REIGN (Crown Book 2)

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REIGN (Crown Book 2) Page 2

by Tallulah Bell

  I was so caught in the moment that I didn't realize Mason stirring underneath me, before wrapping his arms around me. "Mason" I cried harder. I thought I was just hallucinating his arms being wrapped around me. I pulled back finally seeing that he is in fact real. His touch is real. He is alive.

  "Oh, Mason" I cried into his arms. "Are you okay? Where are you hurt" I asked, searching his body only to see nothing but dried blood? "Where are you hurt?" I asked again. "I don't see any wounds" stopping before saying "Mason you have to answer me?"

  "You were almost dead, what changed?" I asked him to search his naked body after he changed back to his human self. I heard a deep growl coming from behind me. I am completely positive it came from Elijah.

  Before I could reach out and touch Mason to check his back Elijah pulled me into his arms, shoving my face into his naked chest. I heard rustling around before Elijah finally let me go.

  "Estelle, I need to know how you healed him," Elijah said, pulling my hand into his. Mason nodded along with him.

  "I didn't do anything, I held him because I didn't want him to die alone," I said but then the crazy thing from earlier popped into my head.

  "But Elijah, that wasn't the only crazy thing that has happened. I found King Richard, I was so upset I don't know what happened. Next thing I knew he was on fire. Burning right before my very eyes. I stood and watched as the flesh burned off his body and as every last scream left his body. I don't know what happened but I was glad it did. Because I got what I wanted. I wanted him dead." I said honestly thinking back as he screamed from help.

  Chapter 5

  "How?" was all that was asked by both men. I shook my head. I honestly had no idea what happened. All I know was that it did and I wasn't imagining it.

  "I didn't imagine it Elijah. He caught fire right before my eyes. The flesh burning as he screamed for help as I just watched it happen. I didn't think anything of it till after.

  "I believe you. But we have to find out why this is happening to you." Elijah said kissing my forehead.

  "Enough about me! Mason are you okay? and you better be completely honest." I said helping him up off the ground. Still, he is naked. Causing another growl to come out of Elijah.

  "Estelle you better step away from him right now," he said, eyes pitch black. His wolf is about to take over. I jumped away from Mason and wrapped my arms around Elijah.

  "We won!" Mason practically yelled.

  "Mason, that means I am the Queen!" I said quietly. I am not prepared for this. "Where is Queen Sydney?" I asked, remembering her running off with the little girl.

  "She is with Alex, Estelle. She is fine and the little girl with her is fine" Elijah said holding my hand.

  "I need to see them," I said walking in the direction that I smell Alex's scent. I still can't smell Sydney's scent.

  "Queen Sydney!" I yelled running towards her and crashing my body into hers. "You're okay" I whispered into her matted hair. "Let's get you cleaned up," I said, dragging her to the castle doors.

  "Estelle stop," she said, pulling away from me. I looked around puzzled. But before I can ask she starts saying "I have to speak to my people. Our people." rubbing her bloody palm against my cheek.

  She walked ahead of me as the little girl grasped my hand for dear life. "It's okay baby girl I won't let anything happen to you," I said bending down to pick her up.

  Queen Sydney must have called everyone to her because they all kneel to her as she stood on the steps in front of the castle's door. "Rise!" she yelled through the air.

  "The shocked looks on your faces, especially those of you who helped Richard torture me and a child are banished from my castle. Every single one of you worthless men." She stopped.

  Just watching as the few men who got up and took off into the woods without a word. Cowards. Worthless cowards. Some part of them had to know that was their Queen. Whether you couldn't smell her scent you can still feel the bond. You know when she is hurt.

  "King Richard and my parents forced me to marry him after I met my mate. Richard then killed my mate when he found out I birthed his child. I kept her close, very close. Some of you might have caught the resemblance or you didn’t. But I have a daughter. A beautiful and strong daughter. Estelle Gibson. The first female warrior is my daughter. Not only did she lose her father because of Richard she lost the only mother she ever knew, Gizelle. Those of you who killed my mate or his wife stand now." She stops once again.

  "You 5 have followed that worthless King through everything following his orders. What did he tell you? What reason did you give you to kill two innocent people? You are no longer warriors. I strip you of your duties. You aren't banished from this kingdom, however, you can join another pack if you want to. I can't have the people who took the most important people away from my little girl." She said as tears streamed down her eyes as she looked my way.

  I watched as two very familiar people stand among the other three. Two people I trusted the most out of everyone. James and Roan, helped to kill my parents. Tears streamed down my red cheeks.

  "This war that he caused, caused us to lose 15 wolves. We are lucky it wasn't more than that. Your king is dead. It is time for new leadership. I will always be your Queen but I think it is the time my daughter Estelle and her mate take over if they choose too" she says looking to me and Elijah for our answer. I never thought I would be Queen. I nodded my head, however, Elijah just turned and walked away.

  "That settles it, your new Queen, Estelle!" She yelled loudly. "You are dismissed. The crowning ceremony will be soon. It's time for me to get this gunk off my body. Warriors, have some people clean up the bodies. We will schedule their funerals once we get their names. Please let their families know as well. You are dismissed!" She said before limping the rest of her way up the steps and into the empty castle.

  All I wanted to do is look for Elijah, But I have this little angel in my arms who needs to be cleaned up and stitched up. As I walked to the steps of the castle everyone bowed as I walked by.

  Chapter 6

  This was going to take some getting used to. People bowing to me. "What's your name sweetheart?" I asked, carrying the little girl in my arms.

  "Adira," she said softly. I smiled knowing what it stands for. It stands for strength. And boy is the perfect name for this little girl. She is strong. I can't even begin to imagine what she has gone through. What they did to her before Queen Sydney got to her.

  "Let's get you cleaned up?" I said smiling before finding my way to my old room. Still the same as it was when I lived here.

  Nothing out of place. Looks like no one has been in here since I left. The dust gathering on the shelves and desk are indicators of that. I walked her into the bathroom before setting her on the toilet while searching for towels.

  Ahh just where I left them. I grabbed the fluffiest towel I had. I bent down underneath the sink and grabbed the extra body wash and shampoo. I grabbed the pink loofah as well. I placed them on the tub before starting the water. it was burning to the touch so I turned it too cold to cool it down a little bit.

  Once it felt the perfect mixture between hot but not too hot, I turned to Adira. "You ready?" I asked, she shook her head for a moment. "We gotta get you cleaned baby girl, you can't go walking around like this," I said softly as to not scare her.

  "Do you need help undressing?" I asked, still sitting on the tub. She just nodded her head. Not saying a word. Carefully I peeled the clothing off her body.

  The stench causes my eyes to water but that is not just it. Her scares that sprinkled all over her body caused me to take a sharp breath in. Who would do this to a little girl? What could she have possibly done to deserve this? Some are deeper than others and some are from years ago. How long has she been put through the unthinkable?

  "It's okay," she said leaning up to wipe the tears I didn't realize fell off my face. I shook my head before finishing up undressing her to lift her up and place her in the bath.

  "I'm so sorry," I s
aid grabbing the loofah and drizzling some body wash on it before scrubbing her body. Not once did she wince. Even as what was once scabbed over now is open, she never winced. She just let me continue to clean her. Once I was finished cleaning her I moved to her matted hair.

  It took me five times washing her hair with shampoo and conditioner to even get a brush through it. Now she sits on my old bed in one of the old t-shirts I must have left as I groom her.

  Slowly brushing her hair so as to not hurt her. It took a solid 45 minutes to comb through her hair. I then gently braided it. "There, it's perfect," I said, putting the last hair tie in.

  "Thank you," she said, turning and climbing into my lap. "No one has ever braided my hair before." hugging me tightly. "How old are you dear?" I asked. I didn't want to push her but I need to know.

  "8" was her only reply. That only caused me to take another deep breath. "How long have you been in there?" I asked again. "What have they done to you ?" I asked, needing to know everything. "I don't know," she said honestly.

  "Are you hungry?" I asked her if she needed to find a distraction. She has been through so much at such a young age, how will she ever recover from what those spineless men did to her?

  "Yes," she said as her stomach growled on cue. Causing both of us to laugh. "Well let's go feed that little beast shall we," I said climbing off the bed extending my hand out to her. Which she gladly took.

  "It's beautiful," she said looking at all the pictures hanging on the walls. "It is, isn't it?" I said smiling at all the memories of chasing my dad through the halls even though I wasn't supposed to be here. Silent tears stream down my face. She looked up before apologizing "I'm sorry" which only caused me to frown. What was she apologizing for?

  "What are you sorry for?" I asked as we continued making our way to the kitchen. "I upset you" was all she said before breaking away from me and running to someone. That someone being the only other person she knows. Queen Sydney.

  I look up into her eyes and smile before trailing my eyes all over her body. Gashes and scars marred her once beautiful glowing complexion. I couldn't help but feel sad for her. These two have been through what only traitors should go through. More tears streamed down my already red blotchy face.

  "Estelle, I'm okay," She says wrapping her arms around my shaking body. Rage filled me. I want the lives of those men that did this to the Queen and this precious little girl.

  My wolf wants their blood. She wants the satisfaction to watch as their lives drain from their eyes. Never to touch another woman again. She rubs my back to sooth my fur down. Calming my wolf.

  "We are okay," she said, bending down and picking up the little girl as if to say SEE. I shook my head clearing of the thoughts of more death.

  "Where is Elijah?" I asked looking around for him. I don't even smell him anymore. He wouldn't just leave, would he?

  "He went for a run, this is a lot for him," she said, speaking the words I already knew to be true. I just hope he can adjust and be the King this Kingdom needs. However, the insecurities are running through my head.

  Will I have to run this kingdom by myself? Will he want all this extra baggage that he never signed up for? We just started acting like actual mates and then this happens. Maybe it is too much for him and he would rather choose his pack over me. Which I can completely understand. I can't fault him.

  I just nodded before excusing myself. I walked out back and down to the lake that Roan, James, Tyler, Nick and all of us always went to, to get away from everything.

  I sat underneath the tree as more tears trailed down my face. I have cried more today than I have my entire life. I tried to stop but they kept falling. I was so wrapped up in my head that I never heard Elijah's footsteps let alone smelled him till he spoke.

  "Estelle," he said standing by the lake and looking out to its beautiful crystal clear waters. I wiped my face before looking up at him. The tightness in his shoulders told me he was stressed. I could feel the anger seeping through the mate bond.

  Chapter 7

  "I never wanted this," he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear. "You think I did? I never knew who my real mother was until recently. I found out my birth mother is the Queen, that my father was killed by King Richard. I never wanted any of this Elijah" I said walking closer to him.

  "You said yes without even asking me if I wanted to run a kingdom," He said turning to me. "What did you want me to say, This is my birthright," I said, turning away from him only for him to grab my arms, forcing me to look at him.

  "I understand that, but I have a pack to think of. What will they do now? If I become the King who runs my pack?" He asked. I stood there contemplating what to do but nothing came to mind. I don't know what he expects of me.

  "See you never even thought about our pack," he said. I know he was trying to prove a point but he was really ruffling the fur of my wolf making her anxious, but ready for anything.

  "Our pack?" I said laughing "Our pack huh if it were our pack I wouldn't feel like a damn prisoner now would I?" I said walking away from him before my wolf does something we both would regret.

  "I am still your Alpha," he said, trying to make me stop only causing me to laugh. "I'm a Fucking Queen now. If this isn't what you won't leave. I'm not going to stand here and let you make me feel bad for what I was born into then you are sadly mistaken." I stormed away from him racing back to the castle and to my old room ignoring the strange looks from everybody I passed.

  Once in the room, I fell onto the bed. I laid there hoping he would come after me but I never got any of that. I laid there for hours before I finally got up and went to the shower. I found another shirt and shorts in the last drawer of my dresser.

  After dressing myself I went down the stairs. It should be almost dinner. Right as I walked through the kitchen I can see Gracie plating everything. It smells heavenly, my stomach growled loudly. Causing Gracie to look up before she rushed to me.

  "Oh Estelle, how I've missed you smiling self around here," she said hugging me, before pulling away and ushering me into the dining room.

  "Food will be out shortly" was all she said. I looked up and saw many people sitting at the table however there were empty seats from those who used to be high ranking wolves who are no longer. Trails will have to start to find out the strongest to sit among us.

  I looked and saw Queen Sydney sitting in the seat where the Beta normally sits. The King and Queen seats empty. I searched for Elijah and his pack members but no such luck. However, Mason sits opposite of the previous Queen. A smile graced his face as always.

  "Take your rightful seat," The Queen said nodding her head to the head seat. I wanted to look towards Mason again to ask where Elijah went but I didn't get the chance and The Queen stands from her seat and walks me to my new seat.

  Instead of placing me in the Queen spot and leaving the King's seat open for Elijah, she places me at the head of the table. The seat that belongs to the King, however, there is no King is there?

  So many emotions are flowing freely through my mind. Elijah leaving and not saying anything. He no longer wants me. Those I can't fault because he was right, he never asked for this.

  I sat down as Mason reached over and grabbed my hand. "Fix your plate," he said, pulling his hand away from mine. I made my plate quietly before sitting down and picking up a slice of bread, taking a bite before nodding to everyone else to start eating.

  I stayed quiet as everyone was chit-chatting. I was thinking of Elijah. When I felt tears I quickly excused myself before they fell and the strongest in the kingdom saw me. Weak.

  I walked back down to the lake. Sitting under the very same tree. Thought of Elijah and his pack strains my mind. Wondering how Lilian is doing. I must have lost track of time because when I looked around it was pitch black. Mason made his way towards me.

  "He left me, Mason," I said quietly only so he could hear me. As if it wasn't just me and him out here anyways.

  "If he can't see what he has in fro
nt of him then he doesn't deserve you. He is your mate. You deserve to be listened to but so does he. This is new for him. Can you expect him to give up his pack and land? That is his birthright. You too need to sit down and have a discussion of how this is going to work or even if it is going to work? I can see that you love him, Estelle, otherwise this wouldn't bother you as much. You are one of the strongest females I know. And now you are my Queen" He said laughing to himself. "I've bathed with the Queen" He choked out while laughing his ass off.

  "Very funny," I said laughing but thinking of everything he said. He is right? I never gave him time to process this before I said yes. But I did tell him if this isn't what he wanted to leave and he did. So I guess that is my answer. He doesn't want this. I can't force it on him. All I can do is be the best Queen this Kingdom has seen.

  Chapter 8

  We stayed out for another hour or so before we started making our way to the castle once again. It was completely silent before Mason sucked in a heavy breath. Before looking at me. "Congratulations," he said, stopping me from walking to hug me.

  "Wait for what?" I asked confused as to what just happened?

  "You have a future growing in you," he said pointing to my belly. I just shook my head. That's impossible. We slept together once. And I wasn't in my heat was I? I tried to think back but I can't remember.

  I'm pregnant? With Elijah's child. Mason placed his hand on my flat stomach. "I'm so happy for you Estelle," he said hugging me once again. But I'm so lost in my head that I stop breathing for a minute.

  "This is a sign that you should really go and talk to your mate E, I love you I do but you need to do this before the ceremony." He said before changing the subject. "It's about time I go back to my pack. I will see you soon. I wouldn't miss your ceremony my Queen." he said smiling before running into the woods.


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