REIGN (Crown Book 2)

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REIGN (Crown Book 2) Page 1

by Tallulah Bell


  By: Tallulah Bell

  Copyright © 2019 Tallulah Bell

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 9798640997194

  Imprint: Independently published


  I want to dedicate this book to the woman who taught me how to read and write. When I was little I couldn’t read to save my life but one kind woman never gave up on me and showed me how to write and I never gave up. Without her I would probably still struggle with reading and writing too this day. Thank You Mrs. Miller. The love I have for you is endless. You inspired me to never stop writing and I haven’t so Thank You!

  I want to thank my grandparents Christie & Mike, you too are the best and I couldn’t ask for better grandparents, you always help me to achieve my dreams and all push me to do better!


  I want to thank my twin sister BM Greene for creating the beautiful cover for this book! You did an absolutely great job. I couldn’t have asked for a better cover! So Thank you!!


  Book 2 in the Crown Series

  By: Tallulah Bell

  Chapter 1

  I ran and ran and ran until I finally made it to the border of the Royal Lands. I guess this is it. I thought to myself. I changed back into my clothes before slowly stepping over the land and when I did the guard just popped up as I expected them too.

  “Estelle we have been waiting for you” I saw the one man I wanted to kill more than anything standing in front of me. King Richard.

  “Where is she?” I asked. Getting impatient. I kept looking around before I heard her yell my name “E” and she tried to run to me.

  “Let her go and you can have me, a deal is a deal,” I said honestly. No funny games. They gave me Lilian and I gave them me.

  “She leaves when you come with us” Roan spoke up coming out of the shadows. I stood there shocked; wasn’t he supposed to be my best friend. How could he betray me like this? That makes me wonder who else betrayed me.

  Before I knew it they pushed Lilian my way and she ran into my arms. “E” she sobbed into my arms. “Lilian you have to run. Run as fast as you can okay? Do you hear me? Do not stop for anybody. I love you and your daddy okay” I said as a couple of tears dripped onto her shoulder before I kissed her forehead and pushed her towards the border.

  “Go,” I said before watching her cross the line. Only to see Alex reach out for her hand. I nodded my head at him. I didn’t realize he was following me. I looked up to the heavens, “Please let them make it home safely.” I begged before I was yanked. “WALK” Roan yelled at me.

  "Why are you doing this Roan, I thought you were my friend?" I asked quietly as he continued to push me ahead of him.

  "You thought wrong" was all he said. I kept turning back to look into his eyes but all I saw was darkness. I couldn't even see that man, that I once told everything to or the man who would always take me out to get ice cream. Now, all that stood in its place is the ghost of a man.

  While I kept walking, I couldn't help but think; this isn't Roan. He would never do this. He loves me. But then there is also another part of me that understands that it is his duty to serve the Royals. Meaning following King Richards every word. If King Richard wanted me dead then by fault, Roan wanted me dead. That caused me heartache

  Soon enough we made it back to the castle. However, they didn't lead me through the castle much like I expected. Instead, they lead me straight to the dungeon where no doubt they are going to torture me before killing me.

  Next thing I know I am shoved in a cell with a person who is very thin and beaten to an unrecognizable state. Hair is so matted and dried with blood it looks as if it is dreaded.

  I can't tell whether it is female or male I can't smell anything either. Normally I would be able to smell whether it was a rogue or someone in the royal territory? Or even if it was from a different pack. They all have different kinds of smells. So the question is what did they do to get in here? Is he or she a witch? They won't look up. So it is hard to tell anything.

  I stood at the cell doors as Roan walked away. How could he do this? It is me we are talking about here. I can't help but wonder if James and the rest are involved too…

  I looked around the cell and noticed a little girl probably aged 2 or 3 huddled up next to the man or woman. What is she doing here? It is the law that children cant be placed in the dungeons and they can't be tortured. This little girl has already gone through so much at such a young age.

  I heard moaning and screaming from further into the dungeon and the sound of whips hitting flesh. I could smell the fresh blood.

  I finally sat down. My wolf is on edge, but she is in the dungeon somewhere she has been a couple of times, she just never was the one in the cell getting tortured. She was the torturer.

  "Estelle" I heard very quietly. Again the voice said my name. After 2 more times, I finally looked around, If the person hadn't lifted their head I probably would've thought I was imagining it.

  There in front of me was someone who I ever expected to see. Queen Sydney. She was beaten to a pulp one eye swollen completely shut, dried blood on her face. Dried blood everywhere. She was dressed in ragged clothes stained with her blood. But as I got closer I really saw her. My mother. My Queen.

  Chapter 2

  I was still shocked but that’s all it took before I practically launched myself at her. “Oh my, I thought you were dead. They said you were dead.” I said over and over again. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around her still being alive.

  “Estelle, my baby,” she said slowly wrapping her frail arms around my body. How long has she been down here? How could the King do this? and most importantly how has no one noticed this is their Queen?

  “How?” was all I could ask moving the matted hair away from her scarring face. How could someone do this to a woman no less the Queen of all supernaturals?

  “You have to escape, they are going to kill you,” she said, placing her cold hand on my cheek.

  “I know, they had Lilian. I had to get her back and the only way was giving myself up to him.” I said looking her in the eyes. Sadness showed prominently.

  “I’m so sorry Estelle, this is my fault,” she said, pulling me closer and tears trailing down her pale complexion.

  “It’s not your fault,” I said before turning to the little girl who had attached herself to the Queen. “Who is she?” I asked quietly, trying not to frighten her more than she already is. was

  “Her parents were murdered right in front of her and she was thrown in here with me.” Sydney said, running her fingers through the litter girl's short hair.

  “What happened after I left?” I asked genuinely wondering. Why did King Richard now decide to kill me? and why did he make everybody believe that his wife was dead?

  “Things got worse after you left because my wolf was always on the edge, pacing. All she wanted was to be near you and she couldn’t so she was erratic. I went on a run one night to hopefully calm her. But Richard beat me to an inch of my life and injected me with some serum. The serum blocks out my scent. So even if the guards wanted to know they couldn’t. They believe I have been killed. Every day 2 days at the same time he comes in and takes me to another cell and tortures me so no one will know who I am. Then injects me with the serum once more.

  “Wow” was all I could say. When I get my hands on him I promise I will tear him limb from limb before placing his head on a stake.

  “Mom, I promise you I will kill him don’t you worry,” I said bending down and placing a kiss on her crusty forehead.

  I backed up when I heard the cellar doors open. In walked the man I despised most in the world. The weak and coward King Richard. He came righ
t up to the cellar door smirking like a devil. Just you wait, I’ll show you the devil and I promise you, you’ll wish you never met me.

  I saw more tears stream down her face after she heard me call her mom. I looked him dead in the eyes. He won’t hurt her anymore. I won’t let him.

  However, he opened the door before stepping in. I thought he was going for Sydney. But instead, he went after me. And I let him. He will get what is coming to him. I have no doubt about that.

  I wrapped his big ass hand around my wrist bruising the bone. I growled at him which caused him to backhand me. “Learn your place bitch” he growled out. However, once he hit me Sydney got up and growled the harshest growl I have ever heard in my life.

  “You want more cunt” Richard growled out towards Sydney. I just nodded my head at her saying I am okay. But there is only so much my wolf will take before shredding him to pieces when she gets the chance.

  He dragged me two or three cells down before throwing me in the cell and coming in behind me. He left the door wide open as if he was asking me to escape. But if I know any better he has put more guards around the dungeon as possible. Escaping will be damn near impossible.

  “Get up you little bitch” he spits down at me. I go to get up and he just kicks me right back down. I looked everywhere for something to hit him with but everything is within his reach, not mine.

  “Aren’t you an angry little King?” I said putting air quotes around King. before laughing at the look on his face. I know he wants to kill me. But he won’t till he tortures me so much that has me begging to die.

  “Shut the fuck up” He yelled out kicking me once again. “Kick a woman while she is down, aren’t you a coward,” I said back. Spitting up the blood.

  “So this is how you want this to go you little bitch, that’s okay we’ll do it your way,” he said before following it up with a sinister laugh. He grabbed the silver chains before placing them on my hands and chaining me to the wall in front of me.

  All I could hear was him touching the many torture tools. But I already had a feeling which one he was going for first. The whip. Every man goes for that first on a woman hoping to break them and have them scream out in pain.

  I took a deep breath in just as the first hit of the whip ripped through my shirt and skin. The smell of my blood permeating the air around me.

  He hit me again just centimeters from the first slash. Causing me to scream out in pain once again. Hearing him laugh caused my wolf to try and surface but with the silver chains, she can’t.

  10 more hits, before my body went slack against the wall. Each hit he laughed. Each hit he mocked my scream of pain. Each hit he thought I would crack. But I was a royal wolf just a couple months ago.

  Chapter 3

  For 2 more hours, he took silver knives to my back, going the opposite of the strike from the whip. He took a silver knife to my stomach before slicing into my cheek.

  Much like Queen Sydney’s mine was just on the opposite side. Finally, I passed out from blood loss. I tried to hang on but my body couldn’t handle any more pain.

  When I woke up, everything was all groggy. It was dark inside the dungeons other than little lights here and there.

  I slowly try to lift myself up off the cold ground only to see Sydney right next to me holding my hand tightly. “Oh thank god,” She says before pulling me into a hug.

  Oddly enough I feel okay. I don’t hurt as bad as I thought I would. “You have my healing abilities,” she said quietly so the guard at the end of the hall couldn’t hear her.

  Before I could even reply the door to the dungeon busted open and in walked Roan. Sydney backed away from me as I expected her too. "Stand up," he said once he got to our cell door. "Which one of us?" I asked, Smirking once I saw the vein throbbing on his forehead.

  "Get the fuck up Estelle," He said before yanking me up when I didn't get up fast enough. I chuckled but he just bent me wrist backward snapping it. That's all it took for the little girl to start crying.

  "Shut her up" Roan yelled to Queen Sydney, spitting in her face before leading me out of the room.

  I expected him to take me back to the cell I was in yesterday, but instead, he took me out of the dungeon. He held my broken wrist in his hand. It can't heal till it is reset.

  "Where are you taking me?" I asked looking around me confused as to why he took me out of the dungeon.

  "Last time I checked you were a prisoner so I suggest you shut the fuck up. I will take you where ever the fuck I want to." He said yanking my wrist causing me to growl out in pain.

  Before he could take another step the siren blared through the systems. I remember that sound anywhere that means there are unwanted visitors surrounding the grounds.

  Before Roan could even start dragging me back to the dungeon; I looked to my left and there stood Elijah and Mason with everybody behind them.

  Roan made a move to go for them but that is all it took for my wolf to react. I yanked my broken wrist out of his hand before attacking.

  Before I even knew it Roan laid dead at my feet. I had no regrets. He chose his side and there was nothing I could do about it.

  I would've run right into Elijah's arms had the royal warriors hadn't come out of the castle! Multiple turned and looked at me, however, that was all it took for Mason and Elijah and our warriors to jump into action.

  I wanted to join in the fight however If I knew one thing King Richard will have someone come get Sydney and kill her and I can't let that happen. I bent down and grabbed the keys before I ran right back into the dungeon.

  "Sydney" I yelled, getting to our cell. I quickly opened it and rushed to her. "We have to get you two out of here," I said, pulling both of them up.

  "As soon as I get you out of here you have to run okay," I said, helping them out of the cell. "Go to the place you used to take me," I said quietly unless someone could be listening. She just nodded to let me know she knew what I said. She is too weak to fight and if I know any better, I knew King Richard would kill her the chance he got to.

  I stepped out of the dungeon first to make sure it was safe. When I saw that the fight was still going strong the stench of blood permeated the air. "Go!" I said pushing them in the direction.

  That is all it took for her to shift into her wolf. I helped get the little girl onto her back before she took off. I looked around and made sure no one followed them. I then joined the fight.

  There was one man I was after. I will kill him. I will watch the life drain out of his eyes. I will be the one to end him.

  I ran to the castle. I knew exactly where he would be. Perks of once being a royal warrior. I knew where they hide in case of war. And the coward he is I know for a fact he would be in there while everybody else risks their lives for his selfish reasons.

  I was too focused on finding Richard that I didn't see the wolf coming up behind me. As I turned I caught the shadow of him.

  However, he latched onto my shoulder blade. Taking a chunk of skin out. That all it took. Before I got a hold of him and ripped his throat out. I threw him to the ground then continued on my mission.

  I climbed the stairs quietly. 4 more warriors came after me. One by one I watched as the life drained from them. Most I've known for a while. I have yet to find my other "FRIENDS" whether they are just like Roan or not.

  I finally reached the room, he was hiding in. I crept into the room before finding the secret passage. I took the secret passage to find him sitting behind his desk drinking what looks like whiskey.

  "I knew you would come for me."

  Chapter 4

  “I knew you would come for me,” he said, tipping his glass to me before he downed it. I'm glad he knew I would come for him.

  He threw the glass towards me before he shifted into his wolf. He circled me like I was his prey. Little did he know.

  I followed him. Waiting for him to pounce. He went straight for my throat. I moved before he could even touch me. Round and round he went waiting for me to slip
up. I was so confident until I smelt Elijah's blood.

  I felt the pain in my stomach. That's when he latched on to me. I couldn't fight back. I was moaning for Elijah.

  Right as I was about to give up, My wolf kicked in. She had him on the ground in seconds. Spit coming down her mouth as she is growling at him. Just begging him to make another move. She had full control over me. All I focused on was the pain Elijah is feeling.

  Before I know it I hear the scream of pain coming from King Richard as he bursts into flames right before my very eyes. I watched as the skin burned off his body. I watched as he burned to a crisp.

  That is when my wolf finally gave me control back. All I wanted to do was ask was how the fuck did I do that. But instead, I took off in search of Elijah. I needed to make sure he was okay. He was my priority before I went to find Sydney.

  I searched high and low before I finally found him. He was hovering over a familiar colored wolf. What shocked me the most was the scent when I got closer to it. Mason laid on the ground, blood surrounding him; whimpering while grasping Elijah's hand.

  "Oh my gosh, this is all my fault" I cried running toward him falling down onto my knees. I gripped his hand as tears streamed down my face.

  "No" I balled. "Baby it's not your fault," Elijah said trying to pull me off the nearly lifeless body of Mason. However, I wouldn't let him go. I gripped onto him and held his body close to me as tears streamed down his face.

  I felt a weird tingly sensation flow from my hands into his body as I continued to cry for the friend I lost. "Your hands are glowing Estelle" I barely heard in the background.

  I couldn't stop the tears. Mason has been one of my best friends since I was a kid. He is more like a brother. I can't lose him too.


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