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Fight 4 Us (Book 9): Settlement

Page 3

by Grenda, Brian

  Bruce smiles and answers, “I think it’s a good idea. Jacob is dangerous, and if we can decrease our threats in this world then I think that’s a good thing.”

  “Will you help us Bruce?” I ask.

  Bruce looks at William but doesn’t say anything.

  William looks at Bruce and asks, “Do you want to help them Bruce?”

  Without hesitation, Bruce looks at William and answers, “I will do whatever you want sir. I am here to help you and the Haven.”

  I anxiously anticipate what William will say next.

  Shaun sees Hector walk out onto the main courtyard with a plate of food.

  Hector sees Matt and joins him at the empty table.

  Shaun hits Phil in his shoulder and motions for him to walk with him.

  Phil and Shaun walk towards Matt and Hector.

  William and Bruce see Shaun and Phil walking towards Hector.

  “I don’t control people here. My people are free to come and go as they please and do what they want as long as it does not hurt the Haven,” says William.

  I reply, “We need people though William. We need eyes and ears in and around The Grove. Our friend Kat and the people of The Grove are in trouble.”

  Lauren walks over to me and wants to talk with me.

  I excuse myself from William and talk with Lauren.

  Lauren and I stand in the shade under a tall tree in the courtyard of the Haven while Bobby G and Jon talk with William and Bruce.

  “What’s up sweetie?” I ask Lauren.

  Lauren answers, “Li said that she should be able to teach me how to use your sais today.”

  “That’s great,” I reply to Lauren.

  “But your sais are a little heavy for me. Li said that she may have a set of sais that would be better suited for me,” says Lauren.

  “Good, custom weapons are always better, but you can use my sais if she doesn’t have a pair for you,” I reply to Lauren.

  “Hopefully she can give me a quick lesson today either with your sais or her pair,” says Lauren.

  I reply to Lauren, “I hope so too, I know you wanted to learn how to use them.”

  “How is it going with William? Will they help us?” asks Lauren.

  I answer Lauren, “It’s slow. William is kind of hesitant to help us.”

  “Why?” asks Lauren.

  I answer Lauren, “They have a lot of people out right now on other trips. He doesn’t have much of a group to help us.”

  Li walks over to Lauren and me.

  “Try these,” says Li as she hands Lauren a set of sais with red leather grips and a chrome finish on the prongs.

  Lauren checks the weight and says, “Much better. Thank you, Li.”

  “You are welcome. Can I teach you how to use them right now?” asks Li.

  Lauren looks at me and hands me my pair of sais.

  I look at Lauren and Li and say, “Yeah, definitely. Have fun.”

  Lauren kisses me and then goes off with Li to learn how to use her new set of sais.

  I start walking back over to William, Bruce, Bobby G, and Jon and see Hector shake hands with Shaun.

  I hear Shaun say, “Thank you, Hector. We want to get started very soon.”

  I stand next to Jon as Bobby G and William are talking.

  “Thank you, William. We will be in touch. We will be ready to go when your men come to Citrus Oaks tomorrow,” says Bobby G.

  William looks at me and says, “Let’s go see Dr. Vargas.”

  I walk with William, but no one else follows me.

  I stop walking and look back at Bobby G and Jon and ask, “What are you two doing?”

  “I’m going to see the horses with Bruce,” answers Bobby G.

  “I’m going to talk with Shaun, Phil, and Matt,” answers Jon.

  I reply, “Okay. I will meet you guys right here later.”

  I continue walking with William down an indoor hallway of the Haven.

  “Your father is a good man Ryan. I hope you know that. He is wise,” says William.

  “He’s alright,” I joke with William.

  William stops walking and gives me a serious look.

  I look at William and say, “I was only joking William. I know my father is a good guy. He talks too much at times, and he can bullshit with the best of them, but he would do anything for me, and I know that.”

  “Remember that. Your father Robert would die for you, as any loving father would for his son,” says William.

  William and I keep walking down the indoor hallway towards the Haven’s medical room.

  “Speaking of being a father. Are you going to be a father anytime soon?” asks William.

  I answer William, “One day, hopefully, but not right now. I plan to keep the Briggs family name going though.”

  I arrive at the medical room with William.

  William enters the medical room first and sees Dr. Vargas cleaning up a table of medical supplies.

  “How is Jeremy?” asks William to Dr. Vargas.

  “He will be fine, but the bruising on his body and face has me concerned. He needs to rest,” answers Dr. Vargas.

  “We will take a day or two off from sparring,” says William.

  Dr. Vargas throws a piece of paper away and turns towards me.

  I get a clear view of Dr. Vargas.

  “Hello, is there something I can help you with sir?” asks Dr. Vargas to me.

  I take a second and stare at Dr. Vargas’ dark hair, short stature, tan skin, and tan face. I immediately recognize her and become thrilled to see her.

  I smile and say, “I’m good Dani. How are you?”

  Dr. Vargas is taken back that I called her Dani and gives me a questioning look on her face.

  “Ryan? Ryan Briggs? Is that you?” asks Dr. Vargas.

  Dr. Vargas runs over to me and gives me a big hug.

  “I can’t believe you are alive. I almost didn’t recognize you with that beard and your longer hair… And that silly outfit you have on,” says Dr. Vargas as she grabs my katana strap that is across my chest.

  William smiles at the sight of Dr. Vargas and I being happy to see each other.

  “So, I’m guessing you know each other,” jokes William.

  I look at William and say, “Yeah, I have worked with Dr. Vargas for about nine years now. She and I go way back at Tampa Hospital.”

  I look at Dr. Vargas and ask, “How did you get here? Is Morey still alive?”

  Dr Vargas picks up something from the floor and answers, “I don’t know, and I don’t care. We broke up because he was cheating on me with that bitch from the ER.”

  “When did you break up?” I ask Dr. Vargas.

  “Right before you left for vacation. I found them making out in the hospital parking lot, and I haven’t seen him since,” answers Dr. Vargas.

  William excuses himself from the medical room as he sees that Dr. Vargas and I might be talking for a while.

  “I’m sorry to hear that Dani, but he was a douche anyway. You can do much better then him,” I say to Dr. Vargas.

  “Why are you dressed like that? Is that a bulletproof vest?” asks Dr. Vargas.

  I look down at my bulletproof vest and answer, “Yeah, this vest has saved my life. I’ll never leave my house without it.”

  I look at Dr. Vargas and I am so glad to see someone still alive from the hospital that I worked at. Dr. Vargas and I were great friends. We worked together at the hospital and have developed a nice friendship with each other.

  “How did you make it here?” I ask Dr. Vargas.

  “Well, Hector and a group of people from here found me. I was in my condo in downtown St. Pete, and I decided to leave to find supplies. I found a couple of supplies from a looted store, but became surrounded by zombies inside the store,” answers Dr. Vargas.

  “You were alone? Did you have a weapon?” I ask Dr. Vargas.

  “I was alone, and I only had a small kitchen knife. I didn’t have a samurai sword like someone,” joke
s Dr. Vargas.

  “Always be ready,” I joke as I smile at Dr. Vargas.

  “I stabbed my kitchen knife in the head of a zombie, which is gross by the way, but the knife got stuck in the zombie’s skull,” says Dr. Vargas.

  “Then a strong brave man came in and rescued the very sexy doctor,” says Hector as he enters the medical room.

  I see Hector and greet him.

  Hector walks over to me and I shake his hand.

  I ask, “How are you Hector?”

  “Good, I am very good,” answers Hector as he looks at Dr. Vargas.

  Dr. Vargas smiles at Hector.

  I look at Hector.

  Hector looks at me and says, “I talked with Shaun, Phil, and Matt. We have some ideas for The Grove, but we need to get a solid plan together.”


  I’M IN

  “I hate to be that guy TJ, but how much longer do I have to be here. I have to get back home. Gabriella and George are probably worried about me,” says Ramano to TJ as they stand in the kitchen at Rich’s house.

  “We could have stopped by your house when we went back to base to get my jeep,” replies TJ.

  “I was taking a piss when you guys left,” responds Ramano.

  “I’ll talk with my pop about when he wants to get you back to base. I think he wants to be getting back shortly though,” answers TJ.

  TJ walks into Rich’s living room and he sees Alice talking with Rich.

  “Are you sure about that Alice?” asks Rich.

  “Yes. Al and his people are good people. I don’t know why they attacked TJ, but they were nothing but nice to me,” answers Alice.

  Rich looks at TJ as TJ sits next to Alice on the sofa.

  “What’s the plan pop?” asks TJ to Rich.

  “We have to help Colonel Meyers and his men with whatever they want. They will get what they want one way or another,” answers Rich.

  “What do they want exactly?” asks TJ.

  “I know they want to use a couple of our helicopters for a trip somewhere, and they are just about done with clearing out two large condo buildings and several homes right outside of MacDill on Bayshore Boulevard,” answers Rich.

  “I guess they plan on staying in Tampa Bay for a while,” responds TJ.

  Alice gets upset at the thought of the soldiers being in Tampa Bay and runs up the stairs to her childhood bedroom.

  TJ watches Alice run up the stairs and gets worried about Alice.

  “She’s fried… I’m worried that she will do something drastic,” says TJ as he looks at Rich.

  “Like what?” asks Rich.

  “Like go back to the casino to see Al,” answers TJ.

  “What happened at the casino son?” asks Rich.

  “It got crazy. Colonel Meyers’ team are trained killers. They destroyed the casino and killed tons of casino residents,” answers TJ.

  “Did they kill the chief?” asks Rich.

  “Yeah. I’m pretty sure he is dead, and Al is probably dead as well,” answers TJ.

  “That’s not good… If the Native Americans know that Chief Powell and his family are dead then it could be a major problem,” says Ramano as he walks into the living room.

  “Why? A zombie apocalypse isn’t a big enough problem?” asks TJ as he looks at Ramano and Rich.

  “Of course it is, but Chief Powell was loved and respected by tons of Native Americans. Not just the group that owns the casino. Every living Native American could try to get revenge on the people that killed Chief Powell and his son,” answers Rich.

  “Well, that’s fucking great. Another fucking problem around here,” says TJ.

  “It should be fine son. I’m sure the Native Americans are struggling just like the rest of the world,” says Rich.

  Janet and Odin enter Rich’s house through the sliding glass door at the back of Rich’s house.

  Odin runs over to TJ.

  “Sit,” commands TJ to Odin.

  Odin sits next to TJ and looks at Rich and Ramano.

  “Odin is pretty good. Was he a police dog?” asks Ramano.

  “Yeah, he was a narcotics dog, but he also had some training with explosives,” answers TJ.

  “That’s pretty rare. Most police dogs are just one or the other,” says Janet.

  “Well, Odin is not your ordinary police dog,” says TJ as TJ pets Odin behind his ears.

  “He seems pretty nice and chill though, not like the typical police dogs I have seen,” says Ramano.

  Janet walks upstairs.

  “Odin has calmed down a lot in his old age. He’s nine. He just turned nine actually,” says TJ.

  Rich looks at Ramano and says, “I need you to play ball with Colonel Meyers and Lieutenant General Swartz. Whatever they need… You give them.”

  “What do they need though?” asks Ramano to Rich.

  “I know they need your helicopter for something soon,” answers Rich.

  “No one flies my helo but me sir,” answers Ramano.

  “Then you will be flying it for them. Get some intel and see what they are up to,” says Rich.

  “I won’t let you down sir. I will learn what they are up to,” answers Ramano.

  “Just be safe about it though. Some of Colonel Meyers’ soldiers are loose cannons. They are looking for any reason to kill someone. Alive or dead,” says TJ.

  “Okay. I’m sure Swartz and Meyers are wondering where we are. We should be getting back,” says Rich to TJ and Ramano.

  “Are you coming with me son?” asks Rich to TJ.

  “We are going back to my house. I know Janet wants to check on her cats, and Alice doesn’t want to be around the soldiers,” answers TJ.

  “Okay. You be safe then son,” says Rich to TJ as Rich gives TJ a hug.

  Ramano jokingly says, “Ahhh. Where is a camera when you need one?”

  TJ laughs at Ramano’s joke.

  “Alice! Pop is leaving! Get your boney ass down here!” shouts TJ.

  “My ass isn’t boney!” shouts Alice from her bedroom on the second floor of Rich’s house.

  Alice walks down the stairs and meets Rich near Rich’s front door.

  Janet walks down the stairs behind Alice.

  “I’m leaving now, but I’m glad you are alive. TJ and I were worried about you. Please be safe. I will see you soon,” says Rich to Alice.

  TJ walks over to the living room windows.

  TJ looks out the living room windows and sees that the area outside of Rich’s house is quiet and clear of any danger.

  “It’s all clear outside,” says TJ.

  Rich and Ramano say goodbye to TJ, Odin, Alice, and Janet.

  “Can you take me to my house before going back to base sir?” asks Ramano to Rich.

  “Sure,” answers Rich.

  “I need to check on my wife and son,” says Ramano as Rich and Ramano get into Rich’s sedan.

  TJ, Janet, Alice, and Odin stand on Rich’s front porch and watch Rich and Ramano drive away from Rich’s house.

  “Now what do we do?” asks Alice.

  “Good question. What am I going to do with you?” asks TJ to Alice.

  “I’m not a baby. I can take care of myself,” replies Alice.

  “You are right, but I want to make sure you are somewhere safe,” says TJ.

  “I was somewhere safe,” replies Alice with a sarcastic tone.

  TJ glares at Alice.

  Alice says, “Sorry. You just bring the sarcasm and attitude out of me.”

  “No, you do that yourself. You get that from mom,” says TJ as he walks back into Rich’s house.

  Odin, Alice, and Janet walk back into Rich’s house and Janet locks Rich’s front door.

  “Have you shot a gun before?” asks Janet to Alice.

  “I have. I’m a pretty good shot actually. I just haven’t done it in a while,” answers Alice.

  “We have to get you a gun, and you need to keep it with you,” says TJ.

  “Yes sir,” jokes Alice.
  TJ remembers that there might be a gun in the house, and he quickly walks towards the stairs that lead to the second floor of Rich’s house.

  “Where are you going?” asks Janet to TJ.

  “I have to find something,” replies TJ as he quickly runs up the stairs.

  TJ goes into Rich’s bedroom and enters Rich’s large master bedroom walk-in closet.

  TJ sees an oversized purple shoe box and grabs it off the top shelf of the closet organizer.

  TJ puts the purple shoe box on Rich’s bed and removes the lid.

  There is a black box inside the purple shoe box.

  TJ grabs the black box and puts it on Rich’s bed.

  TJ unclips the latches on the outside of the black box and lifts the lid of the black box.

  “I knew you had this mom,” says TJ as he looks at what is inside the black box.

  TJ closes the black box lid, clips the latches back closed, and takes the black box downstairs with him.

  “So, what’s the plan TJ?” asks Janet as TJ walks down the stairs and into the living room where Janet and Alice are sitting.

  “I want to go talk with Ryan and see what is going on with them. I kind of feel bad how I was towards Ryan,” answers TJ.

  “You were kind of a dick to him,” replies Janet.

  Alice giggles at Janet’s reply.

  TJ glares at Alice and asks, “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. I just like how Janet is with you. She doesn’t put up with your bullshit and calls you out on it. I like her,” answers Alice.

  Janet smiles at Alice.

  “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get moving,” says TJ.

  “What’s in the box?” asks Janet as she looks at the black box TJ is holding.

  TJ walks over to Alice and says, “I think you can use this now.”

  Alice looks at the black box and isn’t sure what is in the box.

  “A pair of shoes?” asks Alice.

  TJ puts the black box on the wooden living room table, unclips the latches on the black box, and lifts the lid of the black box.

  Alice looks at the contents of the black box and sees a pair of handguns.

  Alice and Janet look at the handguns.

  Janet checks out the handguns and says, “Very nice.”

  Alice doesn’t know what to say.

  “Do you think I really need those?” asks Alice.


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