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Renegade (Ruthless Tendencies Book 2)

Page 7

by D. M. Burns

  My place is only ten minutes from Rage and Reese. Nice four bedroom and four bath ranch style home on a few acres. It’s quiet and peaceful but I saw Serena’s car in the driveway. My wheels kept right on spinning until I ended up here. I’ve already explained to Serena a few weeks back that our twosome time had ran its course. She must be getting her toothbrush. I could’ve mailed it.

  Don’t get me wrong, the sex is great and all, but I’ve grown bored with Serena. That shit was temporary anyway. My hand can provide the same endgame without having to worry about anyone’s delicate feelings or unwanted sleepovers. My beds comfortable. Sharing that space with someone tends to piss me off.

  Frankly, my evil sidekick likes to stroke the itch I have with wicked intent aimed straight at Asia. It’s pleasing. Sadistic in nature. Filthy anticipation is building with each day that stretches by without conflict. The Fireball was a nice substitute today. My evil side is craving playtime, it’s having withdrawals. I’m beginning to believe I’m more like Rage every day. Just waiting for the time to come when I find myself waving the middle finger up. Fuck. I swipe my palm over my face.

  Asia was fucking pissed last week when she barged into Club Chaos. It was a relief to see a glimpse of that balls to the wall no fear female I once loved. It’s facts. That part of her still exists. She’s got a good lock on those dormant timeout restrictions for now, but I plan on changing that. She crawled Hoss like a black widow on the hunt for the fuck and suck. Google how those deadly eight legging bitches roll when it comes to an after-sex snack. Freaky shit.

  Hoss tiptoed right into her web too. Asia did him a solid. A luxury she never afforded me with, she warned him. The fool judged her based on her Jessica Alba outer shell presentation, an epic mistake. Then damned her abilities because she's female, stupid fucker that he is. Figuratively speaking, the entire scene was like a lullaby to my dick hand-delivered by her. Kumbaya motherfuckers.

  What clinched Hoss’s non-Nyquil nap time was when he laughed out loud at her. I saw the transformation when it happened. It was written all over her beautifully deceptive face. She locked that shit up so quickly on him that he had no time to react. No defense. It was over.

  Observing all that playout with a front-row view, I sorta felt sorry for him, not. I couldn’t really be too hard on Hoss though. He thought she was simply a play-pretty to appreciate and pet. Who can blame the guy, right? Shit… She came for me. I was waiting for her too. My eyes were on her when she pulled into the parking lot.

  Perhaps, the entire strip mall purchase was done out of spite. At this point, I’m committed to the financial decision and I’ll see it through. I might’ve gone a little too far but it smoked her out, brought her to me. I’ll admit it. I like pissing her off. It creates a happy-hate vibe within me that’s sick in nature but satisfying all the same time.

  What’s even more twisted is I get my rocks off knowing she’s searching and seeking me out. It’s a thrill to see her brown sugar eyes coming for me even if the packaging comes complete with a 9mm loaded with hostile consequences. Don’t try to wrap your head around it or gain some type of sick understanding for it. There’s no rational explanation for my fuckery. It is what it is.

  Money’s not an issue. The entire Chaos crew is well off. We were a bunch of young punks that got lucky and capitalized. Even though Rage made the point of purchase buying decision, we all stepped up and busted our ass. That’s what made us successful. We never stopped building even after an empire was bought. We cultivated the Chaos. Made it thrive every day with smart business decisions and a meticulous franchise follow through.

  The way I look at it is you can’t go wrong investing your money in property, right? It produced the intended reaction that I was hoping for. Blowing up Asia’s barbie doll working woman dreams to smithereens. Funny shit is, I thought I’d be giddy with glee. Not even close. Knowing I hurt her fucks with me in ways that I’m having a hard time acknowledging or dealing with. That’s why I’m having a heart to liver fucking blast with the Fireball. Trying to cut it the fuck off.

  When I hear the side door open and close, my head swings in that direction and I see Reese coming in for a dip. I’m huddled up in a shady corner with no shame in my game. I tilt the bottle back like the label reads consequences free. Drunk thoughts are better than those sober neglected unknown or unspoken truths.

  Just when I’m about to call out at Reese, she drops her robe and holy shit. She’s naked as the day she was born. My legs shoot straight up out of the chair so quick that the twisted-up piece of iron bounces off the back of my knees skidding across the tile floor with bionic force.

  “What the fuck Reese?” I shield my eyes while turning my back to her. “Hell no! I have no desire to die today lady. Put that fucking robe back on right now.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Her high-pitched screech echoes out from wall to wall. I can hear her stirring around frantically. No doubt in an attempt to cover herself back up.

  “God damn it. I didn’t see shit.” Oh, fuck yes, I did… Rage you lucky motherfucker you.

  “What are you doing here Ren?” She squeals.

  “Getting a Reese’s Pieces peep-show apparently.” I stare at the wall in front of me and throw out my hand. When I hear the liquid slosh from my movement I’m reminded of the Fireball bottle in my grip, so I turn it up.

  “I’m covered, asshole.” I turn around to see her strolling my way. She picks my chair up and sets it beside me. I rub my palm over my face.

  “For the love of God, don’t tell Rage about that shit.” I shake my head from side to side and plop my ass back down at the table with her doing the same. “You need to go put a full-body snowsuit on before he comes in here. He finds you naked up under that robe, in here with me and fuck… That crazy mind of his will wander down adultery avenue. Thoughts of me and you playing out in that fucked cemetery on top of his head will land me in one.”

  “He knows I’d never cheat on him. Now, why are you hiding out in here?” She asks.

  “What excuse did she give you for leaving back then?” I tilt the bottle back and guzzle.

  No sense in beating around the bush. Fuck it. Curiosity has driven me crazy. I’ve always wondered what justification Asia rattled off to Reese but for whatever reason, I never asked. I’m shit faced and just don’t care at this point. I want to know. Reese reaches out and pries the near-empty bottle from me setting it on the table between us.

  “Asia said she had somethings to work through Ren. That was all she’d tell me. Even if she had confided in me, I wouldn’t be able to share those secrets with you. She’s my best friend.” She smiles sadly at me. “I thought she talked to you before she left.” I scoff at that.

  “She said she got a job offer she couldn’t pass up.” I shake my head. “Then she was gone.” Sad, really. The secrets that live inside Asia have never been shared, not even with her best friend, no one.

  “I went through a hard time after Rage went to prison, you know this.” Oh, hell yes, I remember. This little chick nicknamed after sweet chocolate was the first woman to ever turn my cheek a nice shade of cherry. Fuck you Rage…

  “Oh, damn right. How could I forget.” I smirk while I rub my hand over my jaw, and she giggles.

  “You deserved that open-handed hello. Anyhoo, even in my Scary Sherry state of mind, I noticed a change in Asia. She tried to hide it but I saw it everywhere.” She shrugs her shoulders. “It was like pieces of her identity were missing.” I nod my head while reaching out for my Fireball but Reese scoops it up off the table and positions it between her legs. It’s safe there, that’s for damn sure. “Have you tried talking to her now?”

  Smirking at Reese, I shake my head no. It’s not a total lie. Talking, no… Being a devious fucker, yes. Hell, I’m surprised Asia hasn’t already told Reese about the shopping mall I snatched out from under her. It’s only a matter of time though. Reese’s green-eyed lasers turn to slits and she’s reading my silent mood.

  “What brought on t
his Fireball Funtime today?”

  “Nothing…” I run my hand through my long hair. “Just a few wise money moves. Business shit worth celebrating.” Reese shakes her head, stands and pushes her chair in. Then she starts for the exit door with my god damn Fireball in hand. “Can I at least have my Fireball back?”

  “Nope. You’re good.” She says. Well, damn.

  “Alright then.” I snicker. “I’m just going to borrow one of your loungers and relax Reese’s Pieces.”

  “Whatever Ren.” She calls out as she walks through the door. I shrug my shoulders and walk over then stretch my ass out in the soft luxury of their sunbathing recliner.

  Rolling over, the sounds of my body moving against the squeaky furniture has me cracking my eyes open. Unfortunately, my sight sockets take in a glimpse of a larger compacted body wedged into a chair just a few inches away from my face. Blinking my eyes through the haze of my Fireball fantasies from earlier, I focus in on pure Rage. Try waking up and seeing this mute angry motherfucker staring at you with demons waving all about from his fuck sockets, nightmare madness come to life. Shit.

  “Get up fucker.” He growls.

  His python leg strikes out kicking my lounger with manic enthusiasm in the hit. Something should be said for the sadistic smirk plastered on his face. Fucking dick. My head pounds. I squeeze my eyes tightly, toss my legs over the side of the lounger and I twist myself to a sitting position on a low groan.

  “How long have I been out asshole?” I ask.

  “Long enough to piss me off.” I can feel his eyes studying me. “Either pull your shit together or you're going to force my hand here.” He says. I can’t help the laugh that comes out of my mouth because seriously, no one forces this mean motherfucker to do shit.

  “What are you talking about asshole?” I pull my head up and stare at my cousin. His chuckle comes from somewhere deep within his chest sounding like a fucking exorcism on mic night in this pool house surrounding. “No one forces you to do a damn thing Rage. You get off on inflicting your evil bullshit.” I rasp out.

  “That might be true, but I don’t bring my evil bullshit to your front door either. You must’ve come looking for it, you’re here.” He raises his hands up to highlight my drunken sleepover accommodations. “Now spill your shit.”

  “Man… I’ll handle it.” I rake my hand through my hair continuing the motion over my jawline.

  “You think I don’t know what your motivation is here? Hell, malicious intent is my specialty, you pussy.” His shoulders shake with laughter. “What happened to the guy that told me we’re only allowed right now? That I should enjoy it and know just how lucky I am for every fucking minute? Fuck the minutes before and fuck the minutes beyond RIGHT NOW? What happened to that guy Ren?”

  “Yeah, you have Reese, asshole. That woman’s nothing but good to her fucking core. Something she shines back off on you tenfold. She’s didn’t deserve your wrath. Seriously, Remmie you don’t know dick.” I throw my arm out in exasperation.

  It was a bad decision calling him by his given name. That’s reserved for Reese only. Maybe I’ve got a death wish. Granted, pushing people too far here lately seems to be my thing, newfound goals. When he squints his eyes at me, I feel exactly what all the unlucky bastards of his past felt like in the cage with Rage, fucked without any of the love involved. He shakes his head slowly from side to side as if I’m his stubborn kid.

  “Don’t be a stupid fucker like I was, brother. Reese never gave up on me. Shit, we both know that forgiving me became her mission in life, thank fuck.” He shakes his head and leans up resting his elbows on his knees. Those cold icicles aimed at me. “Acting like a douche bag. Office blowjobs. Buying that strip mall and who the fuck knows what else.” My ears perk up at that last one. “Oh, you didn’t think I knew about that, huh? I know every god damn thing. All that wicked shit you’re doing won’t make a man like you feel better though. Unlike me, you’re a good man Ryice. Forgive that girl and shit will even out.” He has no idea what he’s talking about; what he’s asking of me. Fuck that.

  “Yeah, alright. Sorry for the drunk stunt and holding up Reese’s Pieces water Olympics time.” I stand and stretch. I’m not having this conversation with him. Rage doesn’t understand.

  “You can make it up by installing a keypad entry for Reese out here tomorrow. I don’t like the thought of anyone sneaking up on my baby girl like you did today.” My eyes go wide. Shit. “Yeah, I know all about that too. There are no secrets between me and my wife. But if you speak on what you saw, I’ll paint the room red using your face.” I nod with a smirk. “Come on asshole. I’ll take you home.” He slaps my arm and I stumble back a step.

  “Appreciate it, brother,” I say.

  “One more thing, you call me by my first name again, and I’ll fucking throttle you. The only issue you’ll have is me, you manbun bitch.”

  With that, we both head out. Mental note: remove the name Remmie from my vocabulary altogether and install a fucking keypad here tomorrow.

  chapter 10- asia

  The sunsets in the distance pushing out streaks of fire burning orange like it’s a last-ditch effort in sending out an SOS before it gives up the fight and drowns into the earth. It’s an amazing sight and I drink it in from my balcony perch. It’s a peaceful reminder that as another day comes to an end that another is soon to begin. A second chance. Another do-over with endless possibilities.

  Those hate felt words that slipped from Ren’s lips bled into my skin. Like acid from a car battery that accidentally leaked out into my protective gloves. Burning through the layers of my skin bone-deep, effective torture. I truly never thought things would ever be this way between us. But he has made his mind up about me. He has no idea of the truth but I’m a prisoner of his beliefs, period. If it was that easy to convict me then it should be equally as easy for me to let go. Should be, right?

  Renegade’s bullshit last week had me up in my shit feelings for about a minute. Then I reminded myself that the sneaky little meddling asshole believes the worst. A large part of me wants to correct him, educate him. But at this point, it’s really a waste of my energy. Like he said, he hates me. My focus is on finding a new facility. The new home of Grace Jujitsu. Anything beyond that needs to take a backseat.

  Training others to defend themselves is like internal healing for me. I want others to take control of their own destiny. Know that when push comes to shove that they too have a fighting chance, options. Education for all circumstances that can arise is key to safe survival. Helping others is pivotal for me. Engrained in me. Renegades bullshit will not deter me in the slightest.

  Meanwhile, freelancing my fashion makeover magic talents to the rich and famous in Atlanta pays the bills. My D&G fashion fabulous job in LA provided me with unending clientele and contacts. My skills are sought after and that keeps the cash count rolling in. Paying the bills is not an issue. Until I have my dream gym in a firm chokehold, I’ll continue to glam the ATL up like the boss I am. My calendar task is done, and I’m scheduled out for the next two weeks.

  Looking down at my watch, it’s time for me to meet Reese’s Pieces at Swanks. She promised that it’d be a girl’s night of drinks, laughs and bubbling banter. Something that I’m in desperate need of at this moment. My makeup is on point and I blew my long brown hair out straight. My masterpiece was complete when I slipped on my silver backless dress and matching silver stilettos, boom. I’m ready for some Funtime girl time.

  Sitting at the bar of this fine wine and dining establishment, Reese and I are well on our way to tipsy city. I was impressed to find out that Rebel owns this Swanky hotspot but for whatever reason Reese swore me to secrecy. Like whom the hell am I going to tell? My imaginary friends?

  Our walk down memory lane is filled with some crazy highlights followed by our laughter. Notably, the time I faceplanted the head cheerleader into the lockers for messing with Reese. Old Anal Ansley was a bitch. She was also on a crusade to make Reese’s life hell.
I was on a mission to fuck her plans up and did just that. No one messes with my best friend. Shit, our strolls through memorial markers of craziness are like cough syrup for a troubled soul, healing.

  “I was sure you were going to break her arm.” Reese snorts laughs.

  “If she had opened her mouth, I probably would’ve,” I say. “Where’s Rage at tonight anyway?”

  “He’ll be here later. He said he had to handle some stuff.” Reese shrugs her shoulders. She holds her empty glass up at the hottie behind the bar singling that she’s in need of a refill. “The guy at the end of the bar has been staring at you ever since we sat down Ash.” She says.

  “Who?” I ask as my eyes fly around.

  “The guy with a brooding concentration. He looks like he’s in deep thought or pissed off. It kinda reminds me of Ben Affleck. Like a really naughty accountant sent to punish those with shitty record-keeping skills and no receipts. That kind of sexy welcomes an Affleck attack without pressing charges. Hot.” My eyes feel like they’re about to pop out of the socket as I stare at my best friend.

  “Jesus, what have you done with my best friend? Rage is going to blame me if he hears you talking like that.” I slap my hand on the bar and laugh out loud. My best friend only has eyes for Rage. Where did this lady come from?

  “Shoot Ashhhh, I’m married, not dead. He’s fiiiinnnnneeee.” She waves her hand in his direction.

  Reese and I are pretty lit. We’re about five Cosmo’s in and feeling no pain. Granted, my alcohol tolerance is stout, but we’ve been tossing them back tonight and I’ve not eaten today. The pretty boy bartender slinks over our way with two shots of vodka. Oh, yeah. This should help my empty stomach situation.

  “Compliments of the gentleman at the end of the bar.” The bartender sets the shots in front of us with a smile then steps away.


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