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Fight 4 Us (Book 9): Settlement

Page 16

by Grenda, Brian

  “Shut up guys,” says Jon with a smile on his face as he closes the electric car’s passenger side car door.

  “Just keep my man safe!” shouts Kelly from inside the electric car.

  “Will do. See you later Kel,” I say to Kelly.

  Jon walks over to us.

  “Just waiting on Brody and Bobby G now,” says Phil.

  “Let’s load up the vehicles. We can take Bobby G in our truck. Brody can ride with you Shaun,” I say to Jon, Shaun, Phil, Matt, and Lauren.

  “Sounds good,” replies Shaun.

  Matt, Jon, and Shaun walk back to Shaun’s house.

  I grab Lauren’s bag and put it in the back of Phil’s electric truck.

  Brody comes walking down the sidewalk towards Bobby G’s house.

  Shaun sees Brody walking and shouts, “You are with us Brody!”

  Brody runs over to Shaun’s electric truck.

  Bobby G comes out of his house and walks over to Phil’s electric truck.

  “What took you so long?” I ask Bobby G.

  “I had to wash up. I had engine grease on my hands,” answers Bobby G.

  I grab Bobby G’s bag and place it in the back of the electric truck next to Lauren’s bag.

  Lauren, Bobby G, and Phil get into Phil’s electric truck.

  Phil starts up his electric truck.

  I get into the passenger seat of Phil’s electric truck and Phil exits our neighborhood.

  Shaun looks at Brody and asks, “What do you have in your bag?”

  “What you guys told me to bring. My weapons and supplies,” answers Brody.

  “He’s messing with ya,” says Jon to Brody.

  Matt, Jon, Brody, and Shaun get in Shaun’s electric truck.

  Shaun starts up his electric truck.

  “Everyone got everything?” asks Shaun.

  Everyone answers yes to Shaun’s question.

  “You gotta go to the bathroom Brody?” jokes Shaun.

  “I might, should I go now?” asks Brody.

  “You’ll be fine. It’s like a twenty-minute drive to the Haven from here,” answers Shaun.

  Shaun drives down the street and exits Citrus Oaks.

  “I’m worried about Matt. I think he might be cracking,” says Phil to me while Phil drives down the road.

  “I’m worried about him also. The stuff Matt was saying in my driveway makes me wonder if he will make it in this new world,” I reply to Phil.

  “What was he saying?” asks Lauren.

  “Basically, he’s worried and that he misses his old life,” I answer Lauren.

  “I miss parts of my old life too. I miss my kickboxing class, going tanning, going to the movies, my television shows, the internet, and tacos,” says Lauren.

  “We all do. It’s normal to miss those things, but Matt sounded like he could be looking for a way out,” I say as Phil continues to drive down an empty street.

  “He better not be. Kylie and his baby need him. He needs to realize that,” says Phil.

  “He has to make that decision for himself though. We can’t make him want to stay alive,” I say as I look out the passenger side door window of Phil’s electric truck.

  “I wonder what Kylie says?” asks Lauren.

  “You should talk with her and see what is going on with her and Matt,” I answer Lauren.

  “I will when we get back. I hope she is doing okay with the pregnancy,” replies Lauren.

  Phil pulls up to the Haven front entrance.

  The Haven guards direct us to park in the parking lot at the side of the Haven main entrance.

  Shaun pulls into the Haven parking lot behind us and parks in the parking spot next to Phil.

  “Damn, I saw you flying down the road back there,” says Phil to Shaun.

  “I had to catch up to you guys,” replies Shaun.

  Brody gets his bag out of the back of Shaun’s electric truck and takes in the sights and sounds of the Haven.

  I see Brody looking at a group of teenagers playing basketball on the outdoor court next to the parking lot.

  “You coming Brody?” I ask Brody.

  Brody turns towards me and quickly walks in my direction.

  “Sorry sir, I just got distracted for a second. I haven’t been here in a while,” answers Brody.

  I walk through the door that takes us towards the central courtyard of the Haven property.

  “When was the last time you were here Brody?” I ask Brody.

  Brody, who is walking along side of me, answers, “Ya know. I don’t really know, but it feels like forever.”

  Brody and I enter the central courtyard and Haven residents are everywhere.

  Brody sees a couple friends of his and he goes to talk with them.

  “We’ll see you later Brody,” I say to Brody.

  Brody walks over to his friends and one of his friends says, “Hey Brody. You know Ryan?”

  Brody smiles and answers, “Yeah, he’s a good friend of mine.”

  The boy that Brody is talking with replies, “That’s so cool. I heard he killed Joseph.”

  Brody replies to his friend, “We don’t like talking about that, but he definitely did.”

  I make my way over to Shaun, Phil, Matt, Bobby G, and Jon.

  I see Lauren talking with Li near a gazebo in the center of the Haven courtyard.

  Phil is talking with Hector.

  “What do you got for us Hector?” asks Phil.

  “Well, hello to you too,” answers Hector.

  I make eye contact with Hector and say, “Don’t mind him Hector. Phil’s just really excited to hear what you have to say about The Grove.”

  “Well, The Grove is definitely under new management. I saw Jacob and DK execute several people in the parking lot. They made a big spectacle out of it too,” says Hector.

  “You couldn’t get a shot off?” asks Phil.

  “We couldn’t without giving our position away,” answers Hector.

  William, Bruce, and Jeremy walk over to Hector, Phil, Bobby G, Jon, Shaun, Matt, and me.

  “Welcome gentlemen. No greeting for me today?” asks William.

  Bobby G shakes William’s hand and says hello.

  “Hello Robert, how are you today?” asks William to Bobby G.

  I shake William’s hand and reply, “We didn’t see you before we saw Hector. We meant no disrespect, we thought you would be busy running this place.”

  “This place, our home here runs itself actually. Our residents understand what we are doing here. I am merely a figurehead for this place. The real decisions get done by everyone here,” replies William.

  I say hello to Bruce and Jeremy.

  Hector looks at William and asks, “Can we go into a classroom to talk about The Grove?”

  “Of course, Hector. Let’s go in to the first empty classroom we can find,” answers William.

  Bruce looks at me and asks, “Can we take your bags?”

  “No thanks Bruce. We will show you guys what we got in the bags for The Grove,” I answer Bruce.

  William, Bruce, and Jeremy lead the way down the hallway towards the classrooms.

  Hector and I follow William, Bruce, and Jeremy.

  “Can I get something to eat first?” asks Shaun.

  “You are always hungry bro,” replies Phil.

  “I really am. I gotta feed the beast,” replies Shaun.

  I turn around and say to Shaun, “Let’s go over the plan for The Grove and then we all can eat.”

  William, Jeremy, Bruce, Hector, Shaun, Jon, Matt, Phil, Bobby G, and I go into a large empty classroom.

  Hector puts a map of the streets around The Grove on a large desk at the front of the classroom.

  Hector points at the map and says, “Enrique and I made a map of the area around The Grove. Jacob and DK definitely have a new setup outside The Grove. It’s not going to be easy to just get inside there now.”

  Hector, William, Bruce, Shaun, Phil, Bobby G, and I plan our attack on The Grove.

  I notice that Jon and Matt aren’t really involved with the plan and I call them over.

  “Matt and Jon get over here. We can use your input,” I say to them.

  Jon walks over to me and Matt slowly stands up from the chair he was sitting in.

  Phil sees Matt’s lackadaisical attitude and starts to get pissed.

  Phil looks at Matt and shouts, “Dude! Come on! Get involved with this or don’t!”

  Matt replies, “I heard you guys. The plan sounds good, but I don’t know what you want me to do during the attack.”

  I put my hand on Matt’s left upper trapezius muscle and gently squeeze it.

  “That’s why I called you over. We will need all hands on deck with this plan,” I say to Matt.

  Jon gives some advice about the plan and what part he would like to be involved with.

  “I know where I can get a trash truck,” says Shaun.

  I ask Shaun, “Where did you park that trash truck we got before?”

  “It is somewhere safe. I still have the keys to that truck actually,” answers Shaun.

  “Good, I think we are set then. Any questions?” I ask to everyone that is standing in the classroom.

  “I have a question,” answers Shaun.

  William looks at Shaun.

  “Can we eat now?” asks Shaun.

  “I knew that was coming,” says Phil.

  I look at everyone and ask, “Seriously though, is everyone okay with the plan and their part?”

  I feel that everyone is good to go for the plan tomorrow, except for Matt.

  I look at Matt and ask, “How about you Matt?”

  “I guess I’ll be okay with it,” answers Matt.

  Phil looks at Matt and assertively asks, “You guess? What’s the problem Matt?”

  Matt doesn’t know what to say.

  Phil is livid, and his voice is filled with anger as he says, “I need to know that you are on board with this Matt. Our lives depend on you. If you don’t feel okay with this then drop the fuck out.”

  William looks at Bobby G with a concerned look.

  We all look at Phil and Matt and wait for Matt’s response to Phil’s tirade.

  I look at Matt and say, “Phil has a good point Matt. If you don’t think you can do it, then we will find someone else.”

  Matt doesn’t say anything, and he looks down at the classroom floor.

  The silence by Matt makes Phil angrier.

  “We have known each other for like twenty years or longer Matt! What’s the fucking problem? If you can’t talk to us, then who can you talk to?” shouts Phil.

  I can see that Matt wants to say something, but he is struggling to let it out.

  Phil steps closer to Matt.

  Phil is about to say something to Matt, when Matt shouts, “I’m afraid, okay! I don’t want to die out there! I don’t want to let you guys down! I don’t want to make Kylie a widow!”

  Phil looks Matt in his tear-filled eyes.

  I look at Matt and say, “That’s okay Matt. We are all afraid. But together we can do anything, and we will survive.”

  Phil steps closer to Matt.

  Matt looks Phil in his eyes.

  “Dude, it’s okay to be afraid. It’s normal to be afraid right now. It’s a fucking zombie apocalypse,” says Phil.

  Bobby G laughs at Phil’s statement.

  We all look at Bobby G.

  “Sorry,” says Bobby G.

  “No, that is good. Letting it all out is good,” says William.

  “It’s okay Matt. Don’t feel bad for being afraid man. We got your back,” says Shaun to Matt.

  “I know, but you guys are ballbreakers, and I don’t want you to make fun of me,” replies Matt.

  “Too late bro. I have been making fun of you for like twenty-five years now,” jokes Shaun to Matt.

  “It’s what we do man,” says Jon.

  “But honestly, can you handle the plan for tomorrow?” I ask Matt.

  Matt gathers his thoughts and emotions and confidently answers, “Yes, I can handle it. I won’t let you guys down.”

  “Good, because we can’t have you second guessing yourself and not being ready tomorrow,” says Phil to Matt.

  “Alright I need some food after all this,” says Shaun.

  “That’s a good idea,” I say to Shaun.

  “I’ll show you guys to our cafeteria,” says Jeremy.

  Jeremy, Shaun, and Jon leave the classroom.

  I look at William and ask, “You sure you want to bring Jeremy with you tomorrow?”

  “Yes, I believe he is ready. Plus, Bruce and I will be right alongside him,” answers William.



  “You okay with this today?” I ask Matt as he and I stand in Bobby G’s driveway.

  “Yeah man. I really am,” answers Matt.

  “I know what you are feeling. I really do,” I say to Matt.

  “Thanks Ry, I appreciate the support,” replies Matt.

  “I have been torn with my view of the world since we left the cabin in Tennessee,” I say to Matt.

  “What do you mean?” asks Matt.

  “I am a doctor and live by the simple ethical principle of Do No Harm. It’s from the Hippocratic Oath that all medical professionals take when they are in medical school,” I answer Matt.

  Matt nods his head in agreement with my answer.

  “I have never killed anyone before. I can’t even remember the last time I was in an actual fight,” I say to Matt.

  “Remember that time in high school when our high school basketball team qualified for the state tournament? It got crazy at our rival high school when we won,” says Matt with a big smile on his face.

  I smile and reply to Matt, “Yeah the fans from our rival high school started fighting us. I kicked that guy right in the nuts when he was about to punch Shaun.”

  Matt replies, “That was awesome.”

  “Yeah, it really was,” I reply to Matt.

  “But your do no harm oath doesn’t pertain to everyday life man. You can’t bring that idea outside of your medical practice. Especially the way the world is now,” says Matt.

  “You are exactly right. I have felt a ton of emotions since the world fell apart, and I have had my breakdowns for sure. But you guys, Lauren, and Bobby G have really helped me through all of them,” I reply to Matt.

  Matt gives me a hug.

  “I love you brother. I hope you know that,” says Matt to me.

  “I know, and I love you too,” I reply to Matt.

  “Jesus! What the fuck!” shouts Shaun as he walks over to Matt and me.

  Matt and I break from our hug.

  “Enough with the sentimental shit guys. We got a big day ahead of us,” says Shaun.

  “Shut the fuck up Shaun. There is no need to be an asshole all the time bro,” says Matt.

  I am shocked at Matt’s response to Shaun and just look at Shaun and Matt.

  Shaun steps towards Matt, smirks, and says, “I love ya bro, and I’m glad to see you are ready for today.”

  “Yeah, we definitely are,” I say to Shaun.

  Phil, Jon, Bobby G, and Lauren meet Shaun, Matt, and me in Bobby G’s driveway.

  Phil looks at me and says, “I haven’t spoken to TJ or Janet in a couple days now.”

  “That’s okay. We can still go forward without them,” I reply to Phil.

  Shaun asks, “You sure Ry?”

  I look at Shaun and answer, “The plan is fine without them. We have enough people for The Grove without TJ and Janet.”

  “I agree, but I just hope TJ is okay,” says Phil.

  I look at the guys and Bobby G and say, “We all know the plan. Let’s just stick to the plan and do what we have to do to survive. I see you all have your gear on and are ready to go. Do not put yourself in any risky situations today. Killing Jacob isn’t worth losing your own life.”

  I look at everyone in the group and see that Lauren is getting
emotional as she stands behind Bobby G.

  “We all know the plan, now let’s get going,” I say to the guys.

  The guys get to their vehicles, and I walk over to Lauren.

  “I don’t want you to go,” says Lauren to me.

  “Part of me doesn’t want to go either, but this is our best chance to get rid of Jacob,” I reply to Lauren.

  “But what if…” says Lauren.

  I interrupt her and say, “I won’t. I have my body armor on and our plan is solid.”

  Shaun exits from Citrus Oaks in a garbage truck.

  Phil follows behind him in his black SUV that has the plow attached to the front of it.

  I look Lauren in her brown eyes and say, “I need you to watch this place sweetie. Keep an eye on Brody at the main entrance and everyone around here.”

  “I will. I know Jerri-Lynn and her group are coming here to help us also,” replies Lauren.

  “Good, and I want to see what Li taught you when I get back,” I say to Lauren.

  Lauren nods her head and a tear falls down Lauren’s left cheek.

  “I need you to be strong sweetie. I will see you in a couple hours,” I say to Lauren as I wipe the tear off Lauren’s left cheek.

  “I love you,” says Lauren as she looks into my green eyes.

  I look deeper into Lauren’s brown eyes and reply, “I love you too. Forever and always.”

  “Always and forever,” replies Lauren.

  I kiss Lauren goodbye and get into the passenger seat of the car that Matt, Jon, and Bobby G are already in.

  Jon drives towards our main entrance, and I tell him to beep his horn.


  Lauren waves goodbye to us as Jon drives past Bobby G’s house and exits through our main entrance of Citrus Oaks.

  “You okay Ry?” asks Jon.

  I answer, “Yeah, I just hate seeing Lauren cry like that.”

  “I know, it was sad saying goodbye to Kylie this morning,” says Matt.

  “Kelly was surprisingly happy to see me leave,” jokes Jon.

  We all laugh at Jon’s joke, and it’s a nice tension breaker.

  The guys and I usually find a way to sneak a joke into tense situations and it’s definitely needed today.

  “We still going to meet Hector and Enrique?” asks Jon as he drives down the street.

  “Yeah, we will meet them as planned,” I answer Jon as Jon drives by a group of zombies who are aimlessly walking along the side of the street.


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