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CEO's Guide to Restoring the American Dream

Page 24

by Dave Chase

  60“People Love Their Health Benefits. But Do They Understand Them?” Collective Health (2016),


  62Fred Dews, “Brookings Data Now: 75 Percent of 2025 Workforce Will Be Millennials,” accessed July 4, 2016,; Alastair Mitchell, “The Rise of the Millennial Workforce,” Wired, accessed May 25, 2017,

  63“The Price of Excess* Identifying Waste in Healthcare Spending,” PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute, accessed January 22, 2017,

  64“US Health Care Spending: Who Pays?” California Health Care Foundation.

  65Robert Kocher, M.D., and Nikhil R. Sahni, B.S., “Rethinking Health Care Labor” The New England Journal of Medicine (2011): 365, accessed July 4, 2016, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1109649


  67David Dayen, “The Hidden Monopolies That Raise Drug Prices,” The American Prospect Longform, accessed May 17, 2017,; Thomas A. Hemphill, “THE “TROUBLES” WITH PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGERS,” CATO Institute, accessed June 1, 2017,

  68Tim Thomas, “Your PBM Adds Drugs Like Duexis to Your Formulary; Why Should You Have to Pay?” Crystal Clear Rx, accessed March 2, 2017,

  69Mark Flores, “United HealthCare Administered ERISA Plan Sued for Embezzlement in Medical Claims Overpayment Offset Dispute,” AVYM, accessed July 4, 2016,

  70Tara Parker-Pope “How Doctors and Patients Do Harm” New York Times Well (April 20, 2012),

  71Jamie Ducharme, “Misdiagnosing Cancer is More Common Than We Think” Boston Wellness (January 31, 2013),

  72Dr. Alan Greene, “Jumping out of a Plane More Than 47 Times Safer Than Checking into a Hospital. Unless…” Dr. Greene’s Blog (July 27, 2011),

  73“Top Industries,”, accessed, July 4, 2017,

  74“Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade,”

  75“Hospital Compare,”, accessed July 4 2016,

  76“HR Consulting in the US: Market Research Report,” IBISWorld, accessed June 3, 2017,

  77Michael Dendy, “The OPEC of Healthcare,” LinkedIn, accessed July 4, 2016,

  78Rod Dunlap, “Robotic Process Automation: A Better Way to Boost Auto-Adjudication Rates,” hfma, accessed July 4, 2016, . The number cited here is 80%, but multiple industry insiders have told me it’s more like 90+% in private conversations.

  79Private discussions with other industry executives and experts not for attribution.

  80“FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE IN SOCIAL SERVICES: Identifying and Overcoming this Modern-Day Epidemic,” Accenture Consulting.

  81Noah Rayman, “The World’s Top 5 Cybercrime Hotspots,” Time (August 7, 2014), accessed July 4, 2016,

  82Fahmida Y. Rashid, “Why Hackers Want Your Health Care Data Most of All,” InfoWorld (September 14, 2015), accessed July 4, 2016,

  83The Nilson Report (October 2016): 1096, accessed January 17, 2017, ; John S. Kiernan, “Credit Card & Debit Card Fraud Statistics,” WalletHub, accessed March 2, 2017,

  84Private discussions with other industry executives and experts not for attribution.

  85Karen Pollitz, “Workplace Wellness Programs Characteristics and Requirements,” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, accessed July 4, 2016,; Erika Fry, “Corporate Wellness Programs: Healthy or Hokey?” Fortune Health (March 15, 2017),

  86Vince Kuraitis, “A Founding Father of DM Astonishingly Declares: ‘My Kid is Ugly,’” e-CareManagement Blog,

  87Michael P. O’Donnell, “My Last Lecture,” American Journal of Health Promotion (2016): 30, accessed January 3, 2017, doi: 10.1177/0890117116671802

  88L.V. Anderson, “Workplace Wellness Programs Are a Sham,” Slate, accessed November 5, 2016, Note the 13,000 shares on Facebook alone.

  89“About the USPSTF,” U.S. Preventive Services, accessed March 2, 2017,

  90“Health Checkups: When you need them—and when you don’t,” Choosing Wisely, accessed July 4, 2016,

  91Al Lewis, “The 401W: A Wellness Program Even Al Lewis Could Love,” The Health Care Blog (April 17, 2017),

  92Al Lewis, “A Wellness Program Everyone Can Love,” Insurance Thought Leadership, accessed May 17, 2017,

  93Erika Fry, “Corporate Wellness Programs: Healthy or Hokey?”

  94Andie Burjek, “Health Literacy Empowers Employees to Make Better Decisions,” Workforce (February 7, 2017),

  95“IOM Report: Estimated $750B Wasted Annually in Health Care System,” Kaiser Health News, accessed July 4, 2016,; “The Price of Excess* Identifying Waste in Healthcare Spending,” PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute

  96Wallace, Jean E. et al., “Physician Wellness: A Missing Quality Indicator,” The Lancet 374: 9702, accessed July 4, 2016,

  97Charles Kenney, “Better, Faster, More Affordable,” Seattle Business, accessed July 4, 2016,

  98Gina Kolata, “Why ‘Useless’ Surgery Is Still Popular,” The New York Times.

  99The 67 percent number cited here is from a transparent broker based on his own experience. It’s consistent with what I’ve encountered from many others.

  100“Employer Health Benefits,” The Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research & Educational Trust, accessed July 4, 2016,; This represents the average premium inflation rate from 2000-2009 based on the figures provided in the Kaiser/HRET 2009 Employer Health Benefits Annual Survey.

  101Gina Kolata, “Why ‘Useless’ Surgery Is Still Popular,” The New York Times.

  102“The $272 billion swindle,” The Economist, accessed July 4, 2016, https://www.econom

  103 “IOM Report: Estimated $750B Wasted Annually in Health Care System,” Kaiser Health News

  104“DOL Files Suit Against Macy’s for Alleged Health and Welfare Plan Violations,” accessed October 1, 2017,

  105“The $272 billion swindle,” The Economist

  106Cutter, Chip. “The opioid crisis is creating a fresh hell for America’s employers,” accessed August 4, 2017,

  107Monnat, Shannon. Deaths of Despair and Support for Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election. The Pennsylvania University Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education Research Brief, 2016. Accessed July 4, 2017.

  108Alex Hollingsworth, Christopher J. Ruhm, and Kosali Simon, “Macroeconomic Conditions and Opioid Abuse,” The National Bureau of Economic Research, accessed July 4, 2017,

  109“Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2016,” accessed October 24, 2017,

  110Vickie Connor, “Patients With Mental Disorders Get Half Of All Opioid Prescriptions,” accessed July 4, 2017,

  111Andrew Kolodny, David T. Courtwright, Catherine S. Hwang, Peter Kreiner, John L. Eadie, Thomas W. Clark, and G. Caleb Alexander, “The Prescription Opioid and Heroin Crisis: A Public Health Approach to an Epidemic of Addiction,” Annual Review of Public Health 36 (2015): 559, accessed July 4, 2017, doi:10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031914-122957

  112Thomas R. Frieden, M.D., M.P.H., and Debra Houry, M.D., M.P.H. “Reducing the Risks of Relief — The CDC Opioid-Prescribing Guideline,” New England Journal of Medicine 374 (2016): 1501-1504, accessed July 4, 2017, doi: 10.1056/NEJMp1515917

  113Roger Chou, MD; Judith A. Turner, PhD; Emily B. Devine, PharmD, PhD, MBA; Ryan N. Hansen, PharmD, PhD; Sean D. Sullivan, PhD; Ian Blazina, MPH; Tracy Dana, MLS; Christina Bougatsos, MPH; Richard A. Deyo, MD, MPH. “The Effectiveness and Risks of Long-Term Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review for a National Institutes of Health Pathways to Prevention Workshop,” Annual Internal Medicine 162 (2015): 4, accessed July 4, 2017, doi: 10.7326/M14-2559

  114Anna Lembke, MD; Keith Humphreys, PhD; and Jordan Newmark, MD, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California “Weighing the Risks and Benefits of Chronic Opioid Therapy,” American Family Physician, accessed July 4, 2017

  115Kevin M. Fain, JD, MPH and G. Caleb Alexander, MD, MS. “Mind the Gap: Understanding the Effects of Pharmaceutical Direct-to-Consumer Advertising,” Medical Care 52 (2014): 4, accessed July 4, 2017, doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000126

  116Rebecca Robbins. “Do Americans really watch 16 hours of pharma ads a year?,” STAT, accessed September 12, 2017,

  117Janet K. Freburger, PT, PhD, et. al. “Rising Prevalence of Chronic Low Back Pain,” Arch Intern Med. 169 (2009): 3, accessed July 4, 2017, doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2008.543

  118“New research reveals the trends and risk factors behind America’s growing heroin epidemic” CDC, accessed July 4, 2017,

  119Christopher A. Viadro, “Increase in opiate usage appears tied to decrease in access to treatment in worker’s compensation,” ButlerViadro,LLP, accessed July 4, 2017,

  120Josh Katz, “Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever,” The New York Times, accessed July 4, 2017,

  121Cutter, Chip. “The opioid crisis is creating a fresh hell for America’s employers”

  122DeWine, Mike. “Economic Aspects of Opioid Crisis” Filmed June 2017 at Longworth House Office Building, Washington D.C. Video 26:41.

  123Donnelly, Frank. “Staten Island Ferry ex-captain details chaos that enveloped Barberi after fatal crash,”, accessed July 4, 2017,

  124Meier, Barry. “Pain Pills Add Cost and Delays to Job Injuries,” The New York Times, accessed July 4, 2017,

  125City Slashes Healthcare Costs By Improving Health Benefits Forbes February 8, 2016, accessd July 4, 2017,

  126Joshua J. Fenton, MD, MPH, et. al.”The Cost of Satisfaction: A National Study of Patient Satisfaction, Health Care Utilization, Expenditures, and Mortality” Arch Intern Med. 172 (2012): 5, accessed July 4, 2017, doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2011.1662

  127Jen Wieczner, “Most Millennials Think They’ll Be Worse Off Than Their Parents,” Fortune, accessed August 14, 2017, refers to this study

  128David Goldhill, Catastrophic Care: Why Everything We Think We Know about Health Care Is Wrong (New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2013)

  129Dan Munro, U.S. Healthcare Actually Isn’t Broken, Insurance Thought Leadership, accessed August 15, 2017,

  130“Joanne Disch testifying on Patient Safety” C-SPAN, accessed August 15, 2017, deaths; John T. James, PhD, “A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated with Hospital Care” Journal of Patient Safety (September 2013): 122-28, accessed August, 15 2017,,_Evidence_based_Estimate_of_Patient_Harms.2.aspx

  131Al Lewis and Vik Khanna, “Corporate Wellness Programs Lose Money,” accessed July 4, 2016,

  132Ron Goetzel et al., “Workplace Programs, Policies, and Environmental Supports to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease,” Health Affairs 36 (2017), accessed May 5, 2017, doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1273

  133“How Much Does a Good Wellness Program Cost?” Wellsource, accessed July 4, 2016,

  134Al Lewis, “Shattering the Wellness ROI Myth,” Insurance Thought Leadership, accessed March 2, 2017,

  135Richard A. Hirth et al., “Connecticut’s Value-Based Insurance Plan Increased the Use of Targeted Services and Medication Adherence,” Health Affairs 35 (2016): 4, accessed July4, 2016, doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2015.1371

  136Arielle Levin Becker, “Study: State Employee Wellness Plan Increased Use of Preventive Care,” accessed July 4, 2016,

  137Lasse T. Krogsbøll, M.D. et al., “General Health Checks in Adults for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality from Disease,” JAMA 309 (2013): 23, accessed July 4, 2016, doi:10.1001/jama.2013.5039

  138“Health Checkups When You Need Them—And When You Don’t,” Choosing Wisely, accessed June 1, 2017,; Jim Lee, “Reducing “Low Value Care”: Where Do We Start?” Altarum Institute, accessed July 4, 2016,“low-value-care”-where-do-we-start

  139“Program Measurement & Evaluation Guide: Core Metrics for Employee Health Management,” Population Health Alliance, accessed
July 4, 2016,

  140Michael O’Donnel, “Does Workplace Health Promotion Work or Not? Are You Sure You Really Want to Know the Truth?” American Journal of Health (2013): 28, accessed July 4, 2016,

  141Siyan Baxter, B.N.R.N. (Hons), “The Relationship between Return on Investment and Quality of Study Methodology in Workplace Health Promotion Programs,” American Journal of Health Promotion 28 (2014): 6, accessed July 4, 2016,


  143Michael O’Donnel, “What Is the ROI of Workplace Health Promotion? The Answer Just Got Simpler by Making the Question More Complicated,” American Journal of Health(2014): 28, accessed July 4, 2016, DOI: 10.4278/ajhp.28.6.iv

  144“Hey, How Come Wellness Needs an ROI but Real Healthcare Doesn’t?” They Said What?, accessed may 22,2017,

  145Michael P. O’Donnell, M.B.A., M.P.H., Ph.D, “Evaluating Your Health Promotion Program for the Return on Allocated Resources (ROAR) Factor,” American Journal of Health Promotion 30 (2015): 2, accessed July 4, 2016, doi/pdf/10.4278/ajhp.30.2.v

  146Alfred Lewis, “The Great Debate, Part 4: Ron Goetzel Admits Doctoring Original Documents,” accessed December 4, 2016,

  147Alfred Lewis, “The Latest on Nebraska: Ron Goetzel Covers Up His Cover Up,” accessed December 4, 2016,

  148Martha Stoddard, “Nebraska’s Acclaimed Wellness Program Under Fire,” accessed July 4, 2016,


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