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Page 15

by Vera Sparks

  It leaned back and landed a heavy blow to Gene’s face as blood poured from its neck.

  Before he could continue pummeling the Alpha, Percy was tearing the vampire off of his leader and hurling him back towards Scott.

  A furious shout drew my attention back to Alex, who was now pinned down.

  “Game over,” Deon smirked as Alex struggled beneath the vampire.

  “Alex!” I screamed as I appeared beside him, not hiding my jumping through the ghost realm from the others.

  Deon raised a wooden stake up, and I grabbed onto his arm in an attempt to stop the blow.

  Alex looked up at me, knowing full well even my ghostly strength was no match for this apparently older vampire.

  “Get off!” Deon hissed as he yanked free.

  All it took was the moment he needed, and Alex slammed a fist into Deon’s chest. Deon flew backwards, and I stumbled away as Alex flitted past me and slammed into the vampire.


  I spun around just in time to go full ghost as the other vampire barreled into me.

  He went straight through me, and I felt his body tense in confusion as he passed through my wispy form.

  I caught Percy’s horrified eyes and ignored the startled looks from the ‘wolves coming my way.

  I turned to see where my attacker had gone, and I gritted my teeth as my eyes fell on his missing arm. Torn clean off, with flesh and muscle hanging from the open wound and blood oozing out.

  The ‘wolves had done some damage.

  I jumped over to Alex, already seeing the possible scenario unfolding before me as the second vampire moved in to pull Alex off Deon.

  I wouldn’t let Alex get hurt or die tonight.

  I grabbed onto the vampire’s remaining arm, but his brute strength was too much and he continued on, dragging me along with him as he barged Alex off of Deon, whom he’d pinned against a tree. He tore his arm free from my grip and hissed at me as he tried to shove me away. I went translucent and his hand went straight through me.

  Annoyed, the vampire spun away, ignoring me as he assisted Deon with pinning Alex against one of the pines. I swore and grabbed onto his shoulders, wishing desperately that I was strong enough. I shuddered as I tugged and pulled with all my strength as I tried to stop the second vampire. The two of them were too much for Alex.

  Percy and his pack mates wouldn’t get to us in time.

  Alex was going to die.

  “No!” I shouted as I hit the second vampire as he lifted Alex up in the air by his throat while Deon pinned his arms.

  The two vampires ignored my futile attempts. Even with what I thought was decent strength from my somewhat deadness, I was nothing to these two vampires. And they’d overpowered Alex too.

  “Ivy,” Alex choked as he clawed at the tree trunk arm holding him up in the air.

  “Alex,” I murmured, seeing the distress in his eyes.

  My heart caught in my throat and the thought of seeing him explode into dust broke me.

  I couldn’t lose him.

  “I said let him go!” I screamed as I pounded my hands on the big vampire, fury, frustration, and fear whirling through me.

  My hands burned with an intense heat as I hammered onto his back, and I barely noticed the flickering glow appearing beneath my fingertips.

  The vampire shrieked as he exploded into flames, his flailing body tumbling past me and knocking me aside. I gaped in astonishment and horror as the vampire flailed and screamed, the sound so animalistic and painful that even I felt sorry for him.

  “Benji!” Deon shouted as he flitted after his comrade.

  Percy and Scott tumbled into Deon, dragging him to the ground with snarls and claws.

  I watched, strangely calm as Benji collapsed to his knees and rolled. The smell of burning flesh and singed hair met my nostrils and I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

  Gene and Alex just watched the vampire, neither of them feeling inclined to help their attacker.

  The vampire’s shrieks faded as he fell still, and the flames engulfing his body lit up the clearing like a bonfire for a few moments before he exploded into ash.

  I could feel the unnerving stares and found myself catching Alex’s gaze. His look was both surprised and grateful, but there was something else. Something more troubling in his stare. Almost… fear.

  “You set the fucker on fire?!” Percy leaped to his feet as Gene took his place in restraining Deon. Scott had pinned him down with his own stake pressed firmly against his chest. One wrong move and he’d be dust if Scott chose to finish him.

  “I…” I stared at the pile of dust that was slowly being blown away by a cool night breeze. A breeze I so desperately wished would brush my skin.

  Had I set him on fire?

  The burning in my hands…

  I stared down at my palms, fear and confusion filling me as I bit my lip.

  “Ivy, are you okay?” Alex gave me a quizzical look, one that turned to unease.

  “I-I don’t know,” I stammered, watching in shock as my hands began to go wispy. I wasn’t doing this.

  What was happening?

  “Ivy? Ivy?!” Percy rushed over, the panic in his eyes terrifying me almost as much as my suddenly fading body.

  “Ivy, what’s happening?” Alex was by my side instantly as I gasped for breaths.

  I didn’t feel right. Something was wrong.

  “Ivy, stay with us,” Alex’s voice was catching as he knelt down beside me, searching my eyes for an explanation. His jaw clenched when he was only met with my own confusion and fear.

  I grabbed onto him, hoping it would stabilize whatever was happening.

  “Ivy?” Alex’s voice broke as he tried to hold onto me. One of his hands clutched my somewhat solid shoulder, but the other just moved through my barely visible arm as he tried to hold it.

  “Don’t let me go,” I choked as my lips trembled. Was this it? Was I disappearing for good?

  “I won’t, I’m here,” Alex murmured, his attention fully on me despite Percy who was now crouched by my side as well.

  “What’s happening to her?” Percy managed to say as he tried to touch me, but recoiled instantly when his hand moved through my fading form.


  “Alex?!” I screamed as the crushing weight of the darkness bore down on me.

  What had happened? Where’d they go? Where’d Alex go?

  I drew in shaky breaths as I closed my eyes and curled up into a ball, unnerved by the sensation of nothing touching me. No floor, no wall, nothing. I was just… floating.

  The darkness shrouded me, suffocating me as I gritted my teeth.

  What was this? Where was I?


  My eyes shot open and I staggered as I found myself standing inside a large mansion.

  What the hell?

  The glass chandelier overhead cast the room in a luxurious glow, and the deep mahogany walls gave the area a warm feel.

  I stared at the wooden staircase lined with red carpet before me, which split in two to go up each side of the room to the second floor.

  But my eyes were drawn to the grey haired woman before me, her emerald dress standing out against the dark staircase.

  “Who are you? Where am I? What’s…” I barely got the words out as my eyes flicked around the room once more. Behind me was the entrance to the grand foyer, its stained glass window giving me no indication of where I am.

  “My name is Jasmine Whitehall, and you’re at the Elemental Institute within the realms,” Jasmine clasped her hands together, her weathered skin drawn as her dark eyes took me.

  I shuddered as I eyed the foyer, searching for anyone else.

  “It’s only us,” Jasmine managed a strange smile, but it did nothing to reassure me.

  Where the hell was this? Within the realms, what did that even mean?

  “What do you mean within the realms?” I managed to ask.

  “Between the world of the living and the worl
d of the dead. Not connected with the ghost realm either,” Jasmine added, as if reading my thoughts.

  “Why am I here?” I swallowed back my unease.

  “Your elemental powers which have lain dormant for some time have finally been brought forth,” Jasmine stated as she flicked her cascading grey hair over her shoulder.

  “Elemental powers?” I shook my head at the absurd thought.

  The vampire. I’d set him on fire.

  “Yes, your lines are of elemental blood. Wielders of the elements. Your line, the McCloud line, is fire I believe,” Jasmine said as she stepped away from the staircase to glide towards me.

  “That’s not possible,” I faltered. Was it?

  “It is. It’s the only explanation for you being here,” she moved her shoulders, and I realized the slight movement had been a shrug. Barely.

  “How do I go back?”

  Alex. I had to go back. I needed to know that everyone was okay.

  “You can return when you wish. Just step outside the door,” Jasmine waved her arm at the door behind me, her bracelets jingling with the movement.

  I turned, wishing desperately to return back, but I hesitated.

  “You said this place was the Elemental Institute?” I turned back, hating how my curiosity won out.

  “Yes, a place in the living world where elementals go to hone their abilities. This is the recreation of it in middle realm,” Jasmine explained.

  “A recreation? Why? And why are you here?” This was confusing. The whole thing was way too much for me to get my head around.

  “I’m here because of the same reason you are. I died, but at the same time, I didn’t. Not really,” Jasmine cocked her head at me, a strange smile spreading across her face.

  “You’re… like me?” I gaped.

  “Yes. Not dead, but not human. More like a ghost,” Jasmine said as she disappeared from sight.

  I jumped as she reappeared beside me and stared in disbelief at the strange older woman in her elegant attire.

  “So your powers have awakened, Ivy. You can choose to come here and learn how to use them, or you can choose to hide from it and deny your birthright,” Jasmine said as she moved past me, her emerald dress rustling with her soft movements. I got an unsettling vibe from her, a feeling that left the hairs on my arms standing on edge.

  “If I go back, how do I return?” I needed to go back. I was right in the middle of something big. But this, I needed to know more. I wanted to know who I was. What exactly these powers entailed, and what this place was.

  “The ghost realm, activate your powers within the realm and you’ll be brought here,” she murmured as she started up the staircase.

  “How do I activate it?” I stared dumbly at my hands. I hadn’t done anything to activate them before, it had just happened.

  “Focus and believe. Imagine the fire coming to life,” Jasmine turned and leaned against the wooden bannister.

  “Okay,” I said, not quite believing her words.

  “You’ll figure it out, you should return before too much time passes. Time here passes slowly in the living world, much like the ghost realm, but I believe you’re right in the middle of something,” Jasmine gave me a knowing smile.

  How did she know?

  “Good luck, Ivy. I hope to see you again,” Jasmine waved me off as she turned and glided up the staircase, as if she was floating on air.

  “Um, okay,” I managed to say despite my complete bewilderment.

  Jasmine vanished into thin air and I rubbed my arms. This was crazy. Elementals, this whole mansion place.

  But I had to get back soon, that much I knew for certain.

  I turned back, crossing the dark red carpet and grabbing the porcelain doorknob. I cast one last eerie glance back at the foyer, before opening the door and being sucked outside.


  I managed a mumbled sound, unable to form words as I sat up. I felt groggy and disorientated as I looked up at both Alex and Percy.

  “Are you okay?” Percy asked as he touched my arm.

  I jumped at the soft touch but relaxed, grateful to be back and solid.

  “I think so,” I managed to say.

  “What happened?” Alex asked, his stormy blue eyes deeply disturbed.

  “I don’t know,” I mumbled as I drew in the night air.

  “Are you okay now?” Alex asked as he squeezed my shoulder, as if checking I was fully solid once more.

  “Yes,” I nodded. I thought so at least.

  “Where’s Deon?” I asked, but answered my own question when I looked over to see Gene and Scott pinning him still. They were keeping an eye on him while glancing my way.

  “Ivy, what happened to you?” Percy asked softly as he caught my eyes and my throat swelled. He looked so distressed and confused. I’d lied to him, and I hated it. I should’ve been honest with him from the beginning.

  “I’m not a psychic,” I breathed as Alex tensed beside me.

  Percy frowned as he removed his hand from me and moved his eyes questioningly between Alex and I.

  “What are you then?” Percy’s voice was strained.

  I hated myself for this. For lying to his face and hurting him. He must’ve been so worried about me. Both of them, at least Alex had some idea.

  “I’m… uh…” I bit my lip as I searched for the words.

  “We think she’s some kind of ghost, not quite a ghost,” Alex answered for me.

  “What?” Percy gave me a mortified look. “You’re dead?”

  “No, I don’t know, it’s not something anyone knows, I’m not dead but I’m not alive either,” I pulled my legs up to my chest, wishing the ground would just swallow me. I could just disappear, but that wasn’t fair to them. They were already distressed enough.

  “I don’t understand,” Percy shook his head, and I could sense his distrust and inner want to move away from me. It hurt, seeing the way he looked at me. Like I’d murdered his puppy and then hung it outside his door.

  “A vampire practically drained her, then tried to turn her at the last minute. We don’t know what happened, but she ended up like this,” Alex said softly, trying to explain the situation.

  “This is crazy,” Percy stood up, his hands balled into fists. “You lied to me. We…” his eyes flashed angrily.

  We’d slept together, that was what he was going to say.

  “You’re some kind of ghost vampire then?” Percy growled.

  “No, nothing like a vampire at all,” I mumbled, my lip trembling as I fought back tears. I hated this, seeing the hurt and despair in him.

  Even Alex’s presence beside me did little to ease me.

  “Percy,” Gene called out in an effort to diffuse the situation, or at least that was what I thought.

  “The others are here,” Alex informed me. Not that I knew, I didn’t have the super senses of all those around me.

  “I’m sorry,” I looked up at Percy as he stared hard at me, his jaw set.

  Percy just shook his head.

  “I’ll meet them back at the cabin and help them with the shifters,” Percy stated as he headed off, his heavy footsteps resounded like a blow to my gut.

  “He’ll come round,” Alex tried to reassure me, which I gave a sharp laugh at. As if he even wanted Percy to.

  “Alex, can you help Scott with Deon?” Gene asked from his position beside said pair.

  Alex nodded and patted my back as he stood.

  Once Alex had taken over holding the stake and pinning it against Deon’s chest, the pair started off as Gene wandered over.

  “C’mon, let’s get you to your feet. You saved your friend there, although I’m not even sure how. I don’t quite understand what’s going on, but Percy will come around. You are a wonderful young woman, you saved his life, he at least owes you the chance to help him understand it all,” Gene offered his hand. I accepted and allowed him to pull me to my feet.

  “There were tales back when I was child of some extraordi
nary beings who wielded the elements,” Gene stated. “Is that what you are?”

  My mind wandered back to Jasmine. Elementals she’d said. Was that really what I was? But not just that, some strange ghost version of one. As if having elemental abilities wasn’t enough.

  “I think so,” I murmured as we followed after the others.

  “Both you and Alex have helped us a great deal, and we won’t forget that,” Gene wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

  “Thank you.”

  I found comfort in Gene, he was a sweet, caring man, and I was glad he was here. Maybe he could help me with Percy.

  “I just wish I knew what I was. I’m not a ghost like those that my actual psychic witch friend deals with. I still eat, drink, hang out with friends,” I tried to come up with more examples of why I wasn’t just a spirit.

  “No, you definitely don’t seem like one. You have special abilities, ghost-like abilities,” Gene nodded. “Does your heart still beat?”

  “Yes, barely, but it does,” I said softly.

  “I’d be almost inclined to say you were some kind of ghost zombie,” Gene said and I whipped my head to stare at him in horror.

  “Zombies are real? I don’t crave brains though, or flesh, or anything,” I sputtered, but then Gene’s mouth curved into a mischievous grin.

  “Zombies aren’t real,” he chuckled and I gaped at him.

  “That was mean,” I gently shoved him and he laughed. The warm sound reminded me of my father, and I relaxed as I smiled at him.

  “I just wanted to make you smile,” he said as he squeezed my shoulder. “We’ll do what we can to help you figure this out. I’m assuming you’ve spoken to your witch friend and she hasn’t come up with any conclusion then.”

  “No, nothing,” I shook my head.

  “Have you considered seeking out a fae?”

  “A what?” I frowned.

  “Faerie. You haven’t heard of them?” Gene raised an eyebrow at me.

  “No, just shifters, witches, vampires and werewolves. Although we’ve also worked with a goblin once, I didn’t even know they were real,” I frowned.

  “There are many other magical beings out there, supernatural beings. The ones you’ve mentioned are the most common of them. Except the goblin, they’re rather rare nowadays. Faeries are out there, although I doubt your vampire friend would even know much of them. They’re irresistible to vampires, their blood gives them a high like no other, so Faeries have never allowed themselves near vampires. It’s probably why you haven’t heard of them,” Gene stroked his beard. “Even your witch friend wouldn’t know of them. There are some witches who are hundreds of years old and have learned more.”


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