as he gave me a quick glance.

  “Really, how?”

  “He was the one that caught me, his name is Deon,” Percy said.

  “Deon, no last name?”

  “None that I heard. He’s a black British man.”

  “Right,” Heather frowned as she took everything in and mulled over it.

  We all turned in our seats as the front door opened.

  “Gene, welcome home, you’ll be relieved to know Percy’s back,” Heather called out.

  Gene strode into the room quickly with a bag of groceries, and his eyes lit up at the sight of Percy as he dumped the bag on the floor.

  “Percy! It’s so good to see you!” Gene crossed the room in two big strides and Percy stood to greet him as Gene pulled him into a firm hug.

  Gene’s brown hair was greying, and his bushy beard was kept neatly trimmed, probably at his wife’s request or her hands, I wasn’t sure.

  He emanated power as well, but in a gentler manner than his wife.

  Percy was just as broad but taller than the older man, and I couldn’t help but smile as Gene pulled away and slapped Percy’s back in joy.

  “Good to have you back, son. Your mother will be so pleased, she didn’t want to believe you’d turn your back on the pack, she knew something else must have happened,” Gene sighed, his eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled.

  “There’s much for you to know Gene, it seems our pack has been dragged into the vampires money making schemes,” Heather stated.

  “Oh,” Gene frowned, and his eyes fell on me.

  “This is Ivy, she’s a friend. She saved my life actually,” Percy said as he sat back down beside me.

  “Saved your life?” Gene looked over to Heather then back at me with a curt nod. “It does seem there is much to talk about.”

  I remained quiet for the most part as Percy and Heather filled him in, only jumping in when asked. Percy informed them of our beef with the vampire, and also mentioned my friend as being a vampire as well, to which they weren’t too thrilled about.

  I informed them that Alex was an attorney and was the one who realized who the black British man was associated with from the tattoo he bore.

  Percy also added that if Alex hadn’t come in when he had, he wouldn’t be alive, so Alex was also to thank.

  “So you think someone is selling us out? Someone inside the pack?” Gene murmured as he frowned, pondering the situation.

  “It’s the only explanation I can think of. Think about it, all our pack members who went missing, they went missing when they were alone, usually hunting or something. And we would know if there was a vampire staking us out, we’d smell them. So someone is giving them the information to get us. Someone who knows us and what we do,” Percy said.

  “Why would someone betray the pack and risk it? Punishment f
or such a crime would be execution,” Gene said as he looked out the window at the surrounding homes.

  “We could use your return to flush them out, have a gathering of the pack and see who reacts strangely to your return. How would they know that you were purchased from them? They may think you escaped,” Heather contemplated.

  “It’s a big pack, we can’t possibly have eyes on everyone,” Percy pursed his lips.

  “And we don’t know who we can trust at this point,” Gene nodded.

  “Well, there are a few who would die before they’d risk the pack. Like Scott and Eva, old man Barry. We can pull them in and get their help, try to get a list of names together of possible suspects,” Heather said.

  “Yeah, they’d throw themselves down for the pack before dreaming of betraying us,” Percy agreed.

  I listened to them come up with a plan. I knew I should tell them of my surveillance abilities, but I wasn’t sure how they’d react to me being dead.

  Especially Percy, who’d slept with me.

  “Alright, then it’s settled, we’ll announce your return at a gathering tonight, we’ll put out the call now,” Gene said once they’d confirmed everything.

  “I take it my house isn’t mine anymore?” Percy asked as Heather began texting people.

  “You were gone for five weeks, Lachlan packed up your stuff and is holding it for you. It’s been rented out to Emily and Zac, they were looking to upsize their home since they’re expecting a child soon,” Gene gave him an apologetic look.

  “Of course, I understand,” Percy nodded.

  “You can stay with me if you want, there’s plenty enough space for two,” I offered instantly.

  “Thanks,” Percy gave me a gentle smile.

  “You should both hang around here until tonight. We don’t want word getting out yet of your return. Afterwards we’ll gather up your things and leave whatever you can’t take with you in storage while we get a house sorted for you in the area. I take it you’ll want your job back too?” Gene asked as he leaned back in his chair.

  “Yeah, that’d be wonderful,” Percy nodded. “And can I borrow your phone? I’d like to let my mother know I’m okay. Thanks for keeping my stuff in storage.”


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