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Fight 4 Us (Book 9): Settlement

Page 20

by Grenda, Brian

  I reply, “Besides getting Kat, it really wasn’t a success. Jacob and DK got away, several of the Warriors died, and I’ll never forget that guy James getting blown apart. It was terrible.”

  I stand up from my recliner chair and walk towards my master bathroom.

  Lauren grabs my forearm and I stop walking.

  Lauren looks me in my eyes and says, “I’m just glad that you are alive honey. I was so worried about you. I’m just happy you didn’t get injured or…”

  I interrupt Lauren, “Don’t say it. Don’t ever say it. If it’s my time to go then it’s my time. I don’t want you ever to worry about that.”

  “I know. I know. Keep things positive and don’t put negative things out into the universe,” says Lauren.

  “It’s just unnecessary to worry like that. Everything that is alive will die at some point. There is no sense in putting extra worry about me dying sweetie,” I say to Lauren.

  “I just worry about you is all,” replies Lauren.

  I reply to Lauren, “I know, and I’m glad that you tell me what bothers you.”

  I kiss Lauren.

  I look into Lauren’s eyes and say, “I think we should be able to avoid unnecessary trips for a while. The guys and I want to take care of this place and expand if possible.”

  Lauren asks, “What about Jacob and DK?”

  I answer Lauren, “I’ll let the universe worry about them. I got enough to worry about around here.”

  I walk into my master bathroom.

  I take off my shirt and see the large bruise on my left pectoral muscle from where I was shot by the Conqueror from our recent trip to The Grove.

  I remember the bullet hitting my body armor chest plate as I run my right index finger along the bruise.

  I look into my master bathroom mirror and focus on the large bruise on my chest and the four tattoos that I have on my pectoral muscles.

  On my right pectoral muscle, I have the Chinese symbols of the word karma and on my left pectoral muscle I have the Chinese symbols of the word family.

  I look at the Chinese symbols that are tattooed on my left pectoral muscle and whisper, “Family.”

  I turn on my master bathroom shower and enjoy a nice warm shower.

  It’s the next morning.

  I look at the alarm clock that sits on our dresser and it reads, “10:01 AM.”

  I think to myself, “Man I slept in this morning.”

  I get up for the morning and go into my man cave to complete my routine of meditation, stretches, and exercises.

  I perform my stretches and exercises first and then meditate.

  As I try to relax and work on controlling my breathing, I find it hard to completely relax.

  I take a deep breath and try to clear my mind.

  I inhale and exhale another breath of air.

  I keep my eyes closed and try to clear my mind.

  I start to relax, but suddenly I get an overwhelming sense that someone is hurt.

  As I sit with my eyes closed on my black yoga mat in the center of my man cave, I keep having this strong feeling that someone I love is injured.

  It’s a weird overwhelming feeling that I’m experiencing.

  With my eyes still closed, I see Bobby G in his old SUV driving down a street. His SUV breaks down and he drives his old SUV onto the grass next to the street.

  There are woods on each side of the street that Bobby G’s SUV just broke down on.

  A car approaches Bobby G’s SUV as Bobby G is under the hood of his SUV and working on the engine.

  The car drives by Bobby G’s SUV and stops in the middle of the street.

  Three people get out of the car that stopped in the middle of the street.

  Bobby G turns around, looks at the car that is parked in the middle of the street, and sees the three men approaching him.

  Bobby G grabs his handgun from his hip holster and shoots one of the men.


  The other two men are still coming towards Bobby G.


  One of the men shoots at Bobby G and Bobby G is hit by the bullet in his left thigh.


  Bobby G screams in pain, drops his handgun, and grabs his left thigh.

  Bobby G falls backwards and hits his low back on the front grill of his old SUV.

  “Please, don’t kill me. My son needs me,” pleads Bobby G to the two men.

  The two men smile as they stand over Bobby G.

  Bobby G recognizes one of the men.

  It’s Chris.

  “Why are you doing this Chris?” asks Bobby G.

  “Because your son deserves this. He deserves to suffer,” says Chris as he bends down towards Bobby G.

  Chris stabs Bobby G in the left side of his abdomen as Bobby G is sitting up against the front grill of his old SUV.


  Bobby G screams in pain.

  Bobby G is bleeding from the stab wound in his abdomen and the bullet wound in his left thigh.

  “If he can’t suffer, then you can suffer for him,” says Chris to Bobby G.

  Two zombies stagger onto the street, from the woods on the opposite side of the street where Bobby G is, and attack the Conqueror that is standing behind Chris.

  The Conqueror is bit on his right arm by one of the zombies that just came out of the woods.



  The Conqueror kills the two zombies and then collapses onto the pavement.

  “Help me Chris,” pleads the Conqueror to Chris.

  Chris turns towards the Conqueror and thinks about what to do.

  Bobby G sees his handgun laying on the street close to his right thigh.

  Bobby G reaches for his handgun.

  Chris puts away his knife and grabs his handgun.

  “You shouldn’t have been careless,” says Chris to the Conqueror that just got bit by the zombie.


  Chris shoots the Conqueror in his head.

  Bobby G grabs his handgun and points it at Chris.

  Chris puts his left hand up towards Bobby G.

  “Wait!” shouts Chris.



  Bobby G fires off two shots at Chris.

  The bullets from Bobby G’s handgun fly through the palm of Chris’ left hand, and then hit Chris’ left cheek bone and left ear.

  Chris kicks Bobby G’s handgun out of Bobby G’s right hand, and Bobby G’s handgun falls into the tall grass that is next to the street.

  Chris looks at his left hand and he can’t believe what he sees.

  Chris has a large hole in the palm of his left hand.

  Chris faints and falls onto the body of the dead Conqueror he just shot.

  I awake out of my meditative state.

  I check my left thigh and left abdomen and they are both okay. I feel some slight relief that I don’t have any wounds on my thigh or abdomen, but I can’t believe what I just saw during my meditation.

  I feel a strong impulse to check on Bobby G.

  I put on a pair of sneakers and exit my house.

  I quickly walk over to Bobby G’s driveway.

  Bobby G’s garage door is open, and his old SUV is gone.

  “Your dad took his SUV out for a test drive this morning!” shouts Shaun from his front lawn.

  “Did he go alone?” I ask Shaun.

  Shaun throws a handful of lawn seed down onto his front lawn and answers, “Yeah, I think so! I didn’t see anyone else with him!”

  I run back into my house and grab my car keys from the kitchen counter.

  I start up my car, reverse out of my driveway, and speed towards our main entrance.

  I arrive at the main entrance gate and ask Brody, “Did my father leave this morning?”

  “Yeah, he left about thirty minutes ago,” answers Brody.

  “Where did he go?” I ask Brody.

  Brody answers, “I don’t know. He didn’t say where he was going. He just wanted to test dri
ve his SUV he said.”

  “Open the gate!” I shout.

  “Is everything okay sir?” asks Brody.

  “Either get in or get out of my way, just open the fucking gate!” I shout.

  Brody opens the passenger door of my car and gets in.

  The guards open the main gate and I speed through the main entrance.

  “Which way did he go?” I ask Brody.

  “He went left I believe,” answers Brody.

  I make a left-hand turn and speed down the street.

  “Did you hear gunshots this morning?” I ask Brody.

  “I heard a couple, yeah. Why sir?” asks Brody.

  As I speed down the street, I see a body lying face down in the middle of the street.

  The body is slowly crawling towards my direction in the middle of the street.

  I park my car and run over to the body.

  As I run towards the body that is crawling in the middle of the street, I see Bobby G’s old SUV, two dead bodies near Bobby G’s SUV, a dead zombie and a knife lying in the street next to the dead zombie.

  “Oh my god!” I shout as I identify who is lying in the middle of the street.

  Brody runs over to me.

  “Is that your father’s SUV?” asks Brody as he sees the SUV parked on the side of the street.

  I slowly turn the body of the person that is lying face down in the middle of the street.

  Brody looks down at the body and is speechless.

  Bobby G is the person lying in the street.

  I see that Bobby G is bleeding from his left thigh and his abdomen.

  “Get the car Brody!” I shout.

  Brody runs back to my car.

  “Stay with me dad! Come on! You can’t die like this!” I shout as I examine Bobby G’s body.

  I try to feel for a pulse on Bobby G’s left carotid artery and I feel a weak pulse.

  Tears start to fill both of my eyes.

  I just stare at the body of my dying father.

  Bobby G coughs up some blood.

  “Come on dad! Stay with me!” I shout.

  Brody drives my car over to me and Bobby G.

  Brody opens the back-passenger side door and then comes over to me and Bobby G.

  I pick Bobby G up and Bobby G moans in pain.


  Brody helps me put Bobby G into the backseat of my car.

  I get into the backseat of my car and tell Brody to take me to the medical house back home.

  Brody closes my car doors and drives back to Citrus Oaks.

  “I’m not going to make it son,” says Bobby G to me as he has his head resting on my left thigh.

  I reply, “Don’t say that. Just hang in their dad.”

  Brody speeds through the main entrance of Citrus Oaks and drives to the medical house.

  Brody helps me get Bobby G into the medical house and onto our medical table.

  “Get some gloves, a surgical kit, and some towels,” I say to Brody.

  Shaun, Phil, Jon, and Matt enter the medical house.

  “What happened?” asks Phil.

  “I don’t know. I found him like this,” I answer Phil.

  I check Bobby G’s gunshot wound on his left thigh and I put pressure on his gunshot wound.

  “Who did this?” asks Shaun.

  “I don’t know,” I answer Shaun.

  Bobby G is struggling to breathe and is bleeding out from his wounds.

  Bobby G tries to say something.

  “What is it Bob?” asks Jon.

  Bobby G gathers his breath and answers, “It was Chris. Chris did this to me.”

  I tell Brody to put gloves on and to keep pressure on Bobby G’s gunshot wound.

  Brody puts a pair of gloves on and puts pressure on Bobby G’s left thigh.

  “It’s no use son, save the supplies for someone else,” says Bobby G to me with a low tone of voice.

  “Hang in their Bob. You can make it,” says Matt.

  “No, I can’t,” says Bobby G to me.

  Bobby G lifts up his shirt and I see a stab wound on the left side of his abdomen but also a zombie bite on the right side of his abdomen.

  As soon as I see the zombie bite on Bobby G’s abdomen, I feel a great sense of loss.

  I tell Brody to stop putting pressure on Bobby G’s gunshot wound.

  Brody asks, “Why sir?”

  I look down at Bobby G’s abdomen and Brody sees the zombie bite on Bobby G’s abdomen.

  “I’m sorry sir,” says Brody to me.

  Brody removes his hands from Bobby G’s left thigh.

  “It’s okay son, really it is. It’s my time,” says Bobby G to me.

  I don’t know what to say or what to do as I have no solution on how to save my father.

  No one in the room knows what to say.

  The room is filled with sadness and sorrow.

  I look at Bobby G and ask, “How did this happen?”

  Bobby G gathers his breath and answers, “I took my SUV out for a test drive... I thought we had fixed it... It broke down, and I tried to get it running again.”

  “Chris did this to you?” asks Phil to Bobby G.

  Bobby G slightly nods his head at Phil.

  Bobby G turns very pale and his hands turn very cold.

  “I killed one of his men and I wounded Chris pretty bad,” says Bobby G.

  “Where did Chris come from?” asks Shaun.

  “I don’t know, but he has to be close... He was bleeding pretty bad from his hand, face, and ear the last time I saw him,” answers Bobby G.

  “We will make him pay for this Bob,” says Shaun.

  I stand at the side of the medical table that Bobby G is on.

  “Tell Lauren that I love her very much… And that I want her to keep you in line,” says Bobby G to me.

  I nod my head and reply, “I will.”

  Bobby G looks at Phil, Shaun, Matt, and Jon and says, “I love you guys, all of you… Well maybe not you Shaun.”

  Shaun and the guys give a little laugh at Bobby G’s joke.

  “We love you too Bob. You are the father we never wanted,” jokes Shaun.

  Bobby G laughs at Shaun’s joke and then coughs.

  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry as I look down at Bobby G.

  I’m feeling a ton of different emotions but the sadness of knowing that Bobby G is dying takes over.

  Bobby G looks at me and says, “But son… I don’t want you to feel responsible for this... It’s not your fault... I love you and I will always be by your side... I will help guide you and protect you.”

  A tear falls from my left eye as I look down at Bobby G.

  I reply to Bobby G, “I know dad… I love you, but... I’m not ready for you to go... Not now and not like this.”

  Bobby G struggles to catch his breath.

  I grab Bobby G’s left hand.

  As I hold Bobby G’s left hand, I feel the strength and the blood leave from his hand.

  Bobby G takes one last breath of air, his eyes close, and then his head falls towards his chest.

  I just stare at Bobby G’s lifeless body.

  I turn to my left and look at Shaun, Matt, Jon, and Phil.

  “We’re sorry Ry,” says Phil.

  I look down at Bobby G.

  “I can’t believe he’s gone... I can’t believe my father is actually gone,” I say as I look down, with tears in my eyes, at Bobby G’s dead body.





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