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Renegade (Ruthless Tendencies Book 2)

Page 1

by D. M. Burns


  Ruthless Tendencies Series

  D.M. Burns

  Copyright @ 2019 by D.M. Burns

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Resemblance to actual persons, things, living or dead, locale, or events is entirely coincidental.


  Title Page


  About this book



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  D.M Burns Note


  Connect with D.M. Burns


  Asia Lyn Grace

  “Mind over Matter.” I apply that mindset to everything. I live it. I breathe it. Nothing ever interrupts my energetic rhythm. Until my universe tilted. I wasn’t prepared for it. There was no cheat sheet available. My new world order changed completely with a simple whistling sound. And my situation saw fit to present him. From the moment I laid eyes on Renegade, I belonged to only him. He was…

  My Sweetest SAFE Kept Secret.

  My Favorite Miscalculation.

  My Greatest Grief.

  My Reasoning.

  My Only One.

  Until one mistake in judgment. One simple red solo cup. One demon in the crowd. One night changed MY everything. I shifted. Priorities shifted. Life shifted. The only thing that remains the same is that he will always be MINE OVER MATTER.

  Renegade Ryice Coleman Carter

  The fun-loving football fuckboy in the flesh is what they called me. I was that guy that went all in blindfolded, gave everything. Until crossed. Until her. Asia was the one that switched upsides without warning, overnight. She gave me no choice but to accept the unacceptable. So, I did.

  The day she bounced was my last freebie favor to her without retribution, retaliation or recourse. She avoided my version of hell’s wrath which is quite creative. Her only saving grace was the fact that she was states away. But the universe is throwing me a bone. She’s decided to come home. I’m more than ready to roll out the wicked welcome mat just for her. Ticking off the high points on my rehabilitation roster for a scorned man’s wellness plan…

  Dirty Defiance Unrivaled.

  Hostile Retaliation Unleashed.

  A Cold Calculated Bastard.

  Everything that I’ve been saving for her baby brown sugar eyes only.

  Reserved on ice.

  Let the Hate Wars begin bitch.

  This book is dedicated to those lost and confused. When anger coupled with misinterpretation along with a bruised ego and torn heart manipulates your path, seek understanding. Be patient. We never truly know what others are going through. Be kind through the Chaos even if all you really want to do is cast outrage.

  Time heals everything.


  Retaliation, Retribution, Recourse.

  All those things combined equals death to understanding even with clear hearing and leaves darkness to those with 20/20 vision. But to anyone deserving of Ruthless Tendencies, Karma is a beautiful thing and in due time will find its way home to you.



  chapter 1 – asia

  five years ago

  At some point, you realized that not everything your elders tell you throughout the years is true. Those little stretched truths said to comfort you or to give you an extra boost as a child. They turn into tricky little riddles. Ones that you end up replaying and deciphering throughout the years trying to find the magical meaning. Those lost fragmented word souvenirs were what I desperately needed to safely guide me over the bridge to the other side so I wouldn’t lose my way.

  Even though I hung onto every last word that my grandpops told me before he passed away, I’ve come to find out that he did, in fact, leave out some really crucial parts. Vital pieces to the heart of the meaning for a successful life. Sorta reminds me of potholes in the road. If ignored, sooner or later, someone is going to have a flat tire. Finding yourself stranded on the side of the road in Fuckville County, state of Life.

  It was the month after I turned fourteen that I lost my grandpops. That was the year my parents decided to move back to Monroe County, Georgia. All I could think at the time was, WHY? I felt like my parents were trying to commit teenage homicide to their only daughter, me. I vividly remembered thinking that maybe my mom’s epidural didn’t take while she gave birth, or I bit a tit during breastfeeding. She was holding a major grudge about it too. It was time to point the big guns and pull the trigger on me. Hell, something major had to happen to make them hate me so, right?

  Ripping me from my friends in Japan then placing me down in the middle of country hell seemed like a pretty stiff penalty. It screamed out a long-overdue payback of some kind for wrongs I had a no deliberate part to play in. I just had no clue what.

  My mom assured me that was not the case. She said that after grandpops passed away there was really no other reason to stay. My parents were ready to return to the states and I had no choice but to smile my way through the process.

  Admittedly, after my grandpop’s funeral, the old place in Japan was kind of a downer. He lived with us until his passing and the memories of him and our talks ring true like a bell. They held merit and I looked forward to them like a kid does Christmas morning. His talks were like receiving a special fortune cookie handmade exclusively by him. Golden tickets of wisdom for future domination.

  That reminds me, Pinky and the Brain are badasses. That’s the world’s best cartoon ever. Those two so totally match me and my best friend less the reoccurring epic failed attempts at mastering global domination. #PinkyandtheBrain

  Making my way through the hallway as a fashion fabulous senior, I spot my best friend, Reese Walker. Now, I can honestly say that my parent’s choice to move wasn’t so bad after all. Things worked out alright and I’ve adjusted. Plus, when I think about a life without my levelheaded college-bound best friend my soul aches. This girl injects the straightener needed in my curvy chaos keeping me somewhat grounded and stable.

  My parents bought the house across the street from Reese. Weirdly enough, I’ve caught her staring at the structure more times than not like it held some kind of poltergeist entity that just so happened to be her love interest. Turns out the boy that
lived in the casa before my parents bought the place was, in fact, her fangirl fixation. It kinda explains her crazy behavior. My stalker sister is a little off when it comes to that guy.

  Within my first week at my new school, I found myself executing a fist massage to an asshole's throat. It was bound to happen, being the new girl and all. I had just hoped that I could’ve avoided it until I surpassed the ninety-day waiting period for pricks. But my dislike for assholes won out. I despise bullies. It’s a hang-up I struggle with right before passing off the pain where its due.

  I can remember the middle school lunchroom scene like it was yesterday. Some jackhole was waving confiscated dollar bills in front of my neighbor’s face. The adolescent asshole had stolen Reese’s money and dared her to do something about it. It was all so juvenile. Like at that age, who does that? We weren’t in elementary school anymore.

  When I saw Reese’s, mystical green eyes fill up with tears I snapped. The evil ninja in me wanted to play with his tonsils. Stepping up behind him, I smiled wide at Reese and gave her a little wink as I swung out turning the guy into a sputtering mess on the floor. Ninja-one. Asshole-none.

  I knew right then that Reese needed me as much as I needed her. We’ve been best friends ever since. Looking back on it now, I think the guy simply had a sweet tooth for Reese’s Pieces and was crushing on her. He should’ve gone about his shit differently. Invest in some chocolates or something with his own hard-earned money, whatever.

  Reese is a kind and tender-hearted person with a great deal of love available for all. It’s a wonderful trait but also one that people try to capitalize on. That’s okay. I’ve got my girls back, always.

  Where my little bookworm bestie is more reserved and selective for future moves, I’m moving through life at a dare-devils pace. Touching down on everything. Experiencing what life has to offer and not letting anything pass me by untouched, unapologetic. My fingerprints are all over the surface of life.

  During one of my grandpops last pow-wows and notably my favorite, he said that no matter what life threw at me that the key to getting over the hurdles was mind over matter. He’d tap his noggin and wink at me in explanation. Like that wink and tap was an added bonus to his philosophy.

  He said that if I’d embrace that mindset and keep it firmly in place then I’d come out the victor every time. That my mind had the ability to create whatever reality I wanted. All I had to do was set my mind free and go after the dream, limitless. I never had a reason to second guess my grandpops. He was a wise man and for the most part, his advice was solid. Until it wasn’t. Like right now.

  “Sweetie I love the hooker shoes but damn you're taller than Big Bird. I totally feel left out of the high-rise club events.” I say while bouncing up next to my bestie.

  “Asia you know the heels are my workout.” Reese rolls her eyes at me then slams her locker shut. “Did you get your college applications sent out? We only have a few months left to hit the timeline. I want us to go to the same college.”

  “Yes, mom I did.” Jesus. This girl has got to get laid soon. I link my arm with hers and we stroll toward our next class.

  “Have you seen the new eye-candy that transferred in?” I cluck my tongue. She has so got to see the visual orgasm for herself in order to appreciate and hopefully partake.

  “Oh, God… Asia, get your head in the game.” She giggles. I jerk her arm to a standstill.

  “Listen, V-card holder.” She slaps my arm trying to shush me, but I ignore her. She needs to hear this shit, bad. It’ll change her life for the better. “I know you’re waiting on your white knight, but these guys are fucking anger wrapped in skin laced with cut-up muscles. They’re dripping with sexual fantasies promised beyond our wildest dreams.” I fan myself with my hand because damn, they’re fuckable.

  “Dear Jesus, Asssh.” She shakes her head at me. “No, I haven’t been interested in the new recruits you’ve tied up in that red-room of pain playing out in your brain.” She laughs at her own word comedy and I slap her arm.

  “Whateve’s hooker, listen to me. I heard that one of the guys was kicked out of his school last year. He was expelled so he had to transfer here to continue. Something about bashing a guy’s head into his locker until he caused multiple concussions. Plus, numerous staples to the face. Dude’s brutal. Before that, he beat three other people to unconsciousness. Thus, the reason he was expelled.” I bounce up and down on my heels

  “Sounds like a walking orgasm for you, huh? Just what we need, another thug in our halls.” She says.

  “Anyway, word is that he didn’t return to school last year because his cousins wanted to transfer with him here. They stick together or some shit like that. So, they all came here together for their last year as seniors.” I smile sadistically. The bulked-up long-haired one with a contagious laugh has my eyes focus.

  “Asia please think college applications, yeah?” Reese starts to branch off to her next class when I jerk her back into me. Holy shit.

  “OH MY GOD REESE… They’re coming down the hall and dear God, I think I just creamed my pants. The guy’s name is, uhmmmm, give me a minute… Uhhh…” I snap my fingers. Damn, what’s the jocks name whose cock I wanna ride. Yeah, I said it.

  These four walking wet dreams together wordlessly mock the rest of the male population, making all other genetic makeup in attendance seem inferior and watered down. The hallways space is suffocating. Choking the air expectancy out of the room at a fast rate as they close in. People are cowering out of their way to let them by without imposing the horrible idea of breaking this lick-able marching line.

  Those silver eyes land on mine and stay longer than appropriate for a look-see. Jesus, he’s beautiful. When he throws his head back laughing at something shared between the foursome, I can’t help but smile too.

  Something in my heart goes gooey with warmth and shoots out to all points of authority in my body. Namely my vagina. Yeah, that lower lady likes what she sees. I think his name is Renegade. Yeah, that’s it. His hair is a dark shade of whiskey peppered with black, shoulder-length and beautifully masculine.

  When he brushes his huge hand through the thick strands it displays his hard work from the gym outlined in his arms. Multiple bumps, and humps of muscle. Damn just damn… His body tight shirt hints at the tantalizing trail of a defined force you’re sure to discover underneath it. Leading down to a narrow waist connected to thick legs. Christ.

  He’s over six feet of fun-loving and hard playing energy. That smile of his release’s sunshine throughout the halls. It’s the kind of smile that when you see it you automatically want to return the gesture. It compels you too. All these guys are larger than life. Greek Gods of great orgasms and sex. Lots of sex. My voice is stammering over his name.

  “His names Rage,” Reese whispers and just when I’m about to correct her I register what she’s talking about. Wait a damn minute.

  “Shit… Your Rage? What the actual fuck?” My eyes bounce back and forth between her and the dick she’s told me all about. The one that used to live in my house and torture my best friend. Fucker.

  “He was never mine. I have to get to class.”

  Reese breaks away from me and heads down the hall while my eyes zero in on the raging asshole watching her every step. I got you brah. I make a mental note to punch him in the dick with my foot. Of course, when I’m wearing stilettos.

  Then I hear a loud whistle and my head snaps to the Thor wet dream at his side. Renegade smiles directly at me with two rows of beaming straight teeth. God, that smile. Effectively melting me to the spot then flashes me a sexy fucking wink. I’ll do something to his dick too. Maybe a punch using my pussy. Jesus, I’m going to hell, but it should be fun.

  Hitching my backpack up on my shoulder, I blow him a kiss and move for my next class. The whole time I’m plotting out the scenarios that I can possibly enact which would allow me a chance to run my fingernails through his gorgeous locks. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

sp; Mind over matter? Right… I’m here to tell you that there was only one flaw to that noggin and wink grandpop’s; his name was Ryice Coleman Carter. Also known as the Renegade. I fought it; I really did. My mind was set to have fun and rule out what didn’t matter, mainly steady relationships with the opposite sex. I have college to look forward to and dreams to turn into reality. He was not supposed to happen, period.

  Renegade showed up out of the blue. In the middle of my school. The guy took my clearly drawn out blueprints and blurred the outline. It’s like he walked right up and dump a cold glass of water on the original draft, no copies. My dreams weren’t prepared with an escape plan either. They didn’t come equipped with an alternate emergency route for hurdles of his magnitude. There were no backup plans in place either. He was my favorite miscalculation that my grandpops failed to tell me about. I had no point of reference; no notes to pull from.

  When I caught sight of him waltzing down Creekside High’s hallway with his brothers and cousin, mind over matter cease to exist for me. My philosophy changed to Mine over Matter. Renegade became mine and everything else did not matter.

  My Sweetest SAFE Kept Secret.

  My Favorite Miscalculation.

  My Greatest Grief.

  My Reasoning.

  My Only One.

  Chapter 2- renegade

  Not all Renegades are traders. Ask anybody in my immediate family or handpicked blood-fam clan. They’ll tell you I’m loyal to a fault. I was that guy to go all-in with blinders on battling our way out of the lion’s den. Balls to the fucking wall. All the while safeguarding you just to come out on the other side realizing you were the deceptive creature to be wary of. The monster in disguise I should’ve been vigilant against the entire time.

  My brothers used to say that this was my best and worst characteristic. They said that it’d be my ultimate demise one day. I tend not to look at it like that though. Nah, see the way I process this is quite simple. If I give you my all straight out of the gates and you break away from the table when the chips are down then in the end, you lose. In the long run, I come out a better man. #lifelessons


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