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Page 10

by Jessica Wayne

  “This is not what I expected.”

  “Same here,” she agreed with Tony.

  “Can I help you?” A tall Brute approached them. His pale skin was covered in brands, but his hands were muddy as if he’d been working in the ground.

  Seeing the intimidating beasts in this environment, rather than the battle ground she was so used to, was a shock—but a kind one.

  She remembered Argento telling her the Brutes were once a peaceful race. But until seeing for herself, she hadn’t completely believed him.

  “We’re looking for Argento.”

  “He’s up in the castle, follow me.”

  “Thank you.”

  The Brute grunted, and they fell in line behind him, following a dirt path leading up a hill. Once they’d crested it, Anastasia gasped.

  Standing before her, carved completely out of rock and inset into the side of a mountain, was the Brute castle.

  “That’s amazing,” she said softly.

  “Our ancestors carved it. Keeps the royal family cool in the summer and warm in the winters.”

  “It’s impressive,” Tony agreed.

  Still following, they made their way up the path and to the castle gates. Two Brutes stood guard, but she recognized them from the group that traveled with Argento two years ago to fight against Vincent. Or rather, she supposed, Thames was the one they’d fought against. They just hadn’t known it.

  The guards stepped aside with slight nods, and the Brute with them turned. “Just go on inside, they will get him for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  The Brute grunted in response, then turned and headed back down the path to continue whatever he’d been doing when they arrived.

  Anastasia and Tony made their way inside the impressive structure, and Anastasia couldn’t help but gape. The temperature inside was absolutely perfect—not too hot, not too cold—and the décor was bright and lively.

  A long red rug greeted them, guiding them down a large hall and into an open room that boasted a gold couch, two red, high-backed chairs, and a small table in between.


  The soft feminine voice had Anastasia turning to see the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen. Soft blonde hair curled around a delicate face with wide green eyes and a full, red-lipped smile.

  The woman looked to be about seventeen or eighteen, and while she was familiar, Anastasia couldn’t place her.

  The woman laughed. “I’m sorry, you probably don’t recognize me!” She smiled and held out her hand. “Calisi.”

  Anastasia’s eyes widened. “You’re Argento’s daughter!”

  “Yes! You do remember!” Calisi pulled her in for a hug and then released, doing the same to Tony. “It’s been too long!”

  “It’s been two years,” Tony said. “How are you this—”

  “Old?” Calisi laughed. “As you know, Brute children grow faster than humans. My father believes I grew even faster than the Brute children because our world needed me.”

  As if their talk summoned him, Argento rounded the corner. Seeing them, he stopped and smiled. “It is wonderful to see you both! Although, I hope it is not because of bad news?”

  “I wish it were on better terms,” Anastasia said.

  “What’s happened?” Calisi asked.

  “Can we speak freely?” Tony asked, gesturing to Calisi.

  Argento nodded. “She is our queen; you may speak freely in front of her.”

  “Thames has destroyed the Pickrie world.”

  Argento’s brow furrowed. “While that is sad, it doesn’t seem to be a horrible turn of events.”

  “He took their life core,” Anastasia explained, understanding completely why Argento wasn’t all that bothered by their world’s destruction. Back in Seattle two years prior, the Pickries had taken his men as well when they’d betrayed them.

  “That is horrible. Any survivors?”

  Anastasia nodded. “Two. They came to warn us.”

  “I suppose they’re realizing they sided with the wrong person.”

  “That would be my guess,” Tony agreed.

  “And you are here to warn us?” Calisi questioned.

  “We are. We think Thames will be going after all the worlds. While I can’t know why for sure, I think it has something to do with the current state of the Luxe world.”

  “He has to know stealing the life core of another, more underdeveloped world won’t bring his world back.” When no one spoke up, Calisi continued. “The life core is formed specifically for its world. You cannot expect to steal and use a young life core for a world as old as Luxe. Of course, if you don’t think he’s stopping at one, it could be he already knows that.”

  Argento touched his daughter’s shoulder gently. “Our world is protected.”

  “You know that for sure?” Anastasia asked.

  “Yes. Our life core is unlike most worlds’, as it is a living, breathing thing. It does not stay in one single spot.”

  Tony folded his arms over his chest. “You don’t think Thames will be able to track it somehow?”

  Argento glanced at Calisi with a smile, and Anastasia realized just why Argento wasn’t worried. “Calisi is the life core, isn’t she?”

  Calisi smiled, and Argento nodded. “Our life core transfers from queen to queen. It is why my world saw so much destruction after my wife passed. Our daughter wasn’t yet old enough to carry the burden, so the world was dying.”

  “Is there somewhere you can take her, temporarily? To keep her safe?”

  “I will not leave my people,” Calisi responded to Tony. “No matter the danger, I stay where they are.”

  Anastasia looked over at Tony. “Chances are Thames won’t know where to even start looking. He definitely won’t suspect the queen to be the source of this world’s power.”

  “It still wouldn’t hurt to keep you safe,” Argento responded with a nod at Tony. “Just until we know he won’t be coming here.”

  “I’m doing everything I can to stop him.” Anastasia turned to Calisi. “I promise I will put an end to this and make you all safe again.”

  “We know you will, Phoenix,” she said. “But I still will not hide. Our people need me, Father. I cannot simply stow away awaiting danger.”

  “I can’t lose you.”

  She gripped his hands. “You won’t.”

  Argento stared at her a moment longer before turning back to Anastasia. “I fear Rayden has not divulged much either.” Running a hand over his bald head, he sighed. “He is proving tougher than I’d imagined.”

  “I think he’s scared,” Calisi said. “Not that it justifies what he did, I just believe he is afraid of what might happen should he tell us of Thames’ plan.”

  “He should be scared,” Tony responded angrily. “The bastard is the whole reason Thames was able to take Dakota again.”

  “Agreed,” Argento grunted. “What can we do to help you with Thames? I wish to stay here and protect my daughter, but I will send as many warriors with you as you require.”

  “Honestly? Stay safe. Numbers won’t mean much unless this comes down to an all-out war, and since he seems to be killing everyone he comes up against, I don’t think we need to worry about allies. You keep your men here, protect your world.”

  “What about those creatures he sent after us in Seattle?”

  Anastasia turned to Tony, surprised she hadn’t thought about that. “Even still, weapons will be no match for them unless they have some substance. My power is all we’ve got.”

  “If you need warriors, please do not hesitate to ask.”

  “Thank you, Argento.” She smiled at him. “I think we need to get going. You have the ability to portal?”

  “Yes,” Calisi answered.

  “If there’s danger, please come to Terrenia. We can keep you safe.”

  “You have our word,” Argento interrupted when Calisi started to argue.

  “Thank you.” Embracing the Brute queen and her father one la
st time, Anastasia waved and returned home with Tony.




  “Isn’t she beautiful?” Nallia asked as she and Nix stared down at their new baby girl. Her skin was pale like her father’s, but her midnight hair was a perfect match to Nallia’s own. The young princess was sleeping, her eyes fluttering quickly behind her lids.

  “She is,” Nix said warmly. “Just like her mother.”

  Nallia looked up and blushed. Nix stared back at her, his lips parted slightly. He grinned, knowing exactly the effect his words had on her.

  “It’s almost time to introduce her to our people,” Nallia said, looking back down at the little girl. “Little Nyla.” They’d chosen an ‘N’ name as a match for both of their names, as well as a way to pay homage to his world, as Nyla was a common Guisnow name.

  Nallia handed Nyla to her husband as two members of her guard came in. “Everything okay?”

  With the danger Anastasia warned them about, the Jaitu people were on high alert. “Yes, Queen Nallia. The Sorceress’ husband is just here to see you.”


  The guard nodded. “He brings news of Terrenia.”

  Nallia smiled. “Tell him I will be right there.”

  The guard nodded once more before disappearing, and Nallia turned to Nix. “Shall we introduce our daughter to Dakota?”


  After securing the still sleeping Nyla to Nix’s chest with a sling, they climbed down the ladder of their home and into the bright afternoon sun.

  Her people made their way happily around the village, going about their daily business in complete peace. Smiling, Nallia made her way through them, waving and greeting as she went.

  Spotting Queen Orlaith—the Guisnow queen—playing with her young daughter, Nallia broke course and headed to tell her of Dakota’s visit. The queen would be just as excited to see their old friend as she was.

  “Nallia, Nix,” the queen greeted, getting to her feet.

  “My queen,” Nix said, bowing his head.

  Orlaith smiled. “Please don’t call me that, Nix. I am no longer your queen.”

  “You will always be a queen,” Nallia replied with a sad smile. The Guisnow world was completely decimated by the Siren, leaving the queen and her young daughter homeless.

  “Thank you. Where are you two headed?”

  “Dakota is here. He brings news of Terrenia.”

  Orlaith smiled. “Is the Sorceress with him?”

  “I don’t know, I hope so. We thought you may wish to accompany us.”

  “That would be lovely, thank you.”

  Dakota waited for them in the center of the village near their elder tree, the only tree that survived two years ago when Vincent attacked with his army.

  “Dakota!” Nallia greeted, accepting a hug from him.

  “It is good to see you,” he said in return, accepting another hug from Orlaith.

  Nallia stepped back, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end as an overwhelming feeling of unease settled over her. Dakota looked normal enough, but dark lines climbed up his neck and disappeared into his hair, and his eyes—weren’t they blue?—now had threads of silver woven in them.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “Oh, these?” He smiled and ran a hand along the odd markings. “Permanent gift from the Siren. Nothing to be concerned about.”

  “The Siren?” Orlaith’s pale face paled further at mention of the creature that killed her people.

  Nix stepped forward. “Where’s Anastasia?”

  “Back in Terrenia.” Dakota’s face sobered. “We lost quite a few people when the Siren attacked. Anastasia didn’t want to leave them alone just yet.”

  Nallia nodded. “Understandable.” Focusing her attention completely on Dakota, she searched for the source of her unease, but couldn’t find anything off about him. He was the same man who fought side by side with her and Nix two years ago.

  Wasn’t he?

  “Who is this little one?” Dakota leaned closer to Nyla, and Nallia couldn’t help but put a hand on her daughter’s back to keep him from touching her.

  “This is our daughter.”

  “She’s quite a looker. Not completely Jaitu though, is she?”

  Nallia’s eyes narrowed. He knew she wasn’t.

  “Who are you?” Nix stepped back, and Nallia drew her blade.

  Dakota straightened. “What do you mean?”

  The village went silent, other than the sound of metal being unsheathed by her guards.

  “Who are you? You are not Dakota.”

  Dakota grinned, his eyes flashing from pale blue to silver. “You are quite perceptive, aren’t you?”

  “Dakota knew our daughter was half Guisnow, and he wouldn’t travel anywhere without Anastasia. So, I will ask you once more before I kill you: who are you?”

  The man who looked like Dakota smiled again, a chilling grin that didn’t belong on the kind face that wore it. “I am Thames, heir to the Luxe throne.”

  “The Luxe?” Orlaith asked. “I believed them to be destroyed.”

  The silver eyes landed on the queen’s face. “And here I thought all but one Guisnow dead. Apparently, neither of our sources were completely accurate.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “Dakota here,” Thames said, gesturing to himself. “He told me you would know the difference.” He shrugged. “I told him it didn’t matter. By the time you figured it out, it would be too late.”

  “Too late for what?” Nallia pressed.

  “To save your world.”

  “Bind him!” she ordered.

  Her guards moved in, quickly surrounding Thames, who still looked exactly like Dakota. He raised his hands, and Nallia’s guards howled in pain.

  They fell to their knees, covering bleeding ears with their hands.

  “Stop!” Nallia screamed.

  “I’m just getting started.” Thames grinned, but the silver of his eyes faded back to blue. “You have to go,” he growled at her, and for a brief moment, she could see a shred of her old friend.


  “Go! Warn Ana! Now! I can’t hold him—” The silver returned, and Dakota shook his head.

  “Seems he’s getting quite a bit stronger.”

  Nallia spun at the same time she pulled a portal vial from her waist. Throwing it to the ground at Nix’s feet, the blue whirled to life.

  “Go and warn the Sorceress,” she told him.

  “I’m not leaving you!”

  “You have to. I love you, Nix.” She shoved him through the portal and turned to Orlaith. “Go with him. Keep him from returning.”

  Orlaith hesitated, and Nallia rushed her, shoving her through as well before the light faded.

  Turning back to the monster pretending to be Dakota, Nallia growled.

  “It won’t matter,” he said. “Terrenia is next.”

  The guards stopped screaming, their lifeless bodies lying in pools of blood.

  “The Sorceress will stop you.”

  “You all have a lot of faith in someone who isn’t even here to save you.” Raising his hands, Thames turned to the elder tree.

  The world began to shake, and the screams of her surviving people ripped through the air. Turning away from him, Nallia ran down the narrow path between two rows of communal buildings and pulled the last vial from her waist.

  “Go, my people! We are under attack!” The swirling blue light appeared, and those nearest ran through the portal.

  Nallia turned and sprinted back to Thames. With a war cry, she ran toward him, blade drawn.

  She was nearly behind him when he raised a hand, and she slammed into an invisible barrier.

  “No!” Screaming, she pounded her fists against it and rammed her blade into it. The metal blade shattered, falling into useless pieces at her feet.

  Helpless, she watched as lightning crackled through the sky, splitting the elder tre
e down the middle. It smoked, and the two halves broke apart. A bright yellow light—nearly as bright as the sun itself—rose from the center of the tree.

  “Oh no.”

  “Tell me, queen of the Jaitu, do you know what this is?” he asked, turning to face her, the light floating just above his raised hands.

  She didn’t answer, just stared at the floating ball of light that had been nothing more than a legend to her.

  “I see you don’t. This is the life core of your world. Everything around you—the people, the plants, the sun, the moon, everything—comes from this ball of light.”

  The light grew brighter, the screams of her people louder, as it floated softly down in front of Thames.

  “Say goodbye, Queen Nallia.”

  “No!” Nallia screamed, ramming her shoulder into the barrier. The light completely obliterated everything around her, and Nallia fell to her knees as the very life inside her was ripped away.




  Anastasia stepped out of the portal and into complete chaos.

  Parents yelled for their children as they raced for their homes. A group of Fighters rushed toward the center of the village, weapons drawn, and she and Tony followed.

  The village center was filled with people she didn’t recognize but knew weren’t Terrenianas. They were Jaitu, tear-stained, dirty, clutching children and each other, and they were terrified.


  Recognizing the voice, Anastasia turned. Nix ran toward them, a small infant clutched in his arms.

  “Nix, what happened?”

  “We have to go back!” he yelled, startling the baby. “We have to go back for Nallia!” His eyes were wide, panicked, his pale face flushed with color.

  “What happened?” Tony insisted, stepping closer.

  “He came for us.” Nix looked Anastasia straight in the eye. “The Luxe, he came as Dakota.”

  Orlaith stepped forward, and Nix handed her the crying baby.

  Not wanting to waste any time if she could save the Jaitu world, Anastasia waved her hand, conjuring a portal.


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